Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 14 taking that helicopter down!


[Liana POV]

"Steady.... steady..."(Liana)

Aiming at the moving helicopter with my SSG in my hand is a tuff job right now...



The helicopter keeps shooting a lot of bullets from its Vulcan...
Making it very hard for me to aim at it...


The APC stumbled on a random rubble on the ground making it jump off the ground a little before touching it again...


I manage to balance myself from that and try aiming my SSG at the flying helicopter again...
The bullet is a fired bullet I wonder how much damage will it do to it?...
I then pull the trigger...



The bullet hit the helicopter front cockpit...
And the helicopter started falling to the side but it manages to regain balance in the air and start chasing us again...
I saw a crack in the cockpit of the helicopter...
It seems to be working and it's taking damage...


I put my hand on the SSG receiver and the empty bullet fly out of the cartridge place...
I then grab another fire bullet from my inventory and load it in...


I then aim at the helicopter again...


The helicopter fired more rockets at us again and Echo drives the APC in a zig-zag motion again to avoid the rockets...


It staggers me but I'm okay I look upfront on the road and saw a bridge...
There's no water on the bottom it's a dry river...
When I look up in front at the bridge...
My face went pale....
What I saw in front is a broken bridge that was cut into two going straight to the ground around 100 feet high...
And Echo kept driving straight towards it...

"Hey, this is going to get pretty ruff kid so grab on to something!"(Echo)

Echo speed up the APC not minding anything...
Wait!wait!wait! You're joking right!?...
Then the APC jump...
Down from the broken bridge to the ground...



The APC touches the ground below the bridge and it jumps a couple of times before steadying itself.....
Echo then drives at full speed again along the dry river...
Ouch, I manage to get in the APC and manage to grab hold of a frame that was on my right side...
Good thing that I didn't get hurt from that fall...
I then stick my head outside the hatch again and look around...


I heard an explosion behind us I look behind and saw the helicopter following us again while shooting at us from behind the APC...
I quickly aim my SSG at the helicopter again and pull the trigger...


Ah!? I miss! The helicopter turn left at the time I shoot my SSG and made me miss my shot completely...


Pulling the receiver and taking out the empty shell I take another fire bullet from my inventory and reload it again...


I then aimed again...
But then I heard Echo shouting from the inside...

"Hey, kid! There's a bridge upfront it looks badly damage! I also saw a couple of explosive barrels up top!"(Echo)

I look to the front and saw the bridge...
It's badly damaged and I also saw red explosive barrels on the bridge above...
And there's a lot of them...
No wonder Echo can see it I say that there is around 20 or so stack in many places mainly the supporting part of the bridge below...
Maybe it was used to blow up the bridge before but fail to detonate? the bridge...


I don't have a choice now because the helicopter is behind us...
The helicopter keeps firing at us following us at a very low altitude...
That's good...



I aim my SSG at the bridge on one of the explosive barrels that's was attached there...
I only have 1 chance now...


our APC manages to move out from the bottom of the bridge before the bridge falls...
The helicopter is following us but...


It was too late and the helicopter got hit by the falling bridge and got squashed by it...
Yes! We did it!...


But then...
I look behind and see...


A rocket aiming straight at us and...


Hit us from behind! And the APC started to move out of control...


Then it hit a big rock on the ground and the APC stumbled over to the side...


I got knocked out from the APC and started rolling on the ground...
I put my hand on top of my head so that my head is alright...


I am rolling a couple of feet away from the APC...
And I then fall flat to the ground with my head on the dirt...
That hurt...
I started to raise my head slowly my eyes are blurry...


I then heard something from beside me on my right I think?...
I look there and saw something moving my eyes are still blurry...

"Hey kid you alright!"(echo)

I head echo voice there
It seems that Echo is alright...
My eyes started to properly a just and I look around...
Some parts of the APC came off and are now on the ground around me, I look around again and saw my SSG a couple of steps away from me...
I move there and grab it...
And look if there is anything broken or not...


Oke seems to be alright...
I then look at where the APC is...
I saw Echo moving to me...
I raise my hand to signal him...

"I'm okay!"(Liana)

He then shakes his head while still moving to me...
Fuf that was a fun one...
I then use appraisal on myself to see how much HP did I lose...

Lvl 285
HP : 23500/28500
MP : 14250/12450

3k that's quite a lot but at least I'm fine...


[Level up!]

I then a screen pop up in front of me...
I also heard an explosion in the distance before the screen pop up...
I look at where the explosion came from and it was at the fallen bridge where the helicopter is...
Seems like the helicopter is down now...
I look at my stats

Name : Liana
Gender : female (wolfkin)
Age : 5
Job class : MagicGunner
Lvl : 292
HP : 29500/29500
MP : 14600/14600
Atk : 1460(+100)
Def : 295
Mag : 1460(+100)
Dex : 2950
Int : 2950(+100)
Luck : 1460
Skill :
Fire magic lvl 1
Earth magic lvl 1
Wind magic lvl 1
Water magic lvl 1
Lightning magic lvl 5
Gun mastery lvl 3
Magic bullets mastery lvl 2
Buff magic lvl 1
Debuff magic lvl 2
Passive skill :
Hyper evade low
Enhanced hearing 
Enhanced smell
Enhanced eyes
Senses danger
Hidden skill :
Perfect evade lvl 1
Void magic lvl 1
Dark magic lvl 1(lock)
Light magic lvl 1(lock)
Creation magic lvl 0 (lock)
Corpse drain
Mineral drain
Hide status lvl max(active)
Titles :
Lone wolf
System helper
Machine Breaker
Gun Knowledge
Memory link

Oke seems like I level up 7 Levels good...
I hope I can get a rest now...
I'm pretty tired from that fight and racing...
I sigh long....

"Well that was fun"(Echo)

I then saw Echo already beside me...

"Hey good thing you are oke kid but we better get going now.."(echo)

I look at Echo and then nodded and we start moving away from there leaving the broken APC behind...
Guess I can't rest right now better start moving...


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