Anime Heroine Who Travels Through the Blackened Way

Chapter 637

“Because the number of people is too small, you have to pick your tail and act?! You pirates have no innocent existence!”

However, Sanji’s explanation was undoubtedly unsuccessful, and the villagers holding the pitchfork kitchen knives also suddenly echoed fiercely. Such a picture made the timid Usopp’s face turn a little blue, and she could also She noticed that these people in front of her were indeed in a frenzy of anger and confrontational spirit, and they were definitely not those who pretended to be angry. Facing so much anger, she couldn’t bear it.

“Tsk~ By the way, did we really need to stop those clowns just now? Why do I feel that the fighting spirit of the group in front of me will not lose to those clowns at all.”

The troubled Zoro had to put on a fighting posture. After all, she knew very well that there was no room for carelessness in battle. As a swordsman who trained her will first, she could be sure that the villagers in front of her were definitely the kind who were not afraid of death. Even if these people are weak and have not received combat training, but with such a will, they can also be regarded as difficult enemies.

“Damn, I’m not in the mood to kick a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled~”

Sanji with the same expression also felt a toothache. She could leave a few shoe prints on the faces of those self-righteous villains without any psychological burden to teach them how to behave, but for these commoners and the like, there is no doubt that there is no desire to fight.

“Wow wow wow~ What should I do now~~Luffy~!”

Subconsciously grasping Luffy’s arm tightly, Usopp’s long nose is shaking, she is also the type of strong, but now these ‘enemies’ are almost no different from those uncles and aunts in her hometown, but they are. Fundamentally destroyed her will to fight.

“Hee hee~~!”

Luffy, who was silent for a while, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and his signature smile also bloomed: “We are pirates, these are the villagers who chased away the pirates~ So, we can only escape~”


Before he could understand what the other party meant, Usopp already felt his feet light, and Luffy, who had already been vacated, jumped to the top of the side of the house with him, and looked at Zoro and Sanji on the ground with a smile, The straw hat captain also said irresponsibly: “Then~ everyone runs away separately, let’s meet again where there is food~”

“Wait~ Luffy~ Woah~”

Usopp, who was not mentally prepared at all, was thrown on his shoulders by Luffy who jumped three feet high, and then the two figures quickly walked away from the top of the house in front of him, which made him thrown on the ground. Zoro and Sanji on top couldn’t help but look at each other, and then they rarely showed the same dumbfounding.

“Really… Leaving one’s own crew behind and fleeing first… Well, this fits the definition of a pirate… At least, this kind of escape is not unacceptable to me.”

Putting away the sword that was ready to be unsheathed, Zoro also took a deep breath and jumped up, choosing a path on the left: “Then, goodbye, cook~ you’d better be caught and locked in a cage. Forget it~!”

And Sanji, who also jumped up, but chose the road on the right, roared in mid-air and didn’t forget to give Zoro a big middle finger: “Damn green algae head! You are! It’s better to be in a certain mill. Get lost next to the grinding wheel and be lost for a lifetime!”

As Luffy and others whose physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, their speed is naturally unmatched by these villagers, so these villagers can only watch angrily as these pirates quickly disappear into their own village. Some people who are anxious have already planned to catch up. After all, the village’s property is extremely precious now. If it is destroyed by these **** pirates, it will undoubtedly be the most serious thing.

“Oops, the guy in the straw hat just said that they are going to meet where there is food! Everyone, hurry up and go to the warehouse where the food is stored in the village!”

As the person leading the confrontation this time, Ah Jian undoubtedly noticed Luffy’s words just now, but this only made Nuoqigao on one side startled, and this smart girl obviously came to another conclusion.

“That’s right, and there’s another place that fits what these guys say, a place with ‘food’!”

(PS1: Madd, you must write these boring daily routines to highlight your character~ Forget it, after all, it is a step for Luffy and others to obtain key information, so it cannot be omitted…)

(PS2: Hmm, barely restored once a day~~Continue~)

Pirates? ?

What exactly is a pirate?

The definition of this term covers a very wide range, so if you look at it according to different levels, the concept of understanding it is generally different.

For the rulers headed by the world government, pirates represent a violent and unrestrained force, and they have absolute ability to compete with the world government. They do not obey the control of the world government and ignore the authority of local countries. It also occupies an important area of ​​the great route and the new world, and belongs to the hostile forces that need to be carefully divided and cut a little bit, and then controlled as much as possible within the ideal range.

For the defenders of the navy, pirates are undoubtedly the enemies they will fight for their entire lives. There is almost no need for extra reasons and excuses. Even if there is some hesitation or hesitation, they will also be in cruel battles Naturally washed with hatred and rage, becoming the kind of enemy that doesn’t need a reason to fight.

As for the most basic civilians, pirates are undoubtedly the most unstable elements who can destroy their homes. These people are not much different from those bandits or robbers, and sometimes they are no different from the ruler’s tax collectors. , at most, the methods and reasons for these people to take away their wealth are different.

Therefore, the definition of ordinary pirates is very clear here: a group of predators who rely on violence to plunder wealth from vulnerable groups with the sea as the main activity scene.

Nuoqi is holding the rifle in her hand nervously. This is the only weapon she can rely on at present. Although she has been in the navy for nearly two years under the guidance of Smog and Dasqi, her innate physical fitness is not enough. She did not have extraordinary strength. By the standard of ordinary people, she is indeed an excellent and elite naval soldier, but if measured by the standard of Dasqi, she is still only an excellent ordinary soldier. .

