Ant King In MHA

Chapter 173: Villain Alliance and Information Gathering

__________ POV Beru__________

Finding Nem- I mean Giran isn't going to be that hard. I just have to go and ask around for a bit.

I won't be using my actual identity since that would be retarded though, I'll just be Random Thug Nr.251.

I usually only keep somewhat decent looking thugs to transform into, but this one's special let me tell you. He's got a nose bigger than my mandibles and his eyes seem larger than mine.

This guy is also bald, strangely, even the top of his head is wrinkly.

It's actually creepy when you put together the fact that this man's quirk wasn't even a mutation. I remember it being something stupid, like Nail Extension or something like that.

I'll be walking around the hangout spots for villains. Most seem to be ignoring me or giving me odd glances. Being an unknown face isn't important in these parts, but being this ugly does attract some attention.

Thankfully, attention is useful for what I'm currently doing.

The backstreets are filled with two-bit thieves and random small-time villains. No matter how much effort the young heroes put, it's simply impossible to deal with all of them.

Criminals have and will always exist. It's simply how the world works...

I decided to approach the most self-important looking group. They all seem to be wearing some type of fancy costume, they also aren't sitting around randomly, they seem to be heading in a certain direction.

"How are you doing fellow villains?!" Yep, that is going to be my introduction.

As always, I know exactly how to fit in.

"... Who the fuck are you?" '

__________ POV Narration __________

The group of villains that Beru had decided to approach wasn't exactly thrilled to see some ugly random thug approach them.

But one of them still asked that question since something felt really off about the thug.

Their group of five was currently heading for the Villain Alliance meeting. The Villain Alliance was an organization made to combat the rising heroes and bring about a new golden age for villainy.

It consisted of all of the powerful villains still free in Japan. It was actually impressive that the leader of the Alliance managed to bring so many people together.

They didn't need to be swayed to join either, since the Alliance was the only chance that the villain had at ever acting as brazenly as they used to.

The question "Who the fuck are you?" Sounded a bit aggressive, but there wasn't much hostility in the villain's tone. Just plain confusion.

"I'm Doffy! A villain that debuted some time ago~ Not really all that much to say about me." Beru's response didn't do much to alleviate anyone's confusion or curiosity.

"That... Ok? We're the Breakneck Brothers... We're a bit less known too..." One of the people in the group decided to respond in the end.

Beru almost burst out laughing when hearing how stupid their name was, but he had just called himself Doffy, so he had no actual right to call them out.

"I've kinda been looking around aimlessly for a while~ I'm looking for a certain someone..." Beru began explaining to them how Giran looked, the villain stood there for a bit.

"Well, we're glad you're looking for someone... But that doesn't mean anything to us." Another man spoke up this time, his tone was a bit more forceful, seemingly wanting to break away from speaking with the ugly villain that had approached them.

The group seemed to agree with him, as they all turned around and prepared to leave. There wasn't really anything to gain by speaking to Beru/Doffy, who they now deemed to be some kind of nutjob.

"... I'll pay you for any information about him~"  As soon as Beru said that, they all turned around in unison.

"Now that's better. So you want to know of Giran's whereabouts huh?" Beru smiled internally when hearing that, he hadn't mentioned Giran's name even once, which meant that the five baboons in front of him knew something.

"Yep~ I'll give you 5 million Yen now, the rest after you tell me~ We've got a deal?" Beru extended his hand, and the leader of the five shook it.

"Great! Follow me~" Beru gestured for them to follow him somewhere further into a poorly lit alleyway.

The five of them were instantly sceptical, but they didn't feel threatened, as there was five of them and only one of Doffy.

The alleyway was also not large enough for any group to be waiting in ambush, so they weren't worried at all.

Beru reached his hand into a trash bin and pulled a perfectly intact suitcase out of a hidden portal.

The five of them seemed somewhat stupefied as to where the man in front of them decided to hide his money.

They were starting to question whether or not the thug that had approached them was mentally sound.

The leader took the suitcase and opened it up, he was rather pleased to see the perfectly intact banknotes in it.

"Great! All right!" The entire gang seemed to be ecstatic about the money they were gaining without any effort.

"Giran has moved out of the country quite a while back. I remember seeing him last year, he said something about going to start a new business in china...

I don't exactly know the city he's in, but I'd check the ones with the most active underworlds since that's where business thrives."

The small-time gang leader did actually provide Beru with useful intel, much to the insectoid's shock.

He had expected the leader to do something stupid, like trying to steal more money from 'Doffy' without telling him anything.

But this was actually exactly what he was looking for. Beru had expected to have to lure in even more people in the alleyway if he wanted to get some proper intel, but his task was already done.

"Also, just in case you didn't know. All villains are banding together currently. I'm sure we could use someone like you too!" The leader of the Breakneck Brothers didn't really know if Doffy was capable, but he knew that the alliance wasn't in any position to be picky.

"Welp~ Thanks a lot, I guess~," Beru said while tilting his head.

He didn't know what to say about the villains in Japan banding together, but he also didn't really want to bother himself with that.

The five villains in front of him looked a bit weirded out since the action was a bit unnerving when done by someone as ugly as Beru.

"Yeah, the rest of the money would be ni-" The leader had started speaking, but he felt something weird, it was as if his throat wasn't listening to him anymore. He couldn't get any words out.

At the same time, he felt as if he was getting shorter, his line of sight was getting lower and lower.

He couldn't hear his buddies either, he slowly turned his head and looked down, only to see his arms, legs and torso all melting at a rapid pace.

"Sorry~ I don't really want to give you the rest of the money~" A sadistic smile appeared on Beru's face as his form seemed to shift.

He turned into another villain, this time looking a lot more like the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul, just with no mask on.

He was somewhat tired of looking ugly, and he was also running out of blood for that form.

"Damn, this is one of the better-looking forms I have~ Kinda annoying when I think about it.~ The guy was also irritating to fight~" Overhaul wasn't exactly a tough opponent for Beru, nor was anyone.

But Overhaul was one of the few people that could actually kill Beru under the right circumstances. A single touch would be all that was needed to dismantle anyone.

Beru learned more about that quirk after getting it, although he hadn't used it as much in fights.

The five villains all had terrified looks as they were melting into puddles.

The quirk that Beru used to make that happen, 'Liquid State' was the quirk that the old head of the Grigorev Family had.

It allowed the user to melt anything he touched into liquids... There was no heat involved, but the people who turned to liquid wouldn't be alive after their brains were also liquified.

They were unable to voice any pain, as Beru started melting their vocal cords first. It wasn't exactly hard to touch them, since Beru could move faster than their eyes could follow.

This one was also a frightening quirk, Beru only got it out of habit, but it was one of the more grim quirks he had ever gotten.

Beru opened up a misty portal underneath the money-filled suitcase and sent it back to the bank vault he had 'borrowed' it from.

Then he walked out of that alleyway with a smile on his face, not really caring for the looks he was gaining.

Behind him was a large strangely coloured puddle, as all five villains turned to liquid and unintentionally merged... Not that they were alive anymore or anything of the sort.

Beru left that part of town rather quickly, not really stopping to say hi to anyone.

'I guess I'll leave finding Giran in China to Don since he's the one with the information networks there.' Beru shed his disguise and teleported away after leaving the shadier parts of town.


Hope you liked the chapter!! I'm finally done with my exams, also managed to pass them all(I don't know how)

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on:


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