Anti-grave robbery: scare away Jin Xiaowei at the beginning

Chapter 234 Can you keep your name?Chang Shan Zhao Zilong!

Chapter 234 Can you keep your name?Chang Shan Zhao Zilong!

The little third master walked in front, Wu Sansheng followed, and the old and new generations of the old nine sects fought desperately.

Bai Yujing's heart is panicked, and the grievances and grievances of the old nine families are repeated.

Although the fight outside was already in full swing, Boss Xu in the coffin was so calm that he even turned off the system's score reminder.

Considering that he is about to meet an immortal cultivator, Boss Xu is now cultivating his mind and character, cultivating himself towards an immortal.

But soon Boss Xu couldn't cultivate immortality anymore.

Xu Ming has encountered a very embarrassing thing now, that is, the offering of the King's Tomb is in place, but the problem is that there are too many people going to offer the King's Tomb, and they have to queue up!

Yes, you heard it right, you have to queue up to present the king's tomb!

Xu Ming can be regarded as a person who moves frequently. What kind of royal palace and tomb city have I never seen?

But this time it was the first time Xu Ming saw the tomb he was queuing to go to.

The system prompts to write clearly.

"The Tomb of the King Xian is currently in the queue. There are too many entrants and it is easy to be exposed. It is recommended that the host will sneak in again."

"The current entrance to King Xian's tomb is too dangerous, and it is not recommended for the host to move the tomb now."

"There are too many masters at the gate of Xianwang. No matter whether it is earth escape or other means, they can't sneak in. The danger of moving the grave is four stars, and the full level is five stars. It is not easy to cultivate. Please calm down and don't send it away. head."

Xu Ming looked at a series of prompts from the system. Could it be that King Xian turned his tomb into a tourist attraction after his death, and he had to buy tickets and line up to get in?

So here comes the question, does Xu Ming want to go in?
Want to go in a ghost!
Boss Xu cherishes life, loves life, has distorted three views, and has great ideals. How could he do this kind of death-seeking behavior!

Think about the so-called neighbors arranged by the system for Xu Ming, from King Lu Shang to Queen Jingjue to Xian Wang's Tomb, Xu Ming went from being a security guard to a door-to-door son-in-law and then to a security guard. Boss Xu has traveled all the way. It is said that there are many catastrophes, and every neighbor is not easy to mess with. Every tomb is a big fire pit, and only fools jump into it!

Xu Ming's principle is that if you can procrastinate, it's best to procrastinate. If you really can't procrastinate, then go in and pretend to be dead.

Some people may say, didn't Xian Wang have an agreement with Bai Di before?Divide the four-dimensional land equally?

Hehe, the credibility of this agreement is almost as ridiculous as a certain football team entering the World Cup.

The so-called cooperation between Xu Ming and Xian Wang was just a forced cooperation under the strong pressure of the powerful Hongchen guest. After all, Xu Ming’s own background is not clean. Wang's situation will not be too good.

Deep in their hearts, Xu Ming and King Xian wanted to tear each other apart.

When Xu Ming went to Xian Wang's house, he felt almost the same as Liu Bang went to Hongmen Banquet.

And it still feels like Liu Bang went to the banquet after knowing the plot.

To be a human, to be a zombie, don't be too bloody, if you can retreat and retreat, if you can develop wretchedly, don't show your face, if you want to survive in the dark jungle, don't show your face.

"My lord, why don't you go out for a stroll?"

Halos of light emanated from Qingtu's body, and she regained her divine sense.

"Alright, take me with you!"

"I am coming too!"


Feiheng armor, Tianlong war halberd, cruel crown, and even the cute ghost seal that has been silent for a long time also made cheerful sounds. It can be seen that the artifacts are also bored in the coffin of souls recently.

Xu Ming said, "What are you going out for? It's dangerous outside, okay? Everyone outside is dedicated to the king's tomb!"

Qingtu asked curiously, "My lord, does King Xian owe a lot of money! So many people are looking for him to settle accounts!"

