Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 22 echo past part 5





[Echo POV]

We are in front of the door leading to the underground section now, I look at the others and they nodded their heads so I look at the door and...


I kicked the door open and the door flung to the right making a loud sound and we move in...

The place is rather dark so we use a flashlight that we have in our gear...

I have never been here so I am blind about everything here...

I can only count on Ragas map here...

"Place clear?"(Echo)

"I don't know...I don't see any movement here..."(Ragas)

"Same here"(Elli)

The place seems to be just a regular hallway, but just pretty dark...

"Okay, let's move"(Echo)

We then started moving into the dark hallway...

"Ragas do you know the map here?"(Echo)

"Let me check"(Ragas)

He opens his wrist device and looks it up...

"We're in the northern section of the underground base of the headquarter, to get to the vehicle hanger or garage we need to go five rooms right in front of us, that's where the garage is located...

Also, there are the armory three rooms away from here, there should be explosives and useful gear that we can use there as well..."(Ragas)

I then think...

We need to go to the vehicle hanger but our equipment is very limited right now so I guess moving to the armory is a good idea...

"We're moving to the armory for now we're is it located?"(Echo)

"Ah this way"(Ragas)

We then move to where the armory is...

While we're moving I heard footsteps in the distance in front of us I look at Ragas and he looks at me, I look at Elli and she tilted her head to the side...

Well, Elli is a human so she doesn't have a very powerful hearing sense, Ragas is an elf so he is quite good, for me I've been trained to hear long-distance movement...

"Ready your weapons, we got company..."(Echo)

We all ready our guns and aim in front...



The door at the end of the hallway exploded and there we saw Droids moving in from there...

We all aim our guns at them and...





Pachang! pachussssss!



Five Droids are moving in on us...

Three got shot by me and all of them fall to the ground one by one... 

One was hit on the head the others got multiple hits on their bodies...

Elli hit two and all of them hit the body...

And Ragas headshot the last one that was about to shoot at Elli...


One of the Droid is on the ground trying to get up and shoot at us but...


Ragas hit it in the head and it falls to the ground and stops moving...

We wait there for a sec if there's more of them but we didn't see anymore coming so we started moving again while still aiming at the open door...

There we arrive at the second hallway...

There we saw a lot of furniture blocking the path right in front of us, we also saw a cracked wall on the left side of the wall...

"Dam it's blocked...but..."(Echo)

Maybe if we destroy the wall...

"What's the room behind the wall on the left?"(Echo)

"Ah that's the medical lab if we destroy the wall we might be able to open the door on the other side... And we can safely move to the armory"(Ragas)

we may be able to get to the armory if we destroy the wall say Ragas the room behind the wall seems to lead to the other side he said...

We move to the crack wall and I inspect it...

The others are looking around so that nothing can flank us...


We may need a tool to break it, it seems quite strong...

I look around the place and I saw a door on the right side of the wall...

"Ragas what is the door on the right?"(Echo)

"The door on the right? Ah that's a small storage room..."(Ragas)

I move there and open it and look inside and there we say...


An officer on the ground not moving...

Seems to be wounded because of something...

I move ahead and inspect him but he seems to be Dead...

Poor guy seems like he was in a blind and move himself to the small storage...

He seems to be bleeding from gunshots...

Seems like it may be from the Droids...

He was holding a sledgehammer in his arm as a weapon...


We can use that to break the wall...

I grab the sledgehammer from him and move up...

"He is dead but we can proceed with this..."(Echo)

All of us nodded and move to where the crack wall is Ragas stay for a moment...

And send his prayers to him before moving to us again...

I aim the sledgehammer to the crack wall and then...


With my power as I've been training a lot, my physical ability is stronger than the average demon so it's easy to break the wall...

Only took three swings...

We then move into the medical bay...

There we saw some medical equipment...

And the door to get out is just a couple of feet away from here so I move there...

Ragas follow...

But Elli grabs some equipment first before following me...

Well, she is the medic...

I then look to my team to say are they ready...

Ragas nodded...

"Um wait a second..."(Elli)

Elli seems to be sorting her bag...

After some time she then looks at me and nodded...

And I open the door with my gun raised...

This hallway is empty and no sign of any Droids yet...

So we kept moving to the next hallway without any problems...

We arrive at the third hallway now...

"The armory should be right around the corner..."(Ragas)

After following Ragas instructions we found a door that seems to be made out of metal and there's a lock on it...

It seems that the door is lock...

"Ah that's a big lock..."(Elli)

"I can see that..."(Echo)

"Maybe we can break it with the hammer?"(Ragas)

I nodded and try to break the lock by swinging my hammer to it but...


The lock is quite hard to break...

"That's a very very tough... Lock..."(Echo)

Ragas move in front and inspect the Lock...

"Ah, it seems to be made out of mithril... A regular weapon can't break it... The door seems to be sturdy too... We need to find the key to open it..."(Ragas)

Seems like we need to find the key to get it open all of us look around the place if we can find something...

The hallway seems to be quite empty but there's another door beside the armory...

I look at Ragas...

"Ragas what's inside this door?"(Echo)

He looks at me and then looks at the door before looking at his wrist device again...

"It seems to be an office... nothing out of the ordinary... Wait"(Ragas)

I and Elli look at Ragas as he said that...

"There seems to be an air vent in that office that leads to the armory... Maybe we can use that to get inside..."(Ragas)

An air vent? That's quite useful...

I nodded and open the door...

The door seems to be unlocked so we move inside...

Inside the office was a mess...

Documents and books scattered around the floor and desk...

Ragas point up and we all look up and saw a close hatch...

Seems to be the air vent he was talking about...

I saw a desk near me so I grab it and pull it below the closed hatch and I slowly got up on the desk and open the hatch...

The hatch seems small...

I may not be able to fit inside of it...

"The hatch is too small for me.."(Echo)

It's quite small but...

I look at a certain someone besides Ragas...

"Looking at it again it's also quite small for me...but..."(Ragas)

Ragas have the same Idea as me and look beside him...

The two of us look at the only person left in our little group...

"Wait....why are you looking at me?"(Elli)





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