Apocalypse Bitch System

Chapter 68: choosing new side for protection

Chapter 68: choosing new side for protection


After they came in they started to speak about moving north to the central area.


They spoke about the construction of bases there and the military all over the country would be moving north completely abandoning south.


With the topic the discussion started.


Each had their own proposition.


This is not the only political party but there are other political parties too.


They are also planning to move up soon.


As for the military they would move after when they received the call from the bases after they are built.


So these political leaders are going to move on their own.


The scientists at the center have already checked and the reason for this extreme heat is unknown.


Till the reason was found the heat would continue.


Even if the reason is removed the consequences would be unknown.


 So they have reported to move up so that they can enter into the vast land above rather than stay at the sea shore.


Till then they are building bases close to the big rivers reservoirs.


If the things are okay after finding the reason the people can move back and rebuild.


If things are unknown and disastrous then they would move up to find stable place.


They did not go through all the confusion and made a simple choice.


Now without the support of military the politicians, mafia bosses, big business men, higher civil officials……..formed groups to move up.


The discussion went on for a long time before they decided to move on in 2 months.


The scouting party will be decided based on the preferences of the leaders and capabilities of the people.


Mohini was also one of the candidates for the scouting party.


Their destination is Agra.


Each candidate is making suggestions and when it was Mohini’s turn she directly took out a map of India and the pointed at 10+ places on the route to reach all the way to Agra.


The she explained about the water resources and area for shelter around those places.


Fortunately India has too many temples and temples have cottages for staying.


Also the temples are mostly on the side of the river or a water source.


The explanation that Mohini gave is so detailed that the people listened to it was astounded.


Well the first question they asked is how Mohini knows about all of this.


Mohini simply pointed at boss Oba and said.


“I am working in tourism and trading company under boss Oba.


I have developed a habit of finding most of the details of every place I visited.


I had this hobby of visiting some rare and spiritual places like temples and rivers.


So I noted all these things.


Since I understand the situation from boss Oba yesterday I guessed that people wanted to move up north from here.


The best possible places are the rivers with big cities.


So I calculated till Agra last night and marked them on the map I salvaged from a book store.


Well this is my analysis.


If leaders wanted to have a look then following this map would reduce the time required for searching and exploring….”


Mohini’s words made the people look at her with greed and lust at the same time.


Well most of them are greedy and only few young ones are lustful towards Mohini.


In a world where we don’t know having a person like Mohini to plan things is like having a readymade building when you are still looking for a suitable site.


All of them wanted to take Mohini into their groups and immediately the value of Mohini increased by a large margin.


At the same time some of them are suspicious if the locations that Mohini marked on the map are correct or not.


So they have decided to send a scouting party with the people from all groups to check the situation.


Mohini doesn’t mind and Mohini was not in the scouting team.


Actually it was boss Oba that negotiated and sent Mobo in place of check things out.


He feared that the other party might kill Mohini because of various reasons.


Since Mohini is not going out on a search she took leave and returned back.


The offers were given to Mohini from various big people and finally Mohini accepted the offer of the big political leader that her boss Oba supported.


This big political leader has the support of powerful mafia boss and some of the officials.


So this is the best way to resolve things.


With that Mohini will not be pursued by anyone.


After that Mohini returned back to her room with extra materials on hand.


These are the rewards for choosing new side.


When Mohini returned she found that Radha was exercising with a knife in extreme aggressive manner.


If Mohini was not careful then she would have got stabbed by her.


Her eyes are still red and she looked more haggard.


Mohini felt that the things are not right.


So she decided to look into the matter.


She cannot have a partner that has unstable mentality during the apocalypse.


She asked her to stop her exercise and then sit down to have some cold tea.


“Radha, you look sad, sleepless and haggard.


You are not like this a few days ago.


So tell me what happened.


If it is something that I can help you with then I will definitely help.


Sharing burdens is what we formed our team for.”


Listening to Mohini’s words she finally burst into tears and started to explain about the incident when she went out along.


During that night in the suburbs she went to extract materials from the construction buildings.


At that time she met her friend that helped in her previous life here.


This woman came from the same place as Radha.


She came all the way here with her boyfriend.


Well Radha did ask her if she wanted to come with her but she rejected Radha’s offer and came along with her boyfriend.


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