Ant King In MHA

Chapter 164: Report and Trust

_________ POV Narration_________

"Did you see that news report?! It was insane..." Nemuri spoke while rolling around in the bed. Beru was just lying beside her staring at the ceiling.

"Yea~ Seems like a hassle~" Beru didn't really know how to react to the sudden question, the two of them were just relaxing and Nemuri suddenly brought it up in conversation.

Beru had only spoken with Yori and Don about the incident a day prior, he was currently trying to unwind a bit, only for one of his greatest worries to pop up randomly.

"Everyone seems to be rather shaken by it... The whole world is rather unnerved, so many people dying... It was all so sudden, the disaster was almost instant..." She spoke while looking at Beru with an odd gaze.

"You don't seem quite phased by it..." Beru could feel something rather strange in Nemuri's words. A small trace of judgement.

"... You think I'm not getting a weird feeling from this?~ It's a tragedy~ But what's more unnerving is why it happened~ We've no idea what caused it yet~" Beru didn't mince any words and just called her out directly.

Still, his answer earned a raised eyebrow from Midnight.

"What do you mean 'no idea'. The investigation there has already concluded this morning..." Beru immediately snapped his head at Nemuri when hearing that.

"What?~" He asked in a bewildered tone.

"Nezu gave the report this morning, apparently the investigation was concluded almost instantly. Seems like the disaster warning systems were malfunctioning..." Nemuri seemed to be gaining some satisfaction from seeing Beru's bewildered gaze.

But she didn't really understand why he was so weirded out by the news.

'... They're fucking covering it up...' Was the only thing that appeared in his mind. Honestly, that was to be expected. The nation of Egypt acted quickly in order to prevent a global-wide panic.

'They probably rushed a fake investigation to calm down the public... They should still be looking into the matter secretly though...' Beru already found a few theories about the situation.

Still, he was rather shocked that Nezu had managed to get his paws on information about the situation before Don and Yori...

In truth, the information was so fresh that neither the Syndicate leader nor the scientist had any time to contact Beru.

They were not even phased by the news either since, much like Beru, they weren't swayed by the fake report at all.

"That's... I didn't know anything about that~"  Beru said while setting his gaze back at the ceiling.

"Hmmm... By the way, Izuku asked about you yesterday~ Since you weren't really at work, nor were you responding to any messages..." Nemuri was not shy, throwing around suspicion and other things of that nature.

She wasn't thinking that Beru was cheating on her, he simply didn't seem like the kind of person to do so. But she found that his disappearances were rather annoying.

Especially since he always acted like nothing was happening at all.

"...Sorry about that~ I was out fishing out on the Pacific with Yori~" Beru was quick to find an excuse, it would've sounded dumb for anyone, but Beru was well known for his spontaneity at this point.

"I see..." Nemuri was still not buying it though. Beru always had an excuse for his disappearances, so she didn't pursue her queries often, but this time it was a bit different.

"You know... You can trust me, we've already been together for over three years..." Her voice sounded almost hurt, it instantly made Beru's heart sting.

_________ POV Beru _________

... Damn. I feel like an actual shitstain...

Why am I even bothering to hide things from her at this stage? It's not like we're strangers or that we've only met a few months ago...

Now that I think about it... I've never quite told her anything about what I do in my free time. She has little to no idea of what I do with Yori, and my business with Don is as hidden as can be...

Why do I go through so much trouble? Why do I bother to lie to her about these things?

It's pretty easy to answer that though... I'm rather bad at trusting others, even when I know a person is safe, I tend to keep myself at a distance.

Maybe because I never actually had any 'constant' in my past. I've always drifted, not really making any connection with anyone.

Well, not an overly deep connection. I'm great at making friends. But love was always somewhat of a mystery to me.

Now I'm seeing the consequences of that inexperience, coupled with my lack of trust in the people around me...

I ended up hurting Nemuri for no good reason. Not that there would ever be any good reason for me to hurt her.

I guess I should start speaking, no need to extend this silence.

"First off, I'm sorry~" Better start properly, apologizing to her has been long overdue. I'm honestly not sure how she hasn't left my ass yet.

She looked up at me for a bit, her eyes sparkling a bit as confusion covered them.

"I may not have been as genuine as I should have been...~ I've hidden some stuff from you, things that I've been doing and that I've been a part of...~" At this point, it's pretty clear that I have her full attention.

"... And what would those be?" Her restraint is great to hear. I honestly thought that she'd be a lot madder when hearing this, but I guess it's something she was expecting.

Now, here's the most important part... Do I tell her everything about me? Including my past life?

I mean, at this point, I feel like not mentioning those things to her is unfair. She's told me everything about her, she's told me of her failed relationships, of her happy memories.

I'm the only one that's barely mentioned anything about my past. At first, maybe it wasn't as obvious, but she's definitely caught on that I'm not as transparent as I like to pretend to be.

Fuck it. I'll just say it. Since when was I the one to mince words and fear the consequences of my own actions?

"First off~ I'm a lot older than I let off~" I don't really know how to start going about this. Mentioning my age might help.

She looks genuinely confused at this time, probably because my information is public knowledge and my date of birth is well-documented.

"I am in fact much closer to 47-48 than 21...~ Do you believe in past lives?~" I guess I should've started with that question, but it really doesn't matter in which order I go here, she will likely react the same.

"...What?" Yep, confusion in her gaze and in her gestures. Not out of the ordinary considering what I just told her.

"To put it simply~ I was born with all of the memories of a 26-year-old adult~"

_________ POV Narration_________

Nemuri looked at Beru with bewilderment, but in her mind, she started connecting the dots...

Beru had always been an enigma, there was simply no way to ever explain him... Until now.

Beru's words offered an outlandish explanation, but it made a lot more sense than saying that a child created his own strong set of morals when in the captivity of one of the vilest villains to ever grace japan.

This shady explanation cleared up everything, from Beru's unusual conduct, to the way he carried himself all the time.

He had never acted like a young man or a teenager would've. Sure he was childish on occasion, but that didn't make his maturity show any less.

"I can see how that's hardly believable~ But I no longer want to lie to you~ I've no reason to bullshit you like this~ I gain nothing from it~"

Nemuri didn't want to admit it, but she did actually think that Beru was lying. Mainly because of the nature of what he was telling her.

But his apology was definitely genuine, and he seemed truly remorseful about lying to her. This leads to Nemuri feeling bad about almost calling Beru a liar.

"S-So... Who are you? Like, who are you for real?" Nemuri's large bangs covered her gaze, but Beru could tell that she wasn't faring quite well.

"I'm Beru~ Ever since we've met~ And long before that~ I've been Beru~ But 21 years ago~ I was a man called Alexander Moor~" Beru's voice made Nemuri look up once again.

"... That was your name?" Beru could feel a somewhat mocking undertone in her voice.

"Hey~ Don't diss me~ My parents never really bothered~ Neither in this life nor the last~"

"... So, who were you?" Midnight's question made Beru uneasy.

Telling a hero about your past as a hardened criminal isn't exactly a riveting experience, but Beru knew that he needed to open his mouth and speak anyway.

'I've already come this far... Might as well go all in~'

"Well...~" And just like that, Beru started explaining his past...


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