Another Me

Chapter 7 – Stranger Danger (part 1 of 2)

I released my fists as I realized how stupid I was being. In this world, most people could beat the snot out of me if they used their magic. I calmed down, ignored their looks, and after rushing away, began my day. I soon found that those boys weren't the only people looking at the cheerleaders. Mr. Stagnik and Rogers both enjoyed the view, although they weren't as obvious as the male students. They were the hunkier teachers and a few of the older cheerleaders "accidently" dropped things while they could see. Their faces stayed passive but their natural body reactions gave away their inner thoughts. Mr. Rogers was more obvious because he didn't have a desk to hide behind and his reaction was “BIGGER”. The girls targeted him while he was monitoring the hallway. They bent at the waist to pick up the pencils or books they dropped and those not looking at the girls' asses could see Mr. Rogers' meat stick expanding down his thigh. He finally went to hide in his classroom, leaving the girls to snicker at his plight.

All-in-all, it was a pretty relaxing day. None of the other people lusting after me gave me that “prey” feeling and I didn’t run into that group again. It was hard to be angry at them. Even when they were gawking up my shirt as I went up the stairs I didn’t care because I knew if I was in my old body, I'd be looking too. It didn’t help that I looked better than when I first arrived. I had already looked fantastic but over the last couple of days, I had been using 'Dynamic Neogenesis' any chance I got. At first, I just used it to remove any blemishes I had. It was just that the more I used it, the more my body changed and now it seemed to exude a healthy aura. It was subtle but with the improved skin and health aura my beauty level went up a notch.

Soon it was time to gather for the Pep-Rally and we moved to the gym to stretch and get ready for the show. We walked in to see the football team pushing the tumbling mat to sit in front of the right-hand side bleachers. The rally was set up into sections. The teachers were going to give a speech, then the different grades had a show to get the students pumped up for the game. The giant padded roll was where the cheerleaders were going to sit while they weren't on the floor.

The pep rally started off just like any other rally I had been to. It didn't stay that way. Unlike the routine my sophomore Squad practiced, the seniors were a display of magical skill. They didn't use the mat like we were going to but took the bare gym floor with the older football team members. They paired up, one girl to one boy, and soon an upbeat song began to play. With a boom the six men in front grabbed the girls next to them and effortlessly tossed them twenty feet into the air. The girl in the middle manifested a set of semi-transparent wings and the other five hover around her. As they slowly descended, they rotated their hands from left to right, kicked their legs up high and a high 'V' pose as they landed on their partners upturned hands.

The ones not thrown broke up into groups and as they landed, they began in opposite corners and did handsprings across the mat. But their bodies moved like flowing water. There wasn't any jerkiness from landing and pushing off and it took me a minute to realize that they had enhanced their bodies using magic. Some took on the elemental aspect they could use. For example, there was a girl that was part water and could bend as if there wasn't a bone in her body. But most just had supernatural dexterity and timed their landings better.

I didn't even blink as I watched them and found myself automatically applauding with the others when they ended. The juniors weren't as impressive and if it wasn't for their main flier who used holy magic it would have been almost a normal show. But each time they threw the girl she would go off like a firework, leaving her posing silhouette outlined in white. It drew everybody’s' eyes to her and made the show unique.

Ours and the freshmen weren't anything special by comparison. We unrolled the mat and did our show but after two great shows it was hard to get the enthusiasm from the students in the bleachers. Once both the freshmen and sophomores finished, the seniors took the floor once more and captured the audience’s attention once more. Their show of strength and skill left me wondering if those around me would become as powerful. Was it a progression, like exercise, and hard work would give even those with a weak ability the strength to compete? Then I distracted myself with a random thought, 'if this was just a rally, how insane were their games?' I could wait to see.

The rally ended on a high note and with our bags already packed away, we just had to get on the waiting buses. I sat next Victoria and texted my mom, [We're leaving now. Show went well. I'll text you when we get there so you know I'm ok.] I knew she couldn't reply right away so I didn't wait for her reply. I placed my phone on my lap and turned to talk with Victoria. Janet was with a different cheerleader, while Ann was sitting with Neal. As far as I could tell he was her current boyfriend and according to Victoria she tended to switch men regularly.

