Another Kind of Genius

17. Golden Heavenly Lion

A year later, the seventh talent Flender, Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, and Zhao Wuji were looking for appeared.

At the Academy gates stood a thirteen year old boy with golden blonde hair, bright yellow eyes, and an inquisitive look on his features.

So this is Shrek Academy, he thought. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Flender was flanked by Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong. Zhao Wuji was back in the academy, working with the six monstrous children in team battle coordination. The sooner they learned each other's habits and strengths and weaknesses, the sooner they could grow together and become a great team.

The boy watched as the adults approached. He bowed slightly.

"Child," Yu Xiaogang began. "Are you here for Shrek Academy?"

"Yes, a mei mei told me that she'd be coming here to study."

"Who's your mei mei?" Flender asked.

"She never told me her real name, but her nickname is Xiao Shen."

The three's faces changed in an instant. They quickly drew the boy inside the gates and over to the academy.

On the way, Yu Xiaogang, being the most sensible one of the Golden Iron Triangle, asked, "What's your name?"

"Gu Xingyun1古幸运 - given name meaning "Lucky", spirit Golden Heavenly Lion, thirty seventh ranked Power Attack System Battle Spirit Master."

Their eyes widened. Flender sputtered, "Thirty seventh ranked at what age?"

"Thirteen, sir."

"No, no, no, that's not necessary. Just call me Dean Flender."

Gu Xingyun nodded. "Okay."

"He's on track like Mubai. Truly lions and tigers are the top cat beast spirits," Yu Xiaogang breathed. "Xingyun, you can call me Grandmaster. This, here, is Vice Dean Liu."

Liu Erlong nodded and smiled. "Welcome to Shrek Academy."


Inside the Dean's office, Flender and Yu Xiaogang waited with Gu Xingyun while Liu Erlong went to fetch Ru Shenqi. They were still standing when the door opened. Ru Shenqi's eyes fell immediately on the confident back and golden blonde hair.

It can't be... can it?

The teen boy turned around. His eyes fell on her. They stared at each other for a moment.

Finally, he murmured, "Xiao Shen."

She sped over to him and stopped a few cun away. Looking up at him, she knew right away.

"Bai Huo."

"Eh?" the Golden Triangle choked.

They shared a look between them. Gu Xingyun chuckled.

"Perhaps... it's time for us to finally tell each other our real names?" he suggested.

Smiling, she nodded. "Ru Shenqi, but you can still call me Xiao Shen."

He nodded. "Gu Xingyun, but Xingyun is fine."

She grinned. "A whole year, why did it take a whole year when you weren't that far behind me?"

"Uh, there were a few delays. Erm..."

He looked to the adults. Ru Shenqi quickly added, "It's alright. You can trust them. We're no longer in that lawless place."

Gu Xingyun took a deep breath. "When you passed the Hell Road, the entire Slaughter City shook on its foundations. The Slaughter King was already trying to restore Slaughter City after Tang San destroyed it, but after you left, he closed down the arena for an entire four months to restabilize the city again. So obviously, there were no competitions. Plus, I didn't fight everyday."

"Eh? What is this? Another child to have passed through Slaughter City so young?!" Dean Flender cried.

Even Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong looked wary. The two children before them nodded.

"I'm known as Hell's Little Empress."

"I gained the title, Hell Ambassador."

"Amazing," Flender clapped his hands. "Truly powerful. With two Death Gods, who will dare look down upon Shrek Academy?!"

"Xingyun, are you staying here?" Ru Shenqi asked.

"Didn't you say before your last fight to come find you at Shrek Academy?"

She nodded happily. "That's right!"

"Then I'm here, silly."

Gu Xingyun patted her head lightly. They had gotten along in Slaughter City, but now being back on Douluo Continent, they were free from the overbearing slaughter intent and could become true friends. Ru Shenqi looked up at him again and smiled wide.

She grabbed his hand. "Come on, I want to introduce you to the others!"

