Another Me

Chapter 27 – Together

“Oh my god! I’m soooo sorry,” I apologized for the third time in a row. I was still holding the realistic dildo by the tab, but the underside was full of the hairs that had been on Victoria a minute ago. My tug had caused a chain reaction. When I first pulled, it had yanked out a few hairs but that caused her to pivot away out of instinct. But my hold was firm, and the result was as if we waxed her neither garden, making her as bare as the day she was born.

The mound was red and inflamed. It looked painful. I started to apologize again when she finally said, “It’s ok. Can I get a cold compress or something? It hurts.”

“Right! Right, I’ll get it!” I got up from my kneeling position, tossed the dildo onto my bed, and ran to the bathroom. I dashed back in with a washcloth soaked in cold water. I was debating on healing her using 'Dynamic Neogenesis' to remove her pain but after so many betrayals, I hesitated. That's why I was so apologetic. To be able to help, but still stop because of fear of betrayal. I should be better than that.

Victoria was laying down on my bed and softly running her fingers over her now smooth skin, when I got back. The dildo had shrunk to its "resting" size and the hair that had been firmly held had fallen off and lay in a pile around it. I heard her say, "It feels so weird" as I put the cloth directly over her hand, making a little tent. The cold damp cloth made her yelp. She removed her hand and pressed it on and let out a sigh. "That fucking hurt. I can't believe women willingly do that to themselves by waxing."

I didn't know if she had a low pain tolerance, but it looked painful, so I nodded in agreement. I looked at the toy laying there like an innocent bystander and said, "I shouldn't have tossed it to you. It was a bad joke. The fact that I don't know who sent it made it unreliable and potentially dangerous. I should have known better. I only kept it because it looked expensive, and I can't afford to replace it if it was sent to me by mistake."

I reached out to take it, but Victoria quickly said, "Wait, maybe we can try it again now that we know how it works. It'd be a shame to lose my hair and get nothing for it." She had placed her hand defensively over it, keeping me from snatching it away.

"That good?" I knew she said she felt what I was doing but her reaction seemed to be a bit extreme.

"It was..." She seemed to try to think of the right word and finally said, "... Different. I can't say it was better, but it did feel... nice... yet strange."

I smiled because I knew how it felt, "Ok, but you are in no shape to try again." I pointed at her cloth covered crotch. "Maybe another day, but I'm not placing it on me. That's all you." I playfully put a hand in front of my panties to emphasize my reluctance to experience a Brazilian wax like she just did.

I left the toy and cleaned up the lost hair. I took the hand full of hair to the bathroom, flushed it down the toilet, and washed my hands before going back. I saw her pat the bed and I climbed up and snuggled up next to her. "How you feeling?" I asked as I put my arm across her chest.

She slithered her hand under me and pulled me closer, “Better now.” That simple sentence helped to wash away some of the grievances I suffered through the day. I wanted to say I wasn’t scared but being chased still sent a chill through me. I couldn’t fight that many and losing would have meant a fate worse than death. But right here, right now, I felt safe. With a smile, I rested my head on her shoulder just enjoying being with her. She was soft, smelled like honey dew, and seemed to understand how tired I was.

“Victoria, can you close your eyes for a minute? I want to use a spell but it’s one I’m not supposed to have.”

She had already closed them before I started the second sentence, but I still explained and then sang out the words for 'Dynamic Neogenesis'. How could I not? So, two super bright laser needles formed on my fingertips and the room only dimmed back to normal when I pushed them into her swollen pussy lips. I left them there and watched her bright red skin fade back to normal. Like always, it took a while, but she kept her eyes closed as I let my magic soothe away her pain. I should have done it earlier.

Out of all the people I knew, she was the one that didn’t take advantage of me. Even now, after teasing her, she let me lay on her without making a move. I finally finished, canceled the spell, and she pulled the blanket over us, as I breathed in her scent and closed my eyes.


I woke up being spooned from behind. Victoria’s big breasts pressing against my back made her unable to put her head next to mine. Her arm wrapped beneath mine making me unable to escape without waking her, so I laid in her embrace until my alarm went off. My phone wailed right next to her head causing her body to spasm and arm to squeeze. She came to her senses, released me, and then after rolling onto her back, stretched. So, I turned and enjoyed the show, and what a show it was.

She had taken off her pants and underwear last night and never put them back on. I watched as her back arched, her breast rise revealing the bottom half of her breasts, her toned stomach went in, and her muscles formed a line to paradise. Her pussy without hair couldn’t hide her charm. I heard a pop, crack as she finished. A contented smile appeared on her sleepy face.

“Ahhh, that feels better. I hate getting up so early. You want to shower first, second... or together?”

I had been thinking about what I should do about her attraction to me for a while. I liked how men looked more. I even enjoyed sleeping with them… More than I should. But so far, I haven’t found a man I would want to be with. They only cared about themselves, their needs, and I was just their tool to that end. That was fine because I needed their spells but... They didn’t care about me, and I never felt special like I did when I was with Victoria. Her offer to date had its appeal. That was why I teased her so much last night. I wanted to see if she'd let me sleep or, like the men I had been with, use me to satisfy herself.

I placed a butterfly kiss on her lips, "Go shower, there is no way we'd both fit inside and still manage to move." I watched as she nodded, grabbed her clothes, and walked out of my room with her bare ass swaying. It was a nice way to wake up. I put the dildo back into my drawer and picked out my outfit for today. I finally settled on a pair of shorts that barely qualified, a plaid skirt that only went to mid-thigh with long slits that ran up both sides to give people the illusion that they were seeing more than they were, a shirt that left my stomach revealed and finally, a thick belt with thin silver chains dangling off the left hip. The old Stephanie had good taste. Because while the outfit was a bit gothy, it showed off every advantage this body had.

