
Fraxinus 2


"What is it, Commander?"

A very tall man with long blonde hair answers her call.

"Although I don't need to remind you but the command is on you temporarily."

"Don't worry, You can leave this to me"

He said while thumping his chest.

His name is Kannazuki Kyōhei.

Kyouhei is the vice commander of Fraxinus.

Kyouhei is described to be a nice individual with elegant manners. 

However, there is a reason why he is a unique person.

"I know but… can you take some distance?"

As of now, he was about to jump on her legs but Kotori was able to notice it and stop this idiocy.

"But commander, you're gonna leave for a day or two. Who's gonna kick me? whose gonna punch my gut? whose gonna— eh?"

While Kyouhei is dramatically telling all of his feelings, Kotori snaps her finger and two bulky men are carrying him away.

"Wait, commander, commander!"

This thing always happened so they are used to it.

However, the rest couldn't help but sigh.

And the meeting continues.

The rest didn't get introduced earlier but it didn't mean that they would not be introduced.

"Good work, everyone."

Kotori said at the closing of the meeting.

"Thank you for your work hard!"

And everyone replies to her.

The first one who stands up has the appearance of a middle-aged man. 

He wears a formal suit and has clean-shaven black hair that has a white skunk stripe running toward his forehead.

His name is Kyouji Kawagoe a.k.a "Bad marriage."

"I need to catch that show!"

While Kawagoe was about to open the door, a fat man immediately run passed and opens the door first.

This fat man is another crew of the Fraxinus named Nakatsugawa Munechika a.k.a "Dimension Breaker".

Kawagoe couldn't help but sigh but immediately move on and go out.


"What is it, commander?"

While the men already got out of the meeting room, the women stay for a moment.

"About the princess— No, I mean about Tohka-san. Can you buy some clothes for her?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Her full name is Hinako Shiizaki a.k.a "Nail Knocker."

Shiizaki has long black hair that reaches beyond her shoulders. 

Her frontal bangs also cover the majority of her forehead and eyes. 

She dresses in formal attire and usually keeps a straw voodoo doll on her person at all times.

After this, they make a short conversation.

The conversation is not within the meeting subject but rather a girl's thing since the day was about to be over.

They talk about clothes, makeup, etc. 

"Shido! "

"What is it?"

Taking off her concentration on the monitor, Tohka unthinkingly talks with Shido.

"When are we gonna do the 'date' thing?"

Last time, while talking with Tohka in his personal space, he mentioned something about dating.

The topic is all about food and enjoying ourselves together so he thought that mentioning this will make her curious about it.

With that, he can do both his mission and the mission of being the main character.

"Oh! how about tomorrow?"

"Okay! Tomorrow, don't break your promise, Shido!"

Then her attention goes back to the monitor of Shido's console.

He decided to lend his console to Tohka so she doesn't get bored here.

It's been a day since she stay here.

She wanted to go out but whenever she remember one of his rules to not go out without him, she decided not to do it.

She couldn't explain why she always follow him but she decided not to mind it.

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