
Chapter 7 – Outbreak [1]

In the end, we stayed at the edge of the forest while Laura and Victor tried to figure out exactly how to take me with them. Honestly, upon realizing that we had finally exited the forest, my first reaction was to think about running towards the city. However, I was quickly reminded that I’m no longer even human. If I went to the city, it would cause a huge commotion.

Even though I technically look human on the outside, my body is white and translucent like a ghost's. My golden eyes shine brightly, standing out even more in the dark. Furthermore, I don't have reproductive organs, lungs, or even a heart. No matter how hard I try, I no longer fit into the category of "human" This leads me to question: if I’m not human, then what exactly am I?.

I became so lost in my own thoughts that I barely paid attention to what was happening around me. Laura and Victor were still debating what to do with me, but it seemed they had finally reached a conclusion. From the smile on Laura’s face, it was likely she had won the argument.

“I really don’t think this is going to work. She passed through an anomaly using just her hands. Do you really think a glass container will hold her?”

“My dear Victor, you’re missing the point. We don’t want to contain her, we just want to give the impression that she’s contained. As long as the glass remains intact, won’t everything be fine?”

“I get that part. I just don’t see why you’re so confident she won’t just smash the glass with a punch if she gets bored or something”

“It’ll be fine. From what I’ve observed so far, she seems to understand us to some extent, or perhaps ‘feel’ is the right word? Anyway, she seems friendly with humans… though I don’t have any concrete proof of that”

I watched the situation unfold with my usual poker face. Victor designated one of the men with us—specifically the one who had shot me—to fetch something. About five minutes later, he returned carrying a sort of mobile aquarium. Although it wasn’t very large, it was spacious enough for me to fit inside, and as long as I didn’t stand up, it would probably be comfortable.

I briefly diverted my gaze to Laura. As I suspected, she was watching me with shining eyes, alternating her gaze between me and the aquarium. I mimicked the gesture, looking back at her and the aquarium, which seemed to make her even happier. I figured she was trying to tell me to get in there. Well, considering she doesn’t know I can understand, my reasoning seems to make sense.

For now, I have no personal objections. It’s better to investigate further to understand what’s happening. My memories are hazy, but as far as I recall, anomalies didn’t exist—at least not before I awoke in this body.

With slow steps and a curious expression on my face—which was actually my usual poker face—I walked towards the glass. As I got close enough, Victor, who was standing beside it, opened the lid, giving me space to enter. His eyes followed me with every step. Without hesitation, I entered the glass and watched as Victor closed it.

"... I can’t believe she actually went in by herself"

“See? Didn’t I tell you she was a good girl?”

(I’m not a girl, though)

“Alright, honestly, I don’t even care anymore. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible”

Victor was the first to leave the forest, followed by the two agents who began to drift away behind him. I watched them as they deliberately tried to avoid my gaze whenever they noticed I was staring at them. I then noticed that the aquarium started to move. Looking back, I saw that it was Laura who was pushing it, with a more serious expression than usual.

As we moved through the area, several curious glances turned towards me—some cautious, others more intrigued. There seemed to be a pattern: people dressed like Laura showed more curiosity, while those armed were visibly more cautious, which wasn’t surprising given the situation.

The aquarium finally stopped in front of a relatively large building with a huge antenna on top. Although I had some suspicions about what they were trying to pick up with that antenna, I chose not to speculate for now. Laura gave two light knocks on the door, which was soon opened by another woman.

Unlike Laura, who had a more innocent and determined look, this woman had a fearless and weary demeanor, typical of someone who had seen a lot in her line of work—if it could even be called work.

“Ah, Laura, you finally returned”

“Hi, boss, I’m back with the fieldwork data”

“Very well. Come in...!”

Laura and the woman chatted casually, suggesting they had known each other for a while. However, as soon as the woman saw me inside the aquarium, her eyes widened in surprise and shock. Moreover, an intense curiosity began to shine in her gaze.


Laura finally noticed the reason for the woman’s surprise and turned to me. Somehow, it seemed Laura had momentarily forgotten that I was also there.

“Boss, I found her in the forest. It’s likely she’s related to the strange behavior of the anomalies there. Plus, she seems friendly with humans, so I decided to bring her”

As Laura explained the situation, the woman circled the aquarium, her eyes fixed on me as she analyzed me. The intensity of her gaze made me wonder if this was how lab rats must feel. To be honest, I was starting to feel a bit scared by the intense way she was watching me.

“This is fascinating. I’ve never seen an anomaly that looks so much like a human. Even humanoid anomalies are usually not so human-like. This one has all the characteristics of a… Well, she looks more like a ghost than a human, but still...”

To be honest, I also wonder why I look so much like a human. For me, I have no complaints, as this form is easier to move around in and, in a way, is convenient because it resembles what I was before. It makes adaptation much simpler in various ways.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it

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