Another Me

Chapter 24 – Plaything ** (part 2)

~ Two days prior, Friday night ~

“Nicole, relax. Everything will be fine.” Roy’s mellow voice eased my worries a little and I rested in his arms. They were so warm, so reassuring that I didn’t want to leave them, but we had somewhere to be tonight. Recently Roy had been taking me with him whenever he went to meet with clients. At first, I was nervous, but he did everything to put me at ease. For example, every time we went to see clients, he would buy me a new dress and had a professional do my makeup. Roy made me feel special, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

I nodded but that wasn't why I was nervous. Tonight, we were to meet with the mayor and his wife, and I could tell Roy was nervous. I didn't want to drag him down by distracting him. He had shared with me that he needed the mayor to agree with his proposal. He wanted to help build a children's hospital but to do it he had to get a lot of people to invest. But more importantly, he needed to secure the land and the permits to start building it.

During the week, he had told me a lot of information about them not known to the public. For the most part, the mayor was the perfect leader. He didn't steal, was impartial, and looked out for the people in his city. But he had one flaw. He loved and indulged his wife without question. On the surface it didn't sound bad, but she had a unique hobby. She liked to sleep with women and not just any women but the women of the men her husband did business with. It wasn't every partner, nor every deal, but if she took a fancy to the girl the deal was as good as done.

It was just that the piece of land in question was owned by the city and there were multiple proposals for it so Roy wasn't confident he would win the bid on the land. He was more selfless, unlike those that would bring in more money for the city. But it had always been his dream to build a hospital and give back to society. At first, I wanted to tell him not to worry. That there would always be another chance but over the week my opinion changed. Maybe it was the thought of helping all those kids or the sadness I saw in Roy's eyes whenever he discussed the other bidder's counter proposals. He sounded so helpless.
By Wednesday, I began to think of seducing the mayor's wife so Roy could fulfill his dream and by Thursday, the idea of doing something with her made me a little excited. I just didn't think Roy would be ok with it. He was already putting up with my growing demands. When we first met, I wasn't even sure if I should date again, much less sleep with him. I had spent the last seventeen years suppressing my needs to the point I almost forgot I had them. But there was something about him that made me take a chance on love again and by our second date I found myself wondering why I was denying myself, and by the third, I surrendered to my needs. I know I should have waited longer but I still crawled into bed with him. I didn't regret my decision and thinking about the hours we spent that night still brought a smile to my face.

After that, the part I buried eighteen years ago, seemed to re-awaken. Back then I thought my love would last a lifetime and ignored my mother’s warnings. With the growing use of magic diseases were no longer an issue, so with contraceptives and no STDs most of my friends were already sleeping with their boyfriends. I wasn’t the exception. When I met Stephanie’s father, I fell fast and hard and thought we’d be together for a lifetime. But who knew that while magic strengthened the body it also increased a woman’s fertility to the point that contraceptive pills would fail over half the time. So, two years later, the love of my life was dead, and I was pregnant. My heart died with him, and I never thought I’d feel like that again.

Stephanie became my world and all I ever wanted was to raise her right. I closed off that other side of me. I didn't want her to get pregnant at an early age like I had and taught her to wait until she was older and more secure. I didn’t want her to suffer like I had and did my best to lead by example. Or so I told myself, but now I’m realizing that I was just scared to try and love again.

After dating Roy, I began to rediscover myself and for the last two months my sex drive seemed to have gone into overdrive and I couldn’t get enough. It didn't come all at once but a little at a time. Being with Roy just gave me so much satisfaction but our nights together didn’t diminish my needs. Instead, it was like adding fuel to a fire. Especially when we ended up trying new things. Like that time, he took me to a private park, and we spent the day on a blanket out in the open. Even after a full day of pleasure, I was so worked up that I skipped work the next day just to spend more time with him in bed.

