Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

The woman's action is neat, and soon bought back the wine, and burned four kinds of Twilight wild boar meat with different patterns, including fried, steamed, stewed and boiled. Each kind of wild vegetables is mixed with different kinds of cooking, with strong meat flavor and delicious wild vegetables. Even the three people who eat meat every day are very greedy, not to mention women and little girls.

The three of them sat down on the table. The woman stood beside and didn't take a seat. The little girl leaned on the woman's leg and looked at the meat on the table eagerly, holding her fingers to swallow.

Tang Shidao: "come and sit down and eat together."

"No, no, no No The woman quickly refused, looked at her child, she wanted to say let the little girl on the table, but she could not say.

In the Tang Dynasty, he did not eat, put down his chopsticks and said: "it is not easy for anyone in this era. The awakened people look at the scenery, but the danger and death are very high. Even if the ordinary people are poor, they live longer than most awakened people. Don't mention it any more. Now there are only races, no nobles or inferiors. They are all human beings. There's no need to be so outspoken. "

The woman didn't say anything more. She took the little girl to the table and didn't say a word. She filled a bowl of white rice with vegetables for her daughter. Obviously, the little girl had not eaten meat for a long time. She was reluctant to eat rice and clamored to eat meat. For fear of disturbing the three of them, the woman could only coax her daughter in a low voice to be obedient.

The little girl is still sensible. As expected, she won't make any noise. If the woman gives her food, she will eat it obediently. The woman was afraid that she hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and suddenly she would be broken by eating so much, so she buttoned up the light and gave it to her. When the little girl was full, she looked at the meat on the table and couldn't move her eyes. She leaned over the woman's ear and whispered, "Mom, can we still eat meat tomorrow? My uncles live here every day. Do we have meat every day? "

The little girl's voice was very low. The woman thought they didn't hear her. She touched the little girl's head and coaxed her to sleep.

In fact, when the awakened one reaches the level of Tang Dynasty and YanXu, it's called hearing and seeing. How can they not hear? Qin lie is even more non-human. They have heard all the words of little girls. However, in this era, there are too many ordinary people like them. They are not saviors, they can't save others, they can only be regarded as not hearing.

The meat and rice given to them in the Tang Dynasty are enough for their wives to eat for a while. They will go out to look for a house tomorrow. This place is too remote and the road is too narrow to drive an SUV in. Besides, they have to learn how to make particle cards and go to the inner city. It will take a lot of time to go back and forth from the inner city to the outer city. They make an appointment to start the class the day after tomorrow, and they are going to solve the house problem tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Tang Shi said goodbye to the woman.

Women know that such high-ranking awakened people will not live in such a dirty, broken and partial place all the time. They must go to the inner city. Women are hesitant about whether to refund the rent to them, but Tang Shi asked her to put it away by herself.

When they left, the little girl lay by the door and looked at them with tearful eyes. She thought that after they left, she would never eat meat again.

When you come from the outer city, you have to go through the middle city to get to the inner city.

The whole Xianglong city is guarded by the 4-meter-high defensive wall on the edge of the outer city. The houses and streets in the outer city are small and dilapidated. Garbage can be seen everywhere. People are haggard and bony, which is even more common.

From the outer city to the middle city, you need to pass through a gate of the middle city. There are rich ordinary people and some mediocre awakeners living in the middle city. They belong to mixed living. They have brand-new houses, clean streets, lively shops, noisy people, and people who can live in the middle city. Their living conditions are good. Although there is no freedom and wealth in the peaceful era, they can still be comfortable in the card era In order to survive, Zhongcheng is the place that all people in other cities dream of.

If the living environment of the middle city can be compared with that of the towns and counties in the peaceful times, then the inner city can definitely be regarded as a small city in the peaceful times.

The environment of the inner city is very beautiful, with many tall buildings and wide and clean roads. Automobile exhaust and pollution are rare in the era of cards. The air has been thoroughly purified at the moment of the outbreak of eschatology. Now is the stage of transition from eschatology to the era of cards, and the speed of transition is very fast. A few vehicles have used energy cards. In another year or two, energy cards will completely replace gasoline.

If you look down at Xianglong city from a high altitude, you will find that Xianglong city is a huge circle. The outermost ring is the outer city, and the middle ring is the middle city. The center of the circle is the inner city. The closer the inner city is to the center of the circle, the higher the floor is. It is also the location of all important departments.

After entering the inner city, Tang Shi and others went straight to the house introduction office, where they were received by a thin man.

If you want to buy a house in the inner city, the price is absolutely not low. Tang Shi considered that it was really impossible to pay by instalments. You have to have a place to live.

The man asked Tang Shi what kind of house he wanted? What are the requirements for the surrounding environment? At what stage is the price?

In Tang Dynasty, the most ideal house was a single building with a courtyard. There should be five or six rooms, and it's better to have a basement. The more beautiful the surrounding environment, the better.

The thin man was very flexible. He quickly chose two houses that met the requirements of Tang Dynasty and took them to see the house with the key.The so-called single building, the best condition is naturally the villa, thin men look like they are not bad money, so in the choice of house is also to find a good choice, looking for expensive choice. Two houses are villas, one in the inner city near the outskirts (inner city wall) location, is a real single building, green around very well, in front of a small yard, behind a swimming pool, a total of three floors, rooms absolutely meet the requirements of the Tang Dynasty, basement also has, can be said to be perfectly in line with the conditions of the Tang Dynasty.

