Ant King In MHA

Chapter 23: Thrill

__________ POV Narration__________

The fight had clearly damaged their surroundings greatly.

Yet, All Might couldn't help but feel that the crowd was being a bit harsh towards his opponent. Sure, he didn't look all that righteous.

But, the man avoided hitting any vital spots. And, he hadn't used his claws one bit, meaning he didn't actually wish to maim or injure the Symbol of Peace.

He was just excited to fight an opponent on equal footing. Something that could've been understood had the situation not painted him in a bad light.

All Might had felt strangely during that fight.

He knew that any moment, Beru could've just, unclenched his own fists... And the insectoid's claws would've torn through his arms with ease.

Eventually, the Symbol of Peace also got lost in the fight, his opponent's excitement rubbing off on him.

Even though All Might had never been the type to search for fights, but this bout felt more like a spar than anything. Although they could've done it under different circumstances...

There had been no casualties caused by their exchange, every building was swiftly evacuated when the police arrived.

They had a perfect response and evacuation protocol for an emergency of this nature. They were currently prepared to apprehend the villain at a moment's notice.

But All Might didn't consider the person in front of him a villain. He simply couldn't bring himself to see him as one.

As the hero walked out of the building he looked at his opponent with a bit of pity. He didn't like the way they called him a monster.

Usually, his opponents would simply be called villains. But, due to Beru's appearance, he was just called a monster. It was a bit strange to see.

And it would be a lie to say that Beru didn't find it a bit disheartening. But it still seemed to bother All Might more than it did the insectoid pre-teen.

"Let's wrap things up~," Said Beru in his regular distorted tone.

All Might just nodded, their next exchange would be the last one. It seemed like Beru also started feeling a bit bad about wrecking the neighbourhood.

All Might prepared a punch, going beyond everything he had previously thrown, a smash powerful enough to take down just about everybody.

Meanwhile, Beru's right arm unnaturally started swelling up, his previous slender arm became large enough to match All Might's.

They both dashed forwards at the same time. Just as their punches were to meet, All Might shouted out.

"UNITED STATES OF SMASH!" His voice alone created vibrations in the air, his punch met Beru's fist.

It was at this point that Beru realised that he had somewhat miscalculated how much force the hero in front of him was supposedly able to exert.

His fist was quickly crushed, his exoskeleton pushing into his skin as it mangled his overgrown muscles and blood started sprouting out everywhere.

Yet, he kept his posture, the shockwave from their clash blew away everything around them. Creating a furious tornado and forcing the new's helicopter to fly further away from the clash.

Beru was slowly being pushed back, as more and more of his arm was being mangled by the brute force of the Symbol Of Peace.

Yet, there was no pain present in the insectoid's eye. His excitement hadn't died down even a bit. No, he was even more excited than at the beginning.

One strike, one single strike had been enough to nullify his shock absorption and crush his bones and muscles.

All Might pushed forward, as Beru's arm completely let off.

Beru was pushed backwards at great speeds. He flew above the buildings and into the clouds, dispelling the ones that had gathered due to the tornado.

But he wasn't anywhere near done. No, he was built to last.

He unfurled his wings, his ant wings flapped around at unimaginable speeds and broke his upward momentum, staring down at the ruins of his fight.

Looking at his side, he could see the news helicopter, their camera focused on him as he stopped his arm from healing.

It hadn't been just his arm that was affected by the powerful punch. No, no, the damage that was done was quite extensive.

All of his organs were in turmoil, the right side of his ribcage was mostly pulverised and his lungs were perforated by his bones as if by shrapnel.

He stared at the sweating cameraman for a second or two, contemplating whether to leave or have one last chat with his opponent.

After a short briefing with his own mind, he chose the latter. Dashing back down to where the clash had happened.

All Might himself had taken some damage as well, his muscles were torn on different parts from the resistance and the strain.

__________ POV Beru__________

Well, this has been quite eventful... It's been a long time since I've actually felt threatened. All for One was the first person in the world to make me feel like that.

And now this man... Although I'm quite sure I'd be able to defeat him if I actually tried. He doesn't seem to be cut from the same cloth as All for One...

I have no actual reason to kill him. If he was a criminal I would've killed him though, those are free game for me.

Now that I think about it. This is also the first time a fight's managed to tire me out...

"Good fight~," I said as I looked at the panting hero. My arm hung limply by my side, the bleeding had stopped, but it was only healing slowly.

After all, I don't need to bother hurriedly healing myself at the cost of more stamina when the fight is already over.

"Young man... This is such a mess..." He shook his head and took a frustrated sigh. I just now noticed that there was steam coming out of his body.

"Sorry~ Can't be caught yet~," I said in a bit of a cheerful tone. Maybe I could've escaped, but I also wanted to fight this guy, so I guess I'm double guilty?

He sighed, but he didn't move from his place to try and apprehend me again. Is he really that tired? I guess the last strike could've killed me if aimed at different spots.

Although I could've still just dodged it.

"Young man plea-" His words were interrupted by a scream, both of our heads bolted to the source, a woman was stuck under a pile of rubble.

It seems their evacuation wasn't quite that great.

"P-please! Help me!" She shouted out in distress. Looking up, I could see the building above her slowly tilting and threatening to collapse on top of her.

I looked at All Might, but he was still unmoving, I guess he's far too tired for that huh? He even looked at me pleadingly.

I just sighed, I guess I'll do his job for now, but he'll owe me one... Yea, this is definitely not a mess caused by no one other than myself...

I dashed towards the woman as she screamed in fear when seeing me approach her. Quite rude, usually people aren't all that picky on who saves them, but whatever.

I showed the claws on my left hand, as they grew to be around one meter each. I took a few swipes at a great speed, I cut the entire building to pieces and the rubble above her as well.

The pressure from those moves also pushed all of the rubble away from the woman. She closed her eyes, I guess she was expecting herself to die?

Oh well, she's relatively safe now, there's no impending threat to her life. So I guess that's that.

I reappeared in front of All Might, who looked quite shocked at the way I had demolished that building.

"You owe me a drink~" Was the last thing I said to him before flying off.

I quickly flew above the few clouds that were left and went to finish my delivery mission. I had almost forgotten about it, honestly...

What a fun day.


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