Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 207 Only Children Make Choices, I Want It All!

Chapter 207 Only Children Make Choices, I Want It All!
In the grotto, there are two stone statues with big eyes and small eyes.

Although both sides have been petrified, it doesn't mean that the two guys will stop.

The spiritual thoughts of the two sides are constantly confronting each other, and the main content of the exchange can be roughly summarized as the following sentences.

"What are you looking at me for!"

"What are you looking at?"

"Try another look!"

"Just try it!"

Of course, compared to this strange weapon spirit Feigong, Boss Xu has more crooked thoughts.

On the surface, Xu Ming was struggling with Fei Gong, but in fact he had already started to attract foreign aid.

The first foreign aid that Xu Ming thought of was Princess Wangyou.

But Xu Ming soon discovered that the cat was gone in the satchel that he had thrown aside!
That's right, Wangyou had already disappeared in the fight between himself and Feigong!

This gave Xu Ming a bad premonition, was he being used again?
Wait, why did I say another word?

Since he couldn't count on Wangyou, he had to count on Zhang Qiling, who was the only one who could still make a move.

The coffin of souls is still at the door, as long as Xu Ming can let Zhang Qiling's soul return to this body, then he can let his own soul return directly to the coffin of souls.

At that time, Xu Ming will completely regain his freedom and safety. At that time, Xu Ming can even let Zhang Qiling and this so-called Fei Gong exchange directly!

It doesn't matter if Zhang Qiling lives or dies, if he dies, it's a big deal to bring back the Bian Hua!
If Feigong died, hehe, he would really be dead.

Play with me, Xu Ming?Do you have that capital?
Today I will let you experience what it means not to talk about martial arts!

Just when the stalemate between the two sides was fierce, there was a sound of footsteps from above the sudden head, and pieces of gravel fell down.

Sooner, only a whistling whirlwind was seen, and a bronze camel squatted in the middle of the two stone statues in a very indecent posture.

Qingtu got up, and ashes sprang from her bronze nostrils, she said, "My lord, my lord, I'm here! Your most loyal dog leg, Qingtu, is here!"

The Qingtu surrounded the stone statue of Xu Ming, and licked wildly. It was a physical dog licking, which made Xu Ming have the urge to smoke the Qingtu. Are you and I so close?Even Wangyou never let her lick like this!

But at this moment, a slightly pale soul emerged from Qingtu's back. The ten-year-old immature face was the soul of Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling looked at Xu Ming, "Master, what should I do?"

Xu Mingdao, "Summon your body, return to your body, and drive me out! I won't resist!"


The next moment, Zhang Qiling looked at his own body, opened his hands, Zhang Qiling's immature ten-year-old fuzzy soul was instantly abstracted, turning into clouds of boiling pale white smoke and gathering into Xu Ming's stone statue, the next moment the stone statue glowed, Ripples of purple light seeped out from the stone statue, and Xu Ming had already returned to the coffin of souls.

Back in the dead man's coffin, back to the safety island.

The seal of Feigong is released against divine thoughts.

Once Xu Ming's divine sense is gone, it means that Fei Gong's sealing technique is finished and cannot have any effect on Zhang Qiling.

The stone shells on Zhang Qiling's body began to shatter at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Zhang Qiling's original appearance was revealed amidst the mess of broken stones.

At this moment, Fei Gong panicked!

Zhang Qiling jumped up, pulled out the ancient black gold saber, and pointed it at Fei Gong's neck with a deadly blow!

This knife can be said to kill Megatron, even an iron neck can be cut off.

But after Zhang Qiling slashed through with the knife, Feigong's neck collided with Zhang Qiling's ancient black gold knife, making a violent buzzing sound, and the terrifying sound waves vibrated in the attack, and the stone seal shell on Feigong's body was also shattered by the knife energy. .

When Fei Gong gained freedom, he raised his hand and stabbed directly at Zhang Qiling's heart with one hand.

