Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

YanXu sighed: "I really don't want you to be the undead department."

Tang Shi: "I know, and I know you are worried about me. Since my built-in card is undead, it means that I can control the sickle of the undead, but it will take some time."

YanXu airway: "even so, you should not hide from me!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry to you." In the Tang Dynasty, he hastily followed Mao.

"If it wasn't for today, when would you tell me?" Yan Xu continues to question, like a child who has been cheated. If you don't ask for an explanation, you can't swallow this tone!

"It won't be long, certainly before the upgrade card comes." In Tang Dynasty.

"I'm so angry with you!" The more Yan Xu thought, the more angry he was. He didn't tell him about such a big thing, so he made a decision.

"Sorry, it's me. Don't be angry." Tang apologized softly, full of guilt.

Yan Xu stares at him for a long time. He is still reluctant to reprimand him. He says seriously: "even if your built-in card is undead, you should restrain the number of times you use the sickle of the undead."

"Well, good." As long as it can keep him from getting angry, Tang Shi must promise everything.

In the Tang Dynasty, he was suddenly stunned. What YanXu said was to restrain the number of times he used it, not to let him not use it at all. It seems that he also saw that in this last age, it was not the matter of who protected who. If a person had no strength, it was not the matter of protection at all. Sooner or later, he would die violently. Only when he had enough strength, he could avoid being bullied.

Yan Xu can see this, Tang Dynasty is very pleased.

Yan Xu's tone finally softened down, "before I also have wrong, let you don't touch blood, I will protect you, but I didn't do my promise. In such an environment, if you don't bully people, they will only be bullied if they show weakness. So I withdraw my original words. It's also because I'm so angry that I'm afraid you'll be affected by the sickle of the dead, so I don't recognize you. You are very good. Many of your views are very suitable for the survival rules of this era. I am confused. "

In Tang Dynasty, "are we holding a review meeting?"

Yan Xu couldn't help laughing, but he still couldn't get rid of his anger. He rubbed Tang's black hair and said, "is your left hand OK?"

Tang Shi took off the paw and straightened out his hair. "It's OK. As long as you wear this glove, it's the same as the original left hand. After you take off the glove, don't touch my left hand. It will pull the soul out. It's very dangerous."

Yan Xu immediately stares at Tang Shi's left hand, and can only end this quarrel with a sigh for a while.

"Don't hide something from me in the future. Tell me directly that I'm not a stubborn person."

"Good." Tang Shi nodded with a smile.

Yan Xu embraces a person to come over, good kiss a pass, just way: "Qin lie's affair wants how to do?"? Did he really save you? "

Tang did not immediately answer, YanXu raised his face, let him look at himself, "you still have something to hide from me?"

After a moment's silence, Tang Shi said, "there's something I don't know how to say. Even if I say it, it's hard for people to believe."

Yan Xu said seriously: "you say, as long as you say, I believe it."

Looking at YanXu in Tang Dynasty, he said: "I've died once. I've lived two lives. In the last life, the earth also suffered such disasters. I can know these things not because of the system, but because of my own experience."

Yan Xu is shocked to stare big eyes, this matter is too unimaginable. But all kinds of signs show that what the Tang Dynasty said was true. For example, he stored enough food and water before the end of the world. He knew yuan Neng Jing that everyone didn't know, and he knew all kinds of alien races. He knew more about the survival of the end of the world than he was a special soldier

He always thought that the information came from the system, but he didn't expect it to be remembered by Tang Shi in this way.

"You Your transformation... " Yan Xu's shock is all in the eyes of Tang Dynasty.

Tang Shi nodded calmly, "yes, it's hard to maintain the original after experiencing the cruelty of the end. Those are all bought at the cost of pain and blood."

Yan Xu couldn't speak. After a long time, he vomited out three words, "sorry..."

I'm sorry, he shouldn't blame the transformation of Tang Dynasty. No one has ever experienced such a doomsday and remained unchanged.

Tang Shi shook his head to show that he didn't care. He said slowly, "I've been to Qi County in the last life, but I didn't get into Qi county. At that time, I was just an ordinary person. Like those refugees outside the city, I could only wander outside the city and rob some food that could sustain my life. I didn't even live like a dog. At that time, I was attacked by the serrated mouse. The animal wanted to eat me. In order to save his life, he had to fight with it to death. Finally, he was stoned to death by me. "

"I was very excited at that time, thinking that I would finally have meat to eat, and finally have a good meal. However, the serrated mouse I managed to fight for was snatched away by several scoundrels. How could I let them take it away? I must fight with them, but I was beaten. When I thought I was going to die, Qin liechong came out to save me. He used a rusty knife, He cut off those rascals, and he was just an ordinary man at that time. Since then, we have been working together, occasionally hunting prey, much better than a personWhen Tang Dynasty talked about this, it didn't go on.

Yan Xu has been quietly listening, suddenly thought of what, the heart was pulled tight, trembling voice asked: "you The last life was How did you die? "

Tang looked at the appearance of Yan Xu, a smile, "you guess right, is dead in the hands of Tangqi and Luchuan."

Yan Xu took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He pinched his fists tightly. His heart was more painful than being stabbed with countless knives. He trembled and said, "at that time Where am I? "

Tang held Yan Xu's clenched fist and said, "in order to let me escape, you distracted a higher creature, not at my side."