At first, I made sure to never do anything where Stephanie could see. But recently I couldn't wait and even got caught by her. I was so mortified that I swore I would only ever sleep with him at his place, but the next day I still crawled under the dining room table and added a little extra to my breakfast while Stephanie was still sleeping. I never wanted her to see this new side of me, but now that she had, I wasn’t sure what to do.

Due to my growing needs, I quickly found couldn't sleep unless I brought myself to climax. Thankfully Roy is understanding and had gotten me a remote control ‘Vibe’ to help with our time apart. Now, it was something I almost always wore, so he could please me whenever he wanted. Every time he turned on the vibrator, I knew he was thinking of me, that he loved me, and no matter how bad my day was, my mood would improve. He has always been so understanding whenever I confess my troubles. But I couldn’t help worrying what he would think of me if I told him I was thinking of sleeping with the mayor’s wife? Would he think I was a slut?

That's why I was nervous. I had been trying to think of how to ask him if it was ok. I knew I was lucky to be with such a decent man and didn't want to lose it. But I was running out of time. I finally mustered up the courage and asked, "Roy, ummm what if I was willing to, you know ummm, help you with the deal?"

I looked away as I asked but his gentle hands touched my chin and moved my face so I could stare into his loving eyes. "Nicole, this deal is important to me, but you are the most important thing in my life. I don't want you to ever force yourself to do anything you don't want to do, especially for me."

His words made me feel warm and I suddenly blurted, "What if I want to? I... I... mean I had been curious when I... was a uhhh teenager but never got the chance to experiment. Maybe... I could... ummm try it?" Once I realized what I was saying, my face flushed in embarrassment, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide myself away. What the hell was I saying?
But he didn't get angry. Instead, he hugged me tight and said, "I want you to be happy, even if that means that you want to try new things, even if it’s being with a woman. Just promise me you'll never leave me? My heart couldn't handle it."
He held me close when he said it and I could hear the rumble of his words through his chest, the beating of his heart, and the warmth of his love. This was my man! What other man would be so considerate, so indulgent? I couldn't help but stand on my tip toes and plant a deep kiss onto his lips. I managed a breathy "Thank you" when we finally broke the kiss.


Mayor Markly met us at the door to his mansion. He owned it before he took office and came from money, which may be why he kept refusing to take bribes. He looked younger than he was, with broad shoulders and fairly decent body. But it was because he had money, power, and decent looks and refused to cheat, that I had a good impression of him.
Roy introduced me and we were led into the dining hall where his wife was placing plates. Her full lips curved into a smile when she saw us and beckoned me over so the men could talk. She was friendly and before I knew it, I was chatting with her like we were old friends. We only stopped when dinner was brought in.

I was swirling the red wine in my glass, watching the ruby red liquid change from dark to light as I continued the conversation where we stopped before dinner. Like her husband, she was smart, friendly, and a pleasure to talk with. I could see why he married her. I was just that at about this moment I felt her hand caressing my bare leg under the table. She had made it a point to sit next to me so we could "talk" but...

I bit my lip as her hand slid up my her and under my dress. Now that it was happening, I wasn't sure I could do it. I glanced at Roy only to see him tapping on his phone. With a final tap, he looked into my confused gaze, and I felt the Vibe inside me give a slow, gentle pulse. My eyes widened and I briefly forgot about her hand that was approaching ever closer. She was doing it slowly and making small circles with her fingertips.

By the time she finally made it to my underwear my breathing was becoming ragged, and I saw her eyes widen when she felt my toy. Then her lips arched upward and with a playful wink said, “Nicole why don’t we leave them to deal with their boring business. I can show you around the house."

I looked her over again as I tried to decide. My stomach was twisting because of my nervousness. She was strikingly beautiful, and not for the first time, I wondered if Roy had “enhanced” her assets. With a slim waist, large breast, firm but round ass, and a face of a model she was a beauty. She continued to look at me and glance to where I was looking, causing her long aqua green hair to dance around her narrow shoulders. The sight caused me to pause, and my nervousness increased. Now that she was inviting me to be with her, I wasn’t sure if I should or if Roy was really ok with it.