Han Xinfei Hengjia said, "So many people know that King Xian has four-dimensional land, and the people who come to find King Xian must be queuing up. This situation is very normal, and there is no need to doubt it. Otherwise, Boss Xu, I'm going out to find out the situation! It seems that all the people who come to ask for accounts are gods, ghosts and snakes!"

Xu Ming said, "It's fine, but you have to bring Qingtu!"

Qi Linghan said, "Take Qingtu!"

"it is good!"

Han Xin grabbed Qingtu with a quick grasp, "Let's go!"

Ripples appeared on the barrier of the Soul Gambling Coffin, and the ripples spread out.

Not long after, a mound cracked, and a heroic general in ancient bronze armor appeared pacing on the ground.

His facial features are sharp and angular, with a faint starlight in his eyes, a jet-black luster in his armor, and an elegant high ponytail. The ancient champion's bun is blown by the wind. With the naked eye, you can hardly detect that it is the body of the soul.

This is the strength of an artifact that has become a spirit.

If it were Guixi and Qingtu, they would not be able to achieve such a solid soul.

At the moment when Han Xin came, the surrounding wind howled, and the tree vines whizzed and entwined like snakes. Those snake-like vines pointed their heads at Han Xin's weapon one by one, and took Han Xin's weapon spirit with a sigh of relief. The momentum of swallowing.

These are close relatives of the Hydra cypress, but they have not evolved as well as the Hydra cypress. They can only be said to be two-headed snake cypress and three-headed snake cypress.

Han Xin is in the coffin of souls all the year round

"Nothing new at all!"

Han Xin raised his right hand, and streaks of pale light visible to the naked eye converged from his hand, turning into a silver spear!

Waving the spear, Han Xin's figure was like a nine-day dragon, the blade swept across, and countless white soul breaths whizzed down like frost and snow. Where the pale gun light wiped out, countless vines were frozen and turned into debris all over the sky , the debris fell, and the debris of the tree vines was wrapped in frost and moisture, like the most beautiful snowflakes.

The little general held a long gun and said in a loud voice, "Where is the master, please show up and see!"

Female voices echoed in all directions.


"It's actually a tool spirit!"

"Zilong, go play with him!"

Han Xin nodded, and a moonlight fell in front of him. In the moonlight, there was a faint sound of dragons singing and tigers whistling. When the roar fell, the earth wave rushed in instantly, and a terrifying spiritual pressure burst from the top of Han Xin's head. Han Xin raised his hands He raised his silver spear to stop it, but it was still difficult to resist, and Han Xin's figure rushed towards the sky.

The extreme moonlight gathered, and under the crescent moon, a heroic young general in blue and silver armor gradually solidified.

This little general is eight feet long, with a majestic appearance, vermilion lips dyed red, sword eyebrows raised, his pupils opened, and two white thunders were released, which turned into a long spear, the tip of the spear was as bright as snow, and there was a dragon at the end of the spear guts!
Han Xin was holding a long gun, and his voice was loud, "Come on, who is it!"

The opponent's silver-armored young general looked at Han Xin in the jet-black armor, "Chang Shan, Zhao Zilong!"

Han Xin laughed out loud, "Changshan Zhao Zilong? Brother Tai is not awake! You can go back to sleep and fight me with someone else!"

The silver-armored young general looked indifferent, and raised his spear, "Zilong doesn't kill the nameless, report the name, where did the spirit come from!"

Han Xin lazily said, "Soldier Immortal, Han Xin!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

"court death!"

Qi Ling Han Xin and the Qi Ling who called himself Zhao Zilong shot together, the two long spears shot up into the sky, the moonlight and frost hit!
Zhao Zilong's marksmanship seems to be light, but there are other changes in it, hidden murderous intentions, like a cold cloud coming, the enemy does not know where the spear comes from, like a bright moon shining on an empty city, like moonlight covering the whole field!
Han Xin's marksmanship stored energy in his arms, with swift and violent force, the tip of the spear moved upwards, and the spears pierced densely, rushing like rain, and then turned into straight strikes, like a resting rain, dancing flowers turned back, turned around, and pounced. The big splitting gun is so powerful that no one can stop it!

