Another Me

Chapter 34 – Tentacles, Tentacles, Tentacles EVERYWHERE! **

So 80% wanted this chapter so here is my take on it. The main reason for it is to illustrate how getting multiple copies of the same spell works (becomes more important in the second book that's still in my head). I added in some of the background plot. Hopefully it's very subtle and not too over the top. I want a "Wait! What the hell?" moment for the end of the book, but with enough clues scattered around that it all clicks together. Happy New Year everybody!

I wrestled my way out of the sleeping bag and ran outside, my shoes long forgotten. I was already casting as I looked around trying to understand what was going on. I wasn’t alone. Others hurried out of other tents, their chants filling the air as people ran past me. Some ran away from the shouts, others toward. I finished casting ‘Herculean Strength’ and was onto the next one before I saw what a lurker was. It pulled its semi-translucent body along the ground and was hard to make out any details. It was dark and it blended into the ground. The only thing that was easy to see was a pink nucleus that floated inside its body. It was about the size of a chicken's egg, and I wasn't sure if it was the creature's brain, eyes, or something else.

When I saw one, I saw another, then another. They were the size of small dogs. And I watched as their five glistening tentacles shot out from their flat elongated bodies, wrap around something and pull them in that direction. They seemed to come out of the ground but there wasn’t any upturned earth. They just appeared and soon I couldn’t make out their details again. Instead, they were packed so close together that the ground seemed to be covered in a jelly like substance with pink eggs floating inside it.

There were thousands of them, and they were all moving towards the housing area and the evacuees! They didn’t stop to attack those around them and there wasn’t anybody in that area strong enough to fight that many of them. The camp was set up like a bullseye with those that could fight near the outer edge. It was to help repel anything that got too close and the tougher a person was, the closer to the edge they generally camped. It was a silent way for people to brag. At first, I hadn’t been sure of such a setup but found out that it was a common tactic, because they had means to stop the beasts from tunneling or flying to the weaker sections.

This shouldn’t be happening. But it was and now the center was completely defenseless. I ran after them, unsure what to do. There were just too many. Even so they only attacked whenever somebody got too close. Their long tentacles would shoot out and wrap around them. I could hear the sound of something sizzling whenever they touched somebody and soon the smell of burnt rubber and fabric filled the air.

Once they found prey, they would attack in groups. Men and women would fall into the wiggling mass of monsters and never came back up. I started casting ‘Fire Bolt’. It was my only long-range attack spell. But it was like catching a rain drop in a storm... pointless. I couldn’t even tell if my spell was hurting them. The bolt would land on my target, but the mass kept moving, ever closer to those helpless people.

I glanced around trying to find a solution only to see people huddled in their makeshift houses. The monsters had formed a loose circle but as they got closer to the center, any gaps people could use to get away disappeared. I yelled to stay in the huts; that they could offer some protection. But my voice was one of many and was lost in the chaos.

In all of this, the one thing that stood out was the comatose man I had seen earlier. He was now covered in pustules that were leaking a clear liquid. He stood outside the hut with a look of longing. His mouth was moving as if he was talking to the incoming monsters. In all the horror, he seemed… happy. The monsters shot tentacles at objects around him and with a slurp, moved closer. Those caught in their path vanished under the tide of wiggling jelly monsters. I kept my distance and kept shooting. I kept telling myself that this was the only spell I had, but deep down I didn’t want to be buried underneath the goo.

I send shot after shot. I wasn’t the only one and the man finally seemed to notice us. With a roar, I heard, “I’m not going back! We’re not going back! You can’t take us!” As he shouted, the beasts seemed to also take notice and they shot out a tentacle to wrap around those that were too close. There weren't many foolish enough to get near them. Most were like me and were using long range attacks. But those that were hit looked shocked as dozens of this squid like monstrosities latched onto them. They fell as their limbs got tangled up and never came back up.

The monsters moved quicker than before and surged to the next nearest people, with the same results. I took a step back and thought about retreating; our attacks weren't causing enough damage. But as the thought crossed my mind the man's skin started to crack and peel as his body started to grow. His skin slipped off revealing a new eel like skin. His once human arms were now long whip like appendages. With an inhuman roar, he opened his mouth impossibly wide and shot out this "arms". They were already long but they stretched even more, wrapped around a man that was about to attack, and with a sizzle, his target fell in two.

