Another Kind of Genius

29. Two Spirit Ancestors

"Perfect! The Man Faced Demon Spider has a poisonous attribute. Gong Xi, you're just in luck."

Liu Erlong dashed forward, activating her Scarlet Dragon Avatar, and leaving Ru Shenqi to guard the two Spirit Elders. Just a few minutes later, the Man Faced Demon Spider came flying towards them. When it landed into the ground, a huge crater was made. The three children all took a frightened step back.

Slaughtering Corner... they all thought.

Liu Erlong came back over and said, "Gong Xi, kill it and absorb its ring."

He nodded. She handed him a knife, and he plunged it into the vulnerable underside of the Man Faced Demon Spider. Sure enough, a purple ring started to form. He reached out with his right hand and sat down to begin absorbing it. Since most of its resentment was targeted at Liu Erlong, he had no trouble and was done in two hours. Ru Shenqi pouted.

If only my absorptions were so easy. He barely broke a sweat.

Gong Xi stood and said, "Thank you, Vice Dean Liu. My fourth spirit skill is Citrine Cobra Gu1Gu (蛊) was a type of alchemical venom-based poison associated with southern cultures in ancient China. I can throw tiny balls of poison that will erupt upon impact."

Liu Erlong grinned. "Good, that's good. We have a lot of poison attributes in this Shrek team, but that's not a bad thing. Now let's go find a spirit ring for Han Niansui."

They wandered the millennium spirit beast territory, but none seemed suitable. As the night sky fell over Sunset Forest, Liu Erlong made camp. There were only two tents, and Ru Shenqi obviously couldn't sleep in the same tent as the boys. Granted, she was slightly afraid of Liu Erlong, so she offered to take the first watch.

When the others had gone to bed, she sat out front, staring at the flickering flames. Using her Fire Dragon Domain, she burned it just a little hotter. Sadness flickered in her eyes, and she sighed.

Mom, Dad, if only you could see me now. What would you think? Would you be proud of me? I'm strong enough to fight century millennium spirit beasts with my friends. Can you believe it?

Mom, you followed Dad out to sea to help hunt a spirit beast for him. But did you ever think about the little girl you left behind when your ship capsized and you never came back? I was only four then. For two years, I fought on the streets of Vast Sea City to survive. Then, my spirit awakened, and I got a new life.

But I don't care about my spirit rings at all. I just want you both back.

She curled up tight into a ball and scrunched her eyes shut, tears still leaking out and dripping down her cheeks. Ru Shenqi sniffled and let out a couple muffled sobs. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up. Liu Erlong sat down next to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

And so she did.

"My mom and dad went out to sea to hunt a spirit beast for my father's eightieth ring. But a storm kicked up, and their boat capsized. The wreckage washed back to shore. After that, I had nowhere else to go. Dad never told me I had an aunt. So, I roamed the streets of Vast Sea City. I was only four at that time. Since I didn't know any work and didn't have my spirit awakened yet, I stole food to survive. I evaded vendors and Spirit Empire patrols. When I turned six, I headed to the Lord Spirit Hall to awaken my spirit. I hoped that if I could cultivate to become a Spirit Master like my parents, then I could live a better life. And I did. I moved into Vast Sea City Primary Academy and studied under Teacher Cang and Headmaster Bing. They were very good to me. You know the rest."

Liu Erlong murmured, "I'm sorry you had to go through that at such a young age."

"According to the Ocean Spirit Masters, that sea storm was unusual for the waters it happened in. I wonder if someone created that storm?"

"Xiao Shen, even if someone did, it won't bring your parents back."

"I know. But if it really was created by someone, I want to avenge them. Though my spirit is a body spirit, I can also be considered an Ocean Spirit Master. You need to have a good eyesight out on the waters, watching for any ocean spirit beasts. My spirit is actually a mutation of my mom's spirit. She had a Barreleyes Fish spirit. Instead of cultivating strength or something, my mom focused on her eyesight. Actually, when I was born, I was born blind. My mom prayed day and night to the Sea God for me to have eyesight. After a fortnight of endless prayers, I was blessed with sight. Perhaps that's why my spirit is my eyes. Perhaps that's another reason why I can absorb higher level spirit rings. Because my full innate spirit power and my spirit itself comes from the Sea God."

"But Tang San is the Sea God."

"I don't know. Maybe it came from the Power of the Ocean from Haishen Island. Mom told me about that place once. She said she was actually born there and passed the Sea God's challenge. But then, she travelled to Vast Sea City to experience more from life. She promised to take me back there one day."

"To have such a godly blessing is rare. Don't abuse your power, Xiao Shen."

Ru Shenqi nodded. "I know. I won't."

"Good. You should get some sleep. Go on, I'll keep watch for a bit."


She got up and headed into the empty tent. Laying down, she clutched her dad's langgan stone and her mother's silver bracelet close to her chest.

Mom, Dad, I'll find out who caused your shipwreck. And I won't let them off.


The next morning, the Shrek group packed up and continued searching. As they passed into a meadow area, suddenly blades went flying towards them. Or at least, they seemed like blades.

"Third spirit skill, Clear Crystal Armor!"

The objects bounced off of Ru Shenqi's shields. Liu Erlong nodded towards her, and motioned them forward. She suddenly stopped in her tracks when she saw what the spirit beast was.

"A Blade Quill Porcupine?!"

Indeed, this spirit beast's defense skill was blade-like quills that would shoot out and impale any spirit beast or spirit master that encountered it. Liu Erlong even wavered.

"Han Niansui, perhaps we should look for a different spirit beast."

"Vice Dean Liu, though this one suits me, I don't want to bring unnecessary trouble to us all."

