Ant King In MHA

Chapter 130: Worries

__________ POV Narration__________

In the end, Beru decided against wearing any clothes(what a shocker).

He was going to attend in his hero costume(naked), that was also the best way to go since everyone would recognise him that way.

Also, clothes his size needed to be tailored and ordered a few weeks in advance. No chance he was actually ever going to bother with that.

Not that Yori had any delusion about Beru wearing anything fancy. He just suggested it to inform Beru that it was a highly formal party.

The type where the people you were seen around brought in questions about your allegiances and where not scheming was seen as plain weird and unusual.

'I really hope he doesn't cause a scene...' Yori shook his head after having that stray thought while sitting down in his limousine.

'Now he's definitely going to cause one... Why must I jinx things like this?...' He thought with a sigh.

Worst come to worst, he'd just pretend not to know Beru. That was certainly going to work after announcing his partnership with the insectoid... Yep, totally sound solution.

'Didn't he say he'd come in the limo with me? Where is he?' Yori looked around with a confused gaze for a bit.

He then looked at his driver, whose posture looked unusually thuggish and drove extremely recklessly. Speeding in a school zone even. Yori rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Beru... Do you even have a driving licence?" He asked while looking at his idiotic lab assistant.

"Nope~ But the person I'm cosplaying as certainly has~" Yori banged his head on the seat in front of him.

'How exactly is this one of the smartest beings alive?' Yori asked himself as he looked at the roof of his limo with a dazed expression.

He wasn't even exaggerating. All Beru needed was a glance at any pace to perfectly remember it. Beru was currently more knowledgeable in any subject than just about anybody.

Only being on par with Nezu and Yori. Kyudai would've also been on that list, but he's dead, so he doesn't count.

High spec basically put them above everyone else. There might be some hidden geniuses close to their intelligence with good quirks to help them in that regard. But out of the many people Yori knew, Beru was on top 3.

And Yori had been to many worldwide scientific conventions. He got to meet the smartest people alive. So his opinion certainly counted for something.

"Where is my actual driver, Beru?" Yori asked while looking at the disguised Beru with a judgemental glare.

"Don't worry~ Just fed him some sleeping pills(Nemuri's quirk)~?" Beru said while looking at his mirrors.

"Gotta say~ Been so long since I've last driven a car~ It's so odd that I now almost feel the urge to stop at traffic lights,~" Beru said in an upbeat tone.

"What?" "What?~" Nothing more needed to be said there.

Beru had little to no knowledge of the legislation. He just liked being a getaway driver once. And never drove after that since everyone in the car with him got sick for some strange reason.

"Do you at least know the way?" Yori asked while hoping that Beru did at least some research on what they were doing.

"Of course I do~ I'm just driving around for a while though~ We need to flex your limo around the neighbourhood before I warp us in front of the venue~" Yori, once more, decided to test the toughness of his skull on the seat closest to him.

'Why was I expecting a different answer?' The scientist thought to himself while looking out the window.

'At least he's great to have in stressful situations...' Beru always made things seem better. Even when that wasn't the case. Currently, Yori was under a lot of stress.

He was unsure how the people would react to all of the knowledge he was about to spoonfed to them. He had no assurance that they were going to help him.

Remember, Yori needed to spread the serum all over the world to avoid the apocalypse. Not just Japan. Alone, he had not the influence to make such large moves.

He was only somewhat confident in doing so for Japanese people. He could at least slightly influence some things there.

At this meeting, many influential people from overseas were also going to be present. Rich family heads and even the ambassadors of many countries.

He needed to carefully explain to all of them, calmly and with confidence, that humanity was going to end if they did nothing about it.

And he could only hope that the people there weren't going to get greedy and take advantage of such a situation. That hope was mostly a fake one, not even an atom in his body believed that none of the people present would attempt to take advantage of the situation.

"What's with the worried face, Yori?~" Beru asked while looking at his rear-view mirror. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear the scientist say it anyway.

"There's a lot to be worried about... What if they don't believe me? What if they only try to profit out of this situation? Both are things that will likely happen at the same time, which is even worse..." Yori explained his thoughts to Beru, actually wording them out felt like some sort of stress relief, which somewhat helped.

Having someone to share worries with was always liberating.

"Well~ We'll just have to crush all of the more brazen ones~ Maybe not physically~ Convincing people won't be hard since we've got actual proof of what excess of quirk factor does to a human...~" Beru's response also helped Yori calm down.

As long as they captured the majority, the greedy ones would slowly be closed off and isolated. That was hoping that not all of them were going to be greedy though...

The people at that party were already politicians, hacks and liars. They were not above being greedy. That was the main source of Yori's worries.

'I guess we'll have to wait and see...' Yori thought as he looked at the familiar streets around him.

"How long are we going to make circles around this fucking place Beru?" Yori asked as Beru just kept making doughnuts in place.

"Ummm~ Two more minutes?~" Yori growled as his curses turned into an incomprehensible mess.

"I'll take that as yes~" Beru said as he continued enjoying his car ride.


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