Another Me

Chapter 14 – Carnival Games *

"Can you show me any spells you got last night?" My mom asked as soon as the door closed. I was startled by her sudden question. My face flushed because, I knew, she knew that I was getting them from sleeping with random people. I still decided to show her. If nothing else, it should reassure her that I could protect myself better.

"Ok but I haven't cast them yet so give me a minute and I will try." I cast shadow walk first. Because I didn't know the requirements, I made sure not to stand close to any shadows. I didn't want to appear in somebody's room by accident. The 'Anti-Magic Protection Grid' in our apartment building wasn't the best and there was no telling where cracks in the security would lead me.

Once cast, I understood the basics of the spell. Like its name implied it would allow me to step through shadows within twenty feet of each other, but I needed to mentally link them during casting. Failing to do so would randomize my exit. It wasn't without danger either. If for some reason, all the shadows in the twenty-foot radius of you were to vanish then you would also vanish with it.

With that knowledge, I cast again. The location of every shadow appeared as I did and with a simple step, I vanished from the living room. I came out of my room a few seconds later. My mom's face was alternating between happiness and sadness. "Do it again. I want to see it again."

I nodded and cast again. It was just that when I stepped out of a shadow in my room, my mom was already standing there. Her hair was fluttering back into place as if a strong wind had blown it. I knew she had used her speed magic to get to my room in the seconds it took me to teleport myself there. I watched as her emotions fluctuated and happiness finally won out. With a huge smile, she appeared before me and wrapped me into a hug. "You have magic!! You have magic. Ha, ha, ha, finally you're safe!!" Tears were streaming down her face as she exclaimed happily.

Seeing her so happy, I decided to show her the other spells. "I can do more," I said. Like before I cast it once, to get the idea of what it did. I started with Black Chains. The spell allowed the caster to make shadows more solid and form them into multiple "chains". The chains couldn't be used as a weapon but if the caster managed to lock the ends of them onto people they would act as unbreakable restraints.

As my spell ended, my room came alive as every shadow in the area weaved themselves into a thick black chain. I tried to make a few but my control was lacking and only ended up with one. But it moved as if alive and listened to my commands. I was going to prank my mom but when I shot it out to lock her in place, she was no longer standing in the same area. This repeated a couple of times. She was so fast that her movements were hard to track, and I had no luck in getting the chain to clamp onto her and finally had to give up.

My mom vanished once again, and I heard her giggled before she hugged me from behind. "Gotcha. You may have magic, but you lack practice. Make sure to train using your spells. You don't have to worry about increasing your energy like the rest of us but don't get cocky. Even I am your match at the moment." She gave me a big squeeze before releasing me and saying, "Let's go out tonight to celebrate!"

"I can't. I have to do the school carnival until eight. Maybe we can do lunch or perhaps a late dinner instead."

She gave me a gentle look and said, "You look tired. Why don't you go rest and we'll do a late dinner tonight."

I was tired and my waist had a nagging pain like I pulled a muscle, so I didn't argue. "Okay, I'm going to take a short nap then."

My mom gently ran her hand along my head and replied, "Ok sweety, you rest up. I'll wake you up for lunch."

She closed the door behind her, leaving me alone in my room. As much as I wanted to sleep, I still spent another half hour clearing away the hickeys on my upper legs. My cheerleading outfit showed a lot of skin and I still needed to heal my chest and stomach if I was going to wear it tonight. I focused on my legs and waist because they hurt the worse and enjoyed the soothing warmth from the spell as it drove away all my aches and pains. Once I finished, I put the three thousand I got from Tim in my travel duffle with the patch from the hotel. They were like evil trophies of my experiences here. Sighing, I finally laid down and fell asleep.

My mom gently nudged me awake. Her soft, "Lunch is ready" woke me up. I was still tired but the glance at my alarm clock showed that the few seconds I had closed my eyes was really several hours. I looked up, yawned, and stretched. My shirt rose as I did, and mom's eyes darted to my stomach and then with a "I'll go get lunch ready" hurried out of my room.

I got out of bed and went to the shower to remove the rest of the hickeys. By the time I got out of the bathroom, my mom had lunch on the table. She didn't bring up the hickeys she had spotted, and I didn't mention it. We ate in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I could guess what she was thinking. As for me, I was debating on if I had enough magic spells. I had a few now but there were obvious gaps like an area attack, healing, and flight spells.