The other one is near the middle of the inner city. Although it is a single building, it is located in the villa area. A few hundred meters away, it is someone else's house. This area is full of villas.

In Tang Dynasty, I almost didn't think about it. I wanted the one near the suburb.

The first floor is mainly a living room, kitchen and bathroom. There are four rooms on the second floor. Each room is decorated in different styles and sizes. There is only one large room on the third floor, a study and a balcony.

Everything in the house, as long as you buy it, you can move in. Tang Shi was very satisfied with the house.

The thin man said with a smile: "you really have vision. Many people have taken a fancy to this house, but it hasn't been sold because of the price."

The thin man took them all the way to look at the house and never raised the price. Now that they have finally decided, it's time to talk about the price.

Tang Shi Dao: "how much do you want to buy it?"

The thin man is happy. He is not an awakened person and can't live in the inner city, but it doesn't prevent him from coming to work in the inner city. The man is happy when he thinks of selling this house with his commission.

"I don't have to say much about the location and decoration of this house. All three of you have seen it. It's less than 6000 gold coins and you can't buy it."

YanXu doesn't understand the price of house here and doesn't express his opinion.

Qin lie is even more at a loss. He never thought that he would have a chance to live in a villa in his life. His biggest idea before was to be a local boss, marry a beautiful woman and have a son, and his life would be complete.

When Tang Dynasty heard the price, he laughed. Others didn't know, but he knew the price of the inner city. Although it was not easy to buy a house in the inner city, it wasn't so expensive. Did he think it was the price of the first tier cities in the peaceful era? In the era of cards, everything is fake except strength. If a rare card opens, it will cost 6000 gold coins. There are many people who rob it, but there is no such market for the house.

"Don't deceive me. I know the price of the house in the inner city. This house is only worth 5600 gold coins at most."

In the last Tang Dynasty, although he didn't live in the inner city, he still knew the market.

The thin man's face showed a dilemma, hesitated for a long time, then said: "in this way, I make the decision, 5800 gold coins, you said 5600 gold coins really not."

Tang Shi nodded, "I want to pay by installments. How much do you need for the down payment?"

The thin man put down his heart, and they decided to take it. "According to the regulations, the down payment needs 20%, and you can pay the rest within one year. You can choose to pay for gold coins, yuan Nengjing and consumption cards, but yuan Nengjing will be a bit more troublesome. I'm outside and I don't have any testing equipment, so it's better to pay for gold coins and consumption cards. "

Tang calculated, found that all the gold coins on the body are not enough to pay the down payment, only to say: "yuan can card how to pay?"

Thin man: "a yuan card can deduct 10 gold coins."

In the Tang Dynasty, he could not give all the gold coins to him. He could only pay 1000 gold coins. The remaining 160 gold coins were offset by yuanneng cards. Those yuanneng cards he made before were all prepared for the vicious blacksmith. Now the vicious blacksmith needs particle cards. These yuanneng cards are useless in letting go. In the Tang Dynasty, he used 16 yuanneng cards.

After that, I went back with the thin man to go through some procedures, and got the key, so I could check in directly.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, the three of them all breathed a long sigh of relief and finally had a place to settle down.

The big room on the third floor undoubtedly became the room of Tang Dynasty. The room was very big, the bed was very wide and soft, the room was spacious and comfortable, under the French window, facing the swimming pool in the backyard. Standing on the balcony, one could see that it was green and beautiful. Tang Dynasty was very satisfied with this place.

In the Tang Dynasty, he took out all the existing gold coins, and there were 105 gold coins in total. He gave YanXu and Qin lie 30 gold coins each. He took the rest by himself and tried to return the house money. Now it's no better than the life of savages in the past. When we get to a normal human residence, we still need the necessary expenses, especially Qin lie, who always talks about women and wants to go out to pick up girls. We can't do without money.

30 gold coins for ordinary people has been very much, for ordinary awakened people is not small money, Qin lie more and more clear about the value of Xianglong City gold coins, he carefully put away the gold coins, ready to chase beauty in the future.

This money should be enough for one month's expenses. Tang Shi and his family are going to do nothing this month and concentrate on learning how to use the micro card again.The next morning, they went to the designated classroom. In peacetime, it was supposed to be an office building. Now it has been changed into a classroom. When they enter the designated classroom, it is empty.

Qin lie thought that it was unreliable to spend 150 gold coins to learn how to make a particle card for a month. Seeing you again, there was no one in the classroom, so he felt cheated.

There won't be many people learning how to make micro particle cards. This was thought before the Tang Dynasty. First, many awakened people haven't used micro particle cards and don't know the importance of micro particle cards. Second, 150 gold coins is not a small number for ordinary awakened people. It's a bit wasteful to learn how to make consumption cards that they may not be able to use. Finally, micro particle cards have just been developed Not long ago, they have not been accepted by the awakened. Tang Shi and others should be the first to eat crabs.

The teacher in the class is a young researcher of xianglongcheng Research Institute. He arrived at the right time. When he saw only three students, he didn't say anything. First, he introduced himself. His name is Zhuo Xi. He is a researcher in charge of card research.

After a brief introduction, the class started without a word of nonsense. The content of the class started from the control of yuanneng. How to control yuanneng to make cards better? The control of yuanneng by making cards has rules to follow. In the process of research, the researcher summed up a set of fixed formulas. As long as they can be used flexibly, no matter what consumption they encounter in the future Cards can fit into that formula.

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