Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 9 talking





[Liana POV]

In a room somewhere...

"Fuf.....I'm full~ thanks for the food!"(Liana)

I just finished eating some food that Mister brought...

I felt great full that I can meet someone here it's very hard since everything I saw when I got here wants to kill me on sight...

I look around...

This room only has a bed, table, and chair...

Mister is sitting on a chair beside me...

I'm on the bed by the way...

"Well, it's good that you are healthy"(mister)

I look at him...

He is still wearing his helmet?...

I can't see his face at all...

" Where am I?"(Liana)

"Where?.... Well, this is my base"(mister)

"Your base mister?"(Liana)

" Yes, my base... And Also stop calling me mister... It's getting uncomfortable..."(mister)

"Ah... Sorry but then what should I call you mis-"(Liana)

"Just call me Echo..."(echo)

"Um.. oke... Nice you meet you Echo"(Liana)

"Yea and nice to meet you too..."(echo)


"Ah right... Nice to meet you Liana"(echo)

Echo then got up and walked to the door and when he got to the door he looks at me...

"If you have anything to say about me you can find me on the first floor... This is the second floor there is a stair leading to the first floor at the end of the hallway..."(echo)

I nodded and then echo got out of the room and closed the door...

I fall down onto the bed again looking at the ceiling...

I was reminded of the thing I saw...

I shake my head and then open my status screen...

I beat a very powerful boss and got a new skill from the memory of I remember...


Name : Liana

Gender : female (wolfkin)

Age : 5

Job class : MagicGunner

Lvl : 285


HP : 28500/28500

MP : 14250/14250


Atk : 1425(+100)

Def : 285

Mag : 1425(+100)

Dex : 2850

Int : 2850(+100)

Luck : 1425


Skill :

Fire magic lvl 1

Earth magic lvl 1

Wind magic lvl 1

Water magic lvl 1

Lightning magic lvl 5 (+up)

Gun mastery lvl 3 (+up)

Magic bullets mastery lvl 2 (+up)

Buff magic lvl 1

Debuff magic lvl 2 (+up)


Passive skill :

Hyper evade low

Enhanced hearing 

Enhanced smell

Enhanced eyes

Senses danger



Hidden skill :

Perfect evade lvl 1

Void magic lvl 1

Dark magic lvl 1(lock)

Light magic lvl 1(lock)

Creation magic lvl 0 (lock)

Corpse drain (+new)

Mineral drain (+new)

Hide status lvl max(active)


Titles :


Lone wolf


System helper

Machine Breaker

Gun Knowledge

Memory link (+new)


Okay that's a lot...

Let's see...

I jumped 200 levels.... 

That's amazing...

Okay my lightning magic level up 2 times wow...

Same as gun mastery...

Magic bullets and debuff also level up...


I look at my hidden skill...


I need an explanation...

How did I get this skill?...

[Skill got from the memory that was replayed ]

"Ah... I see..."(Liana)

I look at the floating screen...

"Why did I get that skills from the memory? I don't think there's anything related to that skills from the memory I saw..."(Liana)


"This is the first time I ever see system not having an answer..."(Liana)

Then a screen pops up in front of me...


Hidden skill :

Corpse drain : by touching a corpse you will be able to absorb the corps on your hand to get stronger(skill effect able to grab one skill from a corpse)

Material drain : by touching powerful material you will be able to absorb the minerals on your hand and get stronger (only material with Mana inside)


Title :

Memory link : the ability to look at memory fragments every completed memory will be awarded a skill 



I get it now kinda?... 

I guess I'm oke with it for now...

The skill is very useful like corpse drain but it's pretty creepy skill...

The skill to be able to take a skill from a dead corpse is cool thought...

The material drain looks to be just me absorbing mineral-related things as long as it has Mana huh...

I got up from the bed started stretching my body a little and moved to the door...


I turn the handle of the door and opened the door and started moving out of the room...

What I saw is a hallway just like what Echo said when I got out of the room...

Echo said that the stairs are at the end of the hallway I looked around the place...

The hallway is pretty decent doors are lining up on the side around 5 doors on each side of the wall...

