Another World Gacha

Chapter 1 A New World

In the territory of Curtana, a splendid mansion was established, located in the heart of the city.

Inside the mansion, in one of the rooms, lying on the bed, the mistress of the count is currently giving birth. Her fair face is struggling; a strand of platinum blonde hair is sticking to her face, which is covered in sweat. She was currently struggling to deliver her first son and inherit the Curtana family name.

Midwife: "Madame, just a little more push. I can already see the baby." she urged her.

Mistress Curtana: "Arggghhh! I'm pushing! I'm pushing!" she screamed in pain.

Midwife: "Push a little more; this should be the last push." she urged her again.

Mistress Curtana: "Arggggghhh! Please, baby, come out... arggggggh!"

After a few minutes of struggling and pushing out, the woman finally managed to push the baby out. The baby's head finally popped out of the vulva, making it easier to pull out the baby.

Midwife: "Congratulation! The baby is healthy," she said in a cheery tone.

*Wah* *Wah* *Wah*

The cry of a baby was heard ringing in the bedroom. As a sign of a healthy delivery, Countess Curtana sighed a breath of relief and went limp on the bed after she heard the voice of her son.


*Ughh, how long have I been asleep? I must have been so tired last night; this has been one of the best sleeps of my life. 

The light is so bright; did I forget to close the blinds before sleeping? *

He was suddenly woken up by a chilly breeze, a bright light, and the chatter of unrecognizable language surrounding him. He tried to stand up to close the blinds without opening his eyes, but suddenly the chilly touch of large hands enveloped him.

This sudden touch jolted him awake, so he started to curse out loud and opened his eyes to see what was happening in his surroundings.

*Huh, what's this?!? * He was baffled and confused about the situation that he is currently in.

Seeing people around him, he was startled by the number of people around, but most importantly, he did not know any of these people. Seeing giant people around him, he began to panic a little bit, asking himself several questions.

*Where am I? What happened? Was I kidnapped by giant humans? Also, these people are wearing dated outfits.*

In his panic state, he tried struggling for a while, trying different things to get out of the situation. After trying a lot of things, his mind began to sober, and then he noticed that he could neither speak nor understand the language the people were speaking. And a thought dawned on his mind.

*Am I a baby? I might have been reincarnated. *

He was reincarnated; who was he? He cannot remember his name. How did he die? He vividly remembered that he was just with someone yesterday. Who was he with? He didn't know.

But he had a creeping suspicion that he surely knew that he had been reincarnated. The final nail in the coffin that made him accept that he was reincarnated was the fact that he was being carried by what he assumed was a midwife in an apron-like dress.

He was shocked for a moment, but not for long as his mind resumed to process things. He looked around the room, observing everything.

*What's with this room? This room has a heavy medieval theme. canopy bed, large wooden door, velvet-colored walls, and even maids around the rooms. He commented on the rustic style of the room.*

*Did I travel to the past?* he asked himself a question.

*No, that situation is unlikely* he immediately refuted himself.

He cannot understand the language spoken, so he concludes that he is in a different world.

Not yet; it's too early to draw a conclusion since he just might never have heard of this type of speech and accent.

Just then, while he was processing his thoughts, he noticed a stunningly beautiful woman reach out her arm out to the person who was currently holding him and take him to her bosom with a gentle embrace. He looked up and observed that she had an exhausted look; sweat and tear stains were evident on her dreary face.

Mistress Curtana: "My baby looks just like me, hehe. Amber eyes, platinum hair, and is very cute."

*Yeah, this beautiful woman is my new mother.* he commented.

*Bang* *Creak*

Soon after the sound of the door opening, a large man with an imposing and stoic aura came inside. His face had a gentle expression with a little bit of smirk plastered across it. He was wearing velvet attire, commonly worn by the upper class and nobles.

Count Curtana: "Baby! Honey! How are you, Iris?" he said in a boisterous tone.

He looked around the room, looking for the person in charge of the delivery. As soon as he and the head doctor's eyes met, he asked:

Count Curtana: "Head doctor, is Iris fine? Also, how is the baby?"

He asked quickly, as if craving an immediate answer. The head doctor was about to reply, but Mistress Curtana chastised him, cutting off the chance for the doctor to answer.

Iris (Mistress Curtana): "Shussssh, don't be too loud; my baby is sleeping. I'm alright, just a bit tired. By the way, I'll be naming our child. Nicholas. Hehe, he's looking so cute."

Seeing the delivery of his child as a success and her wife's tired expression evident on her face, the count didn't continue making a fuss about things.

He approached Iris's bedside and took a seat on the stool located beside it.
He then asked her how she felt and if there was any discomfort for her. Iris just responded with a silent nod because she is currently focused on her son.

Count Curtana: "Are you sure that you're fine? No, I will still ask a priest from the church to heal you so you can recover faster."

Iris (Mistress Curtana): "Thank you, honey." She looked at the count and smiled gracefully.

While Iris and the count were talking, the count glanced at the doctor and the others and said to them that they should let Iris rest for a bit.

Count Curtana: "Take the child to the nursery, clean and dress the baby, and check for any congenital abnormalities."

Soon the doctor gently took Nicholas from Iris hand and went out of the room to do the orders of the count.

Out of the room, 'Nicholas' is observing his surroundings and notices that the household he was born into was quite affluent. He heaved a sigh of relief; he wouldn't be struggling hard financially in this second life. He was also surrounded by a group of maids who, while carrying him, were middle-aged women.

Arriving in another room, he was put down in a comfy bed, gently cleaned by the maid, while the middle-aged woman staring at him slowly reached out a hand and muttered a series of vague words.

'Nicholas' was startled; what he saw was insane to his previous life. A gentle light spread to his body, coming from the palm of the lady.


Nicholas: *crying sounds*

He suddenly became excited when he saw this; he could not believe it.

*Maybe it was not magic but something else; let's not get too excited.* He forcefully calmed his excited mind.

But contrary to his thinking, he really was truly quite excited. He was reincarnated into a world that possessed magic; he could learn magic, get stronger, and even...

but a sudden realization and a little bit of dread came to his mind after he remembered about the novels.

*Oh no… NO NO NO NO NO NO*

Nicholas: *crying sounds* "waah WAAAH WAAAH WAAAH"

He remembered the novels he read during his past life—people reincarnated to be heroes. Having a quest, adventuring, suffering hardship and loss, sketchy systems, and training very hard to protect people—to save the world for the greater good. Now that he is reincarnated, will he be experiencing those things?

Then he realized that he didn't have much idea about this world, nor did he have a high level of heroism and nobility.

*Is this world dangerous?* he subconsciously asked himself, trying to grasp straws of knowledge about something he didn't know in this new world.

Also, it's weird that he knows about these things, but he still cannot remember his name or any personal knowledge of anything.

He also does not possess a system; maybe he was reincarnated as a mob or a side character. Whatever it was, he just needs to grow stronger to live freely and protect what he needs to protect.

After a while, the maids completely bathed and dressed him, and wrapped him in a thin blanket. He was then lifted by a maid and returned to the embrace of his 'mother'. In his mother's embrace, 'Nicholas' felt sleepy with his weak endurance, warm embrace, and surroundings. He slowly drifted to sleep, but at the corner of his eyes he read something before falling completely asleep.

Nicholas: *-Initializing*

[System Initializing]

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