Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Tameni Maou ni Shoukansaremashita~

Chapter 90: Amazoness Girl

Chapter 90: Amazoness Girl

◆Black Haired Sage; Chiyuki

The Velos Kingdom was the largest of the human kingdoms in the northernmost region of the human realm. Though almost all kingdoms in this region were poor, Velos was one of the exceptions to that.

Velos’ two massive ramparts protected the orchards, agricultural lands, and the humans within.

In many other countries, though they could build ramparts to protect the humans, they usually didn’t have enough manpower and funding to build ramparts that also protected the agricultural lands as well. Due to this, farming in this world was an extremely dangerous occupation since there was always a threat of monsters roaming about outside the ramparts.

But, since Velos’ agricultural areas were protected by ramparts, farming in this country was much safer than other countries. It was the main reason that this kingdom was flourishing.

On top of that, Velos’ special wine was really popular in even faraway kingdoms like the Holy Republic of Lenaria, which kept importing it to maintain the high demand for it. That was yet another reason for the Velos Kingdom’s prosperity.

Currently, we were standing in the Velos Royal Palace.

It might be extremely difficult for normal people to meet the king, but that wasn’t the case for someone like Reiji, the hero who was chosen by the Goddess Rena.

The permission for an audience was granted as soon as we applied for it. We were then escorted into a room that was prepared for guests in the royal palace.

An extremely comfortable sofa stuffed to the brim with soft feathers was already prepared in that room for us.

As we settled in, the maids of the royal palace served beverages to us, the beverage being Velos’ fruit water.

The slightly sweet fruit water went easily down our throats.

We enjoyed the refreshments while we waited for the king and made ourselves at home.

「In the end, it took a really really long time to arrive to this place, huh, Chiyuki-san.」

Rino was leaning back on the sofa as she spoke to me.

「Yeah, Rino-san. It took more time than usual.」

I looked at Shirone as I spoke.

Shirone seems to be in an extremely bad mood due to our delay.

「I mean, who would have expected that we would end up getting ourselves involved in the domestic problems of the Zentea kingom.」

Nao sent meaningful glance toward Reiji.

「It can’t be helped, I’m hero after all. Isn’t it my job to save people in trouble?」

Reiji spoke calmly.

「In your case, it isn’t people in trouble, it’s damsels in distress.」

I replied sarcastically.

We received a monster extermination request from Zentea kingdom’s princess when we stopped by that kingdom during our journey toward Velos kingdom.

Though we easily exterminated the monsters, we ended up staying a little bit too long in Zentea Kingdom due to the request from the beautiful princess.

The few days we spent in Zentea kingdom delayed out arrival to Velos kingdom even longer.

Thanks to that, Shirone was completely in a bad mood right now.

「Even if you say so, the matter about her being in trouble was true. And I can’t just turn a blind eye to that.」

He added so with his usual refreshing smile.

Good grief, this d*ckhead really is a… Whoops-

I massaged my temple to stop that dangerous train of thought.

I wanted to retort but then I heard the announcement that the king had arrived.

After replying, the door opened and the king of this kingdom, Eclas, entered the room.

Had he become plumper than before? But, well, he was still the same kind-hearted king as before.

And then, following behind him was Queen Corfyna.

This pair of husband and wife were as cozy as ever. It seems this part was also the same as before.

「Long time no see. Welcome to our kingdom, Hero-sama.」

「Long time no see, hero-sama.」

Both Eclas and Corfyna gave their greetings.

「Long time no see, Eclas-sama.」

「Long time no see, Queen Corfyna.」

Reiji and I replied to their greeting.

「Long time no see, Black Haired Sage-dono. By the way, may I ask what your business is for visiting our kingdom this time?」

After sitting on the sofa that had already been prepared inside the room, Eclas asked us the reason for our visit without beating around the bush.

「Ah, about that, the truth is…」

I then explained about the Silver Witch living in the sweets castle to the pair.


Eclas raised such surprised exclamation upon hearing my explanation.

「Strange phenomenon in blue forest?」

「Yes. In fact, strange phenomenons have been confirmed in the Blue Forest these days.」

Eclas then started to explain about the strange phenomenon to us.

Everything began around two months ago.

The rate of the appearance of monsters who lived in the Blue forest had increased exponentially.

At first everyone thought that it was temporary. But then, the number of monsters appearing on the highway kept increasing day by day instead of decreasing.

Moreover, some amongst the monsters were species that were never seen before. Thus Eclas and co deducted that something must’ve happened inside the Blue forest.

The kingdom tried to send their best ranger(mountain hermit) to investigate the situation, but it seems they couldn’t get too close towards the center of Blue forest since it had already turned into an extremely dangerous area.

Being a Ranger(mountain hermit) was an expert outdoor activity, they could pick herbs or hunt animals in dangerous zones with their extremely developed survival and scouting skills.

Though they’re not specialized in fighting against monsters, they’re more familiar with forest than anyone else.

And the fact that even those rangers couldn’t approach the center of Blue forest explained just how dangerous that place had become.

