Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 215 Poincaré Conjecture, Dimensionality Reduction Strike——Time Black Hole

Chapter 215 Poincaré Conjecture, Dimensionality Reduction Strike——Time Black Hole

The distance between Abnormal Human Research Center and Golmud Sanatorium is not too far.

Partridge Whistle took a car and arrived at the research center in less than three hours.

This time, it was already the eve of the inside, and before dawn, the Abnormal Human Research Center was full of people who were exercising. Those mental patients had smiles on their faces, and they greeted the partridge whistle enthusiastically.

A male mental patient in women's clothing said enthusiastically, "Are you a new patient? Let me guess your mental illness? Is it mania? Do you want to make friends?"

The partridge whistled, "No need."

The mental patient in women's clothing kept pestering her, "Why did you reject me? Is it because I'm not enchanting enough? Or are you not interested in women?"

Partridge Whistle said lightly, "I'm not interested in humans."

"Ah!" The mental patient in women's clothing rubbed his wig and ran away.

The mental patients around also avoided the partridge whistle one after another, as if they were looking at another freak.

Partridge Whistle didn't care about the mental patient's attitude towards him, so Partridge Whistle found President Zhao directly.

In the mist of dawn, Chairman Zhao was fishing.

Yes, fishing.

A coffin is floating in the middle of the lotus pond. President Zhao is sitting cross-legged at one end of the coffin, fishing in the lotus pond. This scene is extremely weird.

This reminded Partridge Whistle of a sentence that Xu Ming often talked about. In the past, there was a holy body whose red hair was unknown in his later years, and was suppressed by the emperor in the coffin.

Chairman Zhao noticed the arrival of the partridge whistle, raised his hand and swung the fishing rod, the hook turned into silver light, and the silver bottle burst into light and scattered!There was a fierce murderous intent, and he poked towards the partridge whistle!
Partridge Whistle hooked the fishhook with both hands, and stood on the coffin along President Zhao's fishhook.

Chairman Zhao put the fishing rod on the coffin lid, and pointed to the coffin under his feet with a self-admired tone, "How about it? I made the coffin with the best golden nanmu. The swineherd can use me in his life." Zhao's coffin is considered a worthy death."

Partridge Whistle looked at the coffin. No matter the workmanship, texture, pattern, or combing pattern of this golden nanmu coffin, it is all excellent. How caring the president is for the swineherd president Zhu.

However, Partridge Whistle understands that he should not ask Chairman Zhao to rescue the swineherd. After all, the two of them are incompatible. Not to mention the purpose of this trip, the topic of black holes.

President Zhao said, "How is it? Are you interested in booking a coffin with me? I can give you the price of an acquaintance, [-]% off!"

Partridge Whistle said with a sneer, "There's no need for this. In fact, I came here today to ask President Zhao a question."

Chairman Zhao said while throwing the fishing rod out for fishing, "What kind of problem?"

Partridge whistled, "Black hole."

President Zhao was a little hesitant, looking at the partridge whistle, "Black hole? Where did you hear it?"

Partridge whistled, "I went to the nursing home before and saw the swineherd. The swineherd looked really miserable. He behaved the same as before he was bewitched by the evil spirit. He even condensed the Nirvana mark..."

"Nirvana Seal?" President Zhao's eyes became more interested, as if any misfortune to the swineherd could make Old Zhao happy.

So, Partridge Whistle vividly told the story of the swineherd screaming at a black hole, then turning into a living dead, and having three days left.

Especially in the pitiful appearance of the swineherd, Partridge Whistle wrote a generous description, and the vivid description made President Zhao feel happy and smile warmly.

As for the treatment of the swineherd, Partridge Whistle never said anything about it, and there was a sense of ambition for the swineherd to die quickly so that I could quickly become the president.

Chairman Zhao said while fishing, "Black hole, I thought the swineherd had given up research in this area, but he is still doing research. According to what you said, he seems to have observed a black hole."

