Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

In the past two days, they were not idle. They went to the awakening guild to take on the task, make money and make contributions.

The auction held by Qitian chamber of Commerce will start in a few days. In the Tang Dynasty, they need money very much. What they want is likely to be met at the auction. Qitian chamber of commerce is the top chamber of Commerce in Xianglong City, with the most complete contents.

Tang Shi estimated that they might have a lot of things to buy, especially the assessment is coming. As long as they can use them, he should buy them.

Money is the most scarce now. In Tang Dynasty, there were more than 3000 gold coins in hand. After paying the house money once, there were only a few hundred gold coins left. The house money should be paid off again.

Now they can spare no effort to buy things at the auction.

Tang Shi would follow these two days' tasks, but he didn't do it. His Yuan energy was spent on drawing runes for them. Tang Shi was trying to draw the Runes of hell madman. This dark creature was very powerful. With it, he had a powerful servant card.

However, the stronger the rune creature, the more energy it consumes and the more difficult it is.

Don't waste those pigments and Yuan energy when you're not sure you'll succeed at one time.

In the Tang Dynasty, he sat cross legged on the roof of the car with green paint on the side. His left arm had already drawn a Rune of spinning life spider woman. There was no room for the second rune. He rolled up his trouser legs and tried to draw hell madman on his leg. No matter what, he had to try to know if he could succeed.

He has been practicing drawing these runes for a long time. Before, he did it when he didn't know he was a hell madman. Now he has been practicing hard for a few days. It should be no problem to draw one at a time. He wants to test himself first, and then draw for YanXu.

YanXu, they went hunting and asked Tang Shi to wait here.

If YanXu knew that he was trying to draw runes at this time, he would scold him. If he failed, yuanneng would be exhausted, and he would be in trouble again.

Fortunately, after many times of practice, Tang Dynasty succeeded once.

However, the consumption of green pigment is very large. If the rune is too complex, the consumption of pigment will be large.

In Tang Dynasty, he sat high and looked far away. He heard the sound of gunfire in the distance. He looked up and saw several cars coming towards him.

To be exact, the cars behind are running after the two cars in front, shooting from the window as they chase, trying to blow up the wheels of the escaping vehicles. Unfortunately, the shooter's shooting method is not very good. He even failed to hit the other side's wheels after firing several shots, making the other side bumpy and run farther and farther.

Tang Dynasty was in the wilderness. The ground was undulating and covered with weeds, but there was no big shelter. When Tang Dynasty's vehicles stopped in the wilderness, they could see it from a distance. What's more, Tang Dynasty was still sitting on the roof, so the target was more obvious.

Far away, I heard the familiar voice in Tang Dynasty.

"Brother Tang! Come and help

Tang stood up from the top of the car. It was Zhong Zifeng!

When Zhong Zifeng left the city in the morning, he met them in Tang Dynasty and said hello. When he knew that they were hunting in this area and were surrounded, his first reaction was to drive here. He hoped that they would still be here in Tang Dynasty, otherwise they would die today.

Two cars rush to Tang's car, Zhong Zifeng and others jump from the car.

Behind the car followed, parked a few meters away, also have to get off, nearly 20 people.

The leader is no one else, it is the long maned lion, Yufan!

When Yu Fan got out of the car, he saw that the man standing on the top of the car was the guy who insulted him in the awakening guild, showing a cold smile.

"Well, you're a group. I'm worried that I can't find you. I didn't expect that you would die in your arms, so I don't have to find you one by one

The two sides immediately opened the battle, fighting is imminent, Zhong Zifeng side is obviously weak, the enemy is not too much.

This time, Yufan is well prepared to bring so many awakeners.

As soon as Zhong Zifeng saw that the situation was not right, he turned around and ran all the way before he got here. But there was only one person here in Tang Dynasty.

Zhong Zifeng said anxiously: "brother Yan, what about them? Why are you the only one? "

In Tang Dynasty, standing on the top of the car overlooking them, he said faintly, "hunting has gone."