I took a few more steps back as I tried coming with idea on how to handle something like this. As I came up with nothing, I noticed a comet streaking across the sky. It came from outside of camp and with a whoosh, smashed into the man and the beasts around him.

The world seemed to slow down. I saw the impact, felt the concussive force as the slimy monsters were blown away from the man, and watched as thousands of tiny squids were thrown into the air, and began to land on the heroes that had been trying to snipe them from a distance. I wasn’t an exception. They pelted into me like wet plushies. Before I could move, I felt their tentacles wrapping around my legs, arms, and body. Dozens latched onto me, and I watched as my jeans and shirt began to dissolve away.

I struggled to break free. With my strength spell up, it wasn't hard. But for everyone I pulled away, two more would take its place. I didn't stop until I felt my foot catch on something. I pitched forward and all I had time to think was ‘Oh, shit’ before I fell to the ground. The scraps of my clothing fell away with the impact, and I felt their tentacles moving over my bare skin. They were slimy, cold but strangely soft. Like a slug, they left trails wherever they touched. I expected to feel pain as my skin dissolved. But that didn't happen. Instead, it felt like giant tongues were licking over every inch of my body as their five tentacles tried to find firm holds.

No, it definitely didn’t hurt. They moved over me, and I gasped as one ran along my slit. But that was a mistake! As my mouth opened, one wrapped around my head, steadied its body right above my mouth and pushed its largest appendage in. A sweet fruity taste filled my senses as it explored around, and my struggles slowly subsided as the goo slide down my throat. When I swallowed, it pushed in even deep. I gagged and choked but it didn’t care that I couldn’t breathe, and I silently cast ‘Generate Air’ as quickly as I could, so I wouldn’t suffocate.

As that one explored my mouth, others were exploring the rest of me. Two more had attached themselves to my breasts, but instead of probing they tried sucking them inside their bodies. I could see through the one on my face and saw my pale pink flesh being sucked in and finally enveloped. My boobs were soon encased in a cool gel. Their bodies squeezed and loosened. It was like somebody was gently caressing them. But they were just starting and as they sped up, they used a little more force. It was as if they were trying to milk me but as they did, the "gel" inside that encased me moved and it was like thousands of bubbles were fizzing and popping along my skin. The bubbles played along my skin, teased my nipples and my body responded to the stimulation. Even the mild suction tugging at my nipples was enjoyable. In the back of my mind, I realized that they also targeted men and knew what they might have experienced.

It felt fantastic, but they weren't the only ones on me. There were ones sucking on my fingers and toes, massaging my arms and legs and more importantly two more found other holes to explore and after they attached themselves, wiggled into my tight passages. Unlike a man’s hard rod, they felt alive and moved around in weird but pleasant ways. They went into my pussy and ass at the same time and like the one in my mouth started off small. They were tapered and the more that went in, the thicker they became. But they never went straight in. They would bend, loop, wiggle, and explore every inch of me. It wasn’t like anything I had ever felt before. The only way I can describe it is to say it felt like a rubber hose, soft and flexible and just firm enough to push itself into me.

The one in my mouth went in as far as it could. It was too thick to go any further. The things tip was wiggling back and forth, tickling the inside of in my throat. I wanted to gag, to choke but all I could do was bear it as its shaft swelled, shrank, wiggled, pulled back, and pushed in as it tried to go into me. The one in my pussy hit my barrier but instead of breaking it, it lightly brushed against my hymen. It seemed curious, unlike the one in my ass that was pushing as far into me as it could.

I barely noticed the slime that had covered me, or myself falling into the void. It was similar to when I used ‘Shadow Step’. Except it wasn’t. For example, I never stepped out and a cold translucent slime surrounded me. I floated weightlessly inside wherever I was, as these things swam around me. The chilly gel mold I found myself in, woke up enough to take in my surroundings, but I couldn’t make out much. The long lights that played though the liquid caused the hundreds of breasts around me to cover me in shadows. The distorted background of white and light gray, and the bright lights made it easier to make out their shapes. There were so many!

More tentacles sucked along my body as I felt myself stretching to accommodate the three invaders. The one in my pussy had stopped investigating and surged into me. It broke through with little resistance and I could feel it “flexing” its way ever deeper. It was like they were licking everywhere they went inside me, and my body responded. I wanted to scream in pleasure. To shout out in ecstasy! But all I could manage was “Uuuugh”, HMMM’, and “aoghhhh’ noises as the one in my mouth seemed to shrink, expand, shrink, and expand as it tried to shove its way into my belly.