Partridge whistled, "President Zhao, I don't quite understand what a black hole means. Is it an astronomical black hole defined by our scientists in the physical sense, or is it a new concept of life?"

President Zhao said, "What you said is correct."

When President Zhao said this, Partridge Whistle became even more confused, "No, President Zhao, give me a good time, I am very confused now."

"Don't say you're confused." Chairman Zhao said with a wise man's superior eyes, "I'm also confused. The word black hole was first used by the swineherd and I when we discussed life and death. There is a very clear branch, he tends to study miniature life forms, and I prefer to construct life forms, in other words, he is more inclined to the kind of science, using the thinking seen in science to analyze life, evil I am a liberal arts student and I like to use logic to straighten out life."

"We have a liberal arts and a science, so it's really weird if we can talk about it together."

"But, the two of us have achieved a rare unity in the vocabulary of black holes, and that is the way back to life."

"To talk about the term black hole, you must first understand entropy. Do you still remember the law of entropy increase?"

The partridge whistled, "Of course, the law of entropy increase, the second law of mechanics, in an absolutely isolated container without the influence of external forces, negative energy will continue to increase, eventually leading to disorder, destruction and chaos, and everything will return to chaos."

"Correct!" President Zhao said, "But is the law of entropy increase really the end of an independent object?"

Chairman Zhao's question made Partridge Whistle, who was sitting on the coffin lid, at a loss.

In the end, everything is chaotic, why is it not the end?
Chairman Zhao said, "Let me tell you about an interesting experiment. This experiment is very famous. It was proposed by a foreign scientist. It is called the Poincaré experiment."

"The original intention of the experiment was that Poincaré thought that the law of entropy increase was the inversion of an irreversible principle that changed the 54 playing cards from order to disorder!"

"Poincaré thought that although the law of entropy increase exists, chaos will eventually return to order. From order to disorder and then to order is a whole process of entropy."

"In other words, Poincaré believes that the law of entropy increase is incomplete, and the real complete law of entropy should be that after entropy increases, it decreases upwards, which is the legendary principle of entropy conservation."

"In order to prove that his conjecture is correct, Poincaré proposed an experiment, which is to turn 54 playing cards into ten playing cards, and then randomly input them crazily. Playing cards can be changed back to order, and this return to the original appearance is the return of the famous Poincaré."

Partridge Whistle heard this, "If it becomes orderly, doesn't it mean that we have returned to the past? Is this a reincarnation? It seems to be the same thing as the reincarnation in our history."

Chairman Zhao said, "The return of Poincaré is a limited attempt by modern Western science to understand the origin of the world, and their so-called attempt has long been played by the ancients in our history, and even played tricks."

"But the root of the problem now is that the essence of the things that our ancients can't finish playing has not been handed down, or is incomplete. The ancients did not tell us the profound meaning and understanding of reincarnation in detail. Today, the West It's better than us, so we have to use their theories of Poincaré regression, the law of entropy increase and so on."

Partridge whistled, "But President, what does this thing have to do with black holes?"

"This has a lot to do with it!" President Zhao said, "In Poincaré's regression conjecture, there is an important node. This node is when the law of entropy increase turns to the law of entropy decrease, the entropy energy from the diffusion When it becomes an aggregation, it will be pulled by a certain point of strength of the aggregation, and a black hole will be formed in the middle of the entropy on this node, and this black hole is what you and I want to pay attention to."

Partridge whistled, "Black holes are the key to entropy increase and decrease. That is to say, if you master black holes, you can control the increase and decrease of entropy in a sense, so as to achieve longevity. No, no, this is not longevity. It is an illusion of longevity! The real longevity is that you can stay young forever without being limited by time, and this person who controls the increase and decrease of entropy just allows himself to return to a certain time node fixedly, so as to achieve a certain stage! He himself is still Affected by time!"

Chairman Zhao was very pleased by Partridge Whistle's words.