Zhong Zifeng low scold a, urgent way: "far not far?"? Is there any way to get them back? "

On Zhong Zifeng's side, there were only eight people in the Tang Dynasty, so the number of them was more than double.

Tang Shi thought about it, then sat cross legged on the roof of the car, "should not be called back, prey everywhere, who knows where they will chase."

Zhong Zifeng and others are going crazy.

Cao Wen was sweating, holding a card in his hand, staring at Yu Fan and others with vigilance, and said: "brother Tang, ancestor Tang, this is a very special time, think of a way, if you die here, everything will be over!"

Zhong Zifeng clenched his teeth and said in a low voice, "I have friends in the mangkui awakening team. Before that, I was taken care of by him. He knew that I had offended Yufan and said that he would not stand by. As long as I can escape today, I will take revenge!"When Yu Fan stares at Tang, he doesn't know what kind of tricks he's playing. It's all this time, and he's sitting on the top of the car looking at the scenery.

"Tang Dynasty! Today is your day! Don't come down and die The attitude of disapproval in Tang Dynasty completely angered Yu fan.

In Tang Dynasty, he didn't even look at him. He took out an ox horn from the small lattice and threw it to Zhong Zifeng? Let's take revenge today. "

The horn is thick, big and heavy. Zhong Zifeng catches it in a hurry. He doesn't understand the meaning of Tang Dynasty.

"Activate the figure near the root of the ox horn with meta energy." In the Tang Dynasty, he was the commander.

When Yu fan saw that Tang Shi actually took out a bull horn, he was immediately frightened.

But he has heard of many powerful equipment cards, in which the equipment is strange, but the killing power is amazing.

Now he roared, "do it! Grab the horn

More than 20 people immediately opened the card bag, drew out the cards and prepared to fight.

People on Zhong Zifeng's side naturally don't wait to die, and they all have actions.

Zhong Zifeng's face is full of confusion. He is still guessing what the horn is for. Seeing this situation, he has no time to think about it. He quickly follows the instructions of the Tang Dynasty and mobilizes yuanneng to activate the green pattern near the root of the horn.

Zhong Zifeng only felt that Yuan Neng was pulled down half in an instant. The light on the horn flashed, and a giant appeared in front of everyone.

Spins the life spider female!

As soon as the card creatures of Yu Fan and others were activated, they were about to rush over and were scared by this tall, dark monster.

Spinning life spider female stands in the wilderness, overlooking the small human below, and those scared shrank card creatures, waving the front two short black spider legs with pride. While watching them, spinning Spider Woman spits out a mouthful of liquid, pulls knitting in her hand, spits out another mouthful, and continues to pull knitting.

Even Zhong Zifeng, who released the spinning spider woman, was frightened by the large creature in front of him, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Cao Wen said: "yes, it's the one by the lake!"

Yu Fan's face was livid. He didn't expect that he would have such a powerful servant creature. If you look at yourself, those servant creatures are either Timberwolves or Grizzlies. Even the jungle cheetah is superior. The earthquake rhinoceros is second only to his long maned prairie lion.

If you look at the other creature, you can frighten the opponent as soon as you come out To frighten them, it was like stepping his face into the mud.

Yufan's eyes were fierce and said: "no matter how powerful the minion creature is, there is only one. When I kill you, this minion creature is Yufan's! Kill them for me

Awaking on command, immediately orders his card creature to fight.

Zhong Zifeng's side of the awakening also started.

Spinning life spider woman, who had never moved since she appeared on the stage, moved her fingers. Several white cobwebs "pa", "pa", "pa" catapulted out. The speed was very fast. At first, it was only the size of a palm. After catapulted out, it would turn into a big net to cover the enemy who rushed forward.