The one-on-one battle between two generations of peerless gunmen opened Xu Ming's eyes.

There is a saying in martial arts, the daily sword, the moon stick and the gun for a lifetime!

Boxing is afraid of young men, and guns are afraid of old customers.

Spearmanship is not cultivation, you can find an evil spirit to absorb it, and you will be able to advance directly. This is a purely time-accumulated skill experience.

Han Xin's marksmanship, of course, needless to say, history is the name of the soldiers, in this era, from outside the circle, and can compete with the overlord, Han Xin is absolutely amazing.

But the person on the opposite side is also really difficult. Could it be that he is really the legendary Zhao Zilong?

Seeing that Han Xin and Zhao Zilong had fought for nearly a hundred rounds, neither of them had ever fought the other!

Han Xin couldn't take it any longer. He poked his spear, and blood-colored lines appeared on the black armor. Blood-colored roses were in full bloom. Han Xin's long hair flew up, and the indescribable killing intent in his eyes said, "National warrior Wushuang!"

Han Xin's arms trembled, and the blood shot through the sky!

The figure of Zhao Zilong jumped down, and the figure turned into the shadow of a dragon, "Zilong, why are you afraid!"

The moonlight dragon and the bloodlight spear collided, and instantly scattered and shattered. A huge crater with a diameter of ten feet visible to the naked eye was born between the two, and the strange vines and trees around them turned into powder.

Han Xin held the gun, half arched his back, his figure was half empty, "Very strong, boy, leave my name and name, I will challenge you one-on-one with Fei Hengjia later!"

Zhao Zilong was not much better, there were traces of cracked porcelain on his moonlight-perfect cheeks, he said coldly, "I will change my name and surname, Zhao Zilong's weapon of the Three Kingdoms of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the gentian! Feihengjia, Han Xin's armor, there will be a time later!"

The gentian roared, and the long spear finally charged at Han Xin!

Han Xin was also unambiguous, bloody and bloody!
The two sides completed the last wave of confrontation, and both dissipated.

Only frost and moonlight condensed on the ground, and an empty female voice came from all directions, "Not bad, not bad! You can beat me, a heroic gentian, why don't you show up and see?"

Xu Ming is also very interested in this female voice at the moment, and this person actually has Zhao Yun's heroic spirit in his hand!

Could it be that I am from the Central Plains?
Xu Ming said, "Qingtu! Come out, I want to chat with her!"

Qingtu said, "Master, wait a minute, I was buried in the ground by them, damn it, these two guys don't care about anything when they fight!"

Qingtu crawled out of the ruins. Qingtu shook her body, looked at the top of her head, and opened her mouth. Xu Ming's voice came out, "Is the fairy not bad at all? You can actually find Zhao Zilong's weapons from the past. You must be from the Central Plains." !"

A ray of moonlight fell and landed in front of Qingtu. It looked like a knife!

A handsome knife.

The blade is like moonlight, and there is a tiger on the blade, and the white tiger's hands are full of moonlight chains, as if imprisoned in the blade.

Xu Ming looked at the knife, "Fairy, you and I don't know each other anymore, why don't you make a foreign body, why don't you show up?"

The female voice on the opposite side was melodious, "Didn't Mister also make a foreign object?"

Xu Ming was insulted, but it's nothing. Boss Xu has a flexible moral bottom line, and he has always been strict with others and generous with himself.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Where does the fairy practice? Are you going to visit the King Xian's tomb?"

A female voice came out of the Prisoner Tiger Saber, "Your Excellency, why bother to ask, aren't you also going to sacrifice the king's tomb to seek immortality? Why don't you go in!"

go in?I really want to go in!But the system says I am in the queue now.

