Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

There is an awakener named Shang Xuanyi. His mount is a mechanical bird, which is very big and can carry three people. In Tang Dynasty, I remember that he was the one who used the crossbow in the border. I didn't expect that he had such a mount, which was more convenient than a private plane.

It's much more convenient for people to leave on horseback than to drive. The flexibility of horseback can't be compared with that of car. Even so, it's not easy to kill from so many undead armies. However, with the speed of horseback, as long as they can run, these undead armies can't catch up with them.

In Tang Dynasty, he climbed behind the snow colored Griffin, grabbed the saddle and said in a loud voice: "the flying mount will open the way for you. Let's kill together!"

Everyone yelled, morale, no longer just timid, only to fight out the siege of the determination!

The three flying mounts flapped their wings and flew up. Shang Xuanyi's flying mounts were covered with metal. They were not afraid of weapon attack at all. They were the first to bear the brunt of the attack. They dived towards the army of the dead. Their hard and powerful wings swept down and immediately launched. The snow colored Griffin of the Tang Dynasty followed closely. The Griffin's claws and sharp beaks were sharp weapons of attack. In the Tang Dynasty, they were not as casual as Shang Xuanyi Sweep, but let the snow Griffin attack the little leader who orders. The Griffin swoops down, grabs the small collar with its two claws, and immediately pulls it up. From the high altitude, it falls the small collar which can't be seen what kind of creature it is, straight to pieces.

The army of the dead, which was still in order, suddenly got into chaos. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Xing's Mount quickly moved among the army of the dead.

The speed of the mount is very fast and flexible. It can't avoid the undead army rushing up from the side. It's like the Black War Bear. It kills the undead army with one paw.

After this section, the road ahead is much wider. All the riders speed up to the fastest speed and run towards the designated place in midtown.

The three flying mounts hovering in the air, seeing that they were out of trouble, did not delay any longer and flew to the world trade center in midtown first.

From a high altitude, the whole Xianglong city has changed beyond recognition. The army of the dead and other beasts are running everywhere. The awakened people and the awakened army are fighting with other people. Behind them are some ordinary people. They are protecting the ordinary people to a safe place. The scene is very chaotic.

The speed of the flying mount was very fast, and it soon entered the middle city. Just as it was about to reach the world trade center, the Griffin suddenly gave a cry. In the Tang Dynasty, he only felt cold on his back, and a huge shadow came down from the sky in the distance!

In the Tang Dynasty, the pupils of the Griffins shrank suddenly. The Griffins had already dived down first, and the canary and the mechanical bird were also falling rapidly. They almost fell to the ground. They quickly collected their mount cards and avoided the crevice between the two buildings. The huge black shadow flew slowly from the upper air, and the air flow pushed people's ears.

Such a huge body seems to be able to cover the whole Xianglong city. It is the overlord in the air. All flying and terrestrial creatures will be its prey. Fortunately, the Griffin's eyes are good enough and they can hide in time, otherwise they will die. Until the huge shadow leaves for a long time, no one dares to gasp for breath.

It's terrible. It's the gap between the top of the food chain and the bottom of the food chain. How can they not be afraid of it? If they are careless, they will be eaten and there will be no dregs left.

After a quick gasp, Tang Shi said, "let's go!"

People have been the first to flee out, toward the opposite street, the other four also rushed out.

"Ah ah


With two shouts, the three people in the front suddenly turned back and saw that the two people running behind were lifted up from the ground by a huge creature. At the moment, they were holding one in one hand and sending it to the open mouth. With a "click", they bit off one's upper body and spattered blood. Then they put the rest of the body into their mouth.

The man in the other hand saw the scene completely and began to struggle madly, shouting: "help! help me!! Don't leave me!! Help me

Lin Nan and Shang Xuanyi both wanted to do something, but they were stopped by the Tang Dynasty. "It's no use. We can't save him. This is the adult body of the glutton troll. It's superior to the warrior of the Cyclops. We can't fight it! Go

Lin Nan and Shang Xuanyi want to start, but it's a subconscious move. After they understand that their strength is poor, although they are not willing, they have to give up and slowly retreat.

The man caught by the glutton Troll has a venomous light in his eyes and shouts: "you You can't help when you see death!! I'm sure I'll die in the future!!! Ah - ah

Lin Nan and Shang Xuanyi turn their faces and rush forward crazily.

Tang Shi was dressed in black leather armor of the black moon hunter and ran very fast. He just didn't see where the glutton Troll was hiding. Even if the glutton Troll approached them, he should be able to feel that he was so huge that he couldn't walk without sound.