The trip was as boring as you'd expect. Well, that wasn't true for everybody used to this world. As for me, I watched in facination as cow sized monsters playfully roamed the fields along the highway. I had no idea what they were, but the hairy quadrupeds resembled geckos, if geckos had hair and were enlarged.

Victoria saw me looking and said, “Funny how bees were the cause of all these changes.” She had been making “random” comments to fill me in on things I might not know. Something, I deeply appreciated.

I quickly replied, “Really? Its amazing something so little caused such big changes.” My ‘really’ was to let her know I had no idea about the subject in question. The rest of my comment was for everybody else that might be listening. We agreed that letting people know I lost my memory would only cause more trouble. The only person we disagreed on telling was my mom. She wanted her to know, while I didn’t. Still, she agreed to listen to my opinion… for now.

“Yeah, back in the beginning the bee population was on the decline so scientist used magic to make them hardier. They didn’t take into account the animals that ate insects. the plants they visited, or the ground that reclaimed their bodies. The magic they used wasn’t stable and soon the land began to change. I haven’t thought about fifth grade material in such a long time.”

I smiled at her reply. The reason I lacked certain knowledge was it came from older books than what was in my room. Her replies tried to include where it came from in case, I wanted to find those books. She made a few more comments like the fact that the gecko beasts were called Holacts and were common animals in this area.

She started playing on her phone as I went back to watching. Occasionally, giant birds would swoop down and carry a Holact away, but nobody else but me seemed to even notice. I looked around to see what was more impressive than actual monsters and found that most students had their heads down and were playing with their phones.

Ann was sitting one row behind and diagonal from me so I could see that while she also had her head down, she wasn’t looking at her phone. I watched as her face began to flush and when I looked closer, I saw Neal's hand was up her skirt. The skirt was too short and didn’t hide the fact that he had two of his fingers inside her. Or that he was using his thumb to tease her clit. Her flushed face became darker, and she leaned into his shoulder to cover up any sound she was trying not to make as she climaxed. I was shocked that they were so brazen. She, like myself, was small enough that most people couldn’t see her. But that only applied to those in front and behind her. Anybody alongside her could see what they were doing. I finally glanced away when I saw Neal looking at me with a big smile on his face. Obviously, he had seen me looking and didn't bother stopping. Instead, he proudly looked at me as he played with his girlfriend. 'What an ass,' I thought and went back to gazing out the window.

An hour and a half later, we finally arrived at the hotel we would be staying at. It looked a lot fancier than the ones I had stayed before. But even with its bigger size we still took up the sixth floor. They assigned two girls to each room but because we weren’t allowed to pick, I ended up being separated from my friends. My roommate for the night was a junior named Hanna. She was a natural red head with a decent body and a shitty attitude. Her first words as I walked in the door was, “This bed is mine and if you sell me out when I leave tonight, I’ll make your life a living hell.”

My brilliant reply was, “Your leaving?”

“Yup, the upper grades are having a party… You’re not invited.”

“Won’t you get caught when they do bed checks?” I asked and then added, “You can’t blame me for that.”

“Pffft, we have Ms. Mirth. She’ll be having her own party now that she’s away from her husband. She won’t be coming to check until morning. Late morning, if the man is any good.” she smirked at her joke and began pulling out skimpy clothes from the duffle that sat on her bed.

I gave her a nod to show I understood and moved to the bed closest to the bathroom. Honestly, I didn’t care about what bed I used. It was more her superior attitude that bothered me. But since she planned on leaving, I wouldn’t have to bother with her. I mimicked her, tossed my duffle on the bed, and unpacked a night shirt, a set of loose clothes and the only bathing suit I could find. They had a pool here and Janet wanted to go swimming after dinner. The blue bikini was my only option since I didn’t have a chance to get another one.

Once I placed everything I’d need tonight, I when to get changed into the bikini and wore the loose shirt and shorts over it. By the time I finished everything, it was time for me to join my friends for dinner. I quickly sent a message to my mother telling her we arrived, and I was going to hang out the pool with my friend. She was aware of the rules and that we had a bit of freedom before eight and as long as we didn’t leave the hotel, we could use the facilities offered. The gyms, pool, restaurants, and arcade were the main ones the students had been talking about, but they also had a bar and mini bowling alley.