At the critical moment, at the back, Qing Tu jumped up, with a huge body five or six meters high, a tiger pounced and threw Fei Gong to the ground!

Qingtu's huge mouth frantically bit Feigong's arm, but Feigong didn't suffer any damage, instead Qingtu's teeth fell off in large chunks.

Zhang Qiling flew forward and slashed, the ancient black gold sword mercilessly slashed at Fei Gong!

For a while, Feigong was defeated by Qingtu and Zhang Qiling.

In the coffin of souls, Xu Ming said excitedly, "Hit him! Will you two fight? Pick his nose!"

"Zhang Qiling, what about the knife! Don't just think about using your legs, can your legwork be compared to that of a partridge whistle? Use a knife and chop him three times!"

"I don't believe it anymore. Anybody in the agency can teach me how to be a man these days!"

"Cut him!"

Zhang Qiling wields the ancient black gold sword, really!

The knife stabs straight, the moves are quick, and there is no way to guard against it, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter!
Returning the knife and slashing straight, the moves are fierce, directly hitting the vital points, like a vulture rushing to eat!

The body style seems to be light and light, but there are other changes in it, hidden murderous intentions, coming like cold clouds!
Facing Zhang Qiling's fierce swordsmanship, Fei Gong unexpectedly showed the same appearance, even Zhang Qiling could imitate Fei Gong!
But the problem was that he didn't have a sword, which made it impossible for Fei Gong to touch Zhang Qiling with the same sword technique, and Zhang Qiling happened to hit Fei Gong.

In this way, a non-offensive unilateral injury situation was formed.

Bang bang bang, the black gold ancient knife slashed on Fei Gong's body, and dazzling sparks shot out, Fei Gong retreated crazily, the whole scene was very appetizing.

Xu Ming looked at Fei Gong who was being beaten, and thinking back on his pretending this time, he felt that he was still ill-considered.

The low-key and behind-the-scenes approach that the system has always adhered to, although it seems aggrieved and wretched, it has to be admitted that it is really useful.

As in the tomb of the immortals, the most they think about is dealing with the invasion of the immortals, and if they really show up and lead the team, they will undoubtedly enter their layout, which is a self-inflicted trap.

Just like this Feigong, he is very good at dealing with immortals, but for Zhang Qiling and Qingtu, he is completely passive and has no power to fight back!

It seems that this person will do less in the future, except for the cameo appearance during the pretense, it is better to remain mysterious and be a big boss behind the scenes.

At this moment, the system will issue a prompt.

"Ding—the system prompts that the host's state of mind has made great progress, and reward points +1000 have been obtained!"

Xu Ming listened to the system's rewards, feeling emotional about the points, if the zombies are handsome, they can get points for any insight, hey, there is no way for a beautiful person.

Just when Xu Ming was feeling self-conscious, the sudden opponent was constantly released by the non-attack of the mixed doubles, "Baidi! Tell your subordinates to stop, I have something to tell you!"

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth and made Xu Ming's voice, "What do you say? Now you want to ease the atmosphere for me, and want to beg for mercy? You were so arrogant and domineering when you sealed me just now! You sounded like I was determined! Why are you withering now? Can you recover? For a moment, you will become the rebellious look before! I really like your look."

Fei Gong said, "Bai Di! What I'm going to say next will be of great benefit to you! If you put me into a deep sleep, the next time I wake up, it may be a thousand years later! You have missed my opportunity !"

Xu Ming listened to Fei Gong's words, and lazily said, "Hit me to death!"

At this moment, Qingtu sent out a divine thought, "My lord, why don't you listen to it! Anyway, it can't run away."

Xu Mingdao, "Since Qingtu is talking about love, I will give you a chance to finish what you want to say in three sentences! Say the first sentence now!"

