Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 204 The law starts from the skill, and the machine comes from the heart - Mohism · Trick Cit

Chapter 204 The law starts from the skill, and the machine comes from the heart - Mohism · Trick City
The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop singing, and the ink bird has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

"Boil—the damn mechanical bird is still accelerating!"

"It's about to hit!"

"Ah—what the hell!"


A mountain peak was directly smashed through, and there was a loud bang. Under the impact of the huge diving potential energy of the mechanical bird, countless boulders fell from the sky, the power source of the mechanical bird was also destroyed, and the four huge bronze and iron wings were also shattered. The mechanical bird moves in free fall, falling from the sky.

"Quick, run away!"

"We descended too fast, we fell straight down, I'm afraid it's a fart!"

"What should I do!"

At the critical moment, Wu Laosan firmly grasped the mechanical bird's spine, and commanded quietly, "Everyone lean to the left, put the bottom of the mechanical bird down, and adjust your posture! Make the bottom of the Mohist mechanical bird face down!"

"Pan Zi! Immediately release the bomb downwards! Use the impact of the bomb to push the bottom of the mechanical bird to generate a counter force!"

"hurry up!"

"Adjust the falling posture of the mechanical bird!"

"Bomb dropped!"


A bright flame rose to the sky, under the action of a huge flame shock wave and downward impact.

The entire mechanical bird disintegrated in the air, bursting into countless fragments. In the shattered flames, the people buffered seemed to be the brightest fireworks, exploding in all directions.

"The Art of Imperial Objects! Catch the dragon vertically and horizontally!"

In mid-air, Wu Sansheng opened and closed his hands, and under the control of the art of imperialism, the pieces of debris supported the crowd steadily, and slowly fluttered downward.

"Third uncle, amazing!"

"Almost fell to my death!"

"Third Uncle is far enough away, let's jump down!"


Everyone fell to the ground without any risk, and everyone's cheeks were covered with sweat.

Chen Yulou lay on the ground, heaving a long sigh of relief, the partridge beside him kept patting Chen Yulou's shoulder, "How is it, how is my driving skill?"

Chen Yulou raised his little finger and shook it down.

"Fuck you!" Partridge whistled Chen Yulou, "A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!"

Lying on the ground, Chen Yulou took out the vodka that he put in his heart, poured it into his mouth, and the warm spirits burst into bloom in his heart. This feeling from the heart to the soul made Chen Yulou feel the sweetness of happiness for a while.

At this moment, a voice came from the side, "Where is Senior Baidi? Has anyone seen Senior Baidi?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked around and took a closer look. Not to mention, the White Emperor Xu Ming disappeared again.

Pan Zi scratched his head and said, "Could it be that when we shuttled across that mountain just now, Senior Baidi was left inside?"

Zhang Xiaopi's eyes were deep, and he subconsciously contacted Xu Ming, but unexpectedly, Xu Ming didn't respond.

Zhang Xiaozhun realized that something was wrong, and at the same time, Zhang Xiaozhu realized that something was wrong with King Lu Shang, who had a tough face, and the two of them looked at each other.

King Lu Shang said, "Where did the Lord go? Why can't I get in touch? Zhang Xiaozhuan, can you get in touch?"

Zhang Xiaozhu shook his head and said, "I can't get in touch, but I can vaguely feel that the Lord is still alive and in good condition, but I don't know why the connection between him and me is vague, it seems that there is a thick fog in the middle, we The two can see each other's shadow, but cannot communicate."

Tie Miansheng said, "Forget it, don't contact the master, this place is the Mohist organ city, the Mohist giant is not a fuel-efficient lamp, in the age of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the Mohist can always sit in the third place, [-]% There will also be some ways to separate the spiritual thoughts, and it is normal if they cannot be contacted."

Partridge whistled, "The military advisor is right. With the master's ability, we are all dead, and he won't shed a single hair. If he is worried about the master, why not worry more about ourselves? Where is this place?" what!"

At this moment, everyone looked around. The terrain of this place is peculiar. On both sides of the city wall, there are steep cliffs and deep valleys, which are difficult to climb. The miasma and mist in the sea of ​​clouds and mist measured, at a glance, those miasma and sea of ​​clouds are rolling and boiling like the sea, which is very strange.

In such a situation, there is no choice but to move forward.

Looking forward, there is a hazy city shadow, and there should be a city in front.

"Since you're here, you'll be safe." Wu Sansheng said, "Go, let's take a look inside the Mohist city!"


Everyone packed up the team, and walked down the historic road towards the fortress. When they got closer, everyone realized that the city was very small, probably like a small town, with two layers of walls. The building is tall, and the ancient buildings imitating the Qin Dynasty inside the city wall are orderly and awe-inspiring at first glance, making people feel a sense of intimacy.

