Ant King In MHA

Chapter 9: Interrogation Room and Outrage.

__________ POV Beru__________

Now, I decided to see what the police is trying to do.

For now, they took me to an interrogation room. I think it's just because they don't know where to keep me before they can find any traces of my identity.

All I could help them with was my name and the name of the orphanage. I got a few pity looks after saying that, but some of them really couldn't hide the suspicion in their eyes.

I guess they don't think any child would be capable of taking down a group of 'organised' villains.

But, to be honest, I've seen high school clubs with better organised and coordinated than whatever that poor excuse of a heist was.

They weren't horribly powerful fighters either, no formal training and lacklustre reflexes.

I wonder how they will proceed after they fish out my personal information from their databases. Even if I was a discarded orphan, traces of my presence in the childcare system will remain.

So it doesn't matter whether or not the idiots that threw me in the mountain tried to erase their tracks or not.

Still, why is it taking these incompetent cops so long? I've been sitting here for two hours at least.

I don't know how the legal system works in this world, but this is a bit much, to hold a 5-year-old kid in an interrogation room for no good reason...

Well, I guess one person did die, another was also seriously injured when I tested my claws against kevlar. The others were just with various minor injuries.

And a few concussions, of course, I just hope I didn't give the meathead any brain damage. That would be difficult to explain in court. Wait, why would they take a child to court?

I guess my mind wonders in stupid places when bored. Being alone for almost 6 years also got me accustomed to monologuing a lot.

God, I hope I won't become a shitty monologuing criminal, I need to avoid that. Besides, I've already gotten my fair share of action in my past life. I don't need to become a gangster again.

The police are sure taking their sweet time though, almost makes me want to just cut through the door and leave. They haven't put me in any restraints, so that is a good sign at least.

Finally, the door opened. The officer looked embarrassed.

They probably confirmed my identity, they need to salvage the situation, they didn't even take me to the doctor to see if I have any bullets in me...

I know I don't, but they certainly fucked this up royally. Treating a child like he's a suspect is beyond retarded on their part.

Even if they had no actual way to confirm my age, the bank worker vouched for me, she was even in tears when they put me in the back of the car.

The other employees consoled her in the end.

Still, what a nice gal, 10/10 wife material if I do say so myself. Too bad the age difference might be a turnoff for the law...

Even if I don't know the system in this world, I doubt pedos are suddenly legal. Or, fuck me, maybe they are, who am I to judge? Back to shitface lawman.

I could see the police offices stumbling in his words as he tried to ask me things.

"A-Are you feeling well son?" Wow, instantly adopting a fatherly calming tone to cover up your fuckup. So police-like.

I don't doubt that the fact they treated me like a suspect will be left out of every single report possible. The law works like that everywhere, no matter what world or country.

"I~FINE" My voice came off a bit too loud, as the officer seemed to recoil a bit. Maybe he was being anxious or something? Still, his acting is a bit too weird...

My gut is telling me not to trust a word that comes out of his mouth from here forth. And my gut is rarely wrong.

__________ POV Narration__________

His gut is oftentimes wrong.

Somehow, he wasn't all that wrong this time, the policeman was certainly hiding something.

But it wasn't something malicious, it was just a feeling of dread, a regret for having wronged the child in front of him.

He was trying his best to not show uncertainty to the lost child that happened upon a robbery.

The same child who had been sprayed with bullets for an entire minute, and had continued fighting the villains with no hesitation at all.

Even if the bullets weren't able to pierce the young boy's powerful exoskeleton, they still should've hurt the small child. Just the blunt force of them kept pushing him back repeatedly.

The entire station had seen the footage at this point. And one of the responding officers felt so bad that he had asked for a leave.

The officer that entered Beru's interrogation room was just there to calm down the presumably panicked boy and to bring him to the hospital.

He wasn't expecting the boy to be completely calm. But then again, maybe the child simply didn't understand that it was in any form of trouble.

From the records he had seen, this child disappeared a few months after his birth, something that was thoroughly investigated.

The people that were responsible for it were all incarcerated. They tried to cover their own tracks, but their attempts only gave them a few more charges to their names.

They were put in prison for life and vilified by the mutant quirked community as well as every other citizen of Japan.

The police did all they could to find the child, but Beru had strayed very far from where he was left off, so their efforts were all in vain.

They thought him dead for a long time. His name was already all but forgotten as the people found something else to be outraged about.

Now the police could finally close the case with a happy ending... Although the circumstances of his survival were completely unknown.


Hope you liked the chapter.

And yeah, the people that sent him on a trip to the mountains got caught.

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