Fei Gong looked at the black gold ancient knife poked in front of his face, and muttered, "His Royal Highness, aren't you curious about what I am? Let me answer you now, my life form is the same as that of your pet. ! It's just that it's low-level, and I'm very high-level."

Feigong's life form is the same as Qingtu's?

Qingtu is a creature created by Xu Ming.

Back then, Prince Gumo, the white camel, found the soul of a wild camel and fused it into the corpse when he was bubbling. After refining it, he forged a brand new bronze body for Qingtu, with a beast soul hidden in the bronze body. Xu Ming also promised to evolve Qingtu into a metal Garuru in the future.

According to this deduction, doesn't it mean that the non-gong life form is also a beast soul plus foreign objects?
Xu Mingdao, "Then what is your body? It is your current appearance that can change into any shape?"

Fei Gong said, "My body is divided into different sizes. I have two bodies, one is the Mohist mechanism city, and the other is my current pure bronze body."

Xu Mingdao, "Who forged you? Who is your master? Where is your source?"

Feigong said, "Mozi forged me. My original name was not Feigong, but a giant mechanical beast called Qinglong! I am the first Mohist giant, Mozi, who used a dragon's soul and bronze. The camel and you, Qingtu, are the same life model, and later Mozi searched for the Dachuan Mountains and recruited the souls of several other beasts, and cast them together with me into the four organ beasts of the Mohist school, Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu."

"Later, Lu Ban, the craftsman god, led Qin's strong army to fight against the Bai family. In the battle of the organ city, the four major organ beasts of the Mo family came out together. The three white tigers, Xuanwu, and Suzaku were all destroyed!"

"Seeing that the Mohist family was about to perish, they launched the Mohist mechanism beast Qinglong at the bottom of the box. The Mohist mechanism beast Qinglong is the strongest Mohist mechanism beast. It blocked the Qin army's offensive, but the Qinglong itself was also damaged, and the craftsman Luban even used it. The puppet mechanism bug corroded the heart of the mechanism beast Qinglong.",

"There is no way, the Mohist giant integrated Feigong into the body of Qinglong, a mechanism beast, to replace the heart of Qinglong that was destroyed by Lu Ban before, and let Qinglong regain its vitality."

"Non-Gong is the key to the Mohist Trap City. Non-Gong is the key and core to open the Trick City. If Non-Gong is integrated into the heart of Qinglong, it means that Trick City and Tsinglong become one."

"Since then, I have two bodies, one is Feigong and the other is Trick City."

Hearing Fei Gong's words, Xu Ming became more interested, "You are a green dragon. Could it be that you were a dragon before Mozi created you?"

Feigong said honestly, "Yes, I am a real beaulieu, the kind with five and a half claws! I almost evolved a sixth claw, but unfortunately I was caught by Mozi!"

Xu Mingdao, "Can Mozi catch the dragon? How did he catch you? Is this the wildest school of thought in history?"

Feigong seemed to recall something terrible, and said with lingering fear, "It's not bad to be caught by the Mohists. At least the Mohists will keep your soul. The worst thing is to be caught by the Taoists. The Taoists have There is a man named Zhuangzi, who will turn into a kunpeng when he falls asleep, and eat dragons everywhere. The number of dragons that Zhuang Zhou has eaten can be called heaven. I have seen my brothers and sisters eaten by Zhuangzi, but what I hate the most is Zhuangzi. After eating, he refused to admit it, he said that he had just had a dream, and that Kunpeng was not him..."

Xu Mingdao, "Fuck, this is too evil! I know that Zhuang Zhou can dream of butterflies, but can he also dream of kunpeng?"

Fei Gong said, "I think His Highness Baidi can actually create a creature like Qingtu, and he is also a traditional craftsman like my master Zi Mozi. Since everyone is a craftsman, I don't need to be hostile to you, everyone. How about working together?"

Xu Ming said, "Say what you think!"

