Ant King In MHA

Chapter 132: Apocalyptic Slide-Show

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru's suffering continued for a while, all until the food was brought and everyone was seated. A stage was also raised, where people were watching some game shows.

Entertainment was also all around, musicians and dancers squirming about trying to please all the loaded guests. Beru could somewhat understand their struggles.

He remembered the times he too needed to rub off the rich to get a few things done. It usually involved helping Vlad gather blackmail material.

Now, he could see people selling themselves for money. Some only sold their services, but the waitresses could always do with a bit more money. That was at least how he knew that these parties went.

The old leechers that needed some bed warmers always found them at the party. Usually among the staff. That was something he found out by himself, there were no written guidelines to the way things worked in higher society.

They all had their quirks, they were mostly just regular people, but their brains were seemingly incapable of regularly producing dopamine, so they sought excitement from all sorts of things. Drugs, Pleasure, whatever.

Beru always liked to observe rich people in their natural environment. This party was a good reminder of that.

"Are you ready, Beru?" Yori approached the insectoid as he was staring into space and stuffing his face with all sorts of foods.

"Born~Rewady~" Beru didn't even bother to stop stuffing his mouth. Yori rubbed his forehead.

"Just... Don't say much... I'll handle most of it..." He knew that it was useless to say that to Beru, but he did so anyway.

Beru got up from the table, his back stood straight for the first time in a long while. Showcasing his full height, he towered over everyone present. It brought some attention to the two,  but that was fine.

They were about to attract everyone's attention anyway.

Yori took a wine glass and did the whole, beat it with a fork rich guy thing. "Ladies and Gentlemen! A pleasure to see you all here today. We've all already greeted each other, so I'll get to the point..."

His voice was loud, echoing through the large hall as he approached the stage. Most of the people in the room were paying attention to him at this point. He was, after all, a highly influential and controversial figure. Whatever he had to say, it was sure going to be interesting.

Yori walked on the stage, the band parted and gave him the stage, taking their instruments with them.

"In truth, I have a very important piece of information to share with you all... For now, the staff will leave the premises." He spoke eloquently, somewhat leading up to his reveal as Beru rolled his eyes and instantly appearing to his side.

The tall insectoid didn't even teleport, he was just too fast for anyone present to follow. Most people were still speaking among each other at this point.

They were still paying attention, their attention was just split into more than one place. Something Yori found quite displeasing, maybe even disrespectful. But he wasn't mad... Maybe just a little bit salty.

All of the waiters and dancers left the room and the venue was only filled with guests now. Yori also took care to turn off all security cameras.

"Well-" Yori was interrupted when he opened his mouth to start giving his speech.

"Let's skip the formalities~ Humanity's going extinct~" Beru spoke in a much louder voice than Yori, who now had a microphone in his hand, as well as a diminishing will to live.

Beru's words sprouted a wave of murmurs and gasps. But most were just raising an eyebrow at the information they had just received.

Yori looked on with empty eyes. He actually expected this to happen. That was why he brought Beru. Beru had his own charm to him after all.

Yori just sighed and let Beru present the situation in his own way.

"That's quite the claim, young hero..." An ageing man spoke while looking at the stage. He was the current prime minister, a man whose name isn't important at all.

No one asked why Beru interrupted Yori, to them, the two were obviously together. They came in together and appeared on the stage together.

Whatever news came from Beru, were the same ones that would've come from Yori. So they had the same credibility...

"Not really~ It's already been said before~" Beru looked all over the room, he had everyone's attention at this point.

"Well, yes. And it's always been people trying to agitate others, to gain something..." Another man spoke up, his voice garnered a few nods.

"I'll put this simply~ Quirks are getting stronger and stronger~ And human bodies won't be able to contain their powers after a few more generations.~" Beru's explanation was sound. It made quite a few people understand what this was about.

But it also made a specific someone, a scientist in the room, remember something.

"You're speaking about Dr Kyudai's theory of Quirk Singularity? That theory has not been proven... Yori, why are you still on about that nonsense..." One of the people that Yori had tried to convince in the past.

The people that Beru managed to get invested in the situation were quite quickly turning tail. At least until Beru spoke again.

"We have concrete proof that the human body can't contain a quirk that's too powerful~ The effects of having too much quirk factor are already well documented~ Trying to deny that theory right now would be like saying that the sky is actually yellow~"

Beru's condescending answer didn't sit well with many of the seniors present. But it still made them interested in that 'proof' Beru mentioned.

"Hah! Proof? As if. Even if you had any, proving that quirks are getting stronger is also-" Beru snapped his fingers, it sounded more like metal blades colliding, but it did the job of interrupting the aged scientist that spoke against him.

"If you think quirks aren't getting stronger each generation then you clearly don't know anything about quirks~ Stop speaking if you're ignorant of the issue~ As for the proof...~ My good friend Yori will show you now~ A small presentation of our findings!~" Beru gave the stage to Yori, as the man put the microphone near his mouth.

"If you'd kindly look at the screen." He pressed a button, and the gameshow that showed up on all of the screens in the venue switched off.

On the screen appeared a title, 'Quirk Factor Overload and its effects'. It was a simple PowerPoint presentation, prompting a little laugh from the scientist that was against their claims.

"What's this? A college project?" He joked, making quite a few people giggle.

"Yep~ It fucking is~ Now zip it and sit down~" Beru, who had made the slide show himself, was the one to shut up the aged scientist.

"I told you a movie would've been better..." Said Yori as he looked at the screens around the venue.

"Oh, shut it~ Why would I learn to edit videos just for this shit?~" Said Beru, even though learning to edit would literally take him less than 15 minutes of reading.

Yori shook his head and pressed a button, prompting the slide to change.

At the left side of the page appeared a photo, it was the image of a simple man, his eyes seemed a bit empty, but he was otherwise normal.

Then, on the right side, appeared the image of a Nomu. Both images were taken in the same place, at similar times.

"This person used to be the experiment of a mad doctor working for a power-hungry dickhead~ We've managed to momentarily revert the transformation he underwent by suppressing his quirks, but he's still like that to this day~" Beru gave everyone an explanation for the somewhat horrific scene they were witnessing.

"Hmm? To my knowledge, these were people that had multiple quirks stuffed into them forcefully... But that doesn't mean a single quirk would be able to cause this." The prime minister spoke this time.

"I'm getting there~ Have some fucking patience~" Beru rolled his eyes once more, as Yori brought up the next slide. It was mostly text.

The information of a research paper, on the odd effects that an excess of quirk factor could have on the human body.

It listed things like, a reduced lifespan, losing of brain functions, losing all cognitive thought, losing reasoning.

It also briefly mentioned that the drug 'Trigger' had the ability to strengthen one's Quirk Factor, which was what gave it most of its side effects.

"I'm guessing most of you find all of this to be quite overwhelming... But it is not over yet... As Prime Minister Mao has said, we've yet to show how destructive a single quirk can be on a person..." Yori spoke this time, with his usual eloquent tone.

Most of the guests just nodded. Their reactions until now varied greatly. Some seemed shocked, some scared, but most were just looking at the scene in silence, many seemed to look at the slide show with disdain.

They were unwilling to see the truth in front of them. How could quirks, something that made things so much better for humanity, be a bad thing for them? It was simply preposterous.

"Now, you will see the effects that a single powerful quirk can have on a person..." Yori spoke as he looked at the audience.

The screen changed once more, this time revealing a video. It was just a short clip, but its contents would go on to shake most of the people present.


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