My eyes weren’t covered and even though it was dark, I could still see the pink nucleus moving through the semi-transparent tentacle that was in my mouth. My jaw stretched as it passed my lips. Seeing it so close I noticed it wasn't solid but made of half a dozen smaller spheres connected tightly together. It forced its way into my throat but got stuck there. I was sure that if it wasn’t for my spell, I would have suffocated long ago. It tried repeatedly to force its way pass my esophagus. When the “egg” couldn't, it grew a little larger, as if there was something pushing it from behind. Then burst. It was as it if a half a dozen men came in my mouth at once. A thick, sticky sweetness filled my mouth as the thing on my face fell away.

The tentacles around my head let go and as it fell away, the one that was buried in me pulled out with a slurp. I coughed out a pale pink liquid as it fell. Globs of the goo spread in the clearer liquid as I heard "Low Level Biological Beast DNA Acquired. Absorbing, analyzing, adapting... Extracting, Converting Primary Racial Trait into Spell... Congratulations Tentacle Spell Learnt". The thick pink liquid mixed and dissolved into the pale goo I was suspended in, as another beast took the last one’s spot. I didn’t have time to process what happened or to close my mouth.

The goo had made my brain was a little fuzzy as the tentacles inside my ass and pussy swelled, contracted and wiggled. The ones on my breasts sucked harder, as more seemed to attach and began sucking along my skin. There were too many sensations, and I came! I floated in the jelly like substance as I enjoyed the pleasure. OH GOD, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed how they moved, how their THICK “egg” lumps pushed their way inside me. It hurt, but my body seemed to enjoy that little pain. I even enjoyed how they twisted and moved to fill every nook and cranny of me.

I came again as they shoved their things into me. They stretched me to the point I thought I might break. They felt even bigger as my ass and pussy spasmed around them. The pressure of my clenching tunnels must have been too much, because I felt the warmth of the one inside my ass as it burst. It felt delicious and my muscles tightened even more. But then the one in my pussy found my cervix and pushed against it. The strange sensation made me want to stop it. But the fluid that these things swam in so freely, barely allowed me to budge and my "violent" response came out as a slight arm tremble.

The sound of "Low Level Biological Beast DNA Acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing, Adapting... Extracting, Converting Racial Trait into Spell... Congratulations Tentacle Spell Learnt" played in my head as its tiny tip wiggled its way into my uterus. The "hose" bent, twisted, and squirmed as it pressed harder and harder to get the egg pass through the entrance to my womb. It finally managed to shove it in and as the egg went in, I silently screamed. I saw it pushing out my flat stomach. It was as if a finger was doodling on the inside, as it moved against it. It forced more of its girth in, and the pain intensified until I felt the next egg burst.

A euphoric feeling washed away the pain as another squid attached itself to my face. It pushed into me as I tied to let out a half scream, half moan as the one in my pussy was pulled away by the next in line. I lost track of time as the robotic voice sounded in my head; Tentacles kept deposited their seeds inside me. Once the first one succeeded in forcing itself into my womb, it must have stretched me because the others all slid in. It wasn’t easy but it also wasn’t as painful as the first time. They would either fall away or pulled free and were quickly replaced. Pleasure washed through me as those eggs broke and whatever was inside coursed through my system.

I listened to "Low Level Biological Beast DNA Acquired. Absorbing, Analyzing, Adapting... Extracting, Converting Racial Trait into Spell... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Successful" as I watched as the things inside me made lines from pushing along the walls of my stomach. Notifications buzzed in my head as my body went stiff with pleasure;

"... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Failed ...Purging Sample"

"... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Successful"

"... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Failed ...Purging Sample"

"... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Failed ...Purging Sample"

"... Merging Failed ...Purging Sample"

"... Merging Successful"

"... Merging Successful"

"... Merging Successful"

"Low Level Biological Beast DNA Acquired. Absorbing, analyzing, adapting... Extracting, Converting Racial Trait into Spell... Duplicate Spell Detected... Attempting Merging... Merging Successful... Congratulations Grasping Doom Spell Learnt "

"... Duplicate Spell Detected..."

"... Duplicate Spell Detected..."

"... Duplicate Spell Detected..."

"... Duplicate Spell Detected..."

