Ant King In MHA

Chapter 141: Decisions

__________ POV Narration__________

While Beru was delegating tasks and cooperating with Kenji and Yori, a group of people decided to gather somewhere in the city of Moscow.

People representing the largest most dangerous hidden organisations in the world all gathered in one place by a single phone call.

A meeting was called the second Beru's proclamation and subsequent actions were found out by them.

They were all promptly teleported in that secretive meeting room.

At the head of the table stood a man that everyone feared and respected, Vladimir Grigorev a decrepit old man that managed to build for himself the largest organisation in the world.

His wrinkly old face was covered in a thick white moustache, his balding head still had some white hair. Currently, much like everyone else at the table, he was dressed formally.

Although he was always one to wear a suit regardless. A deep red tuxedo made him feel more adequate, he did like to feel sophisticated after all.

He actually had most of Europe as well as Russia in his pocket, the rest gathered at the table were either somewhat related to him or from a different continent altogether.

A total of 12 people were present, 7 were all Vladimir's family, cousins, sons, grandsons even. The rest 5 each controlled larger portions of other places around the world.

Their standing was obviously considerably lower than that of the Grigorev Family, as they were called, but that didn't mean they didn't have their pride. All of the people at the table were prominent figures that had risen or inherited actual business empires.

Well, illegitimate business empires. One of them being the Cartel, which had expanded to control most of South America.

Currently, they were all sitting in silence, waiting for the old man to start speaking first, as was customary.

"I think you all know why we are all gathered here... If you don't then you aren't worthy to stand in this room with the rest of us..." The old man decided to start off in force, making all of the people at the table straighten up.

The old man clapped his hands as a hologram appeared in the middle of the table, showing everyone a tall and intimidating-looking insectoid.

"Beru... A fledgling hero that many of us didn't pay much attention to. Him barely being a kid had a lot to do with that." One of the members at the table spoke while sipping some coffee.

Everyone had a chosen drink at the table, served and refilled constantly to keep them pleased.

"Indeed, he was nothing more than a little fly to us, from the moment he was announced a hero. We all know how easily that title is bought and sold in this world." Vladimir, the old man spoke with a sly smile.

The people at the table all chuckled a bit, even if they didn't find what the old man said particularly funny.

"Now, the little bug decided to try its mettle against us. He directly threatened the business of my dear grandson... A sin one simply cannot forgive..." Vladimir spoke with a growl, his anger was expertly hidden beneath his aged poker face, but it was clear to everyone at the table that he wasn't pleased.

"Indeed, he threatened to imprison what is essentially half of my clientele. Even worse, his success would mean us losing our grip on the political space of Japan. Which would leave our business in the region in a quite unfavourable position..."

The voice that spoke was a rather young one, he was the youngest one at the table actually. Vladislav Grigorev was one of the people that gained his empire by inheritance.

His grandfather saw promise in him and gifted him with the businesses that resided over Japan and a few parts of China.

Losing all of their customers in Japan would mean that they lost all political power they might've had in that region. Why? Well, all of their transactions with clients were kept and recorded for 'persuasive material'.

They mainly dealt with providing entertainment to their clients. Be it dancing young women, crying children or slaves. All manners of pleasures, from drugs to flesh were what they were selling to the ones in power through the safest of networks.

At least that was what they thought... They didn't realise that their seemingly impenetrable business held a spy. They were obviously investigating that... Not that they were going to find anything about any spy, it was just going to be time wasted on their part.

The people at the table all knew the implications of losing control over Japan, one of the more populated countries under the control of the Grigorev's.

"We need to act quickly. We have less than a week if that kid's claims are anything to take seriously..." The leader of the cartel was the one to speak this time.

Even if this issue didn't directly affect those outside of the Grigorev family, the rest were still prompted to help, if only to not appear uncaring for their 'partners in business'.

"Heh, as if! Nothing is going to happen anyway. Why bother worrying about some snotty-nosed 'hero' and his stupid flights of fancy? He's going to go silent for a while and everyone is going to forget about this eventually..." The one that spoke this time was Yegor Grigorev, Vladislav's uncle and one of Vladimir's many children.

"..." The old man himself was silent, sitting at the top of the table and looking at his glass of wine.

The rest of the people in the room seemed to be echoing Yegor to some extent. But Vladislav and Vladimir were both silent. All until the old man decided to speak up again.

"I wouldn't be so quick to assume he was lying... He has the capabilities to pull off much more difficult things... Most of you haven't been paying much attention to the Japanese scene, so you may not know." They all turned silent when the old man spoke, but some still shot him confused gazes, including Yegor, his son.

But the old man didn't speak, instead, letting his grandson do the talking. Signalling him with his gaze.

"Beru managed to kill All for One, a man that had all the rights to sit at this table in the past. From my knowledge, that's not even the worst of it..." He also tapped on the table.

The hologram changed and showed a few more people. Namely, the Meta Liberation Army and the Shie Hassaikai leaders.

"He took down the two largest criminal organisations in Japan in one fell swoop. They were the type of people that we would've had a hard time dealing with had our cooperation soured in the future. Potential threats if you will..."

Vladislav spoke with a Russian accent, but his English was otherwise flawless, he displayed grace and eloquence... Much more fitting for a king or a duke rather than a crime lord.

"That doesn't mean all that much... I'm sure each and every one of us at this table is capab-" Yegor was the one that commented first, but he stopped himself as he realised what he had just done.

Same for everyone in the room.

He had deemed Beru to be on the same level as all of them, and none could bring themselves to disagree with him.

"... I think it's better we start looking into ways of either appeasing this Beru individual or exterminating him entirely..." Vladimir spoke again, the old man was calmer now, but the coldness in his tone spoke of cruelty that few would be capable of.

"In terms of individual strength... There are few in the world to match him, and none at all in Japan, at least none that would be willing to take on Beru." Another person at the table spoke, this time it was another table participant.

One of the people that knew a bit about Beru's strength.

"Well... We can always just contract some agents to put a hit on his loved ones, as is customary." Yegor said while looking around the table.

"He will likely expect that actually touching anyone close to him would be impossible... Unless we hire that guy again..." Vladislav spoke with a smirk. The people at the table all raised an eyebrow.

"That's not exactly the type of man we can contro-" Yegor was interrupted, this time by someone else, but not someone he had the guts to speak back to.

"It's settled then. Vladislav, be a good boy and handle the payment and contact of that person. His target will be a person that Beru is known to be close with... How about that school principal rat? Yeah, let's go with that one." Vladimir spoke with a smile.

The decision was made, no one had any right to object when the old man spoke...

The operation was to be carried out, and none of the people at the table knew it... But their attack would serve to make their lives so much worse.


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