The only possibility is that it hides there, and when it sees the huge creature in the air, it falls on the ground in fright, just across the building from them. In the Tang Dynasty, when they came out, the glutton Troll also stood up, which caught the last two people.Human beings are still too weak in front of the alien race. No matter how outstanding they are among the human beings, in front of the higher alien race, without even taking out the cards, they become the meal of the alien race. This makes the sense of crisis in the Tang Dynasty even stronger. They are still too weak!

All the way, they can see the huge ogre walking between the buildings in the distance, looking for the next prey. The six story building can reach the ogre's chest, just like a big toy, fragile and vulnerable!

Tang Dynasty, a sword cut a soldier's head, kick open still standing in front of half of the body, continue to move forward.

He is calm and calm, and the more he comes to this time, the more calm he is. He didn't even use a card. With a sword of justice in his hand, he approached the world trade center step by step with the capital of the invincible God of war. Lin Nan and Shang Xuanyi, who were behind him, were also fighting incessantly.

Lin Nan's weapon is vines. He can control the vines every time and tie up the undead soldiers around him.

Shang Xuanyi's weapon is a crossbow. Yuanneng is attached to the crossbow, which is continuously fired. Every crossbow will be shot into the head of the dead soldier or the head of the alien race.

Three people cut and killed all the way, and finally got close to the world trade center.

All the passageways of the world trade center are closed. Tang Shi and others are standing at the bottom of the world trade center, looking at the only open window on more than a dozen floors. There is a man standing there. He can't see who it is, but he is looking down on them.

The alien and undead soldiers in the street kept killing them, and they could only keep cutting down the creatures. Until they heard a mechanical door opening, a small door of the World Trade Center opened. Tang Shi and others rushed in without hesitation, and the small door closed again behind them.

It's dark on the first floor. There's nothing in it.

They went down the stairs to the second floor, which was brightly lit and full of people.

A lot of people gathered on the second floor. They were all crowded together in panic. It was very noisy. Some were crying, some were comforting, and others were sitting on the ground in a daze with numb eyes.

The world trade center should be a refuge. When Tang Dynasty looked down from the sky, few people were active outside. They should have been sent here for the first time.

Tang Dynasty, Lin Nan and Shang Xuanyi stood on the second floor for a while, then a man in uniform came over.

Please follow me, three The uniform man did not ask them, it seems to be able to determine their identity.

In the Tang Dynasty, they followed the uniformed man to a room on the fifth floor. As soon as they got to the door, they heard the noise inside Get out of the way! I'm going to find brother Tang. He's going to participate in the assessment of the trial meeting alone. There's no news now. He must be in danger. I'm going to save him! If you stop me again, don't blame me for fighting with you. I warn you, get out of the way now! Get out of the way

In the Tang Dynasty, it was said that.... "

Lin Nan and Shang Xuanyi look at the Tang Dynasty strangely. The "brother Tang" who participated in the trial meeting is not the Tang Dynasty, right?

The uniformed man pushed open the door of the room, "three please come in, wait here for a while, the people have not arrived."

When Tang Shi came in, he saw Qin lie standing in the middle of the room, and Zhan Rong, who had his back to Tang Shi and stopped Qin lie. When Qin lie saw Tang Shi coming in, his eyes widened and he rushed over excitedly, "brother Tang! It's great that you're OK! I'm so worried. I thought something happened to you! "

"I'm ok. Don't worry. I'm relieved to see you are OK." Tang Shi was a little relieved indeed.

The sole of a shoe flew across the air and hit Qin lie on the back of his head.

Qin lie covered the back of his head, turned around and cried, "who is going to throw something at me?"

"You are so noisy! And let people sleep! " Di Kong, sleeping on the sofa, roared.

Qin lie turned his lips and muttered, "the sky is going to fall down. You are still sleeping. You are not afraid to be crushed."

When Tang Dynasty swept around, he found that all the people in the room were from the hunter's alliance. The people Di Kong brought were all there. Qin lie and Zhan Rong were also there. He wondered if they had joined Di Kong's hunting team.

When Duan Chen met Tang, he also knew that he had gone to the trial meeting. Seeing that there were only three of them, he was surprised and said, "there are only three of you left in the trial meeting?"

"No, there are more than a dozen. They haven't arrived yet." In Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty was surprised to see Qin lie and Zhan Rong here, so he asked Qin lie, "Why are you here?"

"The examination stopped midway. We were told to come here and came here."

The situation of the hunter alliance is similar to that of the trial meeting. I don't know how the military assessment is going. He is a little worried about YanXu and longmian.

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