Ant King In MHA

Chapter 149: Damage and Downfall

__________ POV Narration__________

As the sound of the bullet rang throughout the room, everyone looked on with wide eyes, as they didn't think that Vladimir would go so far with his own grandson.

Well, they had somewhat forgotten just how cruel and devious that old man used to be, they thought that old age had mellowed him down. But now it was pretty clear that they were wrong.

Still, seeing such an internal conflict put on display made them smile, this was a clear sign that the Grigorev's were falling apart. Their slippery grip on the island of Japan also gave them that impression, but it was now confirmed.

They thought Vladislav to already be dead. Once someone of Vladimir's status wants you dead, there's not much to be done. But that wasn't really the truth.

The rest of the Grigorev family members present were all watching in fear when they heard the gunshot. Not for the young and cocky Vladislav, but the aged and weakened Vladimir.

The young man smiled widely as he looked down at his own leg. His grandfather had a great aim, and he apparently didn't want to end things so quickly.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the old man had forgotten something rather crucial in his rage.

A bang was heard, breaking the silence that the bullet had created after it was shot. The old man banged his leg on the table as his face wrinkled in pain, agony and rage.

"Y-YOU DARE?!" The old man shouted as he whizzed in pain. At this point, everyone in the room realised what had happened, the other family leaders had forgotten what Vladislav's power was.

But it all made sense now.

"How dare you injure your grandfather!? You disrespectful cretin!" One of the Grigorev family elders spoke with spite. He immediately pressed down a button underneath the table.

All of them did. It was to alert all of the guards that were waiting outside of something happening.

In less than three seconds, twenty guards rushed in and surrounded the table, shielding the bosses from any harm that could come their way.

The ones on Vladimir's side were shocked to see the blood on the old man's leg.

"Rebound... Such a simple ability. 'Useless' I believe you called it so at the beginning when I couldn't even reflect a cane. Do you reckon it's decent enough now?" Vladislav spoke with audible hostility and venom in his tone.

"Y-You dog... Do you think your ability makes you invincible? Do you think that quirk will get you so far in life? Is that what gave you the confidence to do all this?" The old man seemed to have been calmed down by the pain, but that didn't mean he was feeling any less murderous.

"Hmm? Why exactly would you assume that? From a young age, I learned that relying on power to rule over others is neither long-lasting nor stable." The young Vlad looked at the table with squinted eyes.

His eyes seemed to curved downwards as his smile formed an upwards arch, a devious and chilling visage.

"That's what you've all been doing right? Taking power wherever you could... Did you think it would last forever?"

Suddenly, all of the bodyguards that were protecting the bosses seemed to turn against them, either pointing guns at the back of their heads or putting blades near their throats.

"What is the meaning of this?!" They all reacted similarly. Acting somewhat surprised but still refusing to show any weakness or panic in their gazes.

They had all been in power for a very long time, the very notion of being dethroned was simply not there to them. They saw themselves as too powerful to be taken down.

And in a sense, they were right. It was simply impossible for an outsider to take down the gathering of people at the table... But Vladislav was anything but an outsider. He had walked and talked among them on many occasions, knew the ins and outs of operations that no outsider could.

It wasn't easy to turn the loyal guards against the leaders, but it also wasn't hard. The young Vlad had a lot of time, all for one simple goal... Making all of the people present in the room despair and suffer as much as possible.

Making them watch their entire empires crumble was only the beginning.

Ever since Vladislav came to that world, into that cold family that only appreciated merit, he vowed to get rid of any man like his father, uncles and grandfather...

Now they were nothing but captives, from here on out, they had no real control over the situation...

But they really needed to be made to understand that...

"What type of question is that? Do your eyes fail you all? Is it really that difficult to understand? That what you used your entire lives to build can crumble down so easily?" The young Vlad clapped his hands as his voice gained a playful tone.

"You really think you've won? As if we didn't think that these worms could betray us..." The Don spoke with venom in his tone.

