Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 568

Nami, who was originally on the side casually, was abruptly stunned after this sentence, because she was sure that she had indeed received quite powerful news.

“What’s the matter? Where have you heard this name?”

The attentive Robin naturally noticed the change in Nami’s expression, and then asked curiously. And her face became subconsciously cautious. Nami was sure that she did know the name. To be precise, it should be the surname of this name.

“… Trafalgar, I have heard of this surname. I don’t know much about the other specific information, but what is certain is… This surname is most likely a branch of the D family.”

That’s right, Trafalgar, that surname doesn’t seem like much now. But after a few years in this world, a man whose full name is ‘Trafalgar D. Valtie Rowe’ will appear on the stage of this world, and the identity of the other party is the actual D family, and It was he who assisted Luffy in defeating Doflamingo at the time.

Therefore, Nami was surprised and awe-inspiring. Although the D family has not been explained in detail in the original work so far, several known people with D in their names, regardless of their surnames, are indeed the focus figures active in this world. There is even a saying that the D family is the natural enemy of God.

“Are you sure it’s Trafalgar’s surname? Is there any other combination?”

Nami, who was already disappointed with the information in the blood drop stone, no doubt grasped some kind of obscure history again at this time. If the surname is an inheritance, then the Trafalgar family should be the D family. What kind of identity and position did this Lady Lena, who has the identity of the D family, be with the previous generation? The intersection of blood and blood fruit abilities is indeed something worth investigating.

“…No, there’s no confusion, the surname should indeed be Trafalgar. However, there is no D in the name, which means that either the lady was hiding her identity as a D family at the time, or she was Incognito D is not revealed in this handwritten diary.”

Looking carefully at the blood on the floor, Robin also answered cautiously. And her answer obviously showed two different possibilities.

If this lady deliberately concealed the fact that she is a member of the D family, then her identity and purpose are undoubtedly extremely worthy of speculation, and it is likely to be the kind that tends to be dangerous and secretive, such as an assassin disguised as a dancer, or A spy lurking among the nobles. After all, according to the performance of the D clan in the original work, it is impossible for a woman of such a clan to simply be a dancer.

And if it is just because of the casual records in the diary that the anonymous D is not written, it means that the lady’s family identity of D is probably well known in the society at that time, then the class she represents , probably one of the aristocratic classes at that time. In other words, the entire D family had a very high status in the society at that time.

After all, ordinary dancers don’t have the right to be called “Mrs.”, only those women with extremely high status who also undertake singing and dancing performances for special reasons are eligible to be called “Mrs.”.

“Really? So, the D family existed eight hundred years ago, and at that time they might have been the ruler’s opponents, or they were the rulers themselves.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Nami was able to figure out these two possibilities, but seeing Robin’s eyes dodgingly still looking at the two remaining blood drop stones in her hand, she couldn’t help but laugh and cry: “Hello~ Luo Sister Bin, as I said, these gems are very precious~ About 8 million Baileys, it’s too much to waste just to read some private diaries~”

“But…that’s the only record of historical events outside of the historical text…”

Rarely shy, Robin is obviously a little embarrassed. After all, she has heard of the blood drop stone. It is indeed a very expensive special gem. Now it is destroyed to collect some information. This is indeed a big deal. Loss.

“It’s not impossible to show you~ But, how are you going to compensate me?”

Leaning forward with a smile, Nami stared at Robin’s eyes rather vaguely, and her tone was full of provocation. At this time, Robin was obviously bold, and spread his arms very gracefully, and the black-skinned royal sister also said naturally: “Then, anything you like here can be given to you, how about ?”

“Okay~ then let’s record the accounts first, let me think about it, and record this pair of palms first~”

Can’t help but tilted her head with laughter, and Nami stopped talking, but untied one of the blood drop stones again, and after paying attention to the words recorded in it, Robin also spoke to Nami very considerately. explain.

“This sentence is [by the end of this year, the fence of the East China Sea is expected to be completed~ Ah~ I want to go back to the warm and comfortable palace as soon as possible, this country place is really enough~], it seems that the diary’s The owner should be a noble, and he was in charge of a project called ‘Baili’ in the East China Sea at that time, and it was almost completed.”

After carefully observing the words in front of him, Robin’s expression became slightly serious. Obviously, these words seemed to be just casual essays by the owner of the diary, but they were enough to reveal a lot of information.

“It seems that there was indeed a palace regime similar to the present at that time. Moreover, what the fence refers to is also very concerned.”

Nodding thoughtfully, Nami also petrified the last drop of blood in her hand. Anyway, she already knew the first three, and if she didn’t know the last one, she would feel a little uncomfortable.

“Oh, this sentence is more bland, it is [Ah~ Mrs. Reina really deserves her reputation, I will also try my best to become a beautiful and elegant lady like her~ This way my sisters won’t make fun of me as a child anymore. 】 Well, it seems that the owner of the diary should be a lovely young girl.”

After reading the information, Robin also carefully took the towel on one side and wiped the lines of writing on the floor. After all, if this ancient writing is seen by someone with a heart, it is a disaster.

“Tsk~ Then we’re peeking at the girl’s diary? Hmm~ I feel even more rude~”

Shrugging her shoulders slightly, Nami spoke indifferently.

“If we can meet again, maybe we should apologize to her~”

“Ah~ yes.”