Deep down, I knew that I enjoyed having sex with men. My thoughts said I shouldn’t, but my body disagreed. So, the thought of getting more spells wasn’t as horrifying as it once was, but the thought of pregnancy made me question my approach. I finally dismiss the idea of trying to get more spells. My mom had made a valid point. I had spells but I wasn’t good at using them so I would focus on perfecting what I had.

I decided to break my mom out of her thoughts by asking, “Mom, what’s the best way I can train my spells? The school has courses but since I didn’t have any spells, I couldn’t take them. And you’re so good, so you must know how.” Probably everybody knew how but the smile on her face was worth my shameless flattery. I knew about the classes because Victoria had told me I had been angry about missing out on them. I didn’t know if Stephanie knew how to train but if she did, I didn’t remember it.

For the rest of the meal, my mom gave me advice on training up my powers. Her delight on being able to help me was obvious from her tone. She practically gushed as she said, "Sparring is the best way, but you need to find opponents that are close to you in skill and power. A little stronger is better because you'll have to struggle and think of ways to overcome them. If they are too weak or strong you won't learn anything. I remember when I was your age and met your father through a sparring match." She paused as if lost in thought and then changed the subject back to learning. It was the first time I heard anything about my father. Even in my last life, my mom never mentioned him, and I wondered if he was the same man in this world.

My mom's voice cut off my thought, "You should study different tactics others use. There are training videos on the internet and then see how you can implement them in battle. You have the advantages since you can cast all disciplines..." She seemed to realize I could only cast a few spells and hurriedly said, "See what works for you. The more you use your spells, the easier it'll become to cast them until it's almost second nature."

I asked her a couple of questions to keep the conversation going, but my questions seemed to amuse her, probably because they were so simplistic in nature. But at least by the time we finished eating she was no longer unhappy, and I had a direction on how to train.

After hanging out at home for most of the afternoon, my mom drove me and Victoria to the school and would pick me up after I was done and take me out to celebrate. While Victoria’s dad would pick her up separately. Both of us were wearing our white away game uniforms since we were both on dunk tank duty. They were made of a light, breathable material so we wouldn't get hot during our cheer routines. It came with thick leggings and a tight long-sleeved shirt that we could wear under it in case the temperature dropped. Neither of us had worn our bras much less additional protective layers. So, as we walked to our booth, our breast moved more freely than when they were confined by the sports bras we normally wore.

The school had managed to get a few carnival rides like the Gravitron, Tilt-A-Whirl, Magic Maze, and a multistory slide but the main focus were on the sports student booths. Half of the students had made theirs into food stands while others were like us and had interactive games like ring toss and knock over milk bottles with a bean bag. Every interactive booth had a ‘no-spell’ logo where they took tickets to play, so customers couldn’t claim that they didn’t know.

The booths were on both sides of a wide lane that would allow crowds to move easily. Ours were on each side of the lane and were across from each other. The dunk tank was made of a clear plexiglass so people could watch as we were dunked. They had a tent set up behind it so we could rest and dry off when we weren’t sitting on the platform. Several football players were excepting tickets for the people that wanted to throw the football at the target.

Our other booth was pie throwing. The booth was made into a square using large tarps. The front tarp had head and hand holes cut out so three people could be targeted at once. Two cartoon Cheerleaders and one football player had been painted so that when the people stuck their heads through, they’d look ridiculous. Several boys were currently being targeted but other than their head and hands the rest of their bodies was hidden inside the tarp tent. Several girls were calling, “Toss a pie better than our quarterback” and “Hit them harder than our blitzers” as they tried to drum up business.

Victoria and I went to replace the girls that were already working the tank. Our booth had eight people working in every shift, four boys and four girls. Beth or Rachel were the other two girls that would be with us during our shift. They just haven’t shown up yet. All the girls that worked this booth had one thing in common and that was we were all extremely curvy, especially in the breast department.

Because the other girls hadn’t shown up yet, Victoria was nominated to go first. She nervously sat on the platform as the boys enticed the visitors to get her wet. It didn’t take long before a line had formed, and men tried to dunk her. The football they were using was old and seemed to wobble when thrown and since no magic was allowed it took a while. After a dozen attempts there was a ding and I watched as Victoria was submerged into the water. She quickly grabbed onto the ladder and climbed out. The uniform clung to her like a second skin and outlined her erect nipples. Her dark areolas could now be vaguely seen through the cloth causing the young men to cheer the guy that hit the target.