From the jumping power of Luffy and his party just now, Nuoqigao has clearly judged the strength of these people intelligently. The powerhouse’, how strong are these people, no need to introduce too much. If the opponent is just an ordinary person, for these powerhouses, fighting against a hundred is the most basic common operation.

The reason why Nuoqigao chose to retire, on the one hand, is because of the sway in his heart for revenge, because the image of ‘Nami’ has been fused with the sister in her mind almost indistinguishably from what she has seen and heard. . On the other hand, it was about a clear understanding of her own talent. She asked herself that it was impossible to reach the level of Dusky or Smoke, and the two of them told her without hesitation, even if they joined forces I’m afraid she is no longer Nami’s opponent. With the ability of the Devil Fruit and the addition of abundant resources, Nami’s strength expansion speed has long been beyond the ability of ordinary people to catch up.

Vengeance without motivation or hope, naturally, can only be stopped.

But this is really ironic. Just when he returned home from the navy, he encountered a pirate who came to attack the village?

Feeling that the handle of the rifle in her hand was heating up, Nuo Qigao gritted her teeth and tried not to make any noise. She was worried about the Bellmer Orange Garden and recklessly pushed away the villagers behind her. On the one hand, it was hers. Physical strength is much better. On the other hand, she is also very clear that these villagers may not be the opponents of these pirates this time. She can only hope that she can eliminate these threats before that.

“It’s so sour~~!”

Luffy, who was holding half an orange, stuck his tongue out, his facial expressions clearly showed how he felt about the food in his mouth. That’s right, he was also a foodie who was forced to fill up his survival skills in the wild. He could easily find out. After seeing the lush orange grove next to this town, there is no need to say much about the natural route.

“Tsk, when you’re hungry, you’ll be even more hungry if you eat oranges… Besides, we don’t know whose fruit forest is here. It’s not good for us to run in so rashly.”

Looking through his carry-on backpack, Usopp took out something resembling a large mousetrap from it: “Otherwise, I think we’d better go to the side of the field to see if we can catch a rabbit or something. . With the traps made by me, Lord Usopp, I’m sure I can catch something.”

“Hey~ you can even do this kind of trap, it’s amazing~~”

Throwing half of the orange in his hand into his mouth, he lifted his neck and swallowed it whole. Luffy’s eyes when looking at Usopp suddenly had a little star: “I used to hunt for a long time, But it still doesn’t make traps.”

“Ha… I have seen your ability, and I don’t think you need these traps…”

Shaking his head feebly, Usopp wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a gunshot in his ear, and Luffy’s right shoulder was suddenly stretched as if he had been stabbed abruptly. Cut, if this strange situation was placed on someone else, this degree of muscle stretching would have already caused the fiber to break and be damaged, but because of the particularity of Luffy’s own body, the sudden attack was only Do this at most.

“Wow~ Shooting, it’s the enemy!”

Of course, Usopp, who already knew Luffy’s ability, is not a complete idiot. There is only one way of saying that Luffy has been shot, but the power of the bullet is not strong enough to pierce Luffy’s body!


However, it was obviously not Usopp or Luffy who was most surprised, but the person who launched the attack, that is, Nuoqigao, who was hidden outside the wall on one side. Because of what happened just now, she could already see that Luffy was the The leader of this small group of four, so she thought for a long time and shot Luffy, but she obviously had concerns, so the part of the shot was not Luffy’s head or back, but only hoped that he would lose his combat effectiveness of the right shoulder.

Originally, she also considered the possibility of being dodged or the bullet being stopped, but the straw hat boy in front of her just stood still and took a shot, but the result of the shooting was undoubtedly unacceptable to her.

“It’s useless! I’m a rubber guy! Who!”

Suddenly, the bullet flew off, and Luffy turned to the direction of the shot with a frown. Then he swung his right arm twice and then swung forward, his arm miraculously stretched out and grabbed into the grass, while Nuoqi Gao Yi was still in shock, and second, her own fighting qualities were indeed too far from Luffy’s, so it was almost too late to react, so she was easily wrapped around her waist by Luffy’s rubber arms a few times, and then accompanied Following Luffy’s abrupt retreat, the whole person was pulled up and flew towards Luffy’s direction.


Even after two years of hard training in the navy, Nuoqigao was undoubtedly frightened by the monster-like behavior of Luffy. Luffy’s devil fruit ability is something she never imagined.

“Huh? Woman, why did you shoot me with a gun?”

Seeing Nuoqigao’s appearance, Luffy’s expression also took on a hint of doubt. After looking up and down Nuoqigao, the rubber-headed boy also said: “By the way, you won’t be caught by Nami too. From a man to a woman?”

Nuo Qigao, who had already gritted her teeth and touched the dagger behind her waist, was stunned by Luffy’s question full of regrets. Obviously, although she was ready to die with the pirates in front of her, the other The name he spat out undoubtedly caught her attention.

“Hey, Luffy, not everyone is as unlucky as us~ You are so rude to girls like this.”

Reluctantly, he patted Luffy on the shoulder, but Usopp turned back to look at Nuoqigao: “Speaking of which, you should be a real girl, right?”

“…Who the **** are you? Why did you come to Bermel’s orangery?”

After a long silence, Nuo Qigao still gritted her teeth and asked. There is no doubt that she could not ignore the word ‘Nami’ that Luffy said, but her question obviously caused Overwhelmed by Luffy’s surprise, he tilted his head to think hard, and Luffy also said, “Wait… Belmer… Where did we seem to have heard the name?”

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