Yan Xu seemed to endure the pain. The extreme pain made him pale. He didn't dare to ask, but he couldn't help thinking about it. Finally, he said in a dumb voice: "they They really... "

Tang Dynasty knows that YanXu is in love with him, which is the performance of pain to the extreme, but he still said, clearly told YanXu, at that time.

"Yes, Tang Qi is crazy to want Mei's treasure. He thinks Mei's treasure is hidden in my heart, so he joins Lu Chuan and binds me to a tree, so that I can see with my own eyes how my heart is dug out, and then let the strange beast smell the fishy smell eat my body..."

When Yan Xu hugs Tang, he hugs him tightly, as if he wants to rub this man into his own flesh and blood. He is shaking and apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

He shouldn't stop him when he wanted to kill Lu Chuan in the Tang Dynasty. He shouldn't scold him when he said he wanted to dig out their hearts in the Tang Dynasty. What's more, he shouldn't scold him for being cold-blooded and inhuman

He is very regretful, but also too many sorry, if he had known these things, he would not have let Tang Qi die so easily, let alone let Lu Chuan go!

"I'm very good now. With the experience of the last life, I will live well in this era. Up to now, it's all about that we are in the forefront of everything? Don't blame yourself. To be honest, I don't hate them any more. If they hadn't killed me at that time, I wouldn't have this life, let alone the chance to get along with you. "

In the Tang Dynasty, it was the other way round to comfort YanXu.

It took a long time for Yan Xu to calm down, but the deep pain will always be engraved on his heart, as if he was the one who had his heart dug out No, maybe when he really dug out the heart, it was not as painful as he was. He would rather have someone stab him to relieve the pain carved into the bone marrow.

This night, Tang did not return to his room, and Yan Xu embrace and sleep.

YanXu after knowing his experience, the whole person is depressed, don't speak, don't do things, just like that holding Tang Shi lying on the bed, quietly enjoying the hard won time.

For several days in a row, YanXu was in this state.

Tang Dynasty, intermittently, told him all the things of the last life. All kinds of dangers of human nature were revealed incisively and vividly in his experiences.

After listening to the three years of the Tang Dynasty, YanXu felt as if he had experienced a lifetime. He was involved in all the things he experienced in the Tang Dynasty.

It's no longer funny for those naive people to look at the world like those in the past.

When Yan Xu finally came out of the room, it seemed that the whole person had changed.

His temperament is sharp, his back is straight, his eyes are deep and firm, and his heart It has been completely covered by the experience of the Tang Dynasty.

"Are you really going?" Yan Xu asked.

"I have to go. That's the last thing I can do for him. Since he hates that man so much and works against him so deliberately, I'll help him wipe him out completely." This decision was made very early in Tang Dynasty. When Gu Yuyang said those words to him, he decided to do so.

He's going to kill county magistrate Hao!

Qin lie excitedly said: "who are you going to chop? Take me with you. I want them to see clearly. The original little local dog has become a world famous dog! "

Tang Shi jokingly said: "dog, have you finished your work? Has the Lin Gang given up to trouble you? "

Qin lie said with a proud face: "I'm not afraid of them now. I dare to come here. I cut them one by one!"

Lin Gang doesn't know what they are plotting. Since they were beaten by YanXu in the suburbs last time, they haven't come to revenge. I don't know if they are really scared or waiting for an opportunity.

In Tang Dynasty, he didn't think that the people of Lin Gang were counsellors. He must be planning something else.

"In a word, you'd better be careful. You are a beast spirit who has just awakened the power of blood. When you don't dig out your skills thoroughly, it's also very dangerous and unpredictable."

"I know. Brother Tang, go ahead and don't worry about my younger brother any more." Qin lie has been dizzy when the Tang Dynasty recites, the tail that just cocked up is soon suppressed, Tang Dynasty saw Yan Xu one eye, "that I left."

Yan Xu looked at the sky outside, and it was almost night. "I'll pick you up later."

Tang Shi laughs, "good."

Qin lie looked at the Tang Dynasty with a question mark, and then at Yan Xu. He always felt strange between them.Yan Xu's impression on Qin lie is that he is a very strong man. He has joined them these days. Yan Xu has never taken the initiative to talk to him. Instead, he is with Tang Shi. His expression is soft, careful and thoughtful, and his eyes are gentle. What's more, he will clean up his clothes and socks for Tang Shi! If Tang Dynasty was not a man, Qin lie would suspect that YanXu fell in love with Tang Dynasty.

Although Qin lie is a rare blood awakener now, to be honest, he is still a little afraid of YanXu. This man is very strong. If he really wants to fight with him, he will definitely be killed by him.

Two days ago, the Tang Dynasty had observed the county magistrate's defense. Maybe he was afraid of being assassinated. There were always two groups of awakened people outside his villa, and there were also strong awakened people living in the villa, so that he could be escorted at any time.

In the dead of night, Tang Shi approached the villa. Some of the awakened people on duty in the courtyard were patrolling, some were leaning against the fence to smoke and chat.

“…… Now it's the world of awakeners, and we are also awakeners with good grades. How can we still look after people's homes? "

Another man quenched a mouthful of phlegm and said in a low voice: "there are many awakened people now. If you want to get ahead, you need not only strength, but also skill. You see, our county magistrate is at the same level as us, but what others know about how to control people is that he can convince his brothers."

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