She got out and I got on. By now the other two girls had shown up but there was no reason for me not to go up next. From my perch, I could see more of the carnival and nearby booths. Out other booth looked like it was doing ok. The boys had been replaced by Mandy, Gail, and Ann from our squad. I watched as the pies splattered around them. It was just that after a while I noticed a few odd things going on at the booth. A couple of teens handed a fist full of tickets but didn’t go to get any pies. They stood off to the side for a little while and then one of them slipped around the side of the tent. After a few minutes, one of the three girls’ mouths widened in an ‘OH’ shape. She closed it but I noticed her head shook a little as she stared at the people throwing pies at them. She slowly flushed red. A pie hit close to her face, splattering bits of white cream onto her face breaking her look of concentration. She licked the cream around her mouth as a boy with a towel came over to get the rest.

The boy blocked my sight and when he moved away the flush on the girl’s face began receding while Ann’s head started shaking as if somebody was nudging her from behind. I didn't watch her for very long before I heard a ding and I fell into the ice-cold water. Because I wasn’t paying attention I flailed about before managing to grab the ladder and climb out of the tank. I was coughing uncontrollably from swallowing water but because of that my breast kept shaking, much to the delight of the freshman that dunked me in.

I climbed out and Beth took my place. I went into our tent to dry off. A portable heater was set up next to a fan to speed up the drying process. I grabbed a towel and joined Victoria. Mandy joined us a minute later. It was obvious that she got dunked because she was soaked. It was just surprising that she came in so fast. Unlike Victoria, her areolas must be more on the pink side because their color didn’t show through, even though her nipples were easy to see.

Our shift was from five and eight and we kept alternating through the four of us. We would get dunked, dry off, wait, and then get dunked again. Curious, I was watching our other booth and was pretty sure there were two games being played. The pie toss was the official one but every time I sat on the platform, I’d see young men paying large amounts of tickets, before sneaking around to the back of the tent. I counted at least four men and began to wonder if they were playing hide the sausage after sneaking inside the tent. If so, the girls weren’t complaining so I didn’t move to stop it. Instead, I began to debate on if I should try sneaking over to try and get more spells. If they were using protection, I could grab the condoms and run to a port-a-potty before anybody noticed. I just needed to time it right.

It's just that there was always a person inside. I was going to give up when all of a sudden, a crazed teen with orange hair, and dozens of piercings came out of nowhere and started attacking a preppy looking teen that was walking in the crowd between our two booths. With a “Give me back my...” he hammered his fist into the other boy’s face. He said more but the crowd exploded into noise, as people moved to give them room while yelling things like “fight, fight” and “give them room”. I saw the boys that had gone to the back of the tent rush out.

I risked it and quickly jumped down from my perch while everybody was distracted and used the shadow along the tent to cast Shadow Step. I linked the shadows and appeared inside the pie throwing tent. Three girls were laying on padded planks. Their heads and hands were stuck through the holes of the tarp so they couldn’t see me. They were straps holding them in place so they couldn’t move the upper have of their bodies. The bottom half of their uniforms were off, and I could easily read ‘CUM DUMPSTER’ written in black marker across their white asses. The markers were laying on a table by the side and a sign reading “mark your deposit” hanging above them. Hashmarks decorated their ass cheeks showing their current scores. If they were to be believed the bigger girl had five, while the Ann had nine and the last girl with a round ass and perfect legs had twelve.

I looked at their gapping pussies and asses that leaked large amounts cum and didn’t hesitate. I buried my head between the girl with the least number of hashmarks. I chose her because unlike the other two who's assholes had yet to return to their normal size, hers was still tightly closed. While I wanted spells there was a limit on where I was going to stick my tongue. So, I avoided the girls with deposits in their asses.

Even so, the girl's pussy that I picked was red and inflamed from being fucked for over an hour straight. It looked so tender that I knew any touch I did would be painful, but I wasn't gentle and quickly stuck my tongue in as deep as I could. I was trying to get as much out of her as fast as I could. A startled “What” came from the girl, and I knew from talking with her during practice she was called Gail. She tried shifting away from my face that was pressing into her, but whoever designed the board they laid on, had designed it so her legs couldn't be closed easily. It gave anybody behind them a good view and easy access. Her voice wasn’t loud enough to be heard by anybody further away. She didn’t say anything else but tried wiggling her hips as if trying to adjust herself away as I sucked, licked, and delved inside her.

