Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 100

“Humph! I’ve had bad luck this time, but I ran into Kakashi and a kid like that. But don’t worry.”

Zaibuzhan’s eyes narrowed slightly, as a battle-hardened Jōnin, he was not intimidated by the lethality displayed by the three Hinatas, but analyzed rationally and calmly: “Although they did win by luck. Me, but from my point of view, their combat experience and combat performance are undoubtedly the performance of newbies. Although I don’t know why they can display the attribute changes that can only be used at the Jinnin level, I can feel that they do not unskilled.”

Looking back at the scar on his waist, the words of not slashing again are not trying to be brave. As he said, although Hinata and the three of them did use the Holy Fist Gloves to obtain the ability to change attributes that can only be used by Join, it is still too young to apply this ability to destruction.

For example, Hinata, a big snake, is very problematic.

Originally, Orochimaru focused on spraying the flames out in a concentrated range within a close distance, causing damage to the enemy like a high-pressure musket. However, the range of burns on his body is the size of a bamboo hat, even if it looks like The wounds were horrific, but basically the extent of flesh wounds.

That is to say, Hinata did not concentrate the flame power of the Orochimaru to a sufficient degree. This is also because she can only release the Orochi Pheasant with the whole palm of her hand, which is equivalent to the width of the entire palm of the flame. , flames of the same quality and heat are naturally extremely weak in lethality within the range.

The original user of this move, the Orochi pheasant released by the descendant of the Kusanagi family, was fired from the range of the index finger and **** of the right hand. It is the degree to which it can be released with several fingers. Under the same exertion force, the fewer fingers are used, the more concentrated the power of Orochimaru, and the greater the range of lethality.

“If that white-eyed girl could use two, no, three fingers to release that weird fire escape, maybe I would have burned a hole in my body right then.”

The tone of voice clearly confirmed this fact, and there was a hint of sternness in the eyes that were not cut again: “It is the first time in so many years that I have been left with such scars on my body, and this account will not be settled like this. “

“Then, if you don’t kill Sang again, please rest well. After you recover, we will play together again.”

The beautiful young man known as Bai smiled softly, and then put a thin towel on Zai Bu Zhan’s wound. Obviously, he was the partner who rescued Zai Bu Zhan when he was defeated.

“Humph! With your ice escape, the little devils will be handed over to you next time.”

After saying his words like this, he closed his eyes and began to recuperate. This is the life of a ninja.

Even if you are seriously injured, even if your life is in danger every time, the endless fighting and fighting will never stop.

(PS1: Ah~~I am so tired~~Because I participated in the annual meeting of the book guest today, and I ran for a whole day, I was really tired~~Today is just one session~~)

(PS2: Blackface (σ’д’)σ, you actually thought it would be sweet forever?? Don’t get me wrong, except for those who need to win over, the rest of the people also have their destined value and destiny~~ Hmm ~!)


The seaside scenery of the Land of Waves is not bad, as long as you can ignore the yellow-faced, skinny-eyed residents, the view of the sea and the sky, and the mist-shrouded atmosphere on the sea are quite artistic.

“Yes~ This is the posture of holding the sword in the arms, the eyes should be melancholy and at the same time have a sense of longevity, not to let you look at me, but to let you look at the sea, right~”

Hinata, who was holding a camera, was standing on the bank dedicated to taking a photo album of Zuolin. Unlike Zuolin, your son, who was originally located in Kyoto, Zuolin now looks more mature and vicissitudes of life on his face, and The clothing on his body is not a luxurious embroidered gold kimono, but a set of ronin suits that are worn out but extremely neat.

“Hey, is this really okay?”

Standing on the water, Sasuke frowned, while following Hinata’s instructions, he made a gesture of looking into the distance. With the clothes on his body and the tachi in his arms, he really had the temperament of a wandering swordsman.

“what you mean?”

Satisfied filming Sasuke’s appearance, Hinata obviously has her own ideas. Judging from the plot of “Fox Talk”, she does not intend to make Sasuke a weak man like Xu Xian, so, Zuolin must have a strong transformation, then, the transformation that conforms to the Naruto world view will be more effective if there is no ‘fighting in the past life’.

And now, the special shot for Zuo Lin this time is a partial interpretation of this ‘previous life’.

“The last time that happened at the end of the crane, I did some investigation in private. Although the people who asked were reluctant to open their mouths, I got the information after getting drunk on an old guy: Naruto and Eleven Years. The nine-tailed demon fox who attacked Konoha before has a lot to do with it, you already know that, right?”

Putting down the tachi in his arms, Sasuke closed his eyes and lowered his head slightly. This posture is obviously a must-have posture for teenagers when they plan to communicate, and this made Hinata slightly raise the camera with satisfaction and focus on the handsome face. A close-up, this closed-eyed contemplative gesture is indeed attractive.

【Hey! You two guys! 】

With a very impolite cold drink, a tall figure appeared on the edge of the river bank. The worn kimono on his body and the sword on his waist all showed the danger of his identity, and the greasy cheek was like a It’s been a long time since it’s been cleaned. With the step of the clogs, it seems that some scum that can’t be identified at any time may fall.