Fei Gongdao, "My idea is very simple. I have lost the ability to control my body, which is the organ city. If you can help me regain the organ city, then I can serve Your Excellency Baidi in the future!"

Xu Mingdao, "Lose control of your body? How could this happen? Have you been taken away?"

Fei Gongdao said, "It's not considered to be a house grab, but it's mainly the last generation of giants, whose ghosts linger. He used the method of heavenly creation to turn himself into a bronze life body like me. He is a giant, and a giant is the supreme in Mohism." Supreme, but I am only the most important treasure of the Mo family, non-attack. My non-attack magic weapon is unable to fight against the master, so I was expelled by him. I have always wanted to find a reliable master to help me defeat him and take back my master. body."

"Unfortunately, Tian Qianqiu rejected me, saying that he didn't like to take care of the Mo family's mess."

"When I arrived at Faqiu Tianguan, Faqiu Tianguan said that she is more interested in my soul. If I am willing to blow one up for her to play with, she doesn't mind helping me. How is this possible? If I blow up my soul, Didn’t I die? Didn’t the organ city also be destroyed? That Faqiu Heavenly Official is a man of resentment! So I ran away.”

"Baidi, let's all work together!"

Xu Ming looked at Fei Gong, his head whizzing.

Logically speaking, this non-gong is a keepsake of the Mohist school and should be listened to by the giant, but now it seems that it is still very rebellious and unwilling.

Is there any dark secret between them?
Xu Ming is not interested in any ulterior secrets between the two of them, what Xu Ming is interested in is what wool I can get from you two!
Xu Mingdao, "I probably understand what you said. This giant really doesn't know what to do. It's unreasonable to snatch your body organ city! It's just, Feigong, you have also seen that this emperor has limited means and supernatural powers." Insufficient, am I looking for death if I go one-on-one with the giant like this?"

How could Fei Gong not know what Xu Ming was thinking, Fei Gong asked, "What do you want?"

Xu Mingdao, "Well, it depends on what you can come up with to excite me. If you want to perfuse me with some messy antique gold, silver and jewelry, then forget it."

Fei Gong said, "Let's do this! I'll give you a spell, which is the Taishang Yuanhun chapter passed down by Yin Xi."

Xu Ming hesitated, "Yin Xi? Is that the gatekeeper at Hangu Pass, Yin Xi who was later accepted as an apprentice by Lao Tzu?"

"It's that Yin Xi." Fei Gong said, "Yin Xi calculated that he had a predestined relationship with Lao Tzu, and became Lao Tzu's only apprentice. He inherited Lao Tzu's mantle and inherited the Tao Te Ching. After Yin Xi obtained the Tao Te Ching, the heavens envied it and turned it into three chapters. Taishang Induction Chapter, Taishang Wangqing Chapter, Taishang Yuanhun Chapter, Mozi accidentally went to Taishang Yuanhun Chapter, from which he learned the top Daoist Yuansoul spell, which can restrain lonely ghosts, beast souls, The soul imprint is for your own use."

The Taishang Primordial Soul chapter left by Lao Tzu is definitely enough. After all, Xu Ming’s attainment in soul is infinitely close to that of Xiaobai. As for those Yin soldiers, Xu Ming has no other options except to destroy them. There is a Taishang Yuanhunju which is a dog-licking converter, directly enslaving those gods and souls with the Yuanhunjutsu, and there is no doubt that I have greatly improved my supernatural powers!

But Boss Xu has a big appetite, no, he's a big zombie.

How can a zombie with a large pattern be so easily satisfied?

Xu Mingdao, "This Taishang Yuanhun Chapter is one-third of the Tao Te Ching, or the last one. I guess the power is just like that! In fact, I am even more impressed by your master's first-generation Mohist giant Mozi's method of heavenly creation." interested!"

Fei Gongdao, "Do you want the method of creation?"

Xu Ming smiled and corrected, "Children only make choices, and I want them all! Neither the Heavenly Creation nor the Taishang Yuanhun Chapter can escape."