By the time I finished picking out my outfit, Victoria came out. I gave her a once over as I went to get ready. Her face was a little rosy from the heat. she was dressed in super tight pants, that looked like they were painted on, and a pink sweetheart t-shirt that seemed like it would burst apart if she breathed in to deeply. When I came out, I found her in the kitchen frying eggs for us and went up behind her. I made sure she saw me coming, so she wouldn't jump. "Look at you, like a little housewife. Thanks for cooking by the way." I gave her a hug but let go instantly, so she could continue, and went to make some toast.

After eating we left and I ended up taking the bus with Victoria, since her dad couldn't take her. We didn't talk a lot during the ride but there was a sense of harmony as we sat side-by-side. Because I didn't jog to school, I didn't have a chance to do my morning training and workout. I had gotten so used to trying to get stronger that I felt incomplete not doing anything. The lack of work made me for lazy and out of sorts.

We walked through the halls, and I could hear people whispering behind me. It brought back what happened yesterday. After Victoria's predicament, I had forgotten about it. Now, as I listened to the buzz of people around me, I wondered if the kid had posted pictures like he said he would. My shoulders tightened as we headed to our homeroom. Soon another hand joined mine and lent me moral support. I enjoyed Victoria’s warm hand and tried to not worry. 'It will be okay,' I told myself.

Still, even if I told myself that, I found distracted throughout the day and spent my day being called out for "daydreaming" or having my head in the clouds. I was really just sneaking peaks at my phone trying to see if anything was posted about me and then worrying that I might have just missed it. But I couldn’t explain that, so I just accepted the ridicule. Ms. Mirth was especially vicious because my distraction almost ended up with me hurting myself and others during cheer practice. Pissed, she sent me to run laps around the gym until practice was over. I was huffing and puffing and drenched in sweat by the time it ended.

I walked out of practice, thankful that my day finally ended. Jeff and his three friends were waiting for us as we walked out. I saw Jeff smiling at me. Ann ran over as soon as she spotted Neal. She wrapped herself around him with a squeal of joy and didn't let go even when his hand gripped her butt firmly.

Brad gave Victoria a look but when she ignored him, his look turned to one of resentment. Paul was the only one that didn't seem to care. He walked over to Janet but just stood there, waiting for us to finish up with whatever this was. Jeff walked over to me. As he did, Victoria edged closer as if to stake her claim. He didn’t seem to notice and stood closer than he had to before saying, “My parents are going out of town next week and we are going to throw a Halloween party. I’d like it if you came.” I wasn’t sure but saying no seemed dick’ish since he saved me yesterday. When I didn’t reply right away, he added, “It’s a costume party” as if that was a benefit.

Still, I finally nodded and said, “Okay, we’ll be there.” While he only invited me, I was going to drag Victoria with me for a layer of protection and comfort, or simply not go.

“Great! It’s on Saturday. Do you want a ride home? I can take you and Victoria.” I glanced at Victoria, and when she nodded, I agreed.

Neal took Paul, Ann, Jeff, and Janet in his truck while Jeff took us home. Jeff even opened the door for me (but not Victoria) as if he was a gentleman, so I ended up sitting next to him. His truck was raised up, as if he was compensating for something, forcing me to jump and grab the “oh shit” handle to climb up. Both of them had a smile on their faces by the time I managed to get in. ‘Stupid truck!’, I thought. Once I was in, Victoria got in behind me.

During the drive we made small talk about the upcoming game and school. But Jeff never mentioned anything about last night, or the kiss he stole from me. Jeff parked, got out and quickly ran around to open the door. Being so high up, I had to look down at him. He held out his hand to help me down, which was a better option than jumping. So, I took it but somehow ended up being pulled into his embrace.

He held me tight but kept his hands honest. My head was pressed into his chest and the mixture of sandalwood, vanilla, clove and sweat mixed together and overwhelmed my senses. The unique blend was... manly, and I noticed my body reacting. He didn’t let me go until Victoria got out of the truck, but it felt all too soon. He took a step back as Victoria approached and reminded me, "Don't forget about the party. Everybody is going to be there. It'll be a blast." He got back into his truck and watched us walk into the apartment building before driving off.

I was reading my mom’s texts as we rode the elevator up to Victoria’s. She needed to switch out her old clothes for new ones as well as make sure her dad was really working. I sent back a [I’ll be fine. Make sure you get some rest] to hers. She wasn’t going to be back tonight or tomorrow. Apparently, her workload had become too much, and Roy was driving her back and forth to help her save time.

I started dinner as soon as we walked into my apartment, while she started her homework. I kept it simple and just made some fried fish fillets with rice. After we ate, I practiced the dance moves in the living room. Thankfully, they were all moves that the old me knew and all I had to do was to link those moves smoothly together. Even so I spent an hour bending, twisting, and jumping until I was happy with the results. At some point, Victoria had started watching me. I didn’t stop and saw her eyes traveling lower every time my skirt fluttered up.

I finally stopped and told her, “I’m going to take a quick shower and then start my homework.” I went into the bathroom and came back out fifteen minutes later in a half shirt and lacy panties. Victoria’s eyes widened and I heard her gulp as the place as I sat down and reached for my books. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and as I grabbed them my shirt rode up revealing what my shirt was barely hiding. I’ll admit I was teasing her a little. I had been horny ever since practice ended and with the thought of getting together with Victoria, the thought of spending the night together kept getting more detailed.

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