Anime: My younger sister, Sora, starts as an illustrator!

Chapter 44

How could Kasugano Toru dare to say anything? He was the one who lost his temper first, always making mistakes, and had a lot of inner drama. Now facing Kato Megumi’s accusations, he didn’t know how to refute.

Fortunately, Kato Megumi just wanted to take the initiative to avoid putting herself in an embarrassing situation, so she didn’t pursue it too much.

So the two agreed to go to Kasugano’s house to get the medicinal wine after school tomorrow, and then separated.

Because they have already arrived at Kato’s house.

If you ask why they are going to get it after school tomorrow instead of bringing it on the way to school, Miss Kato has already thought of an excuse.

“If we bring alcohol to school, it will be troublesome, we are all underage.”

This light sentence made Kasugano Toru speechless. Although medicinal wine is not alcohol, it is indeed troublesome if you meet someone who doesn’t understand it.


After watching Kasugano Toru leave, Kato Megumi turned around and returned to her home.

“”Mom, I’m back.”

Kato’s mother, who was still watching TV in the living room, stood up immediately after hearing her daughter’s voice.

This was the first time her daughter had eaten alone outside, and at a boy’s house. As a parent, how could she not be nervous?

Kato’s mother had said before that although she did not object to her daughter dating, she should at least let her know who the person was with and what kind of person he was.

If any Tom, Dick or Harry could deceive her daughter, then she would be a mother in vain.

“Xiao Hui, are you going to your boyfriend’s house for dinner today?”Mother Kato is not like another mother who wants to know something and has to ask indirectly.

Anyway, the Kato family’s way of doing things is to speak directly. I don’t know how such a family can cultivate a daughter like Kato Hui who has a quick mind and can dig holes and bury people without making a sound.

“”Mom, what are you talking about?” Kato Megumi wanted to admit it, but the shyness of a girl and the facts did not allow her to lie.

What if her mother asked her to take Kasugano Toru home for dinner with just one sentence? What should she do?

“But I’ve never seen Xiaohui eat at another boy’s house, let alone other boys, not even classmates, right? Seeing her daughter’s shy look, how could Kato’s mother, who has experienced this, not know that her daughter really has someone she likes?

“This time it was an accident. Kasugano-san was delayed for some time to help me apply medicine, so we decided to have dinner at his house on the spur of the moment.” Kato Megumi said while stroking her wrist, with a heart-warming smile on her face

“If you have a chance, can you bring her to meet mom?”Looking at her daughter’s expression, Kato’s mother instantly returned to her youth.

Who hasn’t been young?

Is there anything happier than meeting your favorite person in the most beautiful time?

Of course there is, that is, the two of them can really go on forever.

And Kato’s mother knows her daughter very well. Although Kato Megumi doesn’t talk much and her presence is very small, even she, as a mother, has to admit that her daughter’s ability to judge people is still very good.

As long as her daughter recognizes someone and can treat her daughter wholeheartedly, she, as a mother, will not object.


Sawamura Spencer Eriri is working diligently in her bedroom and studio.

To say she works diligently is not quite appropriate, if the girl had not slacked off for too long before, and then had not been able to draw something that satisfied her for several days because of Kasugano Toru, she would not have dragged it on until now.

Seeing that the deadline is approaching, Eriri, who is a patient in the late stage of severe procrastination, has to cheer up and work hard.

What surprised Sayuri Sawamura was that in the past, when the deadline came, his daughter would definitely beg him with a sad face, asking if he could return her phone to her, or make an exception and let her take a few comics to read, with her mind full of thoughts of slacking off.

But this time, when the deadline was approaching, although she encountered some setbacks, Eriri quickly adjusted herself, and the more she drew, the more confident she became, and the happier she felt.

Taking advantage of her daughter’s break, Sayuri Sawamura asked the doubts in her heart.

“”Mom, when you make progress, won’t you feel happy?” Eriri’s words made Sayuri Sawamura suddenly realize.

Just like work, some people go to work all day like going to the grave, their colleagues don’t like them, their leaders keep scolding them, and there are many moths at work. In the end, they only get a meager salary. How can such a job make people motivated?

But what if the situation is different? Colleagues are friendly, leaders are willing to teach, and work has made visible progress with everyone’s help. The balance in the bank card is increasing day by day. Wouldn’t such a job make people more and more motivated?

Eriri is like this now. Every time she draws a picture, she feels that Kasugano Toru’s teachings are correct.

After finding a few servants at home After the test, Eriri found that the pictures she drew were indeed more popular.

Sakigi even said that he felt like he was there just by looking at the pictures.

Of course, Eriri only used ordinary landscape paintings for testing, otherwise it would be too bad if Sakigi were to put them into some heavy-mouthed books.

So now Eriri’s admiration for Kasugano Toru can be said to be unparalleled. She is even confident that she will shine at the upcoming release!

The only thing that makes her feel sorry is that she cannot appear in front of fans because of her identity and the content she creates. Otherwise, seeing the fans’ admiring eyes on her, Eriri feels excited just thinking about it

“How can I repay Kasugano-san?” This question has been bothering Eriri for several days.

Previously, due to creative reasons, she had not been able to spare the time and energy to consider such issues.

But with the continuous progress in the past few days, she has more time to think about this problem.

Kasugano Toru said that friends do not need to use money to measure each other’s efforts, so Eriri also gave up the idea of giving money directly, although this approach is simple and crude, and it works.

If Kasugano Toru knew that the words he said in order to show off were regarded as Eriri’s motto, he would probably cry in the toilet.

Originally, Eriri was still a little worried about how to repay Kasugano Toru. But soon, when she saw a message pop up on Line, the girl knew what she should do.

“This reward must be a timely help to Kasugano-san!”

Eri couldn’t help but giggle.

You are really worthy of it, Eriri!

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