Ant King In MHA

Chapter 108: Clones and Nomus

__________ POV Beru__________

"Ok, so what's the plan?~" I asked while crossing my arms and staring down at the cloning quirked 'villain'. Honestly, this guy seems to be the furthest from evil as can be.

But whatever, 'villain' it is. It's more convenient to call him that.

"Well... I can dispel my clones... But I don't think there are that many of them left... I did feel them being destroyed a minute or two ago." He seems to be pretty flustered about this.

Can't really blame him, poor guy probably won't even be all that strong by himself. I mean, his strength likely comes from numbers.

"Sorry~ I guess~ But you can still aid the heroes outside~ Subdue the members of the liberation army and whatnot~," I said while raising my finger.

"I guess that can work... But I don't really like making clones of myself... I'd like to avoid that if poss-" He was interrupted by none other than himself.

"Oh shut up already you idiot! You know that you're the original, why are you acting like such a pussy?!" Damn, he's really hard on himself.

I don't really know him well, so I can't speak for him. But he sure knows how to make things awkward for himself.

I guess he does have a reason to be reluctant to use his strength. Maybe that's also why he's not comfortable being around people that only care about his ability.

I mean, that's what this 'Meta Liberation Army' is all about. They want a society that completely relies on the individual strength of one's quirk.

It's basically an edgelord's wet dream. I really don't find the allure in that. That would basically mean that I'd be put on a pedestal for nothing other than being able to punch harder than others.

It would make me feel quite stupid. There's also the fact that humanity is currently on the brink of experiencing extinction due to the rising strength of these quirks that the liberation army venerates so much.

I can see that Twice is quite downtrodden. I guess he's not really in high spirits right now... Well, here's where my greatest skill comes into play. Raising the morale of others! After all, my greatest trait is my overwhelming charisma! (whatever you say, pal)

"Oi~ Don't be so mopy~" Yep... That's about the extent of my social skills...

I mean, I don't even know this guy's name. What the fuck am I supposed to tell him?!

Although, surprisingly, he found my comment amusing.

"Hahaha! You're really bad at this!" What did you say you little shit?!

That wasn't even his bad side speaking.

"Bwahahahaah! That was fucking terrible!" Wow... I guess both sides unite when faced with a common enemy...

"Aight~ Fuck off and help heroes or something~" I opened up a portal underneath him and dropped him near the battlefield.

I could still hear his laughter as I closed up the portal... Let's never talk about that ever again...

__________ POV Narration__________

The heroes were quite surprised to hear such lively laughter coming from their side.

Many of them turned around only to see an unknown man to the side, wearing a spandex costume, holding his belly while laughing.

"It's leader Twice! Hah, he's come to assist the army!" Shouted one of the villains as the rest also started gaining morale. After all, having a leader among them inspired them to fight even harder.

The heroes quickly tensed up, as the newly arrived leader got up and looked at the crowd that was caught in a standstill.

"I guess I can't just mope around forever..." He said with an amused smile. He slowly walked towards the fighting, spreading his arms apart as he sprouted countless clones of himself.

The Liberation Army soldiers all smiled when seeing the Meta Ability of one of their revered leaders. It mattered little that Twice was a new member, he was already recognized for his powers.

"Shit! It's the clone user! Where's Beru?!" Mirko said while dealing with a few villains to the side. All Might was also preoccupied fighting a few hundred villains by himself.

"I'll hold him back!" Shouted Aizawa as he prepared to use Ereasure on Twice. But he didn't get to.

Hundred's of clones rushed into the fray, cutting up villains left and right using various picked up weapons, as well as the measuring tape that each was wearing at the wrist.

"W-What?" Aizawa was confused at the scene.

"I'll be helping you guys today!" About 10 clones of twice spoke at the same time, they kept blocking bullets with their bodies, as well as rushing into the army fearlessly.

The heroes looked on with awe before they all grit their teeth and rejoined the battle.

"L-Leader! What is the mea-" A member of the army was trying to find answers before he was swarmed by around 5 clones.

"Shut it!" All five of them spoke at the same time.

__________ POV Beru__________

Damn, that guy is pretty decent. I guess these types of fights are his forte huh?

I already warped out of the building, I'm currently looking at the scene from the sky. At least 2000 villains have already been defeated. But there are many more left.

I've also yet to find any of the Nomus. They weren't in the same building as that cloning guy. But they should be somewhere in the city...

I guess I'll fly around a bit more and check on them...

---3 minutes later---

Yep, found them.

