Ant King In MHA

Chapter 127: A Day to Remember

__________ POV Beru__________

What exactly could Nezu want anyway? I mean, I didn't think anything urgent would pop up so suddenly.

I guess there's always something happening when I'm trying to relax. There's nothing I can do about that, the world keeps turning and all that.

Upon warping myself to Nezu's office, I was greeted by a strange scene. It was pitch black. There was simply nothing to see there.

The room was pitch black, but I could feel people around... Is this some type of joke? The room also feels a lot bigger...

"You guys do realize I can see in the dark if I want to, right?~" The second I finished speaking, the lights got turned on and everything became... A bit more confusing?

__________ POV Narration __________

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~" Everyone in the room shouted at the same time.

Upon closer inspection, Beru could tell that everyone was wearing a party hat, and they all seemed to be quite excited. Well, except Aizawa and a few others.

Nezu, the mad lad, actually made his office larger and turned it into a party room. Well, he didn't do it personally, he got help from Power Loader and Cementoss.

But you get the point. Telling Beru to warp in the cafeteria for an urgent meeting would've been a bit on the nose...

"...~ What?~," Beru asked while looking at the people in the room with confusion. His head was tilted at an awkward angle, and his antennas were flailing a bit.

The room was silent for a second as most of the people didn't really know how to react to Beru's question.

"It's your birthday dipshit!" Bakugo finally said after looking at Beru in frustration. He never really was the one to be mincing words with others.

They all worked hard to make this day happen. All of the people present, the teachers at UA, Nao and his family, even Inko. They all wanted to celebrate Beru's birthday at least once.

Nezu sighed when hearing Bakugo irritation. It didn't take much thought to realize that Beru likely had little knowledge about the celebration of birthdays. Still, he wanted to help Beru experience that, just like any regular young man should.

Truthfully, not all of the people present expected this type of reaction out of Beru. Most of them assumed he had celebrated a birthday or two before. At least at the orphanage if nowhere else.

That might've been the case if he was sent to a nice orphanage. But he was basically sent into a slave camp with extra steps. Where he was technically sold off to All for One, along with a few others.

"That's...~ Kinda forgot about that~"  Beru wasn't even joking at this point. His second birthday(second time he got born) wasn't even something he cared to remember. He never even cared to remember his first.

He did know that people sometimes celebrated birthdays. But his was never actually celebrated at all. Most people didn't even know it in his past life.

Even Vlad, with all of his efforts to be a great friend, didn't have any clue what Beru's birthday was. That was mainly because Beru always used fake Ids and never mentioned anything about his birthday.

There's not even a need to mention that his junkie parents didn't really care about his birthday either. So it was a somewhat forgotten fact.

Now, Beru seeing people gathered around like that for no other reason than it being the day of his birth... Well, it was simply surreal. He was not accustomed to it.

It also gave him a warm feeling. It reminded him that, even if he sometimes felt that he didn't belong there, he made countless friends. Forged bonds and created relationships that stood to last.

Even Nao, who Beru hadn't spoken with in a while, was still present here. With his whole family even.

The room was awkwardly silent for a few seconds. Not even Toga knew what to say about the matter. The people in the room hoped to not get any bad reaction out of Beru.

Only Nezu knew for a fact, that Beru was never going to show them any of his worse moments. So there was no chance of him starting to cry in the middle of everyone there.

Not that he felt like it. But feeling touched for the first time in a long time. Seeing your friends and family all work together to do something like that for you... Well, Beru would be a liar to say that this didn't move him at all.

"Well then~ I hope you guys have booze!~" Beru ended up being the one to repair the mood. No one had any doubt that this was going to be the way things went. He was always the one to get people out of bad moods.

"There are also children here... I'd say we keep that to a minimum..." Toshinori said with a weak voice. He knew that his protest was going to be ignored, hence the lack of intensity.

Besides Kota, who came with Nao, there was also Eri, Bakugo(obviously), Izuku, and a few of their classmates.

"Real nice Toshi~ Don't remember askin~" He got about the response everyone expected him to get. Deflated Might just looked down at the ground with a defeated sigh.