I guess every one of the rooms is the same as mine?...

I moved to the end of the hallway and found the stairs moving down...

I then use the stairs to go down to the first floor...

When I arrived at the first floor I saw that the place is filled with electronic devices like radio and camera screens and I saw Echo sitting on a seat on the left side of the room...


He seems to be trying something on a computer...

I moved closer to see what is he was typing but he turned off his computer and looks at me...

"Sorry but confidential information I can't let you see it..."(echo)


"Well, it's okay... Do you have anything you want to know? I can't believe a little child like you can survive in this hell of a place..."(echo)

I played with my hand looking at him...

"I don't know...the only thing I remember is waking up in a pile of rubbles alone... My mom..."(Liana)

I look down sadly remember what happened at that time...

"...my condolences..."(echo)

I didn't answer and move to another topic...

I look at Echo...



"Do you know how this happened and why all of this is happening?"(Liana)

Echo put his hand on his chin and lowered his head a bit after a couple of seconds he looked at me...

"Well I guess I can tell you about what happened... A little kid like you wouldn't know anything so I might start from the very begging on how this all started..."(echo)

Echo then started to tell me about why is this happening from the very begining...

I then listen to Echo's story...





[Third person POV]

It happen 10 years ago...

Robots that humans made invade them...

They didn't know that time...

A lot of them were killed...

Monsters are already bad enough but adding the robot to the mix is just plain wrong...

It all started at a place in the human kingdom...

They declared war on every races...

They managed to protect their own homelands from them...


They came prepared...

With weapons surpassing us we were overwhelmed by the moment they launch their attack...

Humans also use dirty tricks like using prisoners as bait and life stocks...

They send their best spy's to infiltrate one of the key facility's but they never returned...

The last they saw words from their best spy is when a research facility became the center of a big Mana stone explosion because of a failure...

They then started to improve their own defense to protect their citizens but the human launched a robot army to attack them every moment in key areas...

And that's what is happening to them right now...

Robots killing everyone in sight...

Nobody left alive...

The worse has yet to even come to them that is trying their best to survive the attack...




[Liana POV]


Listening to the story...

It's very bad for my heart...

For me, that was once a human it kinda broke me to see they are doing this...

I understand what is going on here now...

The humans launched an attack on the other races with their technology that far surpassed the other countries...

I can only think of what the other races are doing to save themself...

"So anything else you want to talk about?"(echo)

Echo look at me...

I shake my head...

But then it came to me I look a Echo...

"Why are you always wearing that helmet?"(Liana)


He looks at me for a moment before looking at a picture frame on the wall...

I also look at the picture...

I saw 3 people all of them are wearing police clothes and all of them have horns on their heads...

"It's a Memento from my friend"(echo)


Echo shakes his head and then puts his hand on my head and started rubbing my hair and ears...

It tickles....

He saw me making a weird face and stop his hand and moved it away...


"Well anyway..."(echo)

He then goes back to his computer turns it on and then he turned on a big TV on the wall...

It shows a map of the area...

He then pointed at a green dot that has a house icon on the top

"This is the base we are in now"(echo)

Then he moves his hand up to another green dot with an H icon...

"This is the helicopter drop point or extraction point... Sadly no rescue helicopter will be sent today... They say that they will send one a week later..."(echo)

Okay, so we just need to wait a week till a rescue helicopter came?...


He pressed a button from his computer and a lot of red dots light up on the screen...

"They're a lot of robots blocking the way to the extraction point so this is the problem..."(echo)

He looks at me from my feet till my face...

He sighted....

"I never thought I will be saying this to a kid...."(echo)

"Hey even know I am small doesn't mean I'm not useful!"(Liana)

Echo looks at me silently...

"What age are you?"(echo)

"I'm 5 years old!"(Liana)

I made a thumbs up with my hand pointing at him...

He stops talking and looks at me...

I became quite taken aback by this...

He then starts talking...

"You are 5 years old?"(echo)


He only looks at me silently...

I look to the side avoiding my sight from him...

We stay silent after that for a couple of seconds or two...





I got a lot of assignment with online school work so I might not be online here often...

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