Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 18 Echo Past part 1





[Echo POV]

I was just a regular police officer before the first Armageddon happen, I lived in the capital city of uranius with my daughter before it happens...





[Third person POV]

10 years ago in the capital city of uranius...

In a mall somewhere in the city...

"Papa! Hurry up or we will miss the show!"(???)

"Yes, yes... Coming..."(???)

A dad and his daughter happy walk around the mall having fun together...

The dad has black hair with 2 horns sticking on top of his head and his daughter also has Black hair and 2 horns on top of her head...

Both of them are wearing regular clothes, the father wears a white t-shirt with blue jeans and a brown jacket his daughter is wearing a white one peace...

The mall is big...

And filled with life...

Everywhere you see, a lot of different stores and people...

Regarding races, there are beastkin's, elf's, dwarf's, demons, and humans living together in harmony in the city...

The capital city of uranius is the route of trades in every city around the world, many people gather here to have fun and see the spectacular places in the city...

"Hey..... Echo!"(???)

And someone called him from behind...





[Echo POV] 

I was called from behind I looks behind and saw...

A guy with yellow hair wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans coming to him he also has pointy ears, he is an elf and I know him...

"Ah, Jon?... What are you doing here?"(Echo)

"Ah! I was just buying a new phone... My old one broke yesterday..."(Jon)

I smile at him...

"Is it because of the bet you did with the Crew before?"(Echo)

He looks away without saying anything...


"Well... it's your fault for losing..."(Echo)

"Hey is that an offense that I heard!? I know that I lose and I have to do whatever the winner said but to hell with me trying to eat a super spicy chicken with ghost chilly!!"(Jon)

We are talking to each other happily together then someone tugged my Leg...

I look down and saw my daughter with a sulking face...

"Papa.... hurry......"(???)

"Yes yes Ania..."(Echo)

My daughter then looks at me with a smile and runs in front...

I look at Jon...

"Well I better get going..."(Echo)

"Ah yes Shure have fun with your daughter"(Jon)

I then move to follow my daughter...

"Ah! Echo!"(Jon)

But Jon calls me from behind I look at him again...

"A couple of days later is Ania's birthday Right?"(Jon)

"Yes why ask?"(echo)

"Did you get her a present?"(Jon)

I took out a small box from my jacket waving it at him...

"Yes, I have, I bet she will love this gives that the love stars so much"(Echo)

"Ah true...maybe I should give her a present too..."(Jon)

"Well good luck with that but if you try giving her something stupid again...."(Echo)

I smile at him...

And he shivers...

"Yes! yes! I will pick carefully...."(Jon)

He then waves goodbye and runs off somewhere...

I then move to where my daughter is...

After some time walking we arrive at the top floor of the mall...

The top floor of the mall has a big place that was used as an auditorium for some show they have every weekend...

The show today is about stars and my daughter forced me to come with her...

Ania is 10 years old girl and very a energetic one...

She is also my only child as well as the only one in my family...

She is the last Memento of my wife...

She died giving birth to Ania...

There's some resemble of her in my daughter...

Her smile and excitement are just like her...

The show starts at night time so it's pretty late here a lot of people gather on the show, it was a happy moment...

The place in the auditorium was quite dark and a lot of people gather there...

When the show started stars came flying everywhere around the auditorium making my daughter happy while clapping her hands in excitement...

I pat her head with my hand and she looked at me with a smile...

The show then goes on and we have fun together till it ends at midnight...

After the show is over my daughter fell asleep, and I have to carry her on my back to my car after that I drive home to our house and place her on the bed and then I move to the living room and turn on the TV and watch some show...

As I started to almost fall asleep my phone rang...

I look at it and the text said the name Han...

Han is a police officer like me he is a human that was assigned to my team a couple of weeks ago, why is he calling me at this time of hour? I look at the clock and saw that it was 1 am...

I press the answer button and put it in my ear...

"Hello? Han?"(Echo)


He sounds quite panicky...

What happened?...

"Han? What's going on?"(Echo)

{Echo we need to get out of here... Out of this City....no j-just run away...}(Han)

"Hey? Han? What's going on?"(echo)



The call ended just like that...

What does he mean by run...? Away from the city?...


Grumble! grumble.....


The ground starts shaking...

And the window started to light up...

I took a deal breath and move to the window...

The window is closed and covered with curtains...

I slowly open it and look outside and see...


A building in the city...

Failing the ground in the distance...


Then I see a light in the sky and it's falling like a shooting star to another building in the City...


Grumble! grumble!

The building explodes and the shockwave came...

And the glass on the window crack...

"Oh no..."(Echo)

I then run to my daughter's room...

I open the door and see...

That she was already up and looking at the window in her room...

She looks at me with a pale face...

"Papa...what's happening?"(Aina)

She has small tears coming from her eyes...

I move to her hug her and put my hand in her hair telling her that is alright everything is okay...

Then I move to the garage of my house...

While Carrying my daughter in my hands...

The garage is pretty big my car is parked in the middle...

And there is a room beside the garage that is locked...

I lower my daughter onto the ground and open a tool drawer somewhere in the garage and look below it...

I strip a key that was attached with duck tape below the tool drawer for safekeeping I grabbed the key and move to the locked room I insert the key to the lock and turn it and the door opens...

What's inside is my police officer suit and weapons...

It's equipped with kevlar armor and a helmet and my guns are also inside...

I move in the change into my police suit grabbing my guns and anything else inside...

Then I move to the garage where my daughter is...

She looks at me with a worrying expression...

I only pat her head...

"Don't worry everything will be alright..."(Echo)

I then grab my car key on the top of a shelf and open the car then I open the garage and when it open I saw a lot of people outside looking at the burning City some of them are panicking and some of them are calling...


I started my car...

Aina is sitting beside me on one of the driver's seats...

My car is quite small but it can fit 5 people inside...

I then drove the car from the garage onto the road then...


I look at the sky above and saw a Bright light falling here and...


It hit a house a couple of blocks away...

And that's where the panic began...

Screaming and fear started to form and a lot of people started running as I look at the sky I saw something big...


It's a big airship... And it's sending fighter jets and big cargo planes everywhere...

While also...



Shooting at everything they see...

I started my car and drive...

The first thing that I have to know is to go to the police headquarters...

The headquarters is not in the city but not too far from the city I move there for the time being while minding the road that is full of panic people...

What is going on...

And Han...

How do you know about this...

While sweating in the car from panicking I didn't see that my daughter is still looking at me with a worrying expression...

I just drive my car as fast as I can to the police headquarters...

It's not quite a safe place for my daughter...

But there's nowhere else but to go from here...





I was having fun playing blue oath/blue wars that I almost forgot to write a chapter for some times

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