All of the guards present were the personal guards of the leaders, the most loyal members of each family. They were to be trusted... Or so they thought.

In fact, the only reason anyone ever trusted their guards was that they had them implanted with chips that could explode at a moments notice.

The don clapped his hands and gave the specific mental command, he blinked, expecting to feel the blood of the traitorous guards splash on his immaculate suit.

But that wasn't what happened. The guard closest to him just punched him in the head, splitting the table apart with the old man's face.

The Italian Mafia Head was instantly knocked out.

"Don't think you can manoeuvre your ways out of this predicament... I've made sure that there's no path to victory for you guys... Those microchips you trusted so much were the main motivator for this betrayal." The young Vlad only spoke so much to gloat to the old men that were present.

"Don't worry though, you won't be dying anytime soon... Only if you cooperate though." Vladislav's voice rang through the room. Still, some could see the sweat on the brows of the guards...

Maybe the situation wasn't all that in the favour of the young Vladislav...

Vladimir was also eerily silent. It seemed as if all of the rage was bubbling inside of him.

"Vladislav Grigorev... Do you really think taking us down is so easy?" The old man at the top of the table spoke while looking at his grandson.

The two men behind him seemed to be melted into a liquid as the old men shakily stood up. Similar scenes happened all across the room, as all of the family heads had powerful Quirks to match their statuses.

The Don of the Italian Mafia tilted his hat, and two spikes came out of the ground and impaled the two behind him.

The Australian Family Head sprouted two spider legs from his back and killed his traitorous guards nailing them into the wall.

The Mexican Cartel Leader snapped his fingers and the two men behind him seemed to be twisting in irregular ways. As if all of their bones were being moved around their bodies uncontrollably.

The personal guards had time to react, yet they seemed to be looking at the attacks without even flinching, they were all dispatched quickly.

"Is this all? You truly are a worthless grandson. All these years of preparation only to fail at such an early stage..." Vladimir said while holding onto his wounded leg.

"Fail? Do you really think that those untrustworthy and disposable pawns had anything to do with the plan other than shock value? If so, then you guys are really delusional." Vladislav's smile didn't waver one bit.

"Heh, I can hardly see how someone like you can threaten us. If we don't hit you then you also won't be able to do much to us. In the end, you're nothing but a backstabbing dog." The Italian Don said while stretching his legs underneath the table.

"That's subjective... Well, I guess I am a bit of a liar... Damage transfer~" Instantly, all of the men guards in the room came back to life, as if nothing ever happened.

But something did happen, the second they came back, the bosses all started screaming in pain. Muffled growls turned to pained cries in an instant.

"You'll only feel the pain for now... I'll withhold on the actual damage, can't have you dying on me." The guards all rose to their feet.

They all came into the room knowing they were going to die. They were all strong fighters, they could've done something against their bosses if need be, but they were all instructed to take the damage.

They listened to Vladislav only because the man was transparent to them. He gave them a way out of the death contract they had signed.

None of the guards had families... Not anymore anyway.

The family members of a guard were considered a weakness, so the guards were all forced to either get rid of their families or watch them die in 'accidents'.

Now, this betrayal was a long time coming. They all got up from the ground with steeled resolve, any fear was gone. Their encounter with death only made things clearer for them...

"W-What...?  Since wh-" Vladimir spoke while holding his stomach, his eyes bloodshot from the pain.

"I trained this ability day and night... Finally awakening it one day. Such a simple ability... The damage taken by things I touch with my right-hand gets transferred to things I touch with my left." Vladislav tilted his head to the sides as he looked everywhere in the room.

"I've already shaken hands with everyone in this room. There's no need for more than that." The people in the room finally realised what their situation was... Their powerful quirks were made useless so quickly...

"Well then, now that your hopes are a bit more crushed. Let us move on to the nex-" The young Vlad stopped in his tracks, he looked behind him to see a rather familiar sight...

A black mist forming a twirling gateway to an unknown place... 'Fuck... I hoped he'd come a bit later...'


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