At this moment, Wu Sansheng was staring at the city gate. In a small city, there were actually three gate openings. These three thick ancient city gates from the Warring States Period lay in front of him. The wind-eroded door panel, which had not been damaged for a long time, made Wu Sanxing couldn't help feeling the exquisite forging technique of the Mohist school.

"Isn't Mozi too stingy? The city is only two meters high, what do you mean? Look down on anyone! It's not as tall as the wall of my toilet! We're afraid we'll just slide over it with a shovel. "

"It's indeed a bit chilling, and it's completely incomparable with the ancient city of Loulan! It's not on the same level at all."

"Okay, let's not compare a few words. How strong was the productivity at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period! It is already very good to be able to build such a small city in this kind of place. Will the third uncle enter the city?"

Wu Sansheng didn't answer, Wu Laosan looked at the three city gates that were stitched together, and felt that this small city might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Think about the ancient bronze gate left by the Yinyang family, this Mohist school is known as the third among all schools of thought!It's riding on the head of the Yin Yang family to shit!

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, Mohism is only behind Taoism and Confucianism, which is enough to see the prestige of Mohism, which should not be underestimated.

Wu Sanxing looked at Zhang Xiaozhuan and the others, hoping that Uncle Yuan and his colleagues from Bai Yujing would give him some advice.

Of course, the expressions of the other colleagues were also not right. Zhang Xiaozhuan, Lao Lu, and Tie Miansheng were standing side by side at this moment, looking at the seemingly inconspicuous small town in front of them, and they were constantly communicating with each other.

King Lu Shang said, "This city looks like a joke! Although the productivity of the era I lived in was not as exaggerated as it is in modern times, any city is more respectable than this! Even my palace is bigger than this!"

Zhang Xiaozhu said, "Master Lu means that we came to the wrong place, isn't this the first level?"

Tie Miansheng interrupted the two of them, "Small, it doesn't mean it's easy to pass the level."

King Lu Shang said, "What's the matter? Jiumei, do you think this place is the first level of the Mo family?"

Tie Miansheng said, "Do you remember, there is something in the Mo family called Mo Fang."

As soon as Mo Fang exited, Partridge Whistle hurriedly said, "Is the Rubik's Cube? I know it's a six-sided cube toy..."

Tie Miansheng said, "I'm talking about Mo Fang, Mozi's ink, not magic magic! Mo Fang's full name is also Shangtong Mo Fang. Although it is not an organ, it can hide the organ. In terms of function, Mofang is very similar to the storage ring on TV, it can store those cumbersome mechanical Mohist mechanisms and props through Mofang, and then every Mohist disciple can carry it with him.”

Tie Miansheng said this, and Zhang Xiaozhuo rubbed his numb scalp, "Military Master, are you serious? This thing really exists? Isn't this storage ring a thing for cultivating immortals?"

Tie Miansheng said, "It really exists. My ancestors clearly recorded it in the genealogy. Back then, Lu Ban, the craftsman god, challenged the Mohist giant, and the Mohist giant threw a Mohist out. The god Luban lost to that generation of Mohist giants with half a move."

Zhang Xiaozhuan said, "I still have a little trouble understanding Space Mofang..."

Partridge Whistle followed Zhang Xiaozhuan's words, "Actually, if you want to understand this, it's very simple. We are now three-dimensional life forms. If we add a time dimension on top of us, we will become four-dimensional life forms, and four-dimensional life forms In my eyes, space is actually a variant of time. In the postpartum care of sows I learned, the swineherd put forward two theories clearly and accurately.”

"The first theory, the simple possibility of opposite determinations in the same substance, is time."

"Second theory, the mere possibility of the same matter perpetuating under all opposite determinations is space."

"Swineherd believes that the limit of three-dimensionality is the law of space, because points, lines, and surfaces are the criteria for delineating space, and four-dimensional life forms transcend three-dimensionality, so they can naturally control the laws of space, but those who control space may not necessarily control time. , he can only be said to be a three-dimensional peak life form at best."

"So, it's normal for space treasures to exist, just like the Lord's coffin of souls. We obviously look like normal coffins, but we can fit the huge real body of the Lord."

King Lu Shang said, "If Mofang really exists, doesn't that mean that in this small city we see in front of us, there are actually countless vicious Mohist institutions hidden?"

Sternly said, "Don't use a questioning tone, use an affirmative tone, the Mo family must have hidden countless traps! And each of them will cost you three thousand lives! This is a city full of traps, the Mohist trap city!"

