
Ichika’s Rumor: Niño’s POV

Class 2-5 of Asahiyama High School.

Their teacher is still not arrived so the students presently talk within their circle.

Among a bunch of girls, one of the heroines, Nakano Niño, has been asked by her classmates.

"Hey, Nakano-san. The Nakano from class 2-4 is your sister, right?"

Hearing this, she inwardly felt disdain towards them but didn't show it to her face.

She smiles and answers, "Yes, she is."

The girls make an 'I see.' expression and then another girl asked, "Then is it true that your—"

But before the girl, complete his statement, Niño got up.

Her action made the girls shocked and silent.

Knowing that she overreacted, she wryly smiles and says sorry to them and makes an excuse that she needs to go to the toilet.

They didn't say anything and nodded then she walked out the classroom.

I know. I know. I know!

They keep asking about my sister and every time they asked, makes me think that they have amnesia since even though they already know that Ichika is my sister, they always asked that obvious question.

You're her sister, she's your sister, do you know the same surname in our next class…

Isn't obvious so why they have been talking like that?

Grrrr… I'm so pissed but I need to calm down. Yes, calm down.

This kind of thing didn't start in our first week in this school but it start when a rumor about a beautiful girl who looks like me and has the same surname in class 2-4 has been publicly showing her affection to a guy.

This made my classmate ask me every day about that.

At first, it was still okay but when it got longer, it was getting annoying.

And earlier, I almost erupt like a volcano, luckily I stopped myself if not, another rumor will spread and as a victim of an indirect rumor, I don't want to give my sisters another headache.

I might look like I hate them but truly, I love them.

I love that even if I look like antagonizing them, I still move forward as long as I'm correct.

Haaahh… Anyway, I've been here in the comfort room for almost 10 minutes so I need to go back to my classroom.

Walking out of the comfort room, I was caught off guard and suddenly stumbled into someone that made me and that person fall on the floor.

"Hey, look where you're going!"

I shouted.

However, if I look back, If my mind isn't absent then I might avoi— Wait a minute! now that I remember, I didn't even see him so how can I avoid him?

I was about to stand up when I feel that my legs become weaken.

What is this?

"Are you okay?"

That person… that man is presenting his hand to help me.

However, having near him makes my body feel uncomfortable so the first thing I thought is to slap his hand but he immediately carries me like a princess.

"Hey, you! What are you doing?"

I try to get away from his grasp but the more I breathe, the more my lower body feels excited.

Hey, what is this? What's happening in my body? I can feel that my lower half is starting to get a leak.

I don't even masturbate so how can my mind is very focused on my lower half?

Unknown to me, we arrived at the clinic.

There's no doctor so he put me in one of the beds.

He bows and leaves me here speechless.

Unknown to my future self, meeting him will be my greatest happiness but also my greatest regret.

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