Before any of the Golden Iron Triangle members could say a word, she had already pulled him out the door. Once the door closed behind them, Flender shook his head, chuckling.

"We have our seven, now let's get them to trust and work with each other," Yu Xiaogang suggested. "We can find suitable substitutes later. Our main force cannot break apart. They need to become one."

A wicked glint shone in Flender's eyes. Liu Erlong glared at him. "What tricks do you have up your sleeve, Flender?!"

"Why not force them to adapt to each other in real battles?"

Yu Xiaogang caught on to his meaning. "You want to take them to Heaven Dou City's Spirit Arena."

Flender nodded. "In a month or so. They need to get along first. If they don't, there's no need to stick them in an arena together."

Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang agreed with him and began drawing up extensive training routines.


When Ru Shenqi brought Gu Xingyun to the training grounds, where the other five were, she called out, "Hey, everyone, come meet my ge ge!"

Liao Suyin, Shu Jiaxiang, Ming Yong, Bai Shanxin, and Fang Youyou walked over. They met up and stopped. The other five looked at Gu Xingyun.

He bowed slightly and said, "Gu Xingyun, spirit Golden Heavenly Lion, thirty seventh ranked Power Attack System Battle Spirit Master."

The others' eyes widened. They murmured, "Truly worthy of being in Shrek."

They quickly accepted him into the group and introduced themselves.

"Ming Yong, spirit Seven String Dragon Qin, twenty fourth ranked Spirit System Battle Spirit Master."

"Shu Jiaxiang, spirit Shadow Cheetah, twenty sixth ranked Power Attack and Agility Attack Battle Spirit Master."

"Bai Shanxin, spirit Needle-Tailed Swift, twenty sixth ranked Agility Attack Battle Spirit Master."

"Fang Youyou, spirit Rainbow Colored Flowering Lotus, twenty third ranked Auxiliary System Spirit Master."

"Liao Suyin, spirit Jade Poison Tarantula, twenty fifth ranked Power Attack System Battle Spirit Master."

"Xingyun, you already know me, but let me show you how I was able to beat you out of Slaughter City."

By this time, the others all knew Ru Shenqi's full strength. But when they heard the dage2大哥 - eldest/senior brother had also passed the Hell Road, they couldn't help but be shocked beyond belief.

Grinning, Ru Shenqi proclaimed, "Ru Shenqi, spirit Clear Crystal Eyes, forty ninth ranked Control System Battle Spirit Master."

Gu Xingyun's jaw dropped. "Xiao Shen, you must be joking. I'm only a thirty seventh ranked Spirit Elder! How can you be a Spirit Ancestor on the verge of a breakthrough?!"

Ru Shenqi released her spirit. Her eyes flashed, shining lucent and transparent. Her spirit rings descended.

1) Black Decade Millennium

2) Black Decade Millennium

3) Black Decade Millennium

4) Black Decade Millennium

Gu Xingyun's eyes seemed as if they wanted to pop out of his head. He tried to speak, but no words came out. He was dumbstruck.

The other five chuckled.

Shu Jiaxiang said, "Don't worry, Xingyun, we were all just as shocked when we first saw her rings. Xiao Shen is a genius among geniuses. At only nine years old, she is unrivalled in all of Douluo Continent."

"Hell's Little Empress, indeed," Gu Xingyun breathed. "Any spirit master should beware of Hell's Little Empress."

Ru Shenqi winked at him. "Hell Ambassador too."

He chuckled and patted her head. "We'll see."

Then, Zhao Wuji came over. "Children! Come with me. We're going to do some training out back in the forest."

Excitement rushed over six faces. All seven followed their teacher like ducklings.

Out in the forest, Zhao Wuji said, "For the rest of today, I want you seven to familiarize yourselves with each others abilities. Once you're done, return to your rooms and cultivate yourselves. From tomorrow onwards, Grandmaster will be in charge of your training."

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