Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Longmian's consciousness is still there. He is carried onto the back of the mechanical man dragon. Tang Shi follows him to take care of him, and those who survive move on.

It was an accident that he could escape this time. The purple demon envoy came in person and never let them off. Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. He wanted to kill longmian with a secret word skill, but he was stunned by longmian's skill. His subordinates had no head and wanted to protect him, so they had to leave in a hurry, which gave them the chance to escape.

They are on their way all the time, trying to get to the frost city before the purple demon envoy chases them again.

Longmian lay on the back of mechanical Manlong and had a sleep. When he woke up again, the wound had healed, but because of excessive blood loss, his face was still very pale, and he was a little dizzy and weak.

"How do you feel? Does it hurt? " When Tang saw him awake, he leaned over and asked.

When long Mian's eyes were staring at Tang, he shook his head.

Tang took out a bottle of mineral water from the small lattice, twisted it open, and raised his head, "come on, drink some water."

Longmian enjoyed the service of Tang Dynasty. He took his hand and drank a lot of water.

After lying down for a while, feeling better, he sat up and said, "it's OK. Don't worry about me."

Tang Shi looked at him and was silent for a long time before he said: "it was the same before Do you spell it that way? "

Longmian smiles, bright and dazzling, "how can you live without fighting? Even those of my blood have their own talents, and they are all groped out in actual combat. "

Tang Shi was silent again. After a long time, he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't take care of you."

Longmian's smile gradually faded away. He looked at Tang Shi's guilty head, reached for Tang Shi, held him tightly in his arms, and said in a low voice: "it's enough to know that you still care about me. I'm very satisfied, really."

Yan Xu is riding on the snow colored Griffin, not far from following the mechanical dragon. When he sees the two of them holding together, he is so angry that he almost crushes the saddle.

Tang got up and sat down. He warned longmian seriously, "don't do this again. It's too dangerous."

Longmian said with a smile, "if it wasn't for me, I don't know how many people would die. I have the sense of propriety, so I would fight with him. He can't kill me. I have ancient dragon blood to protect my body. If you want to kill me, he is not qualified. "

In Tang Dynasty, it was also strange that Shang Xuanyi was killed by a single blow. Longmian not only didn't die, but also made a hole for the purple demon emissary.

"How did you do it?"

Longmian said: "I have the blessing of Cologne. It should be a kind of protective measure taken by my blood to avoid fatal injury."

Even so, it's too dangerous! Even if there is a Gulong blood to protect the body, you are still a person first

Long Mian didn't explain. He just grinned. He was very happy to see that Tang Shi cared about him so much, even if he was hurt again.

Tang slapped him on the forehead, "still laughing! Do you know I'm scared to death! You idiot! Next time, I won't save you. I'll drag you to bury you! "

Longmian is still laughing, holding Tang Shi's hand, with a little coquettish tone, said: "I know you can't bear it."

Now that longmian had recovered, Tang Shi didn't worry. He kicked him aside, turned and climbed to Dr. Shi's side. Longmian wailed, "I'm still a wounded man. How can you do this to me?"

Tang ignored the injured patient. Before he spoke, Dr. Shi froze and said coldly, "I won't tell you any of my research."

In the Tang Dynasty, it was said that.... "

Sure enough, Dr. Weng is right to call you "Shi Laojiang". Lao Jiang looks at you with a face.

Tang Shidao: "I don't want to ask about your research, I just want to know whether the method of making Benming card has really been studied?"

Dr. Shi didn't even give a look to Tang Shi, "no comment."

Tang Dynasty was not in a hurry. He said to himself, "for the sake of this unexpected research achievement, we have built up the whole Xianglong city. Millions of people may have died in this research. If we can really study it, it will be OK and benefit more people. But if we don't study it at all, it's really not worth it to kill so many people innocently."

Dr. Smith's eyes glared. "What do you know? Even if I told you, how much do you know? "

"I don't think this life card can be made artificially," Tang said

Dr. Shi sneered, "everyone has the same idea as you, so you can't be a researcher."

In the Tang Dynasty, it was said that.... "

Tang Shidao: "can this life card be made, or not?"

Dr. Shi glanced at Tang Shi as if he were thinking about telling him.