"... Merging Failed ...Purging Sample"

The robotic voice kept sounding and I lost count as I tried to regain some sort of control. Somewhere in my mind I knew I needed to escape, or I would never leave this place. My only hope was to shadow step out, but they never gave me long enough to chant. It was a spell that only took twenty seconds, but they blocked my mouth quicker than that. I wasn’t even sure I could chant in this goo. The Generate Air spell would allow me to speak, but in this stuff, would it even work the same? I prayed that it would because I couldn’t think of anything else.

"... Merging Successful"

"... Merging Failed ...Purging Sample"

... Merging Successful... Congratulations Pulled to the Depths Spell Learnt"

The slime on their tentacles had a minor paralyzing and their eggs had a euphoric effect. Between the two, my limbs felt heavy and hard to move. The pleasure coursing through me made me question if I even wanted to. Slowly, ever so slowly, I moved my hand. The thick gel didn't make it any easier but I needed to cover my mouth. Time passed and my body was beginning to show signs of their onslaught. My tits had been pulled to the point they looked a little deformed, suction marks were all over me and countless things had pushed their way into me, stretching me to the point my ass and pussy stayed open during the short time there wasn't anything in them... And I loved it.

These monsters all seemed to give the same 'Tentacles' spell. It was a level one spell but as the it merged and strengthened; the level two 'Grasping Doom' appeared. They were in the Intro to Water Magic book the school issued so I knew them. As for the next one, I could only assume it was the level three in that chain of spells...

"... Congratulations It Came from the Deep Spell Learnt". Was that the fourth level in the series? I didn't know and didn't care as a bigger beast crammed its thicker appendage into me. The warmth of their seeds would always fade with the notifications, but there were always more to replace the ones that died. They were like bees without there stingers; empty husks once their job was done and their corpses floated around me. Their bodies becoming a morbid scoreboard of those that had fucked me.

My hand finally moved enough to briefly block the next invader. It pulled at it as I cast. My hand moved away from my mouth, as 'Shadow Step' went off, and I reappeared in a tent. The beasts didn't follow but their slime, that covered every inch of my body, did. I laid prone. A sizzling filled my ears as I listened to the shouts that came from further away. My head slumped against the hard ground. My body was weak but not in a bad way. The after sex blissful feelings, I got from a good fuck, made me a little giddy. I didn't want to move but knew I had to.

I finally managed to stand up on wobbly legs, as the question of should I have escaped nagged at me. I knew part of it was from the chemicals those monsters released. But deep down, I knew part of it was me. That my body amplified the pleasure I got from sex; in whatever form that might be. Whether it was Victoria, men, or beasts, the pleasure I got from sex was so much more than anything I had ever experienced as a man. It didn't seem natural and was so off the charts that it was almost addictive.

I stood there thinking as the goo slid off, and out of me. I didn’t know how much time passed. Seconds, minutes, hours. Time was too complex a thought from me to process. So I didn't know how long it took me a while shake off the beasts' effects. The first thing I noticed when I did was this wasn't my tent. It wasn't even the schools. It was too small. The next was that I was naked and couldn't just leave. People were still running around outside the tent, as I grabbed a discarded flannel shirt and began to wipe away the slime. I could think enough to know that this stuff was messing with my head.

The shirt sizzled as I wiped my body and didn't last long. I looked around until I found another one. It was about then that I had the bright idea to summon water. I don't even know what I was thinking, but the globe of water appeared above my head, dropped, and then there was a sizzle, followed by pop, pop, pop as the acidic slime exploded off my body and onto the gear scattered around the tent. More sizzling sounds could be heard as the acid ate into the equipment.

I managed to savage a few more shirts and after the third one stopped disintegrating, I debated on leaving, but I still felt slimy. Looking around the decimated tent, I cast 'Create Water' a few more times. Balls of water would manifest over my head and then drop onto me. I wanted to do my best to dilute the acidic nature of the gunk. While it didn’t do anything to human flesh, it destroyed pretty much everything else. Something I didn’t want to deal with and I figured that the damage to the owners tent and supplies was already beyond recovery. It was better to get as much off as I could, here, before putting on the last shirt I could find and taking it back to destroy the schools stuff.

Once satisfied, I grabbed and put it on. It was so big that I looked like I was wearing my father's shirt, showing how big the owner was. But even after my “shower”, small holes began forming in the areas I missed. For the most part, it stayed intact and just took on a old, weathered look. I was sure the owner wasn't going to appreciate me destroying his stuff, so after poking my head out to make sure the coast was clear, I slunk away.

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