Ant King In MHA

Chapter 147: Raid and Trap

_________ POV Beru_________

So much to do yet so little will to carry it through...

I'm talking mainly about paperwork here, I'd pray to whatever god there was if I could get a call about some action. Anything really would be better than simply wasting away in this fucking office.

If only I had time to actually pray. Honestly, this feels like Kenji just threw all of his work at me, and called it a day. But I guess this whole situation is caused by me, so I'd obviously need to be the one to fix it.

It's already been a week since I've had any action, the assassination attempt was only fun for about three seconds. If I knew how boring things would be afterwards I would've let him live longer.

Nezu was also attacked, but Yori took care of that like he said he would. It's honestly rather nice to have people looking after your back like that.

But I guess that just means he's not the type to ignore goodwill. I mean, I am the main reason his research into saving the world ever went anywhere. It's hard to say for how long he would've walked in circles if it wasn't for my intervention.

Currently, I'm organizing and preparing all of the evidence that will be used in court for the people that have yet to be prosecuted.

The public seems pretty pleased though, after seeing dozens of rich folk go to prison for dozens of years each, they seemed to be more than pleased.

Nowadays, I seem to be getting more and more gazes of admiration everywhere I go(I still go out to take a breather from time to time). It's a pretty nice feeling, having that many people look up to you.

But it's also rather bothersome. Not like this is the first time people have looked up to me, but now I'm also being stopped on the streets for autographs and such. Not all that fun, a real waste of time.

But I guess it's building up my reputation/popularity or something? Not that I needed any more.

... Why are there so many footsteps outside my door? I guess I have some visitors. I don't remember giving my new workplace away to anyone though. Even Kenji, who is the one sending me all the work.

He just gives me a small phone call and I just teleport to his office.

I'm still in Musutafu, well, at least I'm in the province still. I just picked a random location and bought it with a fake identity. Not hard when you can shapeshift and have some connections in the underworld.

Now, who exactly is at my door? Well, I could just look through it, but that's no fun. Maybe it's a surprise or something.

I heard a 'shy' knock on my door. I guess whoever it is isn't really all that confident in their current actions?

"What~! I'm busy~" I said while warping all of the papers on my desk away. Don't really want any people looking at those for now.

"Pizza delivery..." What? This is the shittiest scenario ever. But I guess I've seen porn of it before.

"Pizza~ I didn't order any pizza~" I'll take on a different appearance too if only to make things more fun.

I now look like a burly black-haired middle-aged man with a large scar across his face. Don't really know who this appearance belongs to, probably some goon that I took out at some point.

Well, I'm wearing a suit, so he was likely a bit more important. Meh, who cares? Let's see what surprise waits for me on my doorstep.

Hopefully not a burning bag of dogshit.

_________ POV Narration _________

Beru opened the door with a smile on his face. He didn't even get to speak anything as he was immediately assaulted by wood.

The person in front of him was none other than Kamui Woods. The police had been tipped off by an anonymous source that there was some shady business happening in that building.

After some investigation, they decided to conduct a raid on it. It was apparently bought by someone with a fake identity, he appeared to be part of some unlawful gang too.

The raid team was rather small, Kamui Woods was the head of it. Mt. Lady was the damage dealer, and some other heroes and police were there to handle capture and arrests.

"DON'T MOVE VILLAIN! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" Kamui shouted while he prepared to extend his branches all across the room, only to notice that there was only one man, and he had already captured him.

Still, his branches expanded and wrapped around many things in the room. The door that Beru had opened was also almost ripped out of its hinges as Kamui raised Beru in the air and prepared to slam him into the ground.

Beru could've easily avoided getting touched by Kamui's quirk, but he really wasn't in any danger either way, so he decided to just look at the hero with a squinted eye.

The other heroes also moved into the room, passing by Kamui and scouting the room.

"Are you guys retarded?~" Beru said as slime seemed to fall off of him, revealing his real size and appearance. Kamui almost fell to the ground when seeing who he had 'captured'.

Mt. Lady actually fell on her ass when she gasped in shock. "B-Beru!?" She blurted out as Kamui instinctively retracted all of his wood.

"What...?" The wood-quirked hero was beyond confused when seeing the situation they were thrust into.

"This is rather awkward, huh?~ Now you don't know what to do?~ You'll have to pay for the cracked door and the bookshelves by the way~" Said Beru as he regained his full size, towering over everyone in the room by a large margin.

"This... This was supposed to be a raid on some villain group..." Kamui said while scratching the back of his head.

"Yea~ How'd that turn out?~" Beru commented while stretching his arms.

Kamui just sweated. He already knew that, if Beru was in any worse of a mood, he'd put all of them in the hospital in seconds.

They had basically broken in and raided his place without knowing.

"I think there is a misunderstanding... The person that gave us that information did so anonymously... So it's hard to say what their goal was..." One of the policemen at the scene spoke with a shaky smile, he was trying to bring some clarity to the situation.

Beru also shut up, as he remembered that he had purchased the place through some 'not that legal means' in order to prevent anyone from learning about it.

"Welp~ Mistakes can happen folks~," Beru said as he waved off the situation, hoping that none of them would look that far into it.

"This is too odd. Do you think this was deliberate-" Kamui was interrupted by something strange happening. A loud bang made all of the people present flinch, besides Beru.

The sound was merely a distraction though, as one of the policemen threw something strange at the ground with force.

A black sphere, thrown right at Beru's feet. The insectoid tilted his head while looking at it. Then he got a strange feeling about it. He quickly decided to warp it off elsewhere.

But it seemed that whatever that ball was, it didn't appreciate being warped off. It seemed to push away his portal mist, preventing Beru from doing anything about it. It was a great expanding force.

So, Beru did the next best thing. He warped everyone else away. He still had time due to his inhuman speed and quick thinking.

He also warped himself above the building and looked down. His instincts were still going off.

Then it happened. An explosion started expanding from that small ball. Beru instantly noticed it and realized that he might've underestimated whatever the black sphere was.

He was quickly forced to teleport away all of the people in a kilometre radius. Including the heroes, who he had apparently warped too close to the building.

But the explosion didn't stop expanding at all. It ate away at more and more buildings. The speed of the expansion was almost instant, yet it was in slow motion to the insectoid.

As he had enough time to search for and rescue all of the people nearby.

Still, he ended up clearing up the zone in a 5-kilometre radius. From the distance, a large mushroom cloud could be seen right where Beru's office had been.

'This is certainly a way to carry out an assassination attempt...' Beru mused to himself as he watched the still-raging fires the explosions had created.

The people he had teleported away also started screaming in panic, as they noticed their homes being burnt down in the distance.

Beru didn't stay and do anything though. He flew in after the explosion was done, and pointed his hands at the burnt down streets and burning buildings.

Using an enhanced version of Nao's quirk, he sprayed that entire part of the city with water. The fires quickly died down as Beru managed to get the situation under control and the heroes managed to calm down the civilians.

The man that threw the black sphere was already caught in a strange way. An entire lamp post was wrapped around him, even tied with a knot.

Still... Things were bound to turn messy at this point.


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