Hearing this, Fei Gong couldn't hold back anymore, "Bai Di! You're bullying the dragon too much! When ordinary people get one, it's already smoking from the ancestral grave, and you're so unreasonable..."

Xu Ming just muttered, Qi Ling, how many words he scolded me, how many knives he cut it!

Bang, bang!
Pokerfing slashed wildly, and the sparks on Feigong's body shattered!

Qingtu looked at it and felt very painful. Qingtu knew too well the pain of Feigong. Although the synthetic life of Qingtu can be forged and extended infinitely, it also has five senses. , then you can't lose half your life if you attack.

Soon, in less than half an hour, Fei Gong calmed down, lay there, no matter how the bottle was chopped, it would not move, "Bai Di, you are ruthless! I am convinced! I have confessed to Fei Gong! Your Majesty!" Both Yuanhun Chapter and Tiangong Creation can be given to you! Taishang Yuanhun Chapter can collect powerful soul spirits, and Tiangong Creation can forge the strongest body, so that the most powerful life form can be synthesized, that is I am like a life body like a bronze camel, but the premise of forging all these is that there is a mechanism city, and there is a mechanism furnace equipment for forging all these in the mechanism city."

Xu Mingdao, "Are you just emphasizing that you want me to help you get rid of the organ city? I understand what you mean, get rid of the giant! Now hand over the Taishang Yuanhun Chapter and Tiangong Creation Chapter, and we will discuss the next step to get rid of it." The last giant."

Fei Gong pointed to his grotto not far away, "Under the stone steps is the Taishang Induction Chapter, and under the stone statue on the right is the Art of Heavenly Creation."

Zhang Qiling and Qingtu went to dig separately, and as expected, they found two objects.

A stone slab with handwriting densely written on it.

There is also a cube Rubik's Cube the size of a fist, with buttons one by one on the Rubik's Cube.

Fei Gong said, "On the slate is Yin Xi's personal writing of the Taishang Induction Chapter. This slate is a floor tile that was built in Hangu Pass back then. It is very precious. Don't lose it. The Art of Heavenly Creation is a very broad method. , hidden in the Mofang, do you know the Mofang? The Mofang is..."

Xu Mingdao, "I know that Mofang is a storage device with a huge space inside!"

"Yes!" Fei Gong said, "There are all the natural creation techniques in Mofang! You can see for yourself!"

Xu Ming carefully scanned the two objects. The imprint of thoughts in the Taishang Induction chapter was very deep. Xu Ming's divine sense just touched it, and it felt like stepping on a bottomless rock pool. It almost fell, it seems right, it is the work of Lao Tzu's apprentice Yin Xi.

As for the second ink square, divine sense can clearly enter it. The space inside has the cubic area of ​​two or three football fields, filled with various classics and some mechanism components and mechanism composition.

Xu Ming mentally left the two items, looked at Fei Gong, "You are very sincere, since that's the case, then we can discuss how to destroy the last giant of the Mohist family! First, let's talk about the identity of the last giant of the Mohist family."

Fei Gongdao, "If you want to talk about its identity, you have to say whether it is a human!"

Xu Ming hesitated, "Is it not human?"

Fei Gong said, "I don't think it is a human! At least as far as I know, the last generation of Mohists has been beheaded by Qin Mengtian, the head of the military family, and the Mohists have been lost! The King of Qin originally wanted to destroy the organ city and me. , completely ruined the Mohist family, but the Yinyang family's chief commander asked me to stay, and since then, the organ city and the organ beast Qinglong have become the soldiers under the command of the chief commander."

"The Commander-in-Chief later brought me to the borderlands. For some reason, he sealed me here."

"I started to fall asleep, but one day, a consciousness suddenly appeared. The consciousness said that it is a giant of the Mohist family and has already controlled the organ city! Let me obey him."