Like the devil, she whispered in my ear, "He won't mind. Come play with me." As she leaned in, I could smell her sweet scent and nodded before I could think about it. I felt her remove her hand and straighten my dress before standing up. I stood up when she did but didn't move.

As I stood there, I felt the gentle pulse of the Vibe I still had in me and its vibrations snapped me out of my doubts, and I shot Roy a grateful look before replying, “Sure Debra, I’d be delighted.”

“Great, I can tell we are going to be close friends.” She hooked my arm and led me further into their mansion. As we walked, Roy turned up the toy's speed, just a little, causing my little toy to softly hum and my excitement to rise. By the time we went to her bedroom the Vibe was pulsating and buzzing at a violent speed causing my legs to be a little weak. That man! I was going to repay him when we got back home… a lot. I couldn’t help smiling at the thought.

Debra seemed to notice my dilemma and helped me to her bed. The dress I picked for tonight was cut low to show off the curves of my breasts and had a high hem line to display my slim legs. But more importantly, all that held it up was the zipper in the back. As we got close to her bed, her long slim fingers tugged it down, and the silky fabric slid down my body and onto the floor. Debra looked me over and then gave me a knowing smile, when she noticed the rubbery “tail” of the Vibe that stuck out of my black lace underwear.

Her fingertips gently trailed down my back. Her movements were slow, and feather light. I felt my skin tingle as she tailed them ever lower. I glanced up into her bright hazel eyes, unsure what to do next. Her full lips parted, and she asked, “Did your boyfriend buy it for you?”


“Your toy, did your boyfriend get it for you?” When she asked the second time, she pushed her hand against my crotch forcing the vibrator a little deeper.

It rubbed against the walls of my pussy, causing my knees to give out. I managed to sit on the edge of the bed and say, “Yeah, yeah…” But sitting just made my passage tighter making my skin flush and body shake as I came from the stimulation.
“Such a good man, why don’t you get comfortable, and I’ll show you the toy my husband got me.” She went to a side door and walked into her closet. When she came back out, she was naked. She was clean shaven without a hair on her body below her neck, but it was her silver nipple rings and the penis in her hands that drew my attention. I had never seen a girl with piercings like those and briefly wondered if they hurt to get. But as she walked over to me it was what was in her hands that captivated my attention.

The skin, the wrinkles and even the balls made it seem so realistic. The four-inch flaccid penis looked like it should be on a man and not in her hands. She held it forward to show it off and said, “This is my favorite toy. It’s special because it was crafted into my husbands.” She stocked it lovingly and I saw it start to swell. She continued, “But that’s not all it can do.” And with that, she wrapped her hand around the shaft, unfurled the base, and pressed the rubbery pad the penis was attached to onto her crotch.

I watched as the pad melted into her skin and soon her shaved pussy was replaced by a very lifelike cock. I could barely see where the seams of the pad were. I wasn’t sure I would have noticed them if I hadn’t been here to see her attach it. “That’s amazing.” I lifted my hand to touch it but stopped halfway. I was curious what it felt like.

My action wasn’t subtle and when I hesitated, she told me to “go ahead and touch it”. With her urging, my hand slowly reached out like it was approaching a poisonous snake. When I touched it, it was warm. I leaned in, ran my fingers down the shaft, and cupped the balls. They felt real and when I wrapped my tiny hand around the shaft and stroked it like I would Roy’s, I heard her sigh and say, “That feels nice.”

My hand paused and I looked up. “You can feel what I am doing?” I asked. I wondered how accurate it was. If I knew exactly what men felt, I could please Roy even more.

“Oh yes, so don’t stop.” Curious, I leaned in a little closer, stuck out my cute pink tongue and licked the underside, where the hood met the shaft. Roy said that was the most sensitive area and judging from how quickly the shaft swelled, it was. By the time it stopped it was eight inches long. Compared to Roy’s nine inches it wasn’t as big, but it was much thicker. When I paused to look at it, she caressed my hair but didn’t urge me to continue. She let me take my time and inspect her treasured toy. So, I gently stroked it with one hand while my other hand played with its balls.

