Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 7 defeating the big robot part final


[Mister POV]


A large shock wave came from below me...


I look around again and tried to find a way down...
I then got an idea! I look to where the entrance of the mall is...
The parking lot should have an entrance going below...

"I hope the kid is okay..."(mister)

I then ran outside of the mall and move to where the parking lot is...


[Liana POV]



Evading the pincers is a tough job...
I look at the big robot And use appraisal on it
Spider walker Giga type(mark 5)
Lvl 350
HP : 2900/350000
MP : 0/0
Okay! good it's below 3k HP now...
I look at my status with appraisal...
Lvl 36
HP : 150/3600
MP : 1080/1800
My HP got up a little...
I'm starting to get tired from evading its pincers...
Good thing my Agility is high so I'm not that tired yet...



I evaded another hit from the pincers by jumping back...


The pincer hit the ground In front of me then...



The pincer shovel itself to the front and...


Hit me...
I was sent 20 feet behind and hit a wall...




My vision started to go blurry...
I look in front and one of the pincers is about to hit me...

[Title survivor active]

Then my vision and energy started to come back and I move my body to the side...


I avoided the pincer and now it's stuck on the wall...
I got up and move away from the pincer and look at the giant robot...


It's about to attack me with its other pincer up in the air...
I'm getting tired of this...

[Skill unlock!]


I unlock another skill? I open my status screen...


Name : Liana
Gender : female (wolfkin)
Age : 5
Job class : MagicGunner
Lvl : 36
HP : 550/3600
MP : 1080/1800
Atk : 180(+100)
Def : 36
Mag : 180(+100)
Dex : 360
Int : 360(+100)
Luck : 180
Skill :
Fire magic lvl 1
Earth magic lvl 1
Wind magic lvl 1
Water magic lvl 1
Lightning magic lvl 3
Gun mastery lvl 2
Magic bullets mastery lvl 1
Buff magic lvl 1
Debuff magic lvl 1
Passive skill :
Hyper evade low (+new)

Enhanced hearing 

Enhanced smell

Enhanced eyes

Senses danger

Hidden skill :
Perfect evade lvl 1 (+new)
Void magic lvl 1
Dark magic lvl 1(lock)
Light magic lvl 1(lock)
Creation magic lvl 0 (lock)
Hide status lvl max(active)
Titles :
Lone wolf
System helper
Machine Breaker
Gun Knowledge

Ara ara~? What's this about evade skill?...
Maybe because I keep evading attacks that I unlock this?...

Passive Skill :
Hyper evade low : have a low chance of evading any attack automatically
Hidden skill :
Perfect evade lvl 1 : when doing a perfect evade time will slow down for 1 second

Nani!? These two evade skills are OP! But not to op but still... 
Hyper evade low seems to be a very useful skill even know it has a low chance of activating...
but the perfect evade...
Even if it's 1 second it's already very op.....
I just need to evade perfectly...
I think I heard of this mechanic somewhere in a Chinese gacha game? Is it hoka#... 

I don't know I'll think of it later...



A pincer came right in front of me I evade to the side and the pincer misses me by a hair breeze and then somehow something feels wrong...
I look at the pincer and I saw that the pincer suddenly slow down for a second before hitting the ground...


I see a little delay there...
I guess perfect evade active?...
Okay! I'm fired up! I look at the big robot in front of me...
I then use appraisal on myself...
Lvl 36
HP : 1150/3600
MP : 1200/1800
Okay, I can use lightning bullet one more time...
I ready my handgun...

"Change bullet type reload lightning bullet"



I take a deep breath and look in front of me...
The big robot moves its 2 pincers up in the air...
I look up front at the red crystal that was inside the big robot body glowing brightly...
I look at my gun then look in front again...


I take a running position lowering my body to the ground a little...
I only have one chance...

"I'm counting on your evasion skill..."

I then ran to the front where the giant robot is...


The 2 giant pincers moved and swing itself to wards me I evaded the first one...
The second one follows suit but perfect evade active when I evade the first one and I manage to move to the side and evade the second pincer...
I then kept running as fast as I can to where the big robot body is...

Grumble! grumble!

I saw something moving...
It's one of its marching guns Wait that one is still working!?...


I stopped on my track I look in front and.....
For some reason, I jump in the air...
Wait how did I?


I saw a line of bullets firing below me...
I did 360-degree turn mid-air and then fall down elegantly to the ground in front of the big robot body I look in front and I see the red crystal...

"A re?"(Liana)

Well, I don't know what happen but maybe hyper-evade active...


I aim my gun at the red crystal inside its body...

"Game over!"(Liana)

And I pulled the trigger...



A long line of light coiled with electricity hit the red crystal breaking it to peace...
Then it penetrated the back armor of its body and made a big hole before hitting the wall behind it...
I was knocked back a couple of feet behind when I fire...


The glowing big red eye faded and the pincers falls to the ground behind me...



[Level up!]

I fall to the ground as well for exhaustion...
I look up to the open hole on the ceiling and raised my hand...

"I did it!!"(Liana)

I then look at the big robot...
I guess what remains of it now...
That was a tuff fight...
I close my eyes for a second...
That was really tiring...


I saw the remains of the red crystal on the ground changing color to a light blue color...
It's started to glow...
I slowly got up and move to where that blue glowing crystal is at...
I looked at it...
I grabbed it with my right hand...


[Energy point found...]

[Begin scanning...]

[Memory in energy point found...]

[Begin absorbing energy...]

[Begin scanning memory...]



Something like...
E-energy?? Started to pour inside my body from my hand my eyes are getting dizzy...




I put my left hand on my head...
I can't let go of the crystal on my left hand from some reason...

[Error detected...]


[Missing parts detected...]

[Absorbing same wave energy around the area...]

I look around and see that the other broken crystal also started to glow light blue and blue particles started leaking out from the crystal in to the air...


[begin absorbing nearby energy...]

The blue particles then got absorbed by the crystal on my right hand and more energy started to pour into my body my eyes started to feel heavy...

[Absorbing energy...]


[Memory found...]

[Absorbing energy...]

[Scanning memory...]




My eyes started to get blurry and my body feels a little heavy...
I fell down to the ground with the crystal in my hand...



I'm really tired...


I slowly close my eyes...
The only thing I heard before I blackout is...

Someone running towards me...

[Energy absorbed...]


[Memory restored...]

[Automatically starting memory replay...]

[Begin replay...]


oke... Did I make the shoot too strong or not?...but no matter! It looks cool anyway!

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