"How could I be willing? I don't want to obey his orders, so I resisted him. He fought me. I am no match for him. I can't use my body outside, so I can only escape here."

Xu Ming listened to Feigong finished speaking, "So that's the case! Did he ever think about killing you?"

Fei Gong said, "He has been trying to destroy my divine sense day and night, regain control of Fei Gong, control the organ city, turn the organ city into a green dragon, and then break through the second level, Hulao Pass!"

Qingtu asked curiously, "The second pass is Hulao pass?"

Fei Gong said, "Yes, there is a third pass after Hulao pass, and you can only enter the land of Shang Wang Wugeng after passing the third pass."

Xu Mingdao, "Don't worry about the second level now, just talk about this last Mohist giant, what is his origin? Have you ever thought about it?"

Non-offensive way, "The Mohist organ city is divided into three parts, one is the kinetic energy area, the other is the weapon area, and the other is the adjustment area. The organ area is a pure organ, and it is impossible to produce spiritual consciousness. Nian Ke are all Assassin Divine Sense, with very low intellectual logic and no ability to think and learn, only the kinetic energy area, the kinetic energy area is the core area, mainly entropy fusion combined with the blast furnace, and the blast furnace contains the power source of the organ city. Stone, in your words, is a negative energy stone, the Mohists call it the Heavenly Demon Stone, which is taken from the extraterrestrial object, implying the extraterrestrial magic stone, and the giants of all ages have called the energy provided by this stone as the extraterrestrial magic energy."

"I guess, he should be an extraterrestrial celestial demon transformed from the celestial demon stone!"

Xu Ming listened to Fei Gong's deduction, and became vigilant in his heart, the extraterritorial demon born from the extraterrestrial magic stone?
Fuck, doesn't this mean that this guy may be a stone goblin outside the circle?
Zhang Qiling said in his heart, "My lord, the matter seems to be getting bigger and bigger! What should I do?"

Xu Mingdao, "Don't panic! This kind of thing involves outside the circle, we need to have a little bit of a pattern, first let me manipulate the partridge whistle, go over there to stimulate that demon giant, let him solve this non-aggressive hole card, Then let Fei Gong reveal his hole cards, and let the two sides reveal each other's hole cards, so that both sides can harvest!"

Qing Tu admired, "The Lord is wise, the Lord is martial, the Lord is on two boats, the flower who wants to show off and play with..."

Xu Mingdao, "Ah Qing, if you don't know how to flatter, then don't do it. After all, flattering is a talent job. You make me very embarrassed when you shoot like this. Should I praise you or scold you?"

While Qingtu was down, she was thinking about how to flatter her.

Xu Mingdao, "Partridge whistle, do you hear that?"

Soon there was a voice of surprise from the partridge whistle, "My lord, my lord, you have recovered! I thought something happened to you!"

Xu Mingdao, "Let me tell you now, the person next to you may be an extraterrestrial demon!"

Partridge Whistle suddenly felt excited, "Extraterrestrial demon, my lord, don't scare me, is this thing a demon head? I have seen a demon before, this is the first time I have encountered a demon..."

Xu Mingdao, "Hurry up with a hammer! This guy, I suspect that the stone has turned into a spirit! He belongs to the demon outside the circle, so he is called a demon, understand? This old man has absolutely no good ideas for you. Now you start to talk to him, play tricks When he came out, how did he get the organ city, and then asked him, as a giant of the Mohist school, where is the token?"

The partridge whistled, "My lord, what then?"

Xu Mingdao, "Then pass on to me everything he said about Fei Gong. Now I have to judge whether what Fei Gong or him said is true, who is the extraterrestrial demon, or in other words, who is he?" Both are extraterrestrial demons!"

The partridge whistled, "Understood! My lord, that guy is looking at me. I'll deal with it first. I've opened the omniscience channel for you. You can come anytime..."

The partridge whistle interrupted the call.

(End of this chapter)

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