Zhang Xiaozhuo said, "Then how should we deal with this organ city? Which city gate should we enter?"

Tie Miansheng didn't answer Zhang Xiaozhun, but looked at Third Uncle and the others, and said, "Guys, according to my observation, this place is probably the Mohist institution city, and there are many institutions in the Mohist institution city. All organs are possible, so we are going to assign tasks now."

Wu Sansheng said, "Please ask the military division to assign tasks!"

Tie Miansheng looked at the three city gates in front of him, "Mohist, the third largest family of the Spring and Autumn Schools, its disciples are called Mozhe, and Mohist is divided into three types: Mo Xia, Mo Ke, and Mo Carpenter. It is literature, the ink craftsman represents skill, and the ink man with the watch is martial arts."

"Mo Ke is the head of the three, and the spiritual leader of the Mohist school. The strongest of them is known as the giant, that is, the head of the Mohist school."

"The method of Mohists to implement organs with skills is the second of the three, and it is the backbone of the Mohist school. The mechanism of the Mohists emphasizes both love and non-aggression, which is the opposite of the hegemonic mechanism."

"Mo Xia, the hidden assassin organization of the Mohist school. If the Mohist's reasoning is ineffective and the Mohist's demonstration is fruitless, he will use the Mohist to kill the opponent and achieve the Mohist philosophy of peace with the least damage. In this Mohist, the warriors regard themselves as chivalrous and righteous. Running rampant, destroying the front and turning the tide. The most famous Mohist assassin is Jing Ke, who almost succeeded in assassinating the King of Qin."

"These three gates represent the three concepts of the Mohist school. According to the etiquette of the Mohist school, the middle is the most respected, the left is the second, and the right is the bottom."

"That's why the door in the middle is the door of scholars, to enter those who are proficient in literature and martial arts."

"The door on the left is the door of the mechanism, and you need to enter the master of the Yanshi mechanism."

"The door on the right is the door of Mo Xia. It is for masters of martial arts and anti-assassination."

"Now, let's start choosing doors according to our abilities!"

The iron-faced voice came out, but Bai Sheng said, "This city wall is only two meters high. Such a height is not as tall as Lu Fengxian's. How about we just turn over it?"

Tie Miansheng's beautiful eyes looked at Bai Sheng with great interest, "Mr. Bai is so confident, why don't you give it a try."

When Bai Sheng was caught by this beautiful girl named Tie Miansheng, he couldn't hold back his old face. Bai Sheng glanced at the two-meter-high city wall, and waved his hand to a member of the Bai family, "Go up and have a look!"

That member of the Bai family was transformed by the formation of five rampant soldiers and horses. He jumped out without a run-up, and jumped up the two-meter-high city wall at the moment the member of the Bai family jumped over the city wall.

Everyone was secretly happy, did it succeed?
It seems that this pretty-looking girl is as fierce as a tiger in theory, and two hundred and five in practice...

Just when everyone was waiting to see the iron face make a good show and make a fool of itself.

With the sound of Peng, the strange sound resounded!

Everyone only saw that the body of the master who was about to cross the two-meter city wall was slightly stagnant, and the next moment, the city wall in front of him actually grew taller!


The walls grow taller by themselves!
Before, the city wall was only two meters!

The five rambunctious soldiers of the Bai people are more than five meters high in one leap!
Then the city wall directly increased by five meters!It became a seven-meter-high city wall!

This master could have crossed a height of two meters, and his whole body was attached to the seven-meter-high city wall.

But you thought it was over?
The master pressed his hands on the city wall and wanted to bounce back, but even faster, the raised city wall and floor tiles rotated, and shiny hook guns poked out directly from inside, hooked the master's body accurately, and slammed in all directions. One pull!
The blood was scattered, and the master of the Bai family turned into debris all over the ground in an instant.

The atmosphere turned cold, and the smiles on everyone's faces, which were about to mock the stern face, froze at this moment.

Only Tie Miansheng still kept a faint smile. Tie Miansheng seemed to have realized this situation long ago, and there was no surprise in her eyes.

Bai Sheng looked at the strange seven-meter-high city wall, and turned his head to look at Tie Miansheng, "Military Master, you were abrupt just now, and the little old man was rude. Please, Military Master, don't be as knowledgeable as the little old man."

Tie Miansheng said, "Mohism's tricks emphasize eight characters. The method starts from the technique, and the mechanism comes from the heart. They claim that the mechanism is used for the sake of the technique, and the law is the continuation of the mechanism. If you want to crack their mechanism, To break their law, to break their law is to break their ideas, if you can’t break their ideas, even if your skills and skills are higher than theirs, you can’t beat them.”