You can't cut the spider web woven by the spinning spider woman with weapons. Even if you burn it with fire, you have to toss it for a while. The best way is to freeze it and then smash it. But everyone doesn't have the element of ice. So Yu Fan and others suffer in an instant. Two or three of them will be covered in one web. If you throw out a few big webs, half of them will be finished.

Zhong Zifeng and others were horrified. They did not dare to rush forward. Instead, they retreated behind spinming spider girl and handed over the battlefield to spinming spider girl. Yu Fan was so angry that he bit a steel tooth and called out a long maned prairie lion. Pointing to Tang Shi on the roof of the car, he yelled: "kill him for me!"

With a roar, the long maned prairie lion pounced on the Tang Dynasty.

The long maned prairie lion is a kind of card creature. It has a big head and can touch the ground on all fours. Its height is higher than that of human beings. If it is hit by that big head, even the off-road vehicle refitted in Tang Dynasty will turn over.

Although the long maned prairie lion is large in size, the spinning spider female is not inferior. The black spider legs like steel support the ground, and its body is half higher than that of the long maned prairie lion.

At the moment, spinning life spider woman is waving a leg knife, chopping nearby enemies. As long as she is hit by it, even if she does not die, she will be poisoned immediately. The lower creatures and human beings are not as huge as the tyranny trolls. Even the flesh and blood have defensive power. They will die if they are poisoned by the spinning spider woman.

She is chopping vegetables and melons. When she sees a lion trying to pass by, she sweeps her huge belly and directly crosses in front of the long maned prairie lion. The legs of the spider have already swung away. Although the long maned prairie lion is big, it's not slow to respond. She quickly jumps away to avoid the attack, and then comes back to bite the black legs of the spider.

Tang looked at the stupid lion like an idiot. He was afraid that it would not die of poison. Did he taste it with his tongue?

Spinming spider female is very calm to let the lion bite, and does not resist at all. Its lower body defense is very high, and it will take some effort to bite off its legs. If the lion can bite off one of its legs before being poisoned by spinming spider female, spinming spider female will not die.

The awakened person injured by spinning life spider female, the wound begins to blacken, the blood flowing out is also black, and the action is slow. Some of them are only cut out a small wound, but now they are very deadly. When Yu Fan found that this creature was poisonous, he saw that his long sideburns prairie lion was biting the creature's spider leg. He was so scared that he quickly gave the order to attack Tang Shi directly and avoid the creature!Tang Dynasty has been sitting on the roof of the car to watch the battle, see the lion gave up spinning life spider woman to him, naturally will not sit and wait to die, suddenly jumped forward, the long sideburns prairie lion fiercely overturned the cross-country vehicle of Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty steadily fell behind the long maned prairie lion, stop for a moment, click to open the ghost card bag, draw out a card, activate, the sword of justice appeared in the hand.

When Changbin prairie lion returns to fight back, Tang Dynasty leaps up again and goes to yufansha quickly!

Yu Fan was startled. He was scared back by the momentum of the Tang Dynasty. He scolded: "stupid guy who doesn't even have armor! Who's going to fight you close! Die for me

While roaring, he quickly opened his card bag and wanted to throw out another servant card. Suddenly, he felt the wind passing by his side neck. When he looked up again, Tang Shi had already stood in front of him. The sword of justice was on his neck.

"No armor for you." Tang Dynasty looked down on him.

Yu Fan's heart stopped beating with fright. Tang Shi's speed was too fast. He was just a few meters away, and his cards had not been taken out. Tang Shi was already in front of him.

"How, how possible? How can you be so fast? " Yu Fan screamed in horror.

In Tang Dynasty, there was a sneer on his face. "It's better to stay away from others in the next life. You won't know who is the real master."

"You You dare to kill me. My brother is Yu Lin. if you kill me, the whole team of Tianlong awakeners will not let you go... " Yu Fan's legs softened and he knelt down on the ground with a plop. His eyes moved. Seeing that the prairie lion in Changji had come bravely, he could absolutely bite off the head of Tang Dynasty!

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