Chairman Zhao looked at the young man in front of him who was thinking, and said lightly, "Whether entropy increases or decreases, it is a false proposition of longevity, because real longevity is the eternal solidification of entropy. In the life of a long-lived person, entropy It is solidified and exists in another form, rather than this dissociated mode, which at most allows us to live forever in a certain day, rather than the eternal life of immortality.”

Partridge whistled, "So, the concept of black holes is not a very accurate concept of longevity?"

President Zhao nodded, "That's right, and both the swineherd and I have seen that the concept of black holes is useless for realizing real longevity, even if you control the black hole? Then you can only be resurrected and reborn in the place that belongs to you indefinitely." One day, this is a kind of pseudo-immortality, so I didn't study the concept of black holes at all, but I didn't expect that the old swineherd would actually study black holes behind my back, and it seemed that he had come up with some tricks."

The partridge whistled, "Since we are studying black holes, does that mean that President Swineherd controls the black holes in some sense?"

"This..." Mr. Zhao had a rare delay. He held the fishing rod and looked at the pond. "If he controls the black hole, it means that he has returned to a certain moment when he was sucked into the black hole. He stayed there forever."

Partridge Whistle patted his thigh, "So, now we can be sure that Chairman Zhao has returned to a certain day in his life, and returned to the past forever!"

President Zhao looked at Partridge Whistle's joyful cheeks, and said, "No! You're not right."

"First of all, time does not exist for us. Whether it is subjective time memory or objective time scale, time is a word created by human beings."

"In four-dimensional space, time is just a law, just like water and fire. Four-dimensional life forms can clearly feel time. For four-dimensional life forms, time exists. Only four-dimensional life forms can stay in a certain day forever through time and black holes."

"Since time does not exist for our three-dimensional life body, time is not entropy. Without entropy, where does the increase and decrease come from, and where does the black hole come from?"

The partridge whistled, "But the swineherd shouted about the black hole, what's the reason?"

President Zhao said, "There is only one possibility, this is a dimensionality reduction blow."

Partridge Whistle was stunned, "Dimensionality reduction strike? You mean, there is a four-dimensional life body that uses time as entropy to carry out a black hole strike on the pigherd president, so that the president will be trapped in a certain time point forever?"

President Zhao nodded, "It can be understood that four-dimensional life forms use time as a weapon to attack three-dimensional life forms once or twice. As far as I know, they can use time to speed up aging and death. When Tiancunkou eats, he can also use the causal effect to replace the revolver in your hand with his bananas, and the swineherd masters, in a sense, they are not afraid of this simple causal attack. A stronger attack method, the black hole of time, turns time into entropy, creates a black hole, and performs a life-based dimensionality reduction attack on the swineherd. Even if you want to achieve Nirvana, you can't do it, you can only get tricked."

Partridge whistled, "Then is there a way to ban this dimensionality reduction attack?"

Speaking of this, Chairman Zhao's eyes became strange, he looked at the partridge whistle, "Do you want to save him?"

Having said that, Partridge Whistle immediately sensed something was wrong, and he seemed to have slipped his mouth!

The next moment, Chairman Zhao snapped the fishing rod in his hand angrily, and stomped his feet angrily, "Damn it! No more fishing! Not a single fish, what's the point of fishing!"

Seeing President Zhao wanting to leave angrily, Partridge Whistle rushed to catch up, "Don't go, President, I didn't want to save the swineherd, I just wanted to kill the swineherd forever, I will be the president!"

President Zhao pointed at the partridge whistle nose, "I'm mentally ill, I'm not a fool! You just said clearly that you wanted to rescue the swineherd! You think I'm stupid! Let me tell you Xu Jiu, the swineherd and I are at odds! He doesn’t have me, I don’t have him! It’s here today! Let’s go!”

Partridge Whistle watched President Zhao leave his back, frowned, and said loudly, "President! Do you know the entropy fusion gossip formation? I have gained a lot from this event. I discovered that the ancient gossip formation condenses entropy energy. Are you interested in the magic circle that visualizes this entropy energy?"