Ru Shenqi stepped forward. "Let me handle this little millennium year spirit beast, Vice Dean Liu."

"Second spirit skill, Clear Crystal Crypsis!"

Soon, she took on the appearance of another Blade Quill Porcupine. Inching closer, she quietly released her external spirit bone. Her black scaled wings instantly lit of fire with purplish-black flames. Her eyes narrowed.

"Death God Domain, Evolved Skill: Demon Hell!"

Soon, a layer of ice trapped the feet of the real Blade Quill Porcupine. Ru Shenqi locked down on it and called out, "Ultimate Darkness Straight Line!"

Compared to a century millennium spirit beast, a millennium year one stood no chance. Knowing this, Ru Shenqi didn't go full out. The fire hit the spirit beast, causing it to wail miserably. She flicked out her wrist, and her golden wire shot out. It wrapped around the Blade Quill Porcupine's neck, restraining it.

"Han Niansui, now!"

He ran forward and stabbed it in the heart. The spirit beast could do nothing and slowly died. Soon, its purple ring formed. Han Niansui turned.

"Thank you, Xiao Shen."

"Of course."

She retracted her wire and her Death God Domain. He sat down and began to absorb the ring. Liu Erlong and Gong Xi walked over.

"Well done, Xiao Shen. That was some impeccable timing."

"I knew I had to trick the spirit beast so it didn't think I was a predator. Then, I trapped it within my Death God Domain before launching my most powerful attack. Even then though, I held back. Otherwise, with the power from this century millennium spirit bone, I could've easily killed that spirit beast myself. Since that wasn't the purpose, I held back so Han Niansui could kill it."

"Good, good. You have learned well from Xiaogang."

After two hours, Han Niansui stood up. Grinning, he bowed.

"I'll show you all my fourth spirit skill," he began. "Fourth spirit skill, Dark Quill!"

Two pitch black blade-like quills appeared in each hand. He threw them out, and they spun back, eventually returning to him like a boomerang.

"Congratulations," Gong Xi said. "You wanted a more offensive skill, and you got it."

"This suits you well," Liu Erlong added. "We were lucky this time. Now, the Shrek Battle Team has two more Spirit Ancestors."

Ru Shenqi remained quiet. She looked down at the ground.

"Xiao Shen, do you need a spirit beast as well?" Liu Erlong asked softly.

She shook her head. "No, Vice Dean Liu. I'm still at level fifty nine. But that's okay. I don't want to rush things."

"Maybe you'll advance before the finals. If a Spirit Emperor emerges in the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition, it will shock the continent."

Ru Shenqi humbly agreed, "Vice Dean Liu is right. Xiao Shen only has one small request."

"What is it?"

"For my sixth ring, I'd like to return to Star Dou Great Forest. There, perhaps I'll find a suitable century millennium spirit beast."

"Of course. Flender, Wuji, and I will take you there ourselves."

"Thank you, Vice Dean Liu."

Liu Erlong nodded. "Alright, we should go. Let's head back to Shrek Academy."


Back at the academy, Gong Xi and Han Niansui showed off their new spirit skills. Meanwhile, Ru Shenqi slipped away and wandered around in the forest out back. She sat down by a stream and hung her head.

Are my Clear Crystal Eyes really only thanks to the Power of the Ocean? Was I never meant to be a Spirit Master? But everyone's born with a spirit. Grandmaster said so, and Grandmaster's never been wrong before.

"Xiao Shen... is something wrong?"

Gu Xingyun walked up and sat down next to her. She turned her head away.

There are no useless spirits, only useless spirit masters.

"No. I'm fine."

"It's okay that you didn't advance another level. Think about it, you're still leagues ahead of the rest of us."

"I know. That's not the problem."

"Then what is?"

"Xingyun, Dean Flender is holding a meeting with the other little Tyrants. Go see about it, won't you?"

He turned around to see Liu Erlong. Nodding, he stood and quickly sped away. Liu Erlong sat down.

"You're wondering about your spirit, aren't you?"

Ru Shenqi nodded. "If my current spirit was given to me by the Power of the Ocean or the Sea God, then what was the spirit I was born with? Grandmaster said we're all born with one, so do I have another spirit?"

Liu Erlong shook her head sadly. "That I don't know. You'd have to ask Xiaogang."

"Ask me what? Erlong?"

Deciding to trust him, Ru Shenqi poured out her thoughts. When she was done, she asked, "What do you think, Grandmaster?"

"Both of your spirits would've been awakened at the same time, like Xiao San. But since you've shown no indication of having another spirit, I don't think you do."

"But was I really born with a body spirit?"

"Perhaps. Maybe the power that blessed you also improved your spirit, enhancing it so that when it awakened, you wound up having full innate spirit power. But I don't know for sure, I'd have to do some research. Mutant spirits are a category of their own and take a little more time to figure out."

Ru Shenqi nodded. "Xiao Shen understands."

Liu Erlong patted her head. "First, focus on cultivating and growing stronger. The Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition is coming up. You want to be able to lead the Shrek Seven Tyrants to victory, right?"

Another nod.

"Then work towards that. After the competition is over, go find Tang San at Tang Sect. Maybe he can also help you figure some things out. He does hold the Sea God position after all."

"I will. Thank you, Vice Dean Liu, Grandmaster."

She got up and ran off. Liu Erlong stood.

"Xiaogang, what are you thinking?"

"That child's power is very strong. Perhaps too strong. I wonder if there's more to her mother than what we know."

"What are you implying?"

"I'll go and speak with Clan Leader Ning. Perhaps he, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo may know more than we do about Ru Zuanshi."

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