We ate quickly and ran to the pool. I loved swimming. I was good at it but the bikini I wore felt like my tits were going to pop free if I moved wrong way. In my opinion, this suit wasn’t made for swimming but for attracting men. Because of that, I wasn’t as excited as the others were. We weren’t the first to get to the pool. Several boys were already horseplaying in the water, while two girls watched them from the reclining chairs set beside the pool.

We claimed several chairs next to the two girls and peeled off the clothes we wore over our suits, and I relaxed a little as noticed that we all wore bikinis although I wasn’t sure Victoria’s was going to last. It seemed to already be defying the laws of physics holding up her massive melons. By comparison Janet’s and mine didn’t seem so bad. Amy’s top was two tiny triangles. As if to make up for her size, she seemed determined to show more and I could see that the pink of her areolas was peeking out around the black fabric. We got the boys attention but while they stopped goofing off, they didn’t get out of the pool.

We quickly found out that the water was cold and caused the nipples of any girl going in to harden. Because of that we only went in briefly before sitting around the pool talking. Before we knew it, the time was close to eight and we had to return to our rooms. When I got to mine, I was alone. Hanna never came back. I didn’t know what her plans were for the night, and I didn’t care. She was right about Ms. Mirth. She never came to check on us. I tried killing time, but locked in a room with nothing to do, I became restless. A few hours had passed, and I still wasn’t tired. It was close to eleven when I got the bright idea to go back to the pool. Without the other kids around I could swim freely without worrying about being modest.

I got redressed and as quietly as I could, I stealthed my way down to the pool. I didn’t risk the elevator and used the stairs before snaking my way through the first floor. It took longer but once I got there I was rewarded with an empty pool. Happy, I striped off my shirt and shorts and waded into the pool. I spent the next hour swimming. Sometimes floating, sometimes swimming vigorously from one end of the pool to the other, I was enjoying my alone time but the clock that hung on the wall said it was after midnight, so I decided to call it a night.

I just grabbed the clothes, I wore over the bikini, but didn’t bother putting them back on and zig-zagged my way across the first floor. Before I could get to the stairs, a slurred voice loudly said, “Ah, there is the girl I ordered. Come here sweety, Papa is going to give you a treat.” I turned to see and noticed the two men standing behind me. The one speaking was a fat, balding, middle-aged man in a business suit.

The man beside him didn’t look drunk and when he said, “Sir, I don’t believe she is the girl we are waiting for” his voice was crisp and clear.

But the drunk man wasn’t listening and with a ‘What’d you know. Look at how’s she’s dressed. Such a beauty was worth every penny too” he reached out for me.

I scooted back and the sober man grabbed his bosses arm keeping him from grabbing my arm. “Let go. Do you not want your job!”

“Sorry sir,” he winked at me and made a shooing gesture with his other hand where his boss couldn’t see. Taking the cue, I turned and quick made my way down the hall.

“You took my money and think you can run away?” An angry shout came from behind me, but it wasn’t his hand that stopped me. I felt a wind come out of nowhere. It slammed into me and forced me back the way I came. I slammed into the fat boss and his arms wrapped around my body. As if he practiced the move, his right hand slithered its way into my bikini top. His fat hand forced the tie cord to stretch and break. The two cups holding my boobs spread apart, revealing them to the world.

“Bastard! Let go of me!” I shouted as I slammed an elbow into his gut, but he didn’t even seem to feel it. The man off to the side nervously looked down the hall but didn’t move to help me or his boss.

I could smell the fat boss’s stinking breath as he said, “I know how to treat my little girl. Soon you’ll play nice. He smiled cruelly as he spoke, and I felt something slimy between my breasts. The pudgy hand not grabbing my tit had pushed a square tattoo onto me. It was black with a pink heart in the middle. As I watched, the pink in the heart began slowly fading. “Pay attention to your manners or pappa will punish you.” As he said it, the hand on my breast squeezed it as hard as he could. Happy with my scream of pain, he started forcing me down a hallway. I kicked back, slammed another elbow, and screamed for help, only to hear that his slurred voice now held a little anger as he said, “Oh, so you’re a bad girl. Papa is going to have to spank you when we get back to our room.” But he didn’t wait and felt my world spin as a hard slap landed on my face. “Go ahead scream, your voice can’t be heard. Pappa took care of that.”

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