As soon as these words came out, Chairman Zhao slowed down a lot, but Old Zhao still didn't look back.

Seeing the opportunity, Partridge Whistle rushed up, "President Zhao, really, the entropy fusion gossip array handed down from Mozi's organ city contains many ancient theories on the principle of entropy utilization, and there is another one that can be swallowed." Entropic three-dimensional half-life organ man!"

Chairman Zhao looked at the partridge whistle suspiciously, "Are you fooling me again?"

Partridge whistled, "No, I really didn't fool the president! Next, I plan to recast the entropy fusion gossip array, if the president is interested..."

President Zhao said, "I'll be in charge of the entropy fusion gossip array, and I want all the principles of the Mohists' research on entropy!"

Partridge Whistle beamed with joy, "Okay, okay! President, how can you save President Swineherd? I'm not saying that you must save this old thing, but there are many factions in the world of mortals now. Since the first generation of President Afterwards, it became more and more decadent, and if our president dies now, then we will lose our status as a first-class giant! The swineherd cannot die, at least not now."

President Zhao put his hands behind his back and said, "The black hole is a tool for reducing dimensionality, it is the dimensionality reduction attack of four-dimensional life forms on our three-dimensional life forms! Trapping a person forever on the same day!"

"If the three-dimensional life is to be saved, it will inevitably be infinitely suppressed by the black hole on the same day."

"There is only one way, and that is to use the same four-dimensional life body to go inside the black hole. The four-dimensional life body can feel the black hole. They can extinguish the fire and pour water, and directly disperse the time vortex law of the black hole. Just bring the swineherd out."

After saying this, President Zhao's figure was gone, even the coffin in the pool was gone.

The sun shone on Partridge Whistle's cheeks, and Partridge Whistle was thinking about Chairman Zhao's words. Old Zhao obviously knew about the existence of the master Xu Ming!
This old thing is really not a thing, obviously there is a way to save the swineherd, but he just doesn't say it.

The partridge whistle told Xu Ming what Chairman Zhao said.

After Xu Ming listened to it, he was shocked.

In Xu Ming's impression, the four-dimensional living body is just one dimension higher than the three-dimensional, and it's nothing special.

But now it looks like, damn it, the four-dimensional life form is really a show of high growth!

There is still time for things like black holes to carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

Three-dimensional life cannot perceive time, just like two-dimensional life cannot perceive three-dimensionality, four-dimensional life bullies others that three-dimensional life cannot perceive time, creating a small vortex and burying the most powerful swineherd in three-dimensional.

This is simply bullying!

But here comes the problem, Xu Ming is still not sure if he is a four-dimensional life form. Although Xu Ming has the power of BAN, he still needs to consume a lot of points to use it.

Xu Ming could only ask the system, "System, how many dimensional am I?"

The system is also straightforward, "Dear host, your current strength is only the third level, so you are a third-level life body, but if you have points, you can use the points to exchange for a four-dimensional life body experience voucher, which will be used for a while. Four-dimensional life form, this point is [-] points, which is the consumption of your BAN power once."

Xu Ming was speechless for a moment, normal is three-dimensional, rich is four-dimensional, Ge Laozi’s me is too jumpy!
But now Xu Ming wants to cultivate but has no cultivation. He watched the nourishment of Dian King run away. Without eating Dian King, he has no cultivation to enter the fourth-order four-dimensional life body.

Want money?nor!For less than [-] points, you can't buy a four-dimensional life experience coupon.

In this way, Xu Ming used his head to rescue the swineherd?
If he was trapped in the time black hole of the swineherd, wouldn't it be the end of the calf.

Xu Ming could only whistle to the partridge, "Here, let's see if the seven-star life-sustaining lamp can help heal the pigherd. If there is no way, let's talk."

Partridge Whistle nodded, "Understood, don't worry, my lord. I'll go back to the nursing home to see if Bai Sheng and the others have come. I hope Bai Sheng's seven-star life-extending lamp will have an effect."

The partridge whistle left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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