Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me

Chapter 22: Abigail is Key

Chapter 22: Abigail is Key

In the kitchen, Bella was selecting vegetables.

Elijah stood behind her, holding her close.

They resembled a couple deeply in love, sticking to each other at all times.

Daisy glanced over briefly, not noticing anything unusual, but fearing being caught, she quickly retreated.

"Just picking vegetables, is it necessary to hold each other like that? And so tightly!" Daisy pouted.

Back in the living room, Daisy continued practicing.

After a morning of exercise, she noticed a significant increase in her strength, as well as a noticeable improvement in her speed.

Coupled with her graceful figure, she hadn't made a sound as she approached the kitchen.

"If it were nighttime, and I used my abilities again, hmm... no one would notice me at all!"

Daisy reveled in the flexibility and strength of her body, growing more delighted.

She worked out even harder, losing track of time.

After completing another set of movements, she felt utterly exhausted and famished.

"Is the food ready yet?"

Daisy grumbled, feeling today's meal was taking unusually long.

"Bella, Elijah, is dinner ready?" Daisy called out.

"Almost...almost ready!" Bella's voice faintly replied.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Bella screamed.

"Bella, are you okay?" Daisy immediately rushed to the kitchen.

"I'm fine, it's just... I thought I saw a mouse, it startled me!"

Bella explained, her face still flushed with lingering fear, Elijah supporting her from behind.

"That's a relief. What's that strange smell?" Daisy walked into the kitchen, sniffing curiously.

"It... it might be the smell of some spoiled food..." Bella said, giving Elijah a discreet glare.

"Alright, since Bella's okay, you go wait for dinner outside, you won't be of any help here!" Elijah hurriedly ushered Daisy out.

Only then did Bella breathe a sigh of relief.


"Why did Elijah's help slow down dinner today?" Daisy, suspicious, looked at Elijah as they exited the kitchen.

"Did you help or cause trouble?" Elijah looked slightly embarrassed, muttering, "I didn't cause trouble, just helped out!"

"What?" Daisy didn't catch that.

"Nothing, I need to use the bathroom first!" Elijah fled the scene.

He returned to his bedroom, grabbed a clean pair of boxers, then entered the bathroom.

After a quick wash and change of clothes, he felt refreshed. Indeed, this was the proper way to wear a JK skirt!

Today's lunch was a bit late.

After finishing, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

During this time, Bella also went back to her bedroom to change clothes, but on the surface, it didn't seem like she had changed.

Only Elijah noticed when they were exercising together in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Bella refused Elijah's guidance and instead asked Daisy to teach her the movements.

This made Daisy very happy; she finally got to be the teacher.

Elijah, feeling helpless, could only stand aside, admiring the graceful figures of the two women while continuing his own training.

By evening, with Bella adamantly refusing help, dinner proceeded as usual.

After finishing the meal, it was just beginning to darken outside.

Elijah called Daisy over.

"Tonight, let's go out together. We'll take a walk around the neighborhood, collect some supplies from the convenience store, and see if there's any hardware store nearby."

"Okay! Let me change clothes. come with me!" Daisy was very enthusiastic, calling her dog to follow her back home.

Elijah also began changing clothes and preparing equipment, with Bella assisting him. Before long, Daisy returned.

She wore a long-sleeved windbreaker similar to Elijah's, tight-fitting pants, and sports shoes, radiating youth and beauty.

Especially her legs, outlined by the tight pants, were slender and straight, captivating anyone's gaze.

"Here's a backpack for you, and a trekking pole!" Elijah handed Daisy a large backpack and a trekking pole for self-defense.

In the afternoon, Elijah briefly taught her how to attack the vital points of zombies.

Whether it was due to her natural talent or good foundation, her accuracy was surprisingly good, reaching around eighty to ninety percent.

However, that was only in practice against lifeless objects.

In actual combat against constantly moving zombies, achieving fifty percent accuracy would be considered exceptional.

Of course, Elijah didn't expect her to be particularly adept at killing zombies; her abilities were sufficient.

With everything ready, the two prepared to set out.

"Be careful out there!" Seeing Bella's worried expression, Daisy went over to hug her.

"Bella, don't worry!" Elijah also nodded, reassuring her not to worry too much.

Only then did the two leave the house.

They headed downhill and soon arrived at the entrance of the residential area.

Elijah quietly opened the door, trying not to make any noise.

Outside, it was getting dark, and visibility was low.

However, Elijah and Daisy were not affected.

Their affinity with shadows allowed them to adapt to the dark environment to a certain extent.

Although they couldn't see as clearly as during the day, it didn't hinder their vision much.

At this moment, Elijah's sight lacked some color, everything appearing in shades of black and white, somewhat similar to the view of a nighttime camera.

"It's safe outside!"

After observing for a moment and not finding any danger, Elijah let Daisy out, then closed the unit door.

The unit door automatically locked, and without a key card or key, it couldn't be opened from the outside.

This ensured the safety of the building.

After experiencing five days of the apocalypse, there were few human screams heard in the neighborhood.

Most of the surviving people understood the situation and stopped acting recklessly, learning to hide and wait for rescue.

So the neighborhood was very quiet, with only the groans of zombies coming from all directions.

"Let's clear all the zombies from the unit building to the main gate of the neighborhood!"

Elijah activated his ability, blending into the shadows, and explained the plan to Daisy as they walked.

"One, it'll make it easier for us to come and go later. Two, we can obtain some corpse cores, which are not only needed for the zombie grass but also for Abigail."

"She hasn't fed for too long, and her instinctive hunger will make her increasingly difficult to control. Even if my second-order ability can forcibly suppress her, her body will become weaker and weaker."

"Do you want to feed her with flesh and blood? Besides, only by regularly giving her a corpse core can it work."

"Corpse cores not only supplement the energy she needs for movement but also enhance her strength!"

"Got it!" Daisy immediately became full of energy at his words.

Elijah smiled with relief. Abigail, this zombie, he wouldn't command her like in his previous life unless it was necessary.

Otherwise, it would be too costly if she got injured.

After all, Daisy's abilities were too important to him, and having her stay by his side as a nominal girlfriend wasn't secure enough. Abigail was the key!


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