Ant King In MHA

Chapter 192: Exhaustion and Power

__________ POV Narration__________

'What are Quirks exactly?'

That was a question that many people tried to answer for many years, ever since the apparition of the special abilities that people decided to name 'Quirks'.

Were they a genetic mutation? Were they some sort of spiritual anomaly that somehow gave people various abilities?

It was simply impossible to know. At face value, they were directly linked to genes, but they were also not entirely dependent on genes.

As the child of two people with different quirks might or might not inherit the combination of his parent's quirks.

It was a true oddity that simply no one could properly explain.

Kyudai, in his research, was the first one to discover that the human body was simply not prepared to withstand quirks that were more powerful in nature.

At first, the human body evolved alongside the quirk, but the quirks seemed to rapidly overtake the body in that evolution process.

That was how the 'Quirk Singularity' theory was born. After all, it was only logical to assume that someday newborn children would be born with abilities far too powerful for their own bodies.

In a sense, Yori and Beru should've expected the disasters to start happening sooner. After all, they already knew of the existence of quirks that were too powerful to be safe. Like the one Eri had, or even Beru's own quirk.

That didn't mean that they were completely unprepared for what came after.

But as Beru stood in the crater that he created, with his eyes closed and mind wandering, he couldn't help but think about how some things could've been avoided had they had just a bit more hindsight.

In the end, Beru sighed as he realised he was essentially just crying over spilt milk.

There was no way for him to turn back time and redo everything, even if there was he wasn't quite sure how to prevent any disaster from happening.

Quirks were still a mystery, the way they evolved was still a mystery, and the way they came to this world was a mystery. There was simply no use crying about it now.

He slowly started getting up as the debris was also already falling all around him. The meteoric rocks that he had shattered were still a danger to the civilians.

Thankfully the heroes had managed to get everyone to some form of shelter, so the streets were quite empty and the buildings were being protected.

Beru whistled a bit as he opened his eyes and started strolling through the wreckage, the buildings with no people in them were all crushed and shattered. There was no reason for any hero to protect them after all.

And so, Beru strolled through the streets, one leg seemingly limping behind as he had yet to heal completely, both of his arms hanging limply by his side as he felt like he had just slept on them...

'I remember my regeneration to be a bit more... potent?' Beru wondered as he shifted from side to side, occasionally avoiding a falling concrete slab or meteoric rock.

'I've never really pushed 'Hyper Regeneration' to this extent though, so I guess it's hard to tell what the results might be...'

But it wasn't just Hyper Regeneration that had been pushed beyond its limits. Every single quirk inside the insectoid's body had worked overtime, to the point where he shouldn't even have been able to walk around right now.

The only reason he could move around currently was due to his pain nullification and his unyielding will. He dragged his broken body through the broken-down city.

Beru didn't really think much of the odd sensation inside his body. That was one of the downsides of his 'Pain Nullification' quirk. He simply had no way to outright feel the damage that was done to his body.

The outside had healed, mostly anyway, but his body was still mangled. Especially the hand that he had punched the first meteor with, that was the limb that had taken the worst beating.

The leg he used to intercept the third meteor was also not doing all that well, but it was still much better by comparison.

His punch had stopped a meteor the size and weight of an entire metropolis falling at a speed of around 20 km/s. It was crushed, burned, ground.

The weight of the meteor even threatened to rip off his arm in that confrontation, it only managed to hang on thanks to his regeneration and impact nullification quirks...

Beru heaved a tired sigh as he looked up, a relatively large piece of the meteor was now descending upon the city. It was very large, to the point where it seemed large than the UA campus.

Beru was about to force himself forwards to crush it, wobbly on his feet as he flexed his muscles artificially using Muscular's quirk.

But before he forced his body to spring into action, a large glacier swallowed it almost entirely, covering a district of the city in the process as Shoto also made his presence known to his peers.

Bakugo was also not about to let himself be outshined by Shoto.

A similar scene happened in another side of the city, this time a larger rock was stopped by a large explosion, crushing the descending rock into pieces and completely killing its descent.

Beru just shook his head. 'Heroes really are attention seekers eh?~' A large rock fell right behind him, on which Beru just sat down as he took a breather.

In the sky, he could also see a green flash of lightning, Izuku was constantly zipping about, kicking rocks away from areas of the city that were still not properly evacuated.

'I was a bit worried at first~ Seems like they can actually handle this~'

It was a bit hard for Beru to accept relying on other people. But, while in his current state, he really had no choice.

Eventually, Beru genuinely fell asleep. In a sitting position on that rock. Completely disregarding the falling rocks around him.

During his sleep, a villain even found him. But said villain was far too scared to even approach the injured Ant King, let alone do anything to him.

Eventually, the heroes found him too. Izuku used his speed to take him to the nearest medical tent. It was a haphazard setup, made in a hurry to take care of the injured civilians.

Beru did wake up slightly when the Izuku picked him up. But he just dozed off and went back to sleep.

The situation was chaotic for a while, but finding Beru did give everyone a huge morale boost.

They justifiably thought that something had happened to Beru when stopping the other meteors.

The scene was obstructed at the end after all, but some still managed to see Beru being pushed downwards and crashing into the ground.

It was a miracle that everyone in that hospital had survived, and the casualties were actually surprisingly small, especially when the experts started calculating the actual damage the meteors could've done, not only to Japan but to the world in general.

In the end, they reached the conclusion that, if an object of that size and mass had struck the earth at that speed, no matter the point of impact, it would've meant the end of humanity.

Beru slept through a few weeks. People assumed he was in a coma, but his snoring told people otherwise.

Nemuri was quick to reach him when she heard that he was found.

She was really concerned, but she eventually realised that he was ok, especially after she was annoyed by his loud snores during one night.

Every person that Beru had taught in the past also paid him a visit. Many people wanted to actually see Beru, but Heroes were posted at the door, keeping reporters and fans outside.

And while Beru was sleeping it became official... Beru was dubbed, 'The New Symbol of Peace' and 'Earth's Hero'.

The last title was what the world had started calling him, it quickly stuck as every hero and/or aspiring hero saw his actions as awe-inspiring.

The public was also beyond moved, especially after some found footage of Beru struggling against the last meteor was found.

To them, it seemed as if the Ant King was resolute, desperate and tired.

But with all of his energy, risking his health and safety, he put everything at stake and crushed the object threatening to end the lives of everyone below him.

There were also photos and videos of how Beru had stopped the first meteor, which only served to further cement him as the worlds strongest.

Beru would've likely tried rejecting such frivolous titles if he was awake. But at this point, it didn't matter whether he wanted it or not, people were going to look up to him.

Now there was no denying it. There was no one that dared to say otherwise. Everyone had witnessed Beru's immensurable power...

The only problem was... Beru was still not waking up.


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