And several similarly dressed figures appeared behind this figure with no good intentions. Obviously, this is a group of wandering warriors. They are undoubtedly thugs belonging to the Cardo Group. When I arrived at the two cleanly dressed outsiders, I naturally became ill-intentioned.

“Why do you think of asking this? Don’t you always hate that idiot?”

Hinata raised his hand and stroked his hair on his temples with ease, and then continued to give an order: “Okay, let’s take a picture of the fighting action. Now, the special feature of “Fox Talk”, whose name is ~”

“Fox Story” side story – the swordsman of the reverse edge.

[This is our site! You, who are you? What are you doing here? ! 】

On the dusky coast, the turbid sea water is constantly surging along with the rolling sea breeze, and on the dirty beach, the two forces are confronting each other. The party who asked the question first was undoubtedly a large crowd, while the other party was only one person.


Pulling out the saber from his waist, the young swordsman did not speak, but walked slowly from the water to the shore. Seeing his movements, the wandering warriors also posed as if they were holding their swords. , while Hinata jumped to the side in a timely manner, and put the two groups of people facing each other into the camera lens.

【how? Do you guys want to fight? Bastard ~ chop this guy for me, and the girl over there will enjoy it slowly! 】

The samurai leader who was ignored angrily took the lead in pulling out the dagger around his waist and rushed over, while the young swordsman easily avoided his slash, and slashed his neck with the back of the knife, killing it. He was simply stunned, and the remaining ronin waving weapons also roared and rushed over, while Zuolin was like a gull hitting the waves, flashing freely in the cold light intertwined by the weapons. Turning back and forth, the tachi in his hand only used the blunt and thick handle to knock down the samurai who were trying to hunt his life to the ground with a gesture of ease.

When the last hostile samurai fell to the ground, the young swordsman stood there, the blade in his hand never stained with blood.

[Only by the back of the knife… who the **** are you, you guy? 】

The first samurai leader who was knocked to the ground reluctantly asked Zuolin who was standing in front of him, his tone was full of unbelievable unwillingness.

The swordsman, who has never been blood-stained, waved the blade in his hand with a flat expression, and the sound of breaking through the air is obvious. This is indeed a weapon that can kill people, but the person who uses it is not killing. By.

[I am just, a traveler. 】

He retracted the dagger in his hand into the scabbard, and the swordsman who stood on the spot said these words indifferently.

Yes, this is the famous swordsman at that time, the samurai also called Zuolin.

Although he pursues the way of a samurai and walks the world with a sword, he has always had a very strange personal commandment: he never kills.

Even if the opponents are such despicable and dirty robbers and trash that discredit the name of the samurai, he will never take their lives and follow his blade, which has never been stained with anyone’s blood until now.

However, he is not perfect in this way. On his left cheek, there is a strange sword scar, a cross scar formed by two sword wounds intertwined.

As a samurai with superb swordsmanship, he did not become a servant under the daimyo like others, but has always pursued his own path, constantly traveling around the world, and constantly pursuing something.

People don’t know his name, but gradually they remember a strange warrior with a cross scar on his face. Although he is a warrior, he never considers himself a warrior, but calls himself a ‘traveler’.

At that time, the world was in great chaos, the daimyo were fighting endlessly, wandering samurai and thieves swarmed everywhere, people died in large numbers due to war and disease, and the whole world was in chaos like collapse.

Moreover, because there are too many dead people, corpses and resentments are piled up, which makes another terrible existence get the most abundant feast and development, and the number increases unprecedentedly.

This existence feeds on the flesh and soul of human beings, grows and reproduces by devouring human corpses and resentment, and even human beings themselves become part of them because of resentment and malice. This terrifying creature, whose name is— monster.

Civilians who do not know when they will be eaten by monsters, or die in the war, wait like corpses in despair and sorrow. This waiting is not for the expectation of the future, but for the expectation of the future. The confession of death and end.

Jianhao, with a cross scar on his face, quietly walked into the town in front of him under his own footsteps, just like other towns he had seen before, the people here looked at him with lifeless eyes. He, their yellow-faced skinny bodies are hunched and weak, the shop owner is lying facelessly beside the empty cargo counter, sleepy, and on the sunny side of the street, there are some disheveled and dirty civilians lying casually. .

Undoubtedly, this is exactly the situation shown after despair has completely penetrated into human society. This should not be the world that human beings should have.

The young Jianhao stopped, and a small but real anger formed a narrow frown between his brows. After that, he continued to take his own steps and left this town, which was also dead.

Yes, what the young swordsman pursued was not extraordinary.

He neither pursues the power and status given by the daimyo, nor does he pursue the bravery of the fierce generals who take the head of the enemy in the midst of the army, nor does he pursue the legends that the swordsmen reached the peak with their own swordsmanship, which is well known to the world. He has only one very small and simple wish.

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