"So, when you come to the Mohist Trick City, don't think about those messy thoughts every day. The Mohist has already given you the thoughts you can think of. After thinking about it, people who play this professionally, they are making this In the city of organs, countermeasures for your possible fouls have been planted, as long as you dare to foul, it will be death, even if it is strengthened by the five rampant formations, it will be a dead end."

"When you arrive at someone else's site, follow their rules. There are three city gates, and three groups of people enter. If all three groups of people clear the barrier, then you can pass the barrier naturally."

Everyone nodded, and King Lu Shang said in his heart, "According to what you mean, when Lu Ban made an appointment with the giant, it was actually because your ancestors had already defeated the giant in terms of skills and methods?"

Iron-faced students said, "If we were only talking about mechanism technology, my ancestor Lu Ban would have won it long ago, but my ancestors never thought that the Mohist giant would actually extract mechanism principles from a relatively narrow mechanism technique, and mechanism theory has risen to mechanism law." , The mechanism method gave birth to the mechanism way! It can be said that my ancestors were only masters of the first-level mechanism technique, but the giant's realm is high. He surpassed the technique, surpassed the law, became the mechanism way, and controlled the core of the mechanism Mysteries."

King Lu Shang said, "I don't quite understand what you mean, you just need to tell me, what are you going to do now?"

At this moment, Wu Sansheng also asked, "Military division, how do you allocate the manpower now?"

As everyone looked forward to, Tie Miansheng did not hesitate, and raised his finger to the door in the middle, "Mohists are best at moral principles. There are three people who enter this door, Partridge Whistle, Hu Bayi, and Wu Sansheng. You can go in first." gone."

The iron face was a little bit, partridge whistle, Wu Sansheng, Hu Bayi stood up, Wu Sansheng didn't say much, and with a wave of his hand, the three of them walked to the bronze door in the middle, and the bronze door opened by itself as if it had sensed something. The three entered in a file, and the bronze door in the middle closed.

Tie Miansheng looked at the trap door on the left again, "The technique of traps lies in precision. If there are too many people going there, it will not be very good. How about this, Bai Sheng, you come in with me."

When the old man Bai Sheng heard Tie Miansheng greet him, he hurriedly said, "I, my old man is useless. Isn't it a hindrance for you to take me with you as a military commander? This is not good!"

Tie Mian looked at Bai Sheng with a smile, "What's the matter? If you don't enter this organ door, do you still want to enter the third door? There are all assassins there, and they are all bloody people like Jing Ke. You Are you sure you want to go in and deliver the head?"

Bai Sheng said with a bitter face, "Can I, no, not go in?"

"Impossible!" said sternly, "Except for these mindless soldiers and horses, everyone with brains must go in! Let's go!"

Tie Miansheng grabbed Bai Sheng's neck and walked to the door on the left. The bronze door opened, and the two paced inside.

Zhang Xiaozhu shouted, "Hey, military division, where is the third door?"

Tie Miansheng didn't turn his head back and said, "The third door, the more the better! For assassins, a Mohist specialty, it's useless to play assassination and Fan Fan assassination with them. If you want to play, you have to use people." Sea Tactics!"

Tie Miansheng and Bai Sheng disappeared.

Everyone present looked at each other, Zhang Xiaozhu moved his wrists, "The military adviser is right, Mohist assassins are very cunning, just like individual fish, for a slippery fish, there are limits to catching and catching. Rather than not being able to catch it, it’s better to just empty the water, don’t talk about martial arts, let’s go! Work!”

Zhang Xiaozhu, Lu Fengxian, and Pan Zi led the Bai family members forward.

Chen Yulou and Sima Hui looked at each other, Chen Yulou asked, "Shall we go?"

Sima Hui said, "According to the rules, we mortals follow the rules and cannot offend the cemetery of the immortals. For safety reasons, we don't need to fight in groups..."

Chen Yulou said impatiently, "If you don't want to go, lend me the golden tiger-striped cat!"

Sima Hui said, "Why are you in a hurry, the rules are the rules, but the rules still say that it is an extraordinary time and an extraordinary plan, so don't talk about it, it's not good for outsiders to see..."

Chen Yulou said, "Where do you think Baidi went? Could he have already entered this organ city?"

Sima Hui said, "It's hard to say, maybe the White Emperor has already confronted the Longevity, and life forms at the level of Zhanshen come to other nest life forms, as long as the opposite life forms have a temper, they will not respond to his intrusion Turn a blind eye, forget it, let's consider our own situation, go in later, remember the Mizong Qigong of our Mystery Land, hide yourself first!"


The bronze door on the right opened and closed, and there was no one in front of the small town.

(End of this chapter)

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