Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 11 moving and resting

okay... since the most vote is around the vector and the SSG I'm just going to pick both of them then... To be on good terms...





[Echo POV]


This kid seriously...

"I-im sowwy...."(Liana)

Right now I am scolding this kid right here in front of me by stretching her small chubby chick...

Well not like I have any way to scold her other than this...

I was quite shocked that this kid is 5 years old with a body that looks like a 10-year-old

I still have a lot of questions for this kid...

Well, I can see that she is pretty talented with magic at least...

But that doesn't answer why she was talented with shooting a gun too...

Also, her behavior is a little too mature for a 5-year-old little kid...

This kid has a lot of secrets I don't know...

I look at the little kid I was scolding...

I also never thought that she has storage Magic too it's a very rare magic to have...

we usually use storage bags since storage magic uses the rare element void magic... 

She is also pretty great with thunder and fire magic for some reason seriously who is this kid?...



The kid was sitting on the floor legs down and was blowing her head with a sad face filled with tears...

Looking at that I can't really do anything else to her if she is making that face...

Even if she is very talented...

She is still a kid...

her way of emotions and movement kinda reminds me of my daughter for some reason...

"You really remind me of my daughter..."(echo)



I looked up then looked at her again...

"Anyway if you tried to do that again without telling me it will be a serious problem..."(echo)


I sighed... 

Well, it's also my fault too since I did tell her that she was free to take anything...

"Well I'm sorry if I'm a bit harsh but it can't be helped anyway since you have storage Magic might as well help me packed some things that I can't bring I did want to left them here but with your ability maybe I can bring almost all of it..."(echo)

Might be a pain to say it but we don't have a lot of time either...





[Liana POV]

After that little accident...

And scolding...

I and Echo packed a lot of things...


Mainly putting all of it into my storage...

Mainly food, documents, and ammunition...

The way to the extraction point is pretty long but we kept our paste on the road while trying to not get a lot of attention...

We first started by walking to another checkpoint that Echo said... 

It's not that far from the base but we encountered a couple of walkers along the way...

Echo is not using his gun but he is using his knife...

It's because he doesn't want to waste any ammo he said... 

While I used my magic at them... 

We kept advancing like that until we get to the checkpoint...

It's already noon when we got there...


As we got there I sat on a chair somewhere in there while Echo was looking at a map he put on a nearby desk...

"Well with our current way of fighting we maybe able to get there in about... Maybe haft a day?... Well if we don't run into any trouble though..."(echo)

He closed his map and looked at me...

"Kid, can you grabbed some food and cooking tools from your inventory?"(echo)

I look at Echo and nodded I then grabbed a couple of foods and the cooking tools from my inventory and gave them to Echo...

Our food today is pretty much a cup of instant noodles since it's the fastest just need to heat the water and put it in...

After it's done making we eat the cup of instant noodles then we go to sleep...

Oh, and I am sleeping on a sleeping bag because there is no bed here in this checkpoint also there is only one room here so I and Echo are sharing the same room... 

The room only has a table and some chairs and a window...

I was sleeping on the right end of the wall while echo is sleeping on the left end of the wall beside the door...

I looked at the window and saw the sky...

I saw a lot of stars up in the sky...

It reminds me of the time I was looking at the sky with my parents, little brother, and sister...

I miss them...

I slowly close my eyes without saying anything...





[Echo POV]

It's midnight now...

I got up from my sleeping bag while staying close to the door...

My gun is in my hand...

I don't sleep a lot at night because there could be something lurking in the night...

The kid is sleeping and the room is pretty quiet...

It seems this is going to be a long night for us...


I heard a crying sound from where the kid was...

I looked at her...

Her face is in front of the wall so I can't see her face but I know she is crying...



This kid really looks like my daughter...

Crying because her family wasn't there...



Is that her sibling's name or her friend's? I guess she misses them too huh it's pretty sad they might have already...

"I.. want to...go...home...hic"(Liana)

She then wiggles to the side and I can see her face...

Her face is quite pale with tears running down her face...

