Apocalypse: Mad Necromancer’s Troops

Chapter 16: The Mine

Chapter 16: The Mine


In a world where adventurers exist, strange and unusual helmets are not uncommon.


Helmets with bull horns, those adorned with long bird feathers, and even helmets made from animal skulls can be seen.


But a helmet completely shaped like a ball? That seemed to be a first.


"Let me take a look," Karenna said.


"Take off the helmet."


The skeleton rogue 'Barson' removed the helmet and handed it to Wu Heng, who then passed it to Karenna.


With the helmet off, the head was not just a skull—it was covered with a bandit's hood.


Only the hollow eye sockets revealed the skeleton's identity.


While Karenna examined the helmet, Wu Heng turned to the side and asked, "Captain, where exactly are we headed?"


The captain, 'Otterluck,' a burly man clad in metal armor, occupied two seats due to his size.


Glancing at the Blackstone Town guards across from him, he continued, "Blackstone Town received information that the people of Minetown have disappeared without a trace. The investigators sent to look into it also disappeared—neither they nor any reports came back."


Damn, that doesn’t sound safe.


"So, our mission is to investigate this village?"


"Investigating the village is the guards' task. Our mission is to ensure the safety of the mine owner, who is an important member of the Association, and then assist the guards in investigating Minetown."


Two tasks, but essentially one mission.


Confirm whether the mine owner is still alive—if he’s dead, retrieve the body; if he’s alive, see if he’s been affected.


The secondary task is to assist Blackstone Town's guards in investigating Minetown.


While assisting isn’t the primary task, encountering danger and engaging in battle is always a possibility.


Wu Heng nodded to show he understood.


Karenna leaned in closer and whispered, "The leader of the Blackstone Town contingent is 'Pramon,' an 11th-level warrior. The curly-haired guy sitting in the third seat is an investigator."


His gaze followed hers toward the seats ahead.


The man named 'Pramon' had a stern face and a heavily built body; his exposed arms were as thick as most people’s thighs, and beside him lay a longsword.


The investigator with curly hair had slightly dark skin and short, curly brown hair.


It looked like a head full of instant noodles.


The rest were dressed as city guards.


Two carried shields and swords, while the other two had only single-handed swords but also carried crossbows.


The captain added, "The mission isn’t difficult. Just follow the procedures, and we’ll return safely."




Karenna lazily leaned back, crossing her long legs and nudging him with her arm, "So, tell me, how did you end up choosing to be a necromancer?"


"Uh… it was by chance. I figured a necromancer is still a mage."




In the afternoon.


The investigation team arrived at an estate.


The mine owner, 'Archido,' received the unexpectedly arriving team in a side hall.


Archido was a well-dressed, medium-built middle-aged man.


After a brief exchange of pleasantries, 'Pramon' got straight to the point, "We received reports of a large-scale disappearance of people from Minetown. Do you have any information about this?"


Archido rubbed his temples and softly said, "I’m troubled by this too. There were over 200 miners in the village, and they suddenly vanished—every single one. Not a soul remains."


"When did you discover that the people were missing?" Pramon pressed.


"At the beginning of the month, I remember it clearly. It was the day to deliver the ore. When the convoy arrived, they found the village empty—no one was there. It cost me a great deal of money," Archido said, his face full of worry.


"Were there any other investigation teams here before us?" Pramon’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Archido.


Archido lowered his head and said, "Yes, there was a team of three. They asked similar questions and then left. Did something happen?"


"Is there any other information you can provide? Tell us everything you know."


Archido clasped his hands on the table in front of him, lowered his head in thought, and said, "I had the guards check the village. The supplies and even valuables were still there, so it’s clear they didn’t leave. There were also no signs of a struggle."


"How far is Minetown from here?"


"Not far, about half a day’s ride…"


The two continued questioning and confirming the details.


The curly-haired investigator stood to the side, taking notes on their conversation.


But it was clear that the mine owner didn’t know much either. All he knew was that the miners in the village had disappeared, and he wanted a resolution soon so it wouldn’t affect his business.


He didn’t provide any useful information about the previous investigation team that had gone missing.


"Alright, I understand. Prepare horses and a carriage for us," Pramon said as he stood.


The mine owner quickly said, "I’ve prepared a banquet for you to rest for the night. I’ll have my men take you there in the morning."


"No need, just prepare the carriage."


Archido didn’t insist and ordered his men to prepare the horses and carriage.


The investigation team boarded the carriage and headed towards Minetown.




After leaving the estate, four horses escorted the carriage as they followed the map to Minetown.


They even ate and drank in the carriage.


It seemed Pramon was determined to get results today.


The ride was bumpy, and by the time they neared the village, the sun was setting.


"Commander, I see a village up ahead," a guard’s voice came from outside the carriage.


"Hmm, approach the village."


The carriage continued forward, but as they drew near the village, the ride became extremely bumpy.


Outside, the guards cried out in alarm, "The horses are out of control…"


"Damn it, what’s going on!"


"The horses have gone mad! Jump off!"


Pulling back the carriage curtain, they saw a guard on horseback crash into a tree.


Thud, thud~!


The dull thuds sounded like a sandbag hitting the ground.


The guard driving the carriage was desperately trying to control the horses.


But it was clear he had little success. The carriage was speeding up, going from bumpy to wildly swaying.


"Jump!" Otterluck ordered.


However, before they could act.


The carriage crashed into the village, smashing through obstacles in the road and slamming into the wall of a house.


The carriage overturned onto the open ground.




Captain Otterluck kicked open the door on top, and the group, including the skeleton, crawled out of the carriage.


Shaking his head to clear it.


The horses that pulled the carriage were dead, their brains and blood splattered everywhere, their necks twisted at unnatural angles from the force of the impact.




Outside the village, the guards who had fallen from their horses limped in, weapons in hand.


No one was missing, but two of them were limping, clearly injured.


Once regrouped, they began taking potions.


The village gates had been left wide open, and no one was inside.


The entire village was empty, eerily quiet.


It felt like a village that had been abandoned for a long time.


"There’s someone there!" Karenna said.


Everyone followed her gaze and saw a large group of shadows standing in a dark corner.


They all froze.


The reports and the mine owner’s information had indicated that the people were missing.


So how could there be people here?


Were they drawn by the sound of the crash?


"Who’s there? Come out…" a guard shouted.


Thud, thud, thud!


As the words left his mouth, the shadows began to approach.


Stepping out of the darkness, they revealed twisted faces, like crazed patients.


Then they charged at the group, clawing and snarling.


"Commander, the intel was wrong. It seems they’ve lost their minds," a guard whispered.


The commander remained calm, his face unchanged, "Don’t let them get close."


"Yes, sir!"


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!


Bolts shot out, piercing the legs of the approaching figures.


Many of them fell to the ground.


"They’re the villagers, but their behavior resembles that of undead creatures," the investigator said.


Undead creatures?


The commander glanced at Wu Heng.


"Let one through!" the commander ordered.


The guards opened a path, allowing a crazed miner to break through and charge forward.


As he got close, the commander grabbed the miner by the neck with one hand.


He lifted him up with brute strength.


No matter how much the miner struggled in his crazed state, he couldn't break free from the commander's grip.


"Necromancer, come take a look."


The commander called out to Wu Heng, who was standing behind.

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