Ant King In MHA

Chapter 135: Roles and Search

__________ POV Beru__________

How do I go about this?

In the end, I couldn't convince anyone to listen to me. Not even one person, except maybe Nemuri, but she's my lover so that doesn't count.

"What's got you so stressed?" Asked a skittish voice by my side, I'm currently in my room, by the way.

"Nothing much~ Just wondering how to deal with all of my repressed agression~" My answer is, like always, bullshit.

Toga is already used to it, so it's not an issue for her.

"I have a really good solution for that! How about you also let it all out on random groups of villains, as I do." Who would've thought that Toga of all people would recommend murder as a way to relax?

I mean, she's joking, she's already less and less enthusiastic about our outings. She still likes them, but not as much as before.

I guess she's starting to see killing as boring now. Still, a long way to go before she loses all interest in it though.

"That's not your idea!~Dont plagiarise my brilliance woman!~" I'm the one that came up with that stress relief tactic.

And I'm not even stressed, just annoyed at the way things have developed. My clone going haywire and doing whatever is the worst thing that could've happened.

I mean, whatever the motives, he probably won't come out and attack a city in broad daylight, since that would make me come out and kill him.

I guess that's why he's using underlings to cause trouble. But I still don't know why... What got him so riled up?

I mean, it's hard to tell since he's supposed to be me, and I'm hardly a predictable fellow. I'd much faster classify myself as slightly deranged honestly.

Something big must have happened to make me go this nuts on everything. I mean, it might just be mad at me or something? I don't remember doing anything special lately though...

Bah, who cares? I'll figure it out eventually, I just hope we won't have to fight in a public place... I mean, I'm not sure if killing a clone of mine, only slightly weaker than me, is something I can do quickly enough.

That's not even considering that it might've gotten stronger on its own... It should be capable of copying quirks too...

"BERU! You're doing it again! I hate when you ignore me..." Oh, and Toga has been blabbering about something all this time. Guess I can't be paying attention to everything... At least not when I don't want to.

"Heh~ Don't worry too much~ I already said I'd be fine~ I do need to go and look for someone though~" Toga just rolled her eyes as I ignored her complaints.

"Try to pay attention, ok? I know you're strong and all, but I don't want you to go around putting yourself in danger for no good reason..." Damn, since when is Toga the responsible one in this relationship?

I'm supposed to be playing the big brother/father role here! Not you!

"Don't worry~ I'll be fine by myself~ I'd recommend not leaving UA for now though~ Some strange stuff has been going on, has me a tad worried~" Toga just nodded a bit when hearing me speak, don't know if she even listened to all of it properly...

"Yea, yea... Not that I have anywhere else to go." Damn, that sounded a bit sad.

"What do you mean?~ You have plenty of places to visit if you want to~ Just not this week~" It's hard to both encourage her to go out and forbid her from doing so right now...

"Well, I did go out of UA a few times in the past few weeks... But outings with classmates are usually really boring, the only nice one was the last one, where a villain tried to rob the store we were in and I got to cut him up... My classmates haven't spoken much to me since..." I could see Toga looking a bit gloomy...

Damn. I guess being violent and drawing blood without hesitation got her classmates to be momentarily weirded out? I doubt it'll last, they should all be pretty used to blood at this point, they are in the hero course for god's sake.

"Meh~ They'll get used to it~ Hero work is bloody work~ There's no place for weakness like that~ You did good~" I patted her head for a bit. I'd love to stay and cheer her up a bit more, but I still have me some clone to catch, so I'll have to settle for a big hug and a few head pats.

By the end of the conversation though, I could see Toga being pretty happy. I guess she's always easy to cheer up... Or she's just in a really good mood when hanging out with me... One or the other.

For now, though, I need to worry about finding that giant villain. His last sighting was two days ago, first course of action is to teleport there and get a whiff of his scent, then I can just track him down.

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru did just that, finding the man's scent wasn't going to be quite as easy though, there were plenty of people constantly passing by the place where the villain was last seen.

Finding his scent in that place actually turned out to be impossible... So Beru resorted to another tactic... 'Meh, I'll just run around the city and look at stuff until I see him.'

The tried and true tactic of running around hoping to be lucky enough to run into your target. Beru was a master at it.

So, he did what he always does. He proceeded to spend a few hours buying snacks and sweets, hanging out in random parts of the city while consuming them and then rinsing and repeating for hours...

All until one moment. Beru was standing on the edge of a building, boringly eating some chips while he looked at a tv through someone else's window, all was calm until a deafening sound was heard.

An explosion, Beru was quite used to the sound of those, he looked in that particular direction, with his eyes he spotted a huge smoke cloud rising from a certain part of the city that he had been through before.

The insectoid got up and shook off the chip crumbs from his exoskeleton, then he warped himself directly above the place where the action seemed to be happening.

Looking down, Beru could see a lot of fire, he immediately warped the civilians in the area away, the injured were directed to the hospitals in an instant.

Then another explosion happened, this time, Beru finally got to see the culprit...  Or culprits, I guess.

Three people, only one of them was exploding things all around him, but the other two were obviously with him... What's even better? One of them was the giant villain Beru had been looking for.

'Fucking finally! Heh, I guess my luck never fails me~' Beru thought as he prepared to take off in the direction of the three, warping away more and more civilians each millisecond, all until there were none left anywhere near the scene.

Meanwhile, the leader of the small group, the explosive quirked man, was thinking about similar things.

'The boss said that Beru would show up if we did things here... Where the hell is he? I mean, I could do this all day, exploding random cars in the middle of the streets... But I do want to see things happen...'

All of the members that Clone Beru recruited madly respected him, after all, he was the one that granted all of them the strength to stand up to the unjust society that they were forced to live in for so many years.

The man with the explosion quirk was originally an old man. Much like all of the other members that clone Beru had gathered. Old and quirkless, Beru gifted all of them with two quirks, usually an offensive quirk, as well as the quirk 'Lifeforce'.

It wasn't hard to endlessly create copies of the quirk using a combination of Beru's original quirk and All for One.

First, you took the copy from Beru's quirk and put it into All for One, then you transferred it to someone, then you copied it again. It was a simple process, much easier and faster than creating duplicate quirks in the laboratory.

That was how Beru managed to make his army grow... It was efficient, but not all people survived having two quirks implanted into them. In fact, barely more than a few hundred survived the ordeal.

Still, those few hundred people became devout followers of Clone Beru, loyal supporters that would do anything to repay their benefactor...

Even facing the real Beru. Something that they knew they weren't ever going to be able to handle by themselves. Why did they have the courage to do so?

Well, I guess that was something that Beru was going to have to find out... On his own body.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Also, this clone thing isn't going to last too long(I mentioned it in a comment already, figured doing it here too wouldn't hurt). I get that it's overdone to shit, but what comes after is more important.

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