「In the end, there’s nothing you can do about this situation…」

「Yes. Since I felt anxious that something bad might happen if I don’t do anything, I gathered the freedom fighters to dispatch them to the center of the forest.」

I nodded. It seems he was at least prepared.

「I see… they must be the freedom fighters who we saw in the city, right?」

In fact, I did notice on the way toward royal palace that there was more freedom fighters in this kingdom compared to when we’d come before.

Originally, the number of freedom fighters in Velos kingdom weren’t that much and yet their numbers had increased so much compared to the last time.

No doubt about it, the freedom fighters came after being lured in by the large sum of reward.

I didn’t have any intention of bad-mouthing the profession but freedom fighters were the mercenaries of this world. They took dangerous jobs which were too dangerous for the soldiers or knights of the country.

Moreover, due to the danger of the monsters, the knights couldn’t be dispatched since they were the last line of defence to protect this kingdom.

Thus, it was the freedom fighter’s job to take care of the monsters outside.

Eclas might be a kind and gentle person but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t make cruel decisions when the safety of his citizens was on the line.

「Yes. We’ve been gathering freedom fighters since ten days ago. There’s around three thousand of them so far.」

Eclas said so cheerfully.

Rino and Nao who sat beside me let out voices of admiration.

Three thousand was truly a big army when you consider the situation in this world.

The Holy Republic of Lenaria or the Republic of Ariadya aside, no country in this region could gather that much war potential.

「That’s a really big army… as expected of the Velos kingdom.」

「No, the reason why we could gather this much manpower is mainly thanks to our connection with other countries. Well, this kingdom isn’t the only one adjoined with the Blue forest after all…」

It seems Eclas sent a notice to the other countries about Velos kingdom recruiting manpower to investigate the Blue forest.

The other countries also didn’t dare to neglect the abnormal phenomenon that was occurring in the Blue forest. Thus, they were more than willing to cooperate with Eclas.

「I see, the other countries noticed the strange phenomenon in Blue forest too, huh.」

Eclas nodded, agreeing with me before adding further.

「Since we’ve already gathered so many warriors and hero-dono is participating too, I’m sure that this problem will be solved quickly.」

He spoke with a hearty smile on his face.

「Yeah, leave it to us.」

Reiji replied with his usual composed line.

But, in my opinion, he didn’t seem to be that composed.

This might be the first time I saw Reiji lacking confidence.

「Ooh, as expected of hero-dono. I’ll be looking forward to working with you.」

Eclas spoke happily, failing to notice Reiji’s unusual state.

「Come to think of it, dear, how about introducing the freedom fighters to hero-sama?」

Corfyna who was staying silent until now spoke up to suggest.

「Yeah right. Ooi, if I’m not wrong, Brown Bear-dono should be coming to the royal palace today. Can you ask him to come?」

Eclas then called out to the attendants who were standing by outside the room to call someone.

A while later, the door of the room opened again and a pair of man and woman entered the room.

The man was a giant, burly man which screamed “Warrior” no matter how you look at it.

His half-naked body was covered by bear’s pelt.

He might be the beast warrior, the follower of battle god, Thorz. There was red tattoo drawn on his naked, upper-haf.

The follower of the battle god, Thors, didn’t don armor.

According to Nao, if we’re to use game terms to describe Thors’ warrior, they were either barbarians or berserkers.

And then, the woman behind him might be the follower of Amazona, Thors’ daughter.

As for why I was so sure about it, it was simply because she wore bikini armor.

Amazona’s followers wore bikini armor due to their religious reasons. Thus, their followers were easily spotted.

「Let me introduce them, he is the leader of brown bear team, Arcas-dono. And behind him is his daughter, Charis-dono.」

Eclas introduced the two to us.

「Name’s Arcas!! My comrades call me brown bear!! I’ve heard the rumor about you, hero of light!! It’s honor to meet you like this!! Gahahahahaha!!」

The brown bear-like man was laughing heartily as he greeted us.

「Brown Bear-dono is a famous warior in this region so I asked him to be a mediator with the other warriors.」

「Please don’t praise me too much in front of the hero of light who’s far stronger than me, Your Majesty.」

Brown Bear Replied with rough, yet humble tone.

Contrary to his appearance, he might be extremely sensitive to change around him.

Then, I looked at Charis, his daughter.

Unlike her father, she was an adorable girl. She might be around the same age as us.

But, the traces of wounds on her arms were the testimony of her being a true warrior.

Her slightly curly hair was gathered and tied at her back. Her long and slender limbs suggested that she was used to moving at high speed.

But, it seems she was rather falling behind in term of ch*st volume. That was unfortunate since she only wear bikini armor.

Charis was smiling lightly as she looked at Shirone.

Was there some meaning behind that smile?

When I was pondering about that, Charis’ figure suddenly come forward.

「Hey, are you the one called the Sword’s Maiden? Will you let me spar with you?」

Charis spoke as she pointed at Shirone.

All of us were at a loss for words due to the sudden development.

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