She is still sleeping but I guess she is having a bad dream huh...

I got up and moved to where the kid was...

I then slowly sat beside her...

I don't know if this works but I took off my glove and wiped her tears from her face then I Patted the kid in the head with my hands and I slowly rubbed my hand on her hair...


She slowly stops crying as I kept brushing her head...

When she stop crying and now in deep sleep I sighed a little...

Seriously why does she remind me of my daughter so much...

I look up to the window and see the stars above the sky...

I grab onto my helmet...

"I wish I manage to beat that bastard that day..."(echo)

Looking at the sky full of stars I kept petting the kid in her head while she was sleeping calmly...





[Liana POV]


I opened my eyes and saw light ah...

My eyes it hurts...

It seems that the sunlight from the window hit my face when I woke up...

So that's why it felt hot all of a sudden...

I then got up from the sleeping bag with sleepy eyes...

I rubbed my eyes and did a stretch with my arms up in the air before I started looking around...

The room is empty and I didn't see Echo in the room...

I then walked out of the room to looked for Echo and there I saw Echo with some box in hand in front of me...

He looks at me while still wearing his helmet on his head...

"Looking for me?"(Liana)

I look down and did a nodded a little...

"Well I guess that's fine... anyway..."(echo)

He walks to the table and put the box on top of it...


The box made a loud sound when Echo put it on the table...

I move to the table while Echo opens the box up...

What I see inside the box was a lot of parts from something...

Mainly metal parts or scrap?...

"I found this in the basement here... I don't know if it will come in handy but it's still in good condition...there more down there so feel free to look it up I'm going down to the basement again"(echo)

Echo them move out of the room and close the door...

I stared at the door for a moment then look at the parts on the box and I tried grabbing one of them...

"A gun trigger?"(Liana)


My gun knowledge skill activated... 

Maybe all of this is gun parts?...

I started digging in there to find if there's more inside...

And what I found is....

Ah, some of the parts that are missing from the guns I have...


I then took out the 3 boxes that I have in my inventory...

"I wonder if I can fix this..."(Liana)

Looking at the 3 boxes...

I wonder...


Oh? I looked to the door and see Echo moving in with another box in his hand...

He put the box down on the table and then looked at me...

He saw the 3 boxes on the floor...

"What are you doing?"(echo)

"Oh..um....just checking?"(Liana)


He looks at me for a second before going out of the door again probably to the basement again...

I then look at the 3 boxes...

" Criss vector.. or the Remington 870... Or... The SSG 10..."(Liana)

The Criss vector is a very lightweight weapon and good for running while shooting, its also has a good amount of damage in games that I played...

Actually, it's a very good SMG but usually, it always runs out of magazines very fast...

Well, maybe magic might be able to fix that...

Next is the Remington 870 it's a very strong shotgun but it was quite heavy...

But pack a punch at least...

Sadly the recoil is big and it needs to be reloaded every time I used it...

I don't think that will be good for my small body...

Oke last one is SSG 10...

From my memory, my little brother uses to tell Dad to buy him this airsoft sniper rifle...

But looking at it...

It seems that the SSG 10 is improved so that it can shoot bullets...

Well from my point of view from my knowledge of this gun...

Mainly from airsoft....

This gun is very lightweight for a sniper and it has a very good range of fire... 

Its mainly uses for ambushing but also good at cover fire the recoil is also quite low well for the airsoft one, I don't know about this one...

The Criss is good its high mobility and it's lightweight so it will be a great thing to use for me...

Lastly, the Remington is very bad for me...

Big recoil and needs to be reloaded every time...

The SSG 10 is very good for me I guess? I may be able to use the SSG 10 to shoot things at long-range distances without getting shot at by the walkers... 

we'll let's see the length may be a problem it's around my solder or almost to my head...

But I can use it....


I then try to fix the Criss vector and SSG 10 with the parts I look in the box good thing it has all the parts to fix the two of them...





I'm starting to have a small amount of time making chapters... Well mainly about me being lazy at home...but I will still make it just in some days...

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