The robotic voice started and paused as I took in as much of the slimy mixture as I could. Finally, I began hear full sentences.

"Low Level Water Magician DNA acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Level One Water Shield Spell Learnt"

"Low Level Mind Magician DNA acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Level One Send Thoughts Spell Learnt"

"Low Level Fire Magician DNA acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Level One Fire Dart Spell Learnt"

"Low Level Earth Magician DNA acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Level One Stone Skin Spell Learnt... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Successful"

"Low Level Holy Magician DNA acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing... Extracting, Randomizing Highest Level Spell... Congratulations Level One Mending Spell Learnt"

“Exalted Level Fire Magician DNA acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing... ... ... ...Insufficient DNA Acquired, Purging Sample"

The robotic voice kept sounding in my head as I worked on Gail. After a while she reversed her attempts and started grinding her ass into my face. Her actions becoming more pronounced as I wiggled my tongue deeper into her, but her movements were also making it harder for me to eat her out. The robotic voice slowed and then stopped, and I finally noticed her throaty moans for the first time. I was sure that only I (and probably the other two girls) could hear her though. I could tell she was close, so I worked her clit with my finger and brought her to climax as a silent thank you. Well, I was silent anyway.

Before I could move onto the next girl, I heard people approaching. I looked around, quickly stepped back into the shadows, and reappeared in our tent only to see Victoria staring right at me. She took one look at me, tossed me a damp towel at me and said, “you got a little something on your face” which was an understatement. I had pushed my face into Gail to get my tongue as deep as I could and all the cum that coated her inner thighs and outer pussy was now smeared into my skin and hair. I must look like a mess, so I used the damp towel to at least scrub my face. When I pulled it away, it was coated in semen and girly juices.

“Thanks, I went..." I paused as a soaked Rachel walked into the tent.

Her voice held a sarcastic tone as she said, "I had to take your spot, princess. It must be nice to leave whenever you want.”

What could I say? I had left without a word. I just hadn’t thought they’d start up so quickly. “I’ll go next.” I replied without a care. The fact that she showed up late and then gave me attitude was ridiculous. I would have volunteered anyway. I wanted to go into the tank since my skin still felt sticky and patches of my hair, around my ears and forehead, was now clumped together.

She just gave me a mocking smile and went to dry off. Did the old me have a beef with her? I’d have to ask Victoria later but then I thought about it and moved off to the side and quietly cast the thought send spell. The information about it superimposed with what I had read in the book. It was pretty limited. The spell only allowed me to send a sentence or two to a person I knew, and they had to be within a certain distance. I couldn’t read their mind, nor could they respond. But it was the first of the mental communication spells, so it was to be expected.

I thought at Victoria, “It’s me. I went to the pie tent.” Her eyes widened as she received my message. It wasn’t that she couldn’t block it, but the message I sent came with the sender’s image. That way the receiver could “hang up” if they didn’t want to accept it. I recast and sent, “They are being naughty over there and I took advantage of the fight to sneak in.” I didn’t think to hide it since she knew what I needed to receive more spells.

She gave a nod to show she got them, and we settled down and waited for our turn. Time passed and after eight the next batch of girls arrived, and we were free to leave. We walked around as we waited for our parents to arrive. Victoria had grabbed something to eat, and I was picking at her funnel cake when Victoria finally asked, “Were they really doing something over there?” Her voice was low as if discussing national secrets.

“Yeah, they have these benches that held them down so when the guy slammed home they won’t move and give it away. I was surprised that so many girls were willing.”

“Oh, that’s right you forgot but most of the senior cheerleaders have overnight parties and I heard that a few allowed their boyfriends to sample anybody they want. So, I’m not shocked, but how’d you get that spell? Did you jump on the guy in the tent?”

I filled her in on what happened as we munched on cheesy fries and funnel cake. When I finished, she said, “So if I slept with somebody you could get their spells by sleeping with me?” She seemed excited when she said it, so I nodded. “That’s great. I’ve been worrying about us.” We walked around for a little while, but then my mom texted that she was here and after giving her a hug goodbye I ran to the parking lot.

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