Ant King In MHA

Chapter 175: Front Row Seats

_________ POV Narration_________

"... Why... Where are we going again?" Toga asked while looking at her Mentor/Best Friend/Brother figure.

The two of them were currently in Toga's apartment, it hadn't been all that long since Beru's last visit, but Toga was happy to see him anyway.

Well, she would've been happier if she actually had any idea why Beru was asking her to pretend to be some damsel in distress.

"I'm telling you, I'm kidnapping you to hold you ransom to myself in order to make a show for myself!" Beru's explanation certainly didn't help poor Toga understand anything.

"... Have you ever tried making sense?" Toga asked with a tinge of concern in her voice, fearing that her mentor had finally grown senile.

"Look~ I get that it's hard to understand, but a lot of shit is going to happen real soon.

Some schmucks calling themselves the Villain Alliance want to stir up some shit, they plan to kidnap you to stop me from acting~"

Beru thankfully did start explaining himself eventually. Even if it only served to annoy Toga a bit.

"So? You want to kidnap me yourself or something? Isn't that a bit strange? I can protect myself, you don't have to wo-"

Toga was quick to protest, while she appreciated Beru's care, she wasn't all that weak of a hero, and she was certainly sure that not many villains out there could pose a threat to her.

"What?~Nonononono~ I'm not doing this to protect you~ At least not entierly~ I'm kinda playing along with their strategy, I infiltrated them and everything~

They somehow reached the conclusion that I am the only obstacle they have in Japan~ Which is retarded~"

Toga's eyes shined with a bit of understanding as she finally wrapped her head around what stunt Beru was trying to pull off.

"... I see... But that makes me sad! I want to cut some of them up too..." Toga's puppy dog eyes betrayed the brutality in her tone.

"... Fine!~ Fine... I guess you don't need to be a hostage~ I'll just tell make a clone or some shit~"

"... Why do you need to? You can always just not act." Toga's question was a relatively good one.

It's not like anyone was forcing Beru to act, his 'overwhelming heroic spirit' was also fine with staying on the side and eating popcorn.

But the issue wasn't exactly with him, at least not in this situation.

"Yeah~ But if the villains knew that I can act at all times they wouldn't even have the balls to start anything~ They would start fleeing in an instant~"

Toga just sighed and nodded at Beru's words.

"Fine... fine... You can use me as a captive... IF, and only if, you also take me out for ice cream afterwards~" Thankfully, Toga was no longer obsessed with killing people.

She still sometimes felt like drinking the blood of her peers, but at this point, everyone was used to her.

"Thanks!~ Ice cream it is!~ I'll even buy you an entire store~" Beru's generosity was something he had developed eventually.

It was a combination of convenience and having a lot more money than he could ever spend in his lifespan.

He was paid from all directions, governments, advertisements, merchandise. Money became more of an afterthought after a while.

He didn't need to take money out of the bank anymore(illegally, I mean)! Although he still did it out of convenience...

"Good! When do we start?"

"I'll come fletch you tomorrow~ Put on your best frightened face, or not~" Beru then proceeded to spend a few more hours at Toga's place.

Just hanging around with her and wasting some time. He did eventually return to Nemuri's place, as he didn't have a house of his own(the dorm at UA is still his tho).

_________ POV Nemuri_________


Why is it that every time Beru comes home high-spirited something massive happens?

Beru left sometime this morning, he said he was preparing some surprise, but this isn't what I was expecting...

"A massive group of villains is currently marching the streets, they are boldly proclaiming to be named the Villain Alliance!" The news anchor is a bit more annoying than usual.

I guess there hasn't been news this exciting in quite some time. The reporters probably don't even know how to react.

Still... Why do I get the feeling that Beru is somehow at fault for this?

Now, I may not be the smartest hero(I'm just the sexiest one) but he's always stirring up trouble whenever he gets bored... And he was looking bored a few days ago...

Oh lord.

I should probably get the teacher together and prepare to deal with the villains though, they are in Musutafu after all, and we are a bit obligated to help since this is technically our home.

I'm mostly a teacher nowadays, but that doesn't mean I can't act if push comes to shove.

Same for everyone else.

"W-What is the meaning of this! It seems Japan's greatest hero is standing on the sidelines! It seems that the villains have taken somebody hostage, and they are threatening Beru!"

The reporter on the scene is really good at saying obvious things.

I mean, it looks almost scripted at this point, Beru shows up and the villains highjack a big screen to show him an image of someone being tied to a chair...

Wait... Is that Toga? Oh for god's sake.

Out of everyone, they targeted her? It's no way they actually caught her though, Beru must've done something.

Toga's quirk allows her to transform and use the abilities of everyone she drinks blood from as long as she understands how their quirk works.

Beru took some time to explain some of his quirks to her, and just like that, she's now basically one of the strongest heroes alive.

Toga also never uses that form, since she says that it takes away all of the fun... Sometimes I worry for that girl.

"The Ant King, Japan's greatest hero is standing on the sidelines while villains roam the streets! The majority of civilians have thankfully been evacuated already, but this isn't a good sign!"

Yeah, no shit.

"B-but for some reason... Beru doesn't seem to be all that worried..."

Again, no shit. I can see him laying out his foldable chair, the camera also clearly shows him eating popcorn...

I've seen him more worried about losing his tickets to the carnival. You can't possibly make me believe that this isn't his doing.

*~Ring~Ring~* Oh, someone's calling me... As for why my ringtone is just Beru's voice saying ring twice... That's because I like it.

"Beru, you dipshit!" I immediately picked up the phone and started off the call with the truth.

"Hey!~ That's hurtful~ Say~ You wanna join me?~ Stuff is about to start real soon~"

Can't say I'm not flattered... But I'll have to start with, "ARE YOU INSANE?!"

"... You're no fun~ C'mon, you know they were going to act anyway~ If I just stop them myself then I'll just be some other Symbol~ That's not my job, and that's not who I want to be~"

Well... He does have a habit of running from responsibility, he's already struggling with plenty of stuff, being a symbol might not be at the top of his list currently... I guess...

"I need the villains to see that I'm not exactly the only thing in the world they need to fear~" Oh... I guess that makes sense...

"I get that... How did you convince Toga to play along though?"

"Well, I used my natural charisma and amazing persuasion skil-"

For fuck sake, it was ice cream, wasn't it? "It was ice cream, wasn't it?"

"... Yea~..."

"Just so you know, you're sleeping on a couch for a few days because of this."


"Good, take care, I'll just keep going on with my day since nothing all that serious is happening."

I'm really not feeling up to it. I'll take part in some of Beru's other pranks or scams at some other time.

"Buh Bay~"

Hah... I really think I'm going to go mad because of him at some point...


Hope you liked the chapter!

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