When I lifted them, I noticed I could still see her vagina and I got a naughty idea. The Vibe continued to pulse inside me as I toyed with her fake cock. My nervousness had faded when I came but I still was unsure how to proceed. Did I just treat her like she was a man. From my experience, men preferred to take the lead and if she was the "man" she probably would have been pumping between my legs by now. Unsure, I finally decided to explore her body and have a little fun so in a sweet voice, I asked, “Why don’t you join me” while patting the bed.

“Okay,” her voice was becoming a little husky as I wrapped both hands around the shaft and gave it a few pumps while licking the hole at the tip.

I let go, scooted further onto the bed and watched as she crawled onto it. The silver nipple rings gleamed in the light as they swayed below her, and I focused on them as she crawled ever closer to me. Her cock dragged across my leg when she trailed kisses up my body. They were soft and wet, and my legs began to open the higher she got. She stopped when her head was parallel to my cunt and with a tsk, hooked the band on my underwear. “I can’t be the only person naked, right?” And when I nodded, pulled them down my legs she just kissed

She tossed them over her shoulder and leaned back in to continue where she left off. She kissed below my mound, then a little closer, and I held my breath in expectation. But when I thought, she was going to do something she kissed my stomach with a chuckle and continued upward. Between her teasing and the forceful vibrations that send a thrill through my body, I was getting close to climaxing again. My first lover always teased me that I was easy to please and he wasn't wrong. When excited, every part of me seemed to come alive and ultra-sensitive. So, when she kissed, licked and sucked on my nipples, the climax that had been building washed over my body.

My hands held her head tightly against my breast as my hips tried to grind against her “leg”. I bit my lip and gave out muffled “MMMM”, “MMMM” noises as I rode the euphoria it brought.

As the pleasure ebbed, I loosened my hold and gave a mortified, “Sorry.”

But Debra just gave a soft chuckle and said, “Don’t be. One of my greatest joys in life is bringing little girls like you to the pinnacle of satisfaction. But you don’t have to worry about making noise, this room is soundproofed.”

I hesitated but still shyly asked, “Can I give something a try?” I still hadn’t forgotten what I thought of before and since I just got off, I wanted to return the favor.

“Sure, you can. Where do you want me?”

I moved over a little and said, “Just lay down and I’ll do the rest.” I couldn't believe I was being so bold. It wasn't like me, but I was really interested.

She did what I asked and once she looked comfortable, I moved between her smooth legs and ran my tongue up and then back down the underside of her shaft. But I didn’t stop and licked a little lower. I stopped at her balls and gave each one a kiss. Then after lifting them up, I continued to trail my tongue to the place I noticed before, her slit. It was partially covered but I could still lick around her entrance. And that is what I did. I shoved my tongue into her as I used my hand to jack her off. She gave a startled “FUCK” before moaning out, “Yeah, that feels really good.” And from her quick reaction, I knew that she was getting stimulation from both places.

I didn’t stop but pushed my face into her so my tongue could probe deeper. As I continued, her juices started to flow, and my face got wetter and wetter. But what I wasn’t expecting was her toy actually released “pre-cum” making it easier for my hand to glide up and down it. Excited by the discovery, I sped up and licked, sucked and stroked as her moans got louder. She started rotating her hips. Her movements becoming more hurried the closer she got and with a final, “OH… MY… GOD…” I felt the cock in my hand start twitching a few seconds before her pussy released a lot of liquid into my mouth and face. I still rapidly stroked her cock as I drank her love juices and with another twitch, I felt drops of cum landing on my hair a fraction of a second before a large amount of it flowed down the hand, I had been using to bring her off.

