Ant King In MHA

Chapter 124: Fixing Problems

__________ POV Narration__________

The Bootcamp continued for a few days. Yori was forced to constantly train while having to face two weakened Berus.

But, in the end, his vacation wasn't unlimited, not that he had relaxed too much during it. But now he needed to return to the lab. He made quite a lot of discoveries during his off time.

Even when away from the lab, he still surveyed a few things in there. Namely, observing how the Rewind quirk acted in time.

And, he discovered that its effect diminished in time, which meant that, to keep humanity from going extinct, he'd have to find a way for humans to willingly take doses of it.

But that was to come at a later time. For now, this also meant that actually fixing the Nomus forever wasn't going to be as simple as administering them an injection.

Beru was likely going to need to manually rewind them, Yori didn't know if that was going to make much of a difference, but he needed to test all possibilities if he was to actually have certainty in this plan to save humanity.

For now, all he and Beru managed to gain was hope. Not exactly a bad thing to have, but also not as good as cold and hard evidence. Yori needed to make sure that everything was going to be right.

Now, he was also a lot stronger than before, he was confident in at least taking care of himself if another situation like before was to arise. However unlikely that was, being careful is never a bad thing.

Currently, Yori and Beru weren't the only ones facing strange troubles. Endeavor himself was facing the consequences of his very harmful obsession and the neglectful way he had treated his family.

After he managed to capture Dabi, with a bit of help from Beru's portals, he was then forced to try and unite his family. That part proved to be a lot more difficult than anything he had done in the past though.

His family was currently somewhat divided.

Shoto hated him dearly, even more so when learning about his estranged brother. His only daughter, Fuyumi, had found it in herself to look past his mistakes, only to try and see if she could talk her sense into her long lost sibling.

And, his second son Natsuo didn't even wish to speak to his father. He was only left to ask for help from one person. That person being none other than his own wife.

He had been frequently paying her visits, watching her from afar, afraid to bring her even more trouble with his presence. But now he no longer had that luxury. If there was someone capable of bringing their family together, then it was his wife.

So, he did what he had to do. He decided to visit his wife, this time he showed his face to her. He didn't look at her with the same gaze he did when she was still healthy.

This time, he came at her from a place of weakness, he kneeled in front of her hospital bed and begged her for help. At that moment, humiliation didn't matter to the nr.2 hero, neither did his status.

He was now a man, trying to unite his family for at least once. Maybe it was because he barely resembled his previous arrogant and mean attitude, or maybe it was due to the actual tears that he shed as he explained the situation to her. But she actually got up from her bed and decided to help.

With her help, their family came together. Shoto found himself confused and lost, he didn't know if he could even hate his father at this point. He could see the amount of pain he was going through.

In just a few days, it was as if the Nr.2 hero had lost his spark altogether. It was a depressing sight.

But now? Now they were a family, not without its issues. But a family nonetheless. And they were going to have to face the issue of rehabilitating Dabi and making sure he wasn't going to hurt anybody.

It was during this turbulent time that Shoto ran into someone he hadn't thought about in quite a while.

"Oh~ It's Enji's youngest~" Beru was just strolling around campus when he met Shoto. It was already during classes, so he didn't actually expect to find anyone around.

"Beru..." Shoto said as he looked at the ground.

"Shoto, right?~ I remember Enji shouting your name with so much energy~ What are you doing not being in class?~" Beru asked while looking the heterochromatic teen in the eye.

"... I didn't realize it was this late. A lot of things on my mind recently..." Shoto looked at Beru, finally taking his gaze from the ground.

Beru was a strange person to him, he seemed to be oh so cheerful, but was actually a stone-cold killer when need be. His views on the world were also quite enlightening for the young teen.

"I... I'm a bit confused at the moment... Would you mind helping me find an answer to my questions?" He hoped that Beru would be able to provide some insight into his situation.

So, after seeing Beru just nod, he started telling him the tale of the Todoroki family. Including the part where Dabi was his brother turned villain.

"I see...~," Beru said while rubbing his neck. The insectoid felt a bit strange after learning so much about the situation.

To Shoto, Enji never actually cared about any of his children. But Beru knew that wasn't right. He had seen the man literally pacing around a room like a concerned mother after Shoto got injured.

He knew that Enji cared, but he also knew that he sucked at showing that he cared.

Learning about Endeavor's obsession was also somewhat strange. Beru didn't really know what to think of it, he certainly didn't like it.

"Well~ If you want my opinion now, you basically want to know if hating your father is still justifiable right?~" Beru asked after thinking for a while.

"N-No... I just want to know if you'd know more about how to deal with these emotions... You seem to be in full control of yours. I want to know if there's a way to get rid of all of my hatred for Endeavor..." Shoto was clearly not prepared to ever forgive Enji. Beru could see that clearly.

But harbouring hate towards a man that showed how much he clearly cares about you simply isn't a good thing. That was likely what Shoto thought too.

"Well~ Don't hold it back~ Channel it into something useful~ And, about your father...~ I've seen what obsessions can do to someone~ Many end up ruining their lives entirely, many never actually care about it either~" Beru was now speaking from his street experience.

He had seen many indulge in all kinds of addictions and obsessions. He knew just how someone irreparable looked. So, he decided to help Shoto with some of his experiences.

" Your father~ Although flawed~ He's not too far gone yet~ From what you've told me, he's already reflecting on all of his mistakes~ Everyone that recovers from an obsession has a 'wake-up call'. It seems your father's 'wake-up call' was learning of Dabi's fate~" Beru didn't pull any punches when he spoke to Shoto.

The heterochromatic teen looked at Beru, but his mind was running wild, processing the information that Beru was spoon-feeding to him with care.

"If~ If you want to forgive him~ I'd recommend not telling him so soon~ He needs to live with the consequences longer for him to understand just how bad the ramifications of his actions were~" Beru, in the end, didn't outright give Enji a way out with his words.

But it gave him a chance. Which was already a lot more than Shoto was originally willing to give.

And so, Shoto continued on with his day, Beru also continued lazing around and pretending that he had work to do.

The Todoroki Family situation improved due to Beru's words, unknowingly, Beru managed to help Shoto gain some perspective in his father's mind.

Now, he could bring himself to slowly let go of the hate.

Beru didn't think about all of that though. On his mind was just one thing. 'The Nomus will turn to human tomorrow~'


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