Xu Ming laughed and said, "I don't go in, of course I have my reasons, but the fairy must have been wandering outside for a long time! Why doesn't the fairy go in?"

Prisoner Tiger Knife laughed, "Guess."

Xu Ming said, "Guess, I guess or not!"

Seeing that the two guys were about to collapse, Qingtu said, "Boss, have you noticed that there is a word on the back of this knife!"

Xu Mingzhu paid attention, not to mention that there is really a character behind the knife, that character looks like a deformed moon character!

Qingtu said, "Moon? Luna? Boss, why do I have an ominous premonition! This knife looks so familiar. Could this knife be the Prison Tiger that Princess Wangyou mentioned before? This knife is on the Great Wall of Sword Qi, it is the city spirit of Hulaoguan, the Moon God took away the Great Wall of Sword Qi, and also the prisoner tiger! Could it be that this female voice is the Moon God?"

Xu Ming said, "Don't talk, I also have an ominous premonition now!"

At this moment, opposite Xu Ming, Zhao Yun was also whispering to the female voice.

Longdan Zhao Yundao, "Miss said that Feihengjia, Liwangguan and Bawanghalberd are all stinky old nine artifacts, they are notoriously disobedient, and they have been kept in the tomb of Prince Li! Why did they appear here? Could it be that this person has been to the tomb of Prince Li? He brought King Xian down?"

A female voice said, "If King Xian is down, doesn't it mean that he still has the legendary Mohist mechanism city in his hand?"

Longdan Zhao Yundao, "Missy said that there is an elder in the Mohist organization city who is an extraterrestrial demon, and it is very difficult to deal with. At the beginning, she was not willing to fight the extraterritorial demon. If the other party can kill the extraterritorial demon, it seems that the ability is really good. , I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two of us to deal with!"

The female voice said, "Okay, don't talk, I already have a bad feeling now."

A miniature bronze camel and a prisoner's knife with a faint moonlight were confronting each other, and at the moment both sides had no idea.

Both sides felt that the other side could kill them, and for a while neither side dared to cause more trouble.

The time went on for an unknown amount of time, and finally the female voice of Prisoner Tiger Saber spoke first, "Have you ever been to the Tomb of the King Xian?"

Xu Ming heard that the other party spoke first, and tried to reply, "Dedicated to the king's tomb? Haha, except for the king's tomb! Everyone has their tombs, but there is no dedicated tomb for the king!"

The female voice in Prisoner Tiger Saber said again, "Sure enough, Your Excellency has been to the tomb of King Xian, what about the Mohist Trick City?"

Xu Mingdao, "Trick City? An extraterritorial celestial demon cub who has been lingering for so many years, under the powerful pressure of my Bai Yujing Baidi, turned into flying ash in the blink of an eye!"

The female voice was extremely pleasantly surprised, "So, the Trick City has already fallen into the hands of Lord Bai Yujing Baidi who is behind your Excellency?"

Xu Mingdao, "That's right! What do you want?"

The female voice said, "I want to cooperate with Your Excellency to capture the tomb of King Xian!"

Xu Ming laughed out loud, "This fairy, don't be joking, you and I don't know each other? Talking about cooperation? It's almost like lying to ghosts. If you really want to cooperate, show up in real body!"

The female voice said, "Okay!"

The voice fell, and under the moonlight, a slender woman came out. She was in her early twenties, with an oval face, skin that could be broken with the fingers, delicate features full of classic beauty, and a worn-out six-piece suit. The uniforms of the archaeological team in the 70s and the worn-out clothes could hardly conceal her unruly temperament.

She walked over, grabbed Prisoner Hu, and Prisoner's hand melted into the palm of his hand like snow.

She laughed, with stars in her eyes, "My name is Chen, and my name is Wenjin."

Chen Wenjin?
Is Wu Sansheng's friend who will never change until death good?

Didn't he die in Xisha?How would it appear here!

Could it be that the Moon God has already got his hands on Xisha?
(End of this chapter)

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