(PS1:…Bookkeeper’s sleazy reputation really lives up to its reputation…I can only sigh with emotion after seeing the comments in the previous section…Unfortunately, the owner of the diary is a cute little loli, it is impossible I am writing a diary with the first blood of women~~)

(PS2: Today’s first update~~Seeking tickets, cheers, today’s third update~~0)

‘Protagonist’ Armor

There are always some people who feel that their money is not enough, so there are so many greedy people in this world, not because they like money themselves, but because most of them have stepped into thinking that money is everything. in a cognitive trap.

On the other hand, there are always some people who are born with almost nothing, whether it is money or a partner, or status and power.

But it seems that the purpose is to make the world seem even a little bit more fair, so there is indeed one thing that is truly undivided, and that is the unique ‘life’. Whether it is the poor, the rich, the princes and the commoners, it has only one chance, and once it is lost, there will be no chance of recovery.

“So…what is this?”

Crocodile has a rare concentration of concentration, and what this one of the seven Wuhais under the king is holding at the moment is a gray-black vest that looks extremely ordinary on the surface, but what makes people strange is not the style, but its style. composition material.

Although he was asking Robin, Crocodile was obviously a person who believed in his own behavior more, so he roughly grabbed the collar of the vest with the gold hook in his left hand, and the other hand began to tear it with force, as if I want to tear this vest directly.

But what surprised him also happened. Although the vest quickly began to deform and stretch under the great force of Crocodile, when the force exerted by Crocodile on it subsided slightly, it recovered again. The previous shape, not even a little wrinkled and twisted.

“The new goods provided by the lovely seller, according to her, seem to be new goods that are opened after the transaction volume reaches a certain level.”

Waving his hand slightly witty, Robin didn’t feel the need to tell Crocodile too much, anyway, this person will always experiment on his own. It’s like, when the other party got Xialan’s knife for the first time, although he asked Robin orally, he personally killed several captured spies with that knife in private, confirming that Xialan was indeed effective. Then sell with confidence.

“What about the name?”

He hung the vest on a hanger in the corner without hesitation, and when he returned to his desk, Crocodile took out a pistol from the drawer, and after a beautiful turn of the gun, it was three consecutive shots. , and an amazing thing happened. With the scattered sparks, the lead bullets fired by the pistol were all easily deflected by the vest, as if in front of the speed of the bullets, the vest had metal. characteristics are general.

“[Protagonist], that’s what she said.”

Looking at Crocodile’s behavior, Robin was not surprised. That’s right, this is the final finished form of the so-called rubber alloy. A new alloy that combines the properties of rubber and steel, its properties are a double standard for ‘explosive power’.

That is to say, when you apply a gentle force on it, it will be as soft as rubber and full of toughness and ductility. But if it is applied to its surface with explosive force, its properties as steel will be revealed, as if it was too hard to soften in time.

The irony is that most of the damage caused by external forces in this world requires explosive force as a driving force. And this kind of “protagonist armor”‘s targeted defense against explosive power is undoubtedly enough to make it competent for the protection of armor. The characteristic of being able to deform and extend under the gentle force makes it capable of performing behaviors that ordinary steel cannot.

“Interesting, it seems that I underestimated her? It turns out that she is not an ordinary kid, but a guy with a brain.”

Putting down the pistol, Crocodile also brought a sense of playfulness and fun in his eyes. It is undoubtedly an extremely rare thing to make this arrogant king Qiwuhai make such a judgment, and this means that the other party is indeed It’s only when you’re extremely satisfied with what you get.


With a slight smile, Robin is naturally too lazy to comment on such words. What is certain is that now she has an additional path to spy on ancient history in addition to world texts, and the only person who can help her on this path is right now. It’s Nami. Therefore, although she has been separated from Crocodile before, her heart is undoubtedly full of pure use of the work here. Perhaps there is a convenience that she can use the money earned from Crocodile. , go buy the rest of the bloodstone and continue to decipher the message.

“Very well, tell her how much I want for this kind of thing. The price is not a problem.”

Sitting back on his office chair, Crocodile was undoubtedly in a very comfortable mood. After all, his only source of money was his own casino called ‘Rain Banquet’. Words are naturally enough, but for a hero like Crocodile who is ambitiously trying to control an entire country, this amount of money is only a fraction.

Therefore, the Baroque Work Society under its control is also doing everything to the extreme, including smuggling and assassination business. After all, he needed money to arm his own army and spies, money to woo Alabasta officials and other politicians, and even more money to fund the rebel army in private to ensure it could fight the king’s army to the death.

Even if Crocodile really captured Alabasta at that time, then if he wants to make this country accept him as soon as possible, he will have to bring sufficient economic improvement to it in a short time. It’s not just money, but a channel to make sure you’re making money all the time.

Now it seems that this weapon supplier who suddenly appeared out of nowhere has undoubtedly helped a lot. Xialan’s excellent sales have brought overflowing profits, which has turned Crocodile’s income over the past few months. Several times, even the 100 Xialan series weapons that suddenly increased this time were also eaten up by Doflamingo, and he even said that such a quantity was still not enough to supply the market.

Crocodile naturally understands this. Good killing weapons are not enough in troubled times, and the new world is such a world supported by killing and fighting. Weapons with such superior performance are not enough. Naturally, there is always a hungry market, let alone a hundred weapons, even 10,000 weapons, in an area where the population base is calculated in hundreds of millions, and there are endless battles between forces, it is just like a spoon into the sea. Just sugar.

As for the new ‘protagonist’s armor’, there is no market at all. Although it is certain that it is not very suitable for the new world, after all, its strength is only the level of steel, and there are so many strong people in the new world that can destroy steel, such armor is meaningless.

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