Seriously, what's the deal with evil scientists and underground bunkers?

It took me a while to find since I am also constantly helping the heroes. But apparently, now they have another pretty decent support.

Twice seems to be taking a lot of hits for the heroes regularly. His style of supporting the heroes is actually quite cool. He's basically using his many bodies as a shield.

It's actually quite strange to see. It basically means that he's willing to take bullets for them since the clones all retain his personality and have his memories.

They don't just listen to orders from what I've observed. They are him. I guess it does make sense now, why he'd be reluctant to constantly clone himself like that.

I guess I didn't really think of the implications of creating so many versions of myself beforehand. It would be like I created a version of myself only intending to eventually kill it(or get it killed).

A person just like me that I am supposed to see as expandable... That Duplication Quirk is actually quite sick. Not in a good way.

I mean, I'd likely still use it. But It would be hard for me to see perfect replicas of me as just clones. I have a strand of his hair, and I've been considering whether or not this would be a good thing to have...

I got the strand after walking into his room for a few seconds by the way. It's not exactly hard to find hair in someone's shower or pillows.

But I guess I can just take it. I don't even have to use it all that often, nor do I plan to. But It can be useful to me. I have big plans with it in mind. I guess I'll have to see where the world takes me.

Now onto the rescuing of the Nomus!

I warped myself into that well-lit laboratory and looked around for a bit. On a table, I could see some familiar notes.

I guess they also nabbed Kyudai's Handbooks from the laboratory. It would've been odd if they didn't honestly.

Near the table, I could see a sickly looking man standing near the table, laughing while staring at the dozen nomus on the side of the room.

He eventually noticed my presence.

"Oh? The little experiment crawls into my palms at last?!" Jeez, who the fuck talks like that? Does he think he's in a drama club or something?

Regardless, he is dying for calling me an experiment.

"Dude~ You sound pretty pathetic~ You're basically the discount villain in a children's colouring book~ Does that make you feel fulfilled?~" I don't even care to learn this guys name.

I've no idea what crack den the Meta Liberation Army has collected this guy from, but I really don't feel like learning.

"Your jests don't hide your panic well at all! I have already gained control of these soldiers! You are currently surrounded!" I think he's grossly overestimating what a few low-end and mid-end Nomus can achieve...

"Umm~Ok?~" I said while staring at the Nomus and counting them. Exactly 14, the number that went missing after the attack.

"Hahaha... I managed to even learn from the notes of the genius Kyudai Garaki himself! There's no stopping the Army after I've finished creating the more Nomus!" Sure thing pal.

"But now! You will have to die here! Be ripped apart by the beings that were created after you!" I guess he's not gotten to reading the research notes on me if he thinks a few nomus are enough to take me out...

All of the Nomus sprung into action and started approaching me... I don't really want to harm them since they aren't at fault here.  Good thing I don't have to.

"StAnD dOwN!~" I shouted as all of the Nomus stopped in their tracks.

"Wha-" The idiot was about to keep talking. But I just walked up to him.

"I think you are mentally challenged... You just called Kyudai a genius, yet you think any crook and half-ass scientist from Wish can take control of his creations?"

Kyudai has given absolute command of the Nomus to all of the closer servants of All for One. That includes little old me.

That command takes priority over anything put in place after it. It was how he had designed all of the nomus. To make sure that there was no way they would ever be used against him or All for One.

I walked up to the scientist that was trembling in fear. I gotta say, this dude isn't really all that stupid. He was able to figure out how to control them pretty quickly all things considered.

But he was stupid to think that such scenarios weren't already explored by Kyudai in the past. That mad fucker had a contingency plan for just about every occasion.

Including me apparently, although mine turned out to be pretty useless...

"B-but I-" He was cut off as the air left his lungs. One of my hands completely impaled his chest and resurfaced on the other side.

I could see his eyes turn bloodshot instantly, as blood came out of his mouth like a fountain. He looked at me in shock and fear.

"Quit your stammering~ It's annoying~," I said. After staring him in the eyes for a second. His hands tightly clenched my own as I held him up without any issue.

After a few more seconds, they limply fell to the side, his struggle came to an end as the light was snuffed out of his eyes.

I flicked my hand to the side, nailing the man into a nearby wall and preparing to walk out.

Not after warping all of the Nomus back to the Research Institute, I obviously wouldn't let them just hang around in Deika City. I also took back the research notes. No need for other hands to touch these after all.

"I think the flanking team will appear soon..." I muttered while lazily walking out of the bunker.


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