I didn’t let go of it but raised my head to see what it released. But it looked like cum. Curious, I leaned down and took her into my mouth. After two months of practice and coaching from Roy, my skills at giving blow jobs had improved and after a few bobs of my head I took in three of the eight inches. It was my limit. Anything more would cause me to gag. Roy said he didn’t mind and taught me how to use my hands to stimulate the remaining part. Now I used both hands to drag the cum up the shaft so that when I took her in, I could taste it. Like when I was with my boyfriend, I cleaned her toy up by first doing that and then licking every part clean. Happy with my work, I sat up and looked at her gleaming, saliva covered toy.
Her chest was still rising and falling rapidly as she gulped in air. A light coating of sweat highlighted her body, making her even prettier. I took it in before asking, “Why does it taste so natural?” I pointed at the bobbing shaft.

She grabbed my hand and guided me so that I was straddling her. She looked down, pulled out the Vibe and aimed her cock at my wet entrance. She tossed it onto the bed, and I watched my toy dance on the sheets as I lowered myself onto her.
It was only when it was firmly buried inside me that she answered, “I told you this baby is crafted to my husband. That means it’s linked and anything I do with it he’ll feel as if he was doing it himself. When I come, he comes. It tastes natural because it’s his.”

“Wait, what?” I tried to get off, but she pulled me back down when it was about to slide out. As she pulled me down, I groaned a little. Its thickness was stretching my already over stimulated pussy. I tried again, only to be pulled back at the last minute and my walls clamped down around it. Like I said before, when I was excited, everything I felt was amplified and this was no exception. I thought about it. I already did so much, and it felt soooo good. It probably wouldn’t hurt to continue. But would Roy be mad?

Seeing my struggles stop, she pulled me down and kissed me. Her tongue played with mine as our breasts squished together. Her hips moved and as her husband’s cock moved inside me the pleasure it brought drove away my worries. I told myself that I wasn't sleeping with the mayor. That Roy wouldn't mind as we continued to kiss each other with passion. She was good and knew how to move to give me the most satisfaction and I came quickly. Because I was so small and it was so wide, when I came my walls clamped down like a vice forcing her to stop.

Like the waves of the ocean, my walls began to move rhythmically as I came trying to suck her even deeper into me. But she was already as far in as she could go and all the suction force did was keep her there, milking her, as I enjoyed my climax.

As my ecstasy faded, my body went soft, and I just laid on top of her as she resumed. She moved slowly as my walls relaxed and I heard her asking, "How did you do that?"

I gave a weak reply, "Physical mage, exercised those muscles to increase spell strength" and then started nibbling on her collar bone and neck.

"I like it," she said as she ran her fingers down my back, over my ass and after collecting some of my juices, swirled her fingertip around my rosebud. She pushed a little, so the pad of her fingertip was slowly going deeper as she ran it along the rim. "Have you ever?"

It was a half question, but I still answered "no". I thought she'd continue because I didn't tell her to stop, but she moved her finger away and said, "You should save it for Roy. Make it special."

"But Roy never said..."

"Trust me, all men want to try it and giving him your 'virginity' will mean something. Now get back to work," she gave a short laugh before playfully swatted my ass to get me moving.

I didn't disappoint and began to ride her as fast as I could manage. I came two more times before she finally flooded my tunnel with her husband's cum. I wasn't worried though. Contraceptives had come a long way and I renewed my prescription while Stephanie was at school. While not as good as pre-magic, it still prevented pregnancies ninety-one percent of the time, as long as I flowed all the rules.

Over the next couple of hours Debra and I made love multiple times in various positions. We were like two naughty schoolgirls bringing each other happiness. As we showered together, I had asked if I could try her toy, but she shook her head and explained, "The magic to activate it is linked to the first person who wears it. I'll get you one though."

I thought of how Roy would react if he found out I had another man's penis as a plaything and quickly said, "No, no, that's ok" before going back to lathering her back.

I was well satisfied by the time the men finished their boring meeting... But I still made sure to satisfy Roy; first in the car and then multiple times at his house. Based off my growing excitement, I probably wouldn't be getting out of bed tomorrow either. Still, I fell asleep with a contented smile and dreamed of my perfect boyfriend.

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