"Still... We haven't brought much alcohol." The one speaking this time was Inko. She was one of the people that helped with the food and drinks. She even got to share cooking recipes with Lunch Rush.

"No problem~" Beru waved his hand and opened up a portal in the middle of the room. Boxes upon boxes of beer cans appeared in the middle of the room. Literally fresh out of the factory.

"... Is this legal?" Nezu asked while rubbing his forehead.

"Of course~ I left them some money and a note~" Beru's confidence was shining brighter than the sun. Nao and the rest just hoped that the children wouldn't take after Beru...

"Ok then. I guess that can work too." Snipe said while he slowly got up and walked around the boxes.

"Don't encourage his behaviour, please," Aizawa said while nearing an aneurysm.

"Stop whining~ All of you~ It's a party!~" Beru said as he grabbed Aizawa's shoulders and shook him a bit.

And just like that. The first time that the students were introduced to alcohol, as well as Beru's first celebrated birthday in all over 40 years of his life, happened all on the same day...

They were going to have a lot of stories to tell about this night.

Like the one where Midnight came in looking all dolled up(came a bit late to surprise him once more), only to find Beru day drinking with the boys.

She ended up throwing one of her heels at his head. Thankfully, her madness was merely a fluke, as Beru managed to calm her down with a few compliments. She ended up joining the drinking soon after.

Izuku's first kiss also happened that night... He got plastered after a can of beer and ended up mistaking Bakugo for Ochako, somehow.

Well, let's just say that Izuku had an explosive hangover. And Mitsuki almost died laughing her lungs out of her body.

Ochako herself almost fainted when hearing that Izuku actually planned to kiss her.

This all was only possible because the teachers decided to let the students all have a maximum of two cans of beer. It was a harmless amount really, they weren't expecting any of them to actually get drunk from that amount...

Well, Beru wasn't anyway. He was the one that set the rules after all. The teachers just listened since it was his birthday.

Kota and Eri got to dring fresh apple juice. So did most of the students that didn't really want to drink beer(Deku got peer pressured).

There were many other events. Like Beru turning human in front of everyone and flashing them. Why? Well, he discovered a neat thing. He could now get drunk while being in human form.

After all, his resistance came from his original quirk. So, he was able to get plastered right along with snipe. He ended up only wearing a tablecloth for all of the thirty minutes he was able to turn human.

He and Snipe were able to have the first actual drinking competition at the party. Beru warping in shot glasses and bottles upon bottles of tequila.

Beru, in under ten minutes, managed to drink around 40 shots. The exact same amount as Snipe. It was somewhat worrying for everyone. But the two seemed to be just slightly tipsy at that point.

And Beru returned to normal after his Rewind energy ran out.

Then came the opening of the presents. The most interesting part for Beru, since he hadn't gotten any presents in his life.

Yori, wasn't able to come, unfortunately. His relationship with Beru was to be kept a secret after all. But he did face time Beru to wish him a happy birthday.

Starting off, Toga gave Beru one of her oldest knives. Saying that it was one of the ones she used to draw blood for the first time.

Beru accepted it with gratitude. Only receiving a few odd gazes since most people already knew that the young girl was somewhat obsessed with blood.

The next one was from his girlfriend, Midnight herself gave it to him with a half-drunk proud smile. He received a package that he shouldn't have opened in front of everyone. He should've known better than to do so.

Inside was an expensive bondage set, a large bottle of lubricant and a really fluffy pair of golden cuffs. Beru closed the box a few seconds after opening it.

Only a few of the students managed to see the contents. But none of them needed to actually see them, they could all guess what Nemuri was up to from the gazes she kept sending Beru.

The party continued, Beru receiving more and more presents from the people present. He even got a pair of socks.

The next event came along rather nicely too. The cake was stupidly big. To the point where Beru was actually asked to warp it in to make things easier.

Beru did so with a shrug. The cake itself was rather nice looking. Beru ended up cutting the cake with his claws in even pieces for everyone to eat.

The party ended at midnight, with everyone being teleported to their homes by Beru. The insectoid himself ended up spending the night at Midnight's place...

And just like that, Beru finally got to enjoy the day of his birth properly. For the first time ever.


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