Apocalypse: I Have a Super Farm

Chapter 277: Sudden disaster

With the pass, Professor Nan left the shelter very smoothly.

Outside the refuge, there was a ruin that looked like a wilderness. Even under the protection of a military vehicle protected by steel plates, the night was still perilous.

The thugs and the wandering mutant beasts who escaped from the refuge would pounce on them at any time.

And the harsh external environment conceals endless dangers at any time. Roads are cut off and the ground collapses. Even driving a military vehicle is not necessarily safe.

Professor Nan carefully observed the road conditions under the light of the car window, and drove slowly to the farm in Rennan Town according to the route in his memory.


About four hours later, Professor Nan went through ups and downs and came to the area where Ren Nan Town was located.

He drove slowly along the path that was not buried by the collapsed building. Finally, following the faint light of the sky and the telescope, he saw a ruin several kilometers away.

That's the farm he used to jokingly pointed to.

Now the walls of the farm have collapsed and the buildings have become ruins.

This is the picture that Professor Nan sees at this time.

Professor Nan has always believed in science and didn't believe in the so-called "law of causality" and "curse" and other gods and gods, but now he looked at this ruined farm, but he felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart.

Was it really because of a casual remark of my own that led to the destruction of this farm?

Should the people on the farm die because of this, should they also be held responsible?

Professor Nan's head was messed up, and he was silent for a long time. He opened the armrest box and took out the pistol, ready to jump off the car and search for it in the ruins.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly rang out a huge sound of breaking wind and the sound of propellers!

Professor Nan was taken aback.

He looked up to the sky, and saw two helicopters burst through the air, and the huge searchlight beams projected directly, covering Professor Nan's car under the lights!

"Staff below! Get out of the car immediately, raise your hand and surrender!"

A harsh warning sound came from the helicopter's loudspeaker, and the cannons hanging on both sides of the fuselage slowly descended, and the pitch-black muzzle was aimed at the hull below.

The dazzling lights made Professor Nan dizzy, and the harsh warning sounds trembling like Hong Zhong, Professor Nan's brain, for a while, Professor Nan did not react.

After a few seconds, Professor Nan woke up.

"Me? Are they talking about me?" Professor Nan was stunned. He saw the "Yanhuang Military Police" logo printed on the helicopter's fuselage. He also saw the cannon sinking slowly, as if he was ready to go!


The helicopter descended slowly, and the huge gust of wind stirred the dust on the ground.

The entire row of empty ladders fell down, and a dozen military policemen in combat uniforms descended from the sky, armed with assault guns and quickly surrounded Professor Nan's military vehicle regiment!

A military policeman took out a window breaker from his thigh and directly smashed the main driving glass of the military vehicle!

The flying glass shards stunned Professor Nan.


The car door was opened, and Professor Nan was savagely pulled from the car. Glass fragments scratched his palm and face, but the physical pain at this time was far less than the psychological shock and surprise.

"What's wrong? What happened? What are you doing?" Professor Nan shouted with all his strength.


The two military police shot their flashlights directly at Professor Nan’s face. The light made Professor Nan’s eyes sting, and he couldn’t open his eyes. He turned his head aside desperately, but the next second he felt his hands were put on cold Handcuffs!

"You caught the wrong person! I am Nan Changming!" Professor Nan growled.

However, what greeted Professor Nan was a pair of cold eyes.

"Nan Changming, you were the one who caught it!" A cold and gloomy voice sounded, and a figure squeezed away the crowd and walked in, with a signature cruelty on his face.

Professor Nan focused his eyes for a long time before he could see that the opponent was Chen Sihai's attendant Wang Changlin!

As if he realized something, Professor Nan suddenly turned his head to look at the soldiers and police around him, only to notice that the uniforms on the opponents were slightly different from ordinary soldiers and police. On their chests, they were marked with silver badges. identity of.

"Nancheng Military Supervision Office!"

"Nan Changming, you were punished for malfeasance and resentment! So stealing secrets late at night, with the intention of absconding, is a heinous crime!" Wang Changlin stared at Professor Nan with cold eyes, and said word by word, "Nan Changming, you are finished!"

Professor Nan listened to Wang Changlin's words and said angrily: "I don't know what you are talking about! When will I steal secrets..."


At this moment, an officer from the Military Supervision Department took apart the rear seat of the military vehicle very neatly. Under the seat, there was a black leather bag.

Wang Changlin opened the zipper, and the entry was actually thick file information.

"Nancheng Refuge City Defense Design Drawing!" Wang Changlin took out a thick data drawing from the inside and threw it in front of Professor Nan, showing a smirk: "What else do you have to say now?"

Professor Nan looked at the drawings scattered under his feet, and his head buzzed, as if he was hit by a heavy hammer!

How could this thing be on this car?

The city defense design drawings are highly confidential, and once they are taken out of the shelter, it is a leak!

In wartime, leaking secrets is a serious crime, and you will be shot if you do!

Professor Nan realized the seriousness of the matter, and he also realized that he was definitely cheated by someone!

"This thing is not mine! It is not mine!" Professor Nan struggled desperately and roared: "You framed me!"

"Slap!" Wang Changlin raised his hand with a slap on the face, and pointed to the law enforcement recorder on his shoulder: "Did you see this? We recorded the entire law enforcement process. These drawings were found in your car!"

Professor Nan gasped violently, and he realized that he seemed to have walked into a huge vortex. He must find a life-saving straw, otherwise he would definitely be drowned!

"This car! I borrowed this car from the car camp. Someone from the car camp must have put things in the car..." Professor Nan explained.

"Borrowed?" Wang Changlin glanced at Professor Nan expressionlessly, and then sneered: "It's a coincidence that the car battalion just reported that one of their military vehicles was stolen!"

"If it hadn't been reported by the car camp, we wouldn't have caught you yet!"

"The company commander Li of the car camp has been punished for losing his car and neglecting his duty! You are still stubborn!"

Professor Nan said angrily: "This car was lent to me by Captain Li!"

"You mean ~www.readwn.com~ Did Company Captain Li risk being punished for dereliction of duty and also plant you? What hatred do you have with him, he wants to **** you like this?" Wang Changlin asked with a sneer.

Professor Nan Rusuibingjiao, he realized that this is a bureau designed for him, this bureau looks very simple, but it prevents Professor Nan from proving his innocence.

Because he had the motive of committing the crime, and most of the surveillance in the shelter has not been reactivated, and the location of the car camp happened to be a blind spot for surveillance, so there was no video recording to serve as evidence.

Professor Nan quickly calmed down.

He began to think.

When he was in the car camp before, why did he only see the squad leader and company captain Li on duty, but not the others?

Did the others in the car camp ran to work overtime to build a shelter, or deliberately... hid?

Who are the participants in this bureau? When did it start?

Yu Cheng...is he also involved?

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