Tang Shi immediately said, "don't worry, I'm a judge. I'll keep my mouth shut."

After pondering for a while, Dr. Shi said, "human beings have spies who serve demons, and Xianglong city is destroyed in the hands of spies. The spy stole some of my manuscripts. Just by guessing, he thought that the method of making Benming card had been studied. It was stupid! If the method of making this life card can be studied so easily, it will not be precious! I just got inspiration from the study of Rune and found a correct way of thinking. Whether it's really feasible still needs a lot of research and experiments. Unexpectedly, this happened. The trial is already investigating the matter, and you should know soon. "The destruction of Xianglong City, in the final analysis, is still inseparable from the role of his butterfly. If he didn't get the runes and ink from the ape man and hand them over to the Research Institute for research, Dr. Shi would not get inspiration from the study of runes, and would not figure out the key to it, and would not have stolen manuscripts or leaked research results.

If none of these, Xianglong city may still exist well. Just like the previous life, Xianglong city was successfully rated as a B-class gathering place, and then he worked as a judge in Xianglong city. But now, his butterfly has fanned the historical track and caused so much death and injury.

It seems that there is always a price to be paid for the change of fate, either from oneself or from others.

Tang Shi decided that when things settled down, he would study the card making machine and how it made cards. If he could do something for the welfare of mankind, he would like to.

On the third day, they finally entered the new capital Shuanghua city.

Frost Huacheng can be called the new capital after the end of the world. Naturally, it is the most prosperous and populous gathering place in the whole Huazun area. There are countless awakened people going out hunting every day.

Just today, when the awakened ones were out hunting, they suddenly saw flying mounts flying by in the air, followed by land mounts on the ground, and they also ran all the way. Looking at their dusty appearance, they knew that they were coming from a distance.

A few awakened people stopped to wait and see, and one said, "I don't know where the awakened people came from. I want to come to Xindu to make a breakthrough in the world."

"At the beginning, I was the elite awakener in our gathering place, and I was respected everywhere. I wanted to come to Xindu, but I was still a mediocre awakener after a year here. I don't know why I came to Xindu at the beginning. I might as well stay in a small gathering place and live a life of being held and respected by people. "

Another person said: "frost Huacheng expensive for the new capital, defense level is absolutely the highest, plus the city's experts, can occupy a place in the new capital, enough to live in this card era."

"Frost city's high defense level is not only because of those, but also because of the" tripartite confrontation ". If you think about it, an S-level gathering place is very rare. But near Shuanghua City, there are two S-level gathering places, Yanlai and Luochuan, which are guardians of each other. They all know how high the security is. No wonder everyone wants to go to these three gathering places. Even if they are beggars in these three gathering places, they are richer than those in other gathering places. "

"Look, it's not easy for everyone to settle down in these three gathering places in the card age. Everyone wants to squeeze in, but they want to live. Like other gathering places, they may be bustling today and be conquered by other people tomorrow. Have you forgotten about Xianglong City five months ago? The gathering place of millions of people was destroyed overnight. How many people can really survive? And they all died there? "

When it comes to this incident, several awakened people immediately sigh. Two months ago, this incident spread in Shuanghua city. Now it has passed for so long, just like other gathering places that were destroyed overnight, it has become the past.

People only talk about it as examples, but they can't really feel it. After all, they haven't experienced the battle.

Tang Shi and others flew all the way to Shuanghua City, and from a distance they saw a large gathering place with high and thick walls. They could not see the situation inside the city from the outside. Even if they were flying in the sky, they had to reach a high enough height to get a glimpse of the scene inside the city.

They can't imagine how such a high defensive wall was built. It's incredible.

When Xianghua is in front of the big city, the buildings in front of the big city are clean.

They are a small group of people who are very conspicuous, flying in the sky and running on the ground, attracting countless awakened people to stop and wait and guess their identity.

They didn't fall from the air until they reached the gate of the city. The soldiers of the awakening army climbed onto the back of the dragon and helped the researchers down.

Many people at the gate of the city were looking at them. Even the awakening army, who was guarding the gate, was surprised and asked.

YanXu said: "we are the